I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 751: An important step for His Majesty's throne


"Dong dong dong—"

Generally speaking, almost all gods end at godhead level 18. It is extremely difficult to reach godhead level 19. Among the gods of faith throughout the ages, only the Prince of Lies has forcibly deduced that godhead level has reached 20, but it didn't take long for him to reach godhead level 20. After it fell, the gods spread their authority too thinly. The result was that no god had the opportunity to understand the true power of the priesthood, and could only borrow a little bit of it as a powerful god.

'Come on, come on, as long as this plan succeeds, I will take a big step towards becoming your true Majesty! '

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

The Godhead of the Silver Moon Goddess has also reached 17, which is also Su Lun's limit. The Moon Priesthood alone is not a powerful enough priesthood. It needs to be matched with the Dark Priesthood. The Silver Moon Goddess can maintain the 17 Godhead level. , or because of the elves’ racial priesthood, but this is enough for the goddess. As long as she maintains strong divine power, she will not be in danger of falling.

The illusory bells resounded rapidly throughout the star world, urging the gods to go to the "Pantheon" to make an important decision among the gods.

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

It is a qualitative change for a mortal to become a saint and become a legend. It is a qualitative change for a legend to gain divinity and become a demigod. It is another qualitative change for a demigod to condense his divinity and become a true god. The difficulty of each qualitative change in life increases exponentially, and the power also increases exponentially. Become stronger, and Louis is moving towards the final evolution. He will have a high chance of becoming the supreme god in this world.

Before the Era of Catastrophe, the frequency of opening of the "Pantheon" was extremely low. It would only open once every five to six thousand years in a short period of time, and only once in two to thirty thousand years at most. At that time, the world of Saint Sauron was relatively peaceful. Only in the old When an era ends and a god dies due to various events sweeping the world, such a meeting will be held to redistribute the powers of the gods.

It is a qualitative change for a mortal to become a saint and become a legend. It is a qualitative change for a legend to gain divinity and become a demigod. It is another qualitative change for a demigod to condense his divinity and become a true god. The difficulty of each qualitative change in life increases exponentially, and the power also increases exponentially. Become stronger, and Louis is moving towards the final evolution. He will have a high chance of becoming the supreme god in this world.

It is a qualitative change for a mortal to become a saint and become a legend. It is a qualitative change for a legend to gain divinity and become a demigod. It is another qualitative change for a demigod to condense his divinity and become a true god. The difficulty of each qualitative change in life increases exponentially, and the power also increases exponentially. Become stronger, and Louis is moving towards the final evolution. He will have a high chance of becoming the supreme god in this world.

Louis sighed in his heart, but this situation was of great benefit to him. No one would compete with him for His Majesty's position, so that he could have the opportunity to rule the gods.

The Godhead of the Silver Moon Goddess has also reached 17, which is also Su Lun's limit. The Moon Priesthood alone is not a powerful enough priesthood. It needs to be matched with the Dark Priesthood. The Silver Moon Goddess can maintain the 17 Godhead level. , or because of the elves’ racial priesthood, but this is enough for the goddess. As long as she maintains strong divine power, she will not be in danger of falling.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

Louis' Godhead of Order has reached the level of 19 at this time, which is very close to level 20. As long as his Godhead of Order can reach 20, he can try to reach the realm of gods above gods.

The Godhead of the Silver Moon Goddess has also reached 17, which is also Su Lun's limit. The Moon Priesthood alone is not a powerful enough priesthood. It needs to be matched with the Dark Priesthood. The Silver Moon Goddess can maintain the 17 Godhead level. , or because of the elves’ racial priesthood, but this is enough for the goddess. As long as she maintains strong divine power, she will not be in danger of falling.

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

The gods would not be upset by this kind of noise. Louis saw the powerful gods around him being silent, and he was happy to sit on his throne leisurely, waiting for all the gods to arrive.

"Dong dong dong—"

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

Before the Era of Catastrophe, the frequency of opening of the "Pantheon" was extremely low. It would only open once every five to six thousand years in a short period of time, and only once in two to thirty thousand years at most. At that time, the world of Saint Sauron was relatively peaceful. Only in the old When an era ends and a god dies due to various events sweeping the world, such a meeting will be held to redistribute the powers of the gods.

Louis still adhered to his golden mean and came to the "Pantheon" neither the fastest nor the slowest. He sat in the circle of thrones at the top, sitting in the form of a round table with several powerful gods. Together, all the powerful gods said nothing. Even if they were obscured by the power and could not see the faces of the gods clearly, Louis knew that the expressions of these powerful powers must be solemn.

Before the Era of Catastrophe, the frequency of opening of the "Pantheon" was extremely low. It would only open once every five to six thousand years in a short period of time, and only once in two to thirty thousand years at most. At that time, the world of Saint Sauron was relatively peaceful. Only in the old When an era ends and a god dies due to various events sweeping the world, such a meeting will be held to redistribute the powers of the gods.

Since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron, the opening of the "Pantheon" has never made the gods as anxious as it is now, because even if it encounters a major event sweeping the world, or even the death of a god with powerful divine power, it will It will not shake the foundation of the gods ruling the world, but this time the reappearance of the alien civilization not only threatens the life safety of the gods, but even threatens the survival of the entire world.

The gods would not be upset by this kind of noise. Louis saw the powerful gods around him being silent, and he was happy to sit on his throne leisurely, waiting for all the gods to arrive.

Louis' Godhead of Order has reached the level of 19 at this time, which is very close to level 20. As long as his Godhead of Order can reach 20, he can try to reach the realm of gods above gods.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

Louis still adhered to his golden mean and came to the "Pantheon" neither the fastest nor the slowest. He sat in the circle of thrones at the top, sitting in the form of a round table with several powerful gods. Together, all the powerful gods said nothing. Even if they were obscured by the power and could not see the faces of the gods clearly, Louis knew that the expressions of these powerful powers must be solemn.

The illusory bells resounded rapidly throughout the star world, urging the gods to go to the "Pantheon" to make an important decision among the gods.

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, has reached 17 divinity, which is already her limit; it took hundreds of years for the goddess of magic to finally complete the basic construction of the magic network in the main material world, thus allowing her divinity to reach 16 , but the lack of magic priesthood is too serious. As long as the goddess of magic still uses magic as her main priesthood, she will use other priesthoods to make up for it. At most, she can only reach 18 and cannot be promoted.

In addition to the scope of powerful divine power, the gods at the bottom were all communicating with each other and whispering with divine power, especially the gods of the new generation, whose voices were urgent and impatient. For a time, the entire "Pantheon" was like a vegetable market, with chaotic sounds. It's all merged together.

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

Since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron, the opening of the "Pantheon" has never made the gods as anxious as it is now, because even if it encounters a major event sweeping the world, or even the death of a god with powerful divine power, it will It will not shake the foundation of the gods ruling the world, but this time the reappearance of the alien civilization not only threatens the life safety of the gods, but even threatens the survival of the entire world.

"Dong dong dong—"

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

The gods would not be upset by this kind of noise. Louis saw the powerful gods around him being silent, and he was happy to sit on his throne leisurely, waiting for all the gods to arrive.

In addition to the scope of powerful divine power, the gods at the bottom were all communicating with each other and whispering with divine power, especially the gods of the new generation, whose voices were urgent and impatient. For a time, the entire "Pantheon" was like a vegetable market, with chaotic sounds. It's all merged together.

No single priesthood can reach godhood level 20. It requires different priesthoods to complement each other, such as light and sun, darkness and moon. But it is a pity that these powerful priesthoods are all scattered in the hands of powerful divine powers. No one can take away the main priesthood of another powerful god. The final result is that the gods restrain and fetter each other, which is how the current diversified situation is maintained without forming a unified society.

The four main gods of the elements, halflings, dwarves and other gods have all achieved powerful divine power. However, these gods do not involve the human god system and belong to the fringes of the gods. They all live their own lives in their own races. , so these gods can be ignored, except that the orc chief god Gruushin and humans have the idea of competing for sovereignty, which can be regarded as a dangerous range.

Since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron, the opening of the "Pantheon" has never made the gods as anxious as it is now, because even if it encounters a major event sweeping the world, or even the death of a god with powerful divine power, it will It will not shake the foundation of the gods ruling the world, but this time the reappearance of the alien civilization not only threatens the life safety of the gods, but even threatens the survival of the entire world.

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

But Louis built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chencang. On the surface, he was the god of dragons and killing, which made the gods feel relieved, because these two divine functions of Louis could not allow him to reach godhood 20, but secretly Louis came into contact with the Serpent of Order. , obtained the one element in the dualistic world, but there is no so-called priesthood in the two camps of order and chaos.

"Dong dong dong—"

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

It is a qualitative change for a mortal to become a saint and become a legend. It is a qualitative change for a legend to gain divinity and become a demigod. It is another qualitative change for a demigod to condense his divinity and become a true god. The difficulty of each qualitative change in life increases exponentially, and the power also increases exponentially. Become stronger, and Louis is moving towards the final evolution. He will have a high chance of becoming the supreme god in this world.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

The four main gods of the elements, halflings, dwarves and other gods have all achieved powerful divine power. However, these gods do not involve the human god system and belong to the fringes of the gods. They all live their own lives in their own races. , so these gods can be ignored, except that the orc chief god Gruushin and humans have the idea of competing for sovereignty, which can be regarded as a dangerous range.

The Godhead of the Silver Moon Goddess has also reached 17, which is also Su Lun's limit. The Moon Priesthood alone is not a powerful enough priesthood. It needs to be matched with the Dark Priesthood. The Silver Moon Goddess can maintain the 17 Godhead level. , or because of the elves’ racial priesthood, but this is enough for the goddess. As long as she maintains strong divine power, she will not be in danger of falling.

Louis still adhered to his golden mean and came to the "Pantheon" neither the fastest nor the slowest. He sat in the circle of thrones at the top, sitting in the form of a round table with several powerful gods. Together, all the powerful gods said nothing. Even if they were obscured by the power and could not see the faces of the gods clearly, Louis knew that the expressions of these powerful powers must be solemn.

The four main gods of the elements, halflings, dwarves and other gods have all achieved powerful divine power. However, these gods do not involve the human god system and belong to the fringes of the gods. They all live their own lives in their own races. , so these gods can be ignored, except that the orc chief god Gruushin and humans have the idea of competing for sovereignty, which can be regarded as a dangerous range.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

However, these non-human racial gods do not have strong vocations, so even if the dwarf gods and halfling gods reach 18, they themselves do not pose much of a threat.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

"Dong dong dong—"

The Goddess of Dawn is also a god with level 18, and she has no room for advancement.

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, has reached 17 divinity, which is already her limit; it took hundreds of years for the goddess of magic to finally complete the basic construction of the magic network in the main material world, thus allowing her divinity to reach 16 , but the lack of magic priesthood is too serious. As long as the goddess of magic still uses magic as her main priesthood, she will use other priesthoods to make up for it. At most, she can only reach 18 and cannot be promoted.

No single priesthood can reach godhood level 20. It requires different priesthoods to complement each other, such as light and sun, darkness and moon. But it is a pity that these powerful priesthoods are all scattered in the hands of powerful divine powers. No one can take away the main priesthood of another powerful god. The final result is that the gods restrain and fetter each other, which is how the current diversified situation is maintained without forming a unified society.

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, has reached 17 divinity, which is already her limit; it took hundreds of years for the goddess of magic to finally complete the basic construction of the magic network in the main material world, thus allowing her divinity to reach 16 , but the lack of magic priesthood is too serious. As long as the goddess of magic still uses magic as her main priesthood, she will use other priesthoods to make up for it. At most, she can only reach 18 and cannot be promoted.

The four main gods of the elements, halflings, dwarves and other gods have all achieved powerful divine power. However, these gods do not involve the human god system and belong to the fringes of the gods. They all live their own lives in their own races. , so these gods can be ignored, except that the orc chief god Gruushin and humans have the idea of competing for sovereignty, which can be regarded as a dangerous range.

The gods would not be upset by this kind of noise. Louis saw the powerful gods around him being silent, and he was happy to sit on his throne leisurely, waiting for all the gods to arrive.

But Louis built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chencang. On the surface, he was the god of dragons and killing, which made the gods feel relieved, because these two divine functions of Louis could not allow him to reach godhood 20, but secretly Louis came into contact with the Serpent of Order. , obtained the one element in the dualistic world, but there is no so-called priesthood in the two camps of order and chaos.

But Louis built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chencang. On the surface, he was the god of dragons and killing, which made the gods feel relieved, because these two divine functions of Louis could not allow him to reach godhood 20, but secretly Louis came into contact with the Serpent of Order. , obtained the one element in the dualistic world, but there is no so-called priesthood in the two camps of order and chaos.

However, these non-human racial gods do not have strong vocations, so even if the dwarf gods and halfling gods reach 18, they themselves do not pose much of a threat.

Since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron, the opening of the "Pantheon" has never made the gods as anxious as it is now, because even if it encounters a major event sweeping the world, or even the death of a god with powerful divine power, it will It will not shake the foundation of the gods ruling the world, but this time the reappearance of the alien civilization not only threatens the life safety of the gods, but even threatens the survival of the entire world.

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

The Godhead of the Silver Moon Goddess has also reached 17, which is also Su Lun's limit. The Moon Priesthood alone is not a powerful enough priesthood. It needs to be matched with the Dark Priesthood. The Silver Moon Goddess can maintain the 17 Godhead level. , or because of the elves’ racial priesthood, but this is enough for the goddess. As long as she maintains strong divine power, she will not be in danger of falling.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

Before the Era of Catastrophe, the frequency of opening of the "Pantheon" was extremely low. It would only open once every five to six thousand years in a short period of time, and only once in two to thirty thousand years at most. At that time, the world of Saint Sauron was relatively peaceful. Only in the old When an era ends and a god dies due to various events sweeping the world, such a meeting will be held to redistribute the powers of the gods.

Since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron, the opening of the "Pantheon" has never made the gods as anxious as it is now, because even if it encounters a major event sweeping the world, or even the death of a god with powerful divine power, it will It will not shake the foundation of the gods ruling the world, but this time the reappearance of the alien civilization not only threatens the life safety of the gods, but even threatens the survival of the entire world.

The Godhead of the Silver Moon Goddess has also reached 17, which is also Su Lun's limit. The Moon Priesthood alone is not a powerful enough priesthood. It needs to be matched with the Dark Priesthood. The Silver Moon Goddess can maintain the 17 Godhead level. , or because of the elves’ racial priesthood, but this is enough for the goddess. As long as she maintains strong divine power, she will not be in danger of falling.

"Dong dong dong—"

Generally speaking, almost all gods end at godhead level 18. It is extremely difficult to reach godhead level 19. Among the gods of faith throughout the ages, only the Prince of Lies has forcibly deduced that godhead level has reached 20, but it didn't take long for him to reach godhead level 20. After it fell, the gods spread their authority too thinly. The result was that no god had the opportunity to understand the true power of the priesthood, and could only borrow a little bit of it as a powerful god.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

"Dong dong dong—"

The Earth Goddess herself has the priesthood of earth and agriculture, which is very easy to collect faith. However, because part of the earth priesthood was taken away by Louis, the goddess maintains the peak of 18 divinity, but cannot reach 19 like before the Disaster Era. high.

The gods would not be upset by this kind of noise. Louis saw the powerful gods around him being silent, and he was happy to sit on his throne leisurely, waiting for all the gods to arrive.

Generally speaking, almost all gods end at godhead level 18. It is extremely difficult to reach godhead level 19. Among the gods of faith throughout the ages, only the Prince of Lies has forcibly deduced that godhead level has reached 20, but it didn't take long for him to reach godhead level 20. After it fell, the gods spread their authority too thinly. The result was that no god had the opportunity to understand the true power of the priesthood, and could only borrow a little bit of it as a powerful god.

It is a qualitative change for a mortal to become a saint and become a legend. It is a qualitative change for a legend to gain divinity and become a demigod. It is another qualitative change for a demigod to condense his divinity and become a true god. The difficulty of each qualitative change in life increases exponentially, and the power also increases exponentially. Become stronger, and Louis is moving towards the final evolution. He will have a high chance of becoming the supreme god in this world.

The Goddess of Dawn is also a god with level 18, and she has no room for advancement.

The Goddess of Dawn is also a god with level 18, and she has no room for advancement.

The gods would not be upset by this kind of noise. Louis saw the powerful gods around him being silent, and he was happy to sit on his throne leisurely, waiting for all the gods to arrive.

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

Louis still adhered to his golden mean and came to the "Pantheon" neither the fastest nor the slowest. He sat in the circle of thrones at the top, sitting in the form of a round table with several powerful gods. Together, all the powerful gods said nothing. Even if they were obscured by the power and could not see the faces of the gods clearly, Louis knew that the expressions of these powerful powers must be solemn.

In addition to the scope of powerful divine power, the gods at the bottom were all communicating with each other and whispering with divine power, especially the gods of the new generation, whose voices were urgent and impatient. For a time, the entire "Pantheon" was like a vegetable market, with chaotic sounds. It's all merged together.

The Goddess of Dawn is also a god with level 18, and she has no room for advancement.

Generally speaking, almost all gods end at godhead level 18. It is extremely difficult to reach godhead level 19. Among the gods of faith throughout the ages, only the Prince of Lies has forcibly deduced that godhead level has reached 20, but it didn't take long for him to reach godhead level 20. After it fell, the gods spread their authority too thinly. The result was that no god had the opportunity to understand the true power of the priesthood, and could only borrow a little bit of it as a powerful god.

Generally speaking, almost all gods end at godhead level 18. It is extremely difficult to reach godhead level 19. Among the gods of faith throughout the ages, only the Prince of Lies has forcibly deduced that godhead level has reached 20, but it didn't take long for him to reach godhead level 20. After it fell, the gods spread their authority too thinly. The result was that no god had the opportunity to understand the true power of the priesthood, and could only borrow a little bit of it as a powerful god.

The four main gods of the elements, halflings, dwarves and other gods have all achieved powerful divine power. However, these gods do not involve the human god system and belong to the fringes of the gods. They all live their own lives in their own races. , so these gods can be ignored, except that the orc chief god Gruushin and humans have the idea of competing for sovereignty, which can be regarded as a dangerous range.

However, these non-human racial gods do not have strong vocations, so even if the dwarf gods and halfling gods reach 18, they themselves do not pose much of a threat.

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

It is a qualitative change for a mortal to become a saint and become a legend. It is a qualitative change for a legend to gain divinity and become a demigod. It is another qualitative change for a demigod to condense his divinity and become a true god. The difficulty of each qualitative change in life increases exponentially, and the power also increases exponentially. Become stronger, and Louis is moving towards the final evolution. He will have a high chance of becoming the supreme god in this world.

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

Louis sighed in his heart, but this situation was of great benefit to him. No one would compete with him for His Majesty's position, so that he could have the opportunity to rule the gods.

However, these non-human racial gods do not have strong vocations, so even if the dwarf gods and halfling gods reach 18, they themselves do not pose much of a threat.

No single priesthood can reach godhood level 20. It requires different priesthoods to complement each other, such as light and sun, darkness and moon. But it is a pity that these powerful priesthoods are all scattered in the hands of powerful divine powers. No one can take away the main priesthood of another powerful god. The final result is that the gods restrain and fetter each other, which is how the current diversified situation is maintained without forming a unified society.

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

In addition to the scope of powerful divine power, the gods at the bottom were all communicating with each other and whispering with divine power, especially the gods of the new generation, whose voices were urgent and impatient. For a time, the entire "Pantheon" was like a vegetable market, with chaotic sounds. It's all merged together.

Louis' Godhead of Order has reached the level of 19 at this time, which is very close to level 20. As long as his Godhead of Order can reach 20, he can try to reach the realm of gods above gods.

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

Suni, the God of Love and Beauty, has reached 17 divinity, which is already her limit; it took hundreds of years for the goddess of magic to finally complete the basic construction of the magic network in the main material world, thus allowing her divinity to reach 16 , but the lack of magic priesthood is too serious. As long as the goddess of magic still uses magic as her main priesthood, she will use other priesthoods to make up for it. At most, she can only reach 18 and cannot be promoted.

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

Louis sighed in his heart, but this situation was of great benefit to him. No one would compete with him for His Majesty's position, so that he could have the opportunity to rule the gods.

Before the Era of Catastrophe, the frequency of opening of the "Pantheon" was extremely low. It would only open once every five to six thousand years in a short period of time, and only once in two to thirty thousand years at most. At that time, the world of Saint Sauron was relatively peaceful. Only in the old When an era ends and a god dies due to various events sweeping the world, such a meeting will be held to redistribute the powers of the gods.

No single priesthood can reach godhood level 20. It requires different priesthoods to complement each other, such as light and sun, darkness and moon. But it is a pity that these powerful priesthoods are all scattered in the hands of powerful divine powers. No one can take away the main priesthood of another powerful god. The final result is that the gods restrain and fetter each other, which is how the current diversified situation is maintained without forming a unified society.

In addition to the scope of powerful divine power, the gods at the bottom were all communicating with each other and whispering with divine power, especially the gods of the new generation, whose voices were urgent and impatient. For a time, the entire "Pantheon" was like a vegetable market, with chaotic sounds. It's all merged together.

The four main gods of the elements, halflings, dwarves and other gods have all achieved powerful divine power. However, these gods do not involve the human god system and belong to the fringes of the gods. They all live their own lives in their own races. , so these gods can be ignored, except that the orc chief god Gruushin and humans have the idea of competing for sovereignty, which can be regarded as a dangerous range.

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

But Louis built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chencang. On the surface, he was the god of dragons and killing, which made the gods feel relieved, because these two divine functions of Louis could not allow him to reach godhood 20, but secretly Louis came into contact with the Serpent of Order. , obtained the one element in the dualistic world, but there is no so-called priesthood in the two camps of order and chaos.

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

No single priesthood can reach godhood level 20. It requires different priesthoods to complement each other, such as light and sun, darkness and moon. But it is a pity that these powerful priesthoods are all scattered in the hands of powerful divine powers. No one can take away the main priesthood of another powerful god. The final result is that the gods restrain and fetter each other, which is how the current diversified situation is maintained without forming a unified society.

Louis sighed in his heart, but this situation was of great benefit to him. No one would compete with him for His Majesty's position, so that he could have the opportunity to rule the gods.

The gods would not be upset by this kind of noise. Louis saw the powerful gods around him being silent, and he was happy to sit on his throne leisurely, waiting for all the gods to arrive.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

But Louis built the plank road openly and secretly visited Chencang. On the surface, he was the god of dragons and killing, which made the gods feel relieved, because these two divine functions of Louis could not allow him to reach godhood 20, but secretly Louis came into contact with the Serpent of Order. , obtained the one element in the dualistic world, but there is no so-called priesthood in the two camps of order and chaos.

The Godhead of the Silver Moon Goddess has also reached 17, which is also Su Lun's limit. The Moon Priesthood alone is not a powerful enough priesthood. It needs to be matched with the Dark Priesthood. The Silver Moon Goddess can maintain the 17 Godhead level. , or because of the elves’ racial priesthood, but this is enough for the goddess. As long as she maintains strong divine power, she will not be in danger of falling.

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

The four main gods of the elements, halflings, dwarves and other gods have all achieved powerful divine power. However, these gods do not involve the human god system and belong to the fringes of the gods. They all live their own lives in their own races. , so these gods can be ignored, except that the orc chief god Gruushin and humans have the idea of competing for sovereignty, which can be regarded as a dangerous range.

Generally speaking, almost all gods end at godhead level 18. It is extremely difficult to reach godhead level 19. Among the gods of faith throughout the ages, only the Prince of Lies has forcibly deduced that godhead level has reached 20, but it didn't take long for him to reach godhead level 20. After it fell, the gods spread their authority too thinly. The result was that no god had the opportunity to understand the true power of the priesthood, and could only borrow a little bit of it as a powerful god.

The God of Storms, a god who replaces faith with fear, has finally managed to reach the powerful divine power category of Godhead 16. However, this kind of faith based on fear is not strong, and the risk factor of falling is very high, so he can be regarded as one of the most powerful gods. The weakest one, stability is the most important thing for gods, but no matter what, this God of Storms is still a powerful god.

Louis' Godhead of Order has reached the level of 19 at this time, which is very close to level 20. As long as his Godhead of Order can reach 20, he can try to reach the realm of gods above gods.

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

However, these non-human racial gods do not have strong vocations, so even if the dwarf gods and halfling gods reach 18, they themselves do not pose much of a threat.

It is a qualitative change for a mortal to become a saint and become a legend. It is a qualitative change for a legend to gain divinity and become a demigod. It is another qualitative change for a demigod to condense his divinity and become a true god. The difficulty of each qualitative change in life increases exponentially, and the power also increases exponentially. Become stronger, and Louis is moving towards the final evolution. He will have a high chance of becoming the supreme god in this world.

'Come on, come on, as long as this plan succeeds, I will take a big step towards becoming your true Majesty! '

Generally speaking, almost all gods end at godhead level 18. It is extremely difficult to reach godhead level 19. Among the gods of faith throughout the ages, only the Prince of Lies has forcibly deduced that godhead level has reached 20, but it didn't take long for him to reach godhead level 20. After it fell, the gods spread their authority too thinly. The result was that no god had the opportunity to understand the true power of the priesthood, and could only borrow a little bit of it as a powerful god.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

'Come on, come on, as long as this plan succeeds, I will take a big step towards becoming your true Majesty! '

Since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron, the opening of the "Pantheon" has never made the gods as anxious as it is now, because even if it encounters a major event sweeping the world, or even the death of a god with powerful divine power, it will It will not shake the foundation of the gods ruling the world, but this time the reappearance of the alien civilization not only threatens the life safety of the gods, but even threatens the survival of the entire world.

Taking advantage of his free time, Louis glanced around and had a basic understanding of the strongest group of powerful powers.

It has only been two or three hundred years since the gods awakened, but counting this time it is already the third meeting of the gods, which was almost unthinkable in the era before the Disaster Era.

'My current divine level is 17 on the surface, but if it is forced to be deduced, it can reach 19. But if I want my killing and dragon divine level to reach 20, I must obtain the war priesthood. However, this priesthood is scattered in war. It is almost impossible to get it from the God of God and the main god of the orcs. '

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

Louis sighed in his heart, but this situation was of great benefit to him. No one would compete with him for His Majesty's position, so that he could have the opportunity to rule the gods.

The Earth Goddess herself has the priesthood of earth and agriculture, which is very easy to collect faith. However, because part of the earth priesthood was taken away by Louis, the goddess maintains the peak of 18 divinity, but cannot reach 19 like before the Disaster Era. high.

In addition to the scope of powerful divine power, the gods at the bottom were all communicating with each other and whispering with divine power, especially the gods of the new generation, whose voices were urgent and impatient. For a time, the entire "Pantheon" was like a vegetable market, with chaotic sounds. It's all merged together.

Louis gathered his thoughts and focused all his attention on this meeting of the "Pantheon". The reason why he used the spaceship of the Tyranid civilization to attack the world of St. Sauron was to allow the gods to hold a meeting of the gods, and He is about to use this meeting of the gods to complete the most important cornerstone of his position as 'Your Majesty'!

'Except for the Prince of Lies who relies on pure luck, it is impossible for other gods to achieve godhood level 20. '

"Dong dong dong—"