I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 752: Louis I have a proposal!


The Dawn Goddess and the Earth Goddess looked at each other. Finally, the Earth Goddess Chantiya lowered her head and signaled the Dawn Goddess to speak.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

Moreover, as several gods took action at the same time, they wiped out all the sneak attack enemies in almost a second. The weak alien civilization was no different from ordinary people.

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

The God of Prophecy thought that this time the prophecy would be successful if the objects of the prophecy were no longer other gods, but he found that his prophecy was as if it were separated by a layer of universe, and it was impossible to predict the next attack time of that alien universe civilization. and location.

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

One of the gods said in confusion. The one who spoke was the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance Agron, now the God of Knowledge. He is a newly promoted god. He has now reached medium divine power. It can be said that among the new gods except Louis He is the strongest person outside, and the priesthood of 'knowledge' has great potential. In a few hundred years, he may even hope to achieve powerful divine power.

However, the highest level of the gods now is only 18th level of godhood. There is not even a 19th level of godhood. The gods will not pay attention to these imaginary things. Since the goddess of dawn has presided over the meeting of the gods twice, she will continue to let it go this time. She just keeps doing it.

'Maybe she's just unlucky. '

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

"Then, Your Highness Benshaba, can you please tell me what happened at that time? As the person involved, you should know the situation better."

Thinking like this, the gods could only attribute the problem to the alien civilization that wanted to destroy the main material world in one fell swoop, and the target they attacked happened to be the location of the Goddess of Doom.

One of the gods said in confusion. The one who spoke was the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance Agron, now the God of Knowledge. He is a newly promoted god. He has now reached medium divine power. It can be said that among the new gods except Louis He is the strongest person outside, and the priesthood of 'knowledge' has great potential. In a few hundred years, he may even hope to achieve powerful divine power.

This is the power of the Tyran civilization's space-time wormhole. Because it uses the loopholes of the crystal wall system to attack cross-border, the prophecy will naturally be invalidated through a layer of crystal wall system. If the troops and weapons of the Tyran civilization are completely allowed to enter, In the world of Saint Sauron, this god of prophecy with weak divine power can even predict every action of the Tyranid civilization, making them no longer mysterious.

"Weapons of these alien civilizations will always appear suddenly anywhere in the main material world. The main material world is so big that the gods cannot guard every corner. Even if the time of the entire main material world is stopped like His Highness Louis, , and it cannot be maintained forever.”

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

The gods had long known about this goddess's character and her behavior of randomly cursing people, so no god thought she was lying. After listening to the ins and outs explained by the goddess of misfortune, the gods began to whisper again. This time, even the powerful gods I joined the discussion, but in the end I couldn't figure out why the alien civilization suddenly attacked the Goddess of Doom.

"Your Highnesses, please be quiet for a moment."

"Your Highness, I have a question..."

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

As the Goddess of Dawn spoke, the exchange of divine thoughts among the various intertwined gods in the "Pantheon" stopped. Many gods looked to the top, waiting for the goddess whom the gods were already familiar with to speak.

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

"Weapons of these alien civilizations will always appear suddenly anywhere in the main material world. The main material world is so big that the gods cannot guard every corner. Even if the time of the entire main material world is stopped like His Highness Louis, , and it cannot be maintained forever.”

The goddess of dawn first nodded towards where Louis was sitting, expressing gratitude to him on behalf of the gods.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

This attack was originally carried out by Louis. Of course, he had the fastest reaction. Moreover, Louis did not really have the idea of destroying the world, so it was naturally impossible for him to let the power of the weapon fall on the main material world.

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

"Thanks to His Highness Louis' quick response this time, no damage was caused to the main material world."

The gods who came to the "Pantheon" are only their own divinities, not incarnations, so each god is not an entity. But even so, when the voice of the goddess of the dawn fell, the gods seemed to see this powerful The seriousness and worry on the goddess's face.

But this conclusion is even more troublesome, because the pattern and reason of enemy attacks cannot be found, so it is impossible to predict the next arrival.

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

Louis nodded and said, his tone calm but also filled with deep worry, as if he was worried about the arrival of this alien civilization.

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

"Thanks to His Highness Louis' quick response this time, no damage was caused to the main material world."

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

The Dawn Goddess and the Earth Goddess looked at each other. Finally, the Earth Goddess Chantiya lowered her head and signaled the Dawn Goddess to speak.

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

The goddess of dawn first nodded towards where Louis was sitting, expressing gratitude to him on behalf of the gods.

"Thanks to His Highness Louis' quick response this time, no damage was caused to the main material world."

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

Thinking like this, the gods could only attribute the problem to the alien civilization that wanted to destroy the main material world in one fell swoop, and the target they attacked happened to be the location of the Goddess of Doom.

This is the power of the Tyran civilization's space-time wormhole. Because it uses the loopholes of the crystal wall system to attack cross-border, the prophecy will naturally be invalidated through a layer of crystal wall system. If the troops and weapons of the Tyran civilization are completely allowed to enter, In the world of Saint Sauron, this god of prophecy with weak divine power can even predict every action of the Tyranid civilization, making them no longer mysterious.

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

Louis nodded and said, his tone calm but also filled with deep worry, as if he was worried about the arrival of this alien civilization.

For a moment, the "Pantheon" was silent. It was difficult for the gods 30,000 years ago to find a way to deal with the enemy's invasion, let alone now, 30,000 years later, the overall strength of the gods has dropped significantly.

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

'Maybe she's just unlucky. '

Louis nodded and said, his tone calm but also filled with deep worry, as if he was worried about the arrival of this alien civilization.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

One of the gods said in confusion. The one who spoke was the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance Agron, now the God of Knowledge. He is a newly promoted god. He has now reached medium divine power. It can be said that among the new gods except Louis He is the strongest person outside, and the priesthood of 'knowledge' has great potential. In a few hundred years, he may even hope to achieve powerful divine power.

"Thanks to His Highness Louis' quick response this time, no damage was caused to the main material world."

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

This attack was originally carried out by Louis. Of course, he had the fastest reaction. Moreover, Louis did not really have the idea of destroying the world, so it was naturally impossible for him to let the power of the weapon fall on the main material world.

"Thanks to His Highness Louis' quick response this time, no damage was caused to the main material world."

The gods who came to the "Pantheon" are only their own divinities, not incarnations, so each god is not an entity. But even so, when the voice of the goddess of the dawn fell, the gods seemed to see this powerful The seriousness and worry on the goddess's face.

The God of Prophecy thought that this time the prophecy would be successful if the objects of the prophecy were no longer other gods, but he found that his prophecy was as if it were separated by a layer of universe, and it was impossible to predict the next attack time of that alien universe civilization. and location.

The goddess of dawn first nodded towards where Louis was sitting, expressing gratitude to him on behalf of the gods.

"Then, Your Highness Benshaba, can you please tell me what happened at that time? As the person involved, you should know the situation better."

The gods had long known about this goddess's character and her behavior of randomly cursing people, so no god thought she was lying. After listening to the ins and outs explained by the goddess of misfortune, the gods began to whisper again. This time, even the powerful gods I joined the discussion, but in the end I couldn't figure out why the alien civilization suddenly attacked the Goddess of Doom.

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

"Your Highnesses, please be quiet for a moment."

The God of Prophecy thought that this time the prophecy would be successful if the objects of the prophecy were no longer other gods, but he found that his prophecy was as if it were separated by a layer of universe, and it was impossible to predict the next attack time of that alien universe civilization. and location.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

Louis nodded and said, his tone calm but also filled with deep worry, as if he was worried about the arrival of this alien civilization.

The goddess of dawn asked the goddess of misfortune at this time, and the eyes of the gods also fell on this goddess.

Hearing the question from the God of Knowledge, the Goddess of Dawn sighed and said: "...the most terrifying thing about the civilization of the alien universe is not the power of the weapons, but their elusiveness and infinite number. Don't look at the fact that we just easily defeated a group of enemies. But for that alien universe civilization, this loss is not to mention a thorn in the side, and they don’t even care too much.”

"Then, Your Highness Benshaba, can you please tell me what happened at that time? As the person involved, you should know the situation better."

The God of Knowledge used the knowledge he possessed to reasonably question the attack by the Tyran civilization warship just now.

The God of Knowledge used the knowledge he possessed to reasonably question the attack by the Tyran civilization warship just now.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

As the Goddess of Dawn spoke, the exchange of divine thoughts among the various intertwined gods in the "Pantheon" stopped. Many gods looked to the top, waiting for the goddess whom the gods were already familiar with to speak.

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

Moreover, as several gods took action at the same time, they wiped out all the sneak attack enemies in almost a second. The weak alien civilization was no different from ordinary people.

Although the Goddess of Doom is a chaotic and evil god, and she is also narrow-minded, this does not mean that she is a fool. There are so many gods waiting for her to speak. Unless she is preparing to become the enemy of the gods, she cannot refuse. , Moreover, the attack of alien civilization also involves her life and death.

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

However, the highest level of the gods now is only 18th level of godhood. There is not even a 19th level of godhood. The gods will not pay attention to these imaginary things. Since the goddess of dawn has presided over the meeting of the gods twice, she will continue to let it go this time. She just keeps doing it.

Although the Goddess of Doom is a chaotic and evil god, and she is also narrow-minded, this does not mean that she is a fool. There are so many gods waiting for her to speak. Unless she is preparing to become the enemy of the gods, she cannot refuse. , Moreover, the attack of alien civilization also involves her life and death.

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

'Maybe she's just unlucky. '

But this conclusion is even more troublesome, because the pattern and reason of enemy attacks cannot be found, so it is impossible to predict the next arrival.

"Then, Your Highness Benshaba, can you please tell me what happened at that time? As the person involved, you should know the situation better."

"Your Highnesses, please be quiet for a moment."

The God of Prophecy thought that this time the prophecy would be successful if the objects of the prophecy were no longer other gods, but he found that his prophecy was as if it were separated by a layer of universe, and it was impossible to predict the next attack time of that alien universe civilization. and location.

The gods had long known about this goddess's character and her behavior of randomly cursing people, so no god thought she was lying. After listening to the ins and outs explained by the goddess of misfortune, the gods began to whisper again. This time, even the powerful gods I joined the discussion, but in the end I couldn't figure out why the alien civilization suddenly attacked the Goddess of Doom.

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

The Dawn Goddess and the Earth Goddess looked at each other. Finally, the Earth Goddess Chantiya lowered her head and signaled the Dawn Goddess to speak.

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

The God of Knowledge used the knowledge he possessed to reasonably question the attack by the Tyran civilization warship just now.

'Maybe she's just unlucky. '

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

The gods had long known about this goddess's character and her behavior of randomly cursing people, so no god thought she was lying. After listening to the ins and outs explained by the goddess of misfortune, the gods began to whisper again. This time, even the powerful gods I joined the discussion, but in the end I couldn't figure out why the alien civilization suddenly attacked the Goddess of Doom.

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

Thinking like this, the gods could only attribute the problem to the alien civilization that wanted to destroy the main material world in one fell swoop, and the target they attacked happened to be the location of the Goddess of Doom.

However, the highest level of the gods now is only 18th level of godhood. There is not even a 19th level of godhood. The gods will not pay attention to these imaginary things. Since the goddess of dawn has presided over the meeting of the gods twice, she will continue to let it go this time. She just keeps doing it.

Thinking like this, the gods could only attribute the problem to the alien civilization that wanted to destroy the main material world in one fell swoop, and the target they attacked happened to be the location of the Goddess of Doom.

"Like most of your Highnesses present, I have not participated in the war 30,000 years ago, so I want to ask the ancient gods. Based on the power I just saw, this alien civilization seems to have no imagination. They are so powerful, and the energy level of the attacks they launch is very high, but at most it is 'legendary level'. Facing the divine power of the gods, they are vulnerable."

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

But this conclusion is even more troublesome, because the pattern and reason of enemy attacks cannot be found, so it is impossible to predict the next arrival.

The gods had long known about this goddess's character and her behavior of randomly cursing people, so no god thought she was lying. After listening to the ins and outs explained by the goddess of misfortune, the gods began to whisper again. This time, even the powerful gods I joined the discussion, but in the end I couldn't figure out why the alien civilization suddenly attacked the Goddess of Doom.

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

"Your Highness, I have a question..."

The God of Knowledge used the knowledge he possessed to reasonably question the attack by the Tyran civilization warship just now.

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

The goddess of dawn asked the goddess of misfortune at this time, and the eyes of the gods also fell on this goddess.

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

"Then, Your Highness Benshaba, can you please tell me what happened at that time? As the person involved, you should know the situation better."

One of the gods said in confusion. The one who spoke was the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance Agron, now the God of Knowledge. He is a newly promoted god. He has now reached medium divine power. It can be said that among the new gods except Louis He is the strongest person outside, and the priesthood of 'knowledge' has great potential. In a few hundred years, he may even hope to achieve powerful divine power.

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

This is the power of the Tyran civilization's space-time wormhole. Because it uses the loopholes of the crystal wall system to attack cross-border, the prophecy will naturally be invalidated through a layer of crystal wall system. If the troops and weapons of the Tyran civilization are completely allowed to enter, In the world of Saint Sauron, this god of prophecy with weak divine power can even predict every action of the Tyranid civilization, making them no longer mysterious.

The gods who came to the "Pantheon" are only their own divinities, not incarnations, so each god is not an entity. But even so, when the voice of the goddess of the dawn fell, the gods seemed to see this powerful The seriousness and worry on the goddess's face.

The gods who came to the "Pantheon" are only their own divinities, not incarnations, so each god is not an entity. But even so, when the voice of the goddess of the dawn fell, the gods seemed to see this powerful The seriousness and worry on the goddess's face.

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

The goddess of dawn asked the goddess of misfortune at this time, and the eyes of the gods also fell on this goddess.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

The God of Prophecy thought that this time the prophecy would be successful if the objects of the prophecy were no longer other gods, but he found that his prophecy was as if it were separated by a layer of universe, and it was impossible to predict the next attack time of that alien universe civilization. and location.

This attack was originally carried out by Louis. Of course, he had the fastest reaction. Moreover, Louis did not really have the idea of destroying the world, so it was naturally impossible for him to let the power of the weapon fall on the main material world.

For a moment, the "Pantheon" was silent. It was difficult for the gods 30,000 years ago to find a way to deal with the enemy's invasion, let alone now, 30,000 years later, the overall strength of the gods has dropped significantly.

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

But this conclusion is even more troublesome, because the pattern and reason of enemy attacks cannot be found, so it is impossible to predict the next arrival.

Moreover, as several gods took action at the same time, they wiped out all the sneak attack enemies in almost a second. The weak alien civilization was no different from ordinary people.

However, the highest level of the gods now is only 18th level of godhood. There is not even a 19th level of godhood. The gods will not pay attention to these imaginary things. Since the goddess of dawn has presided over the meeting of the gods twice, she will continue to let it go this time. She just keeps doing it.

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

"Then, Your Highness Benshaba, can you please tell me what happened at that time? As the person involved, you should know the situation better."

"Like most of your Highnesses present, I have not participated in the war 30,000 years ago, so I want to ask the ancient gods. Based on the power I just saw, this alien civilization seems to have no imagination. They are so powerful, and the energy level of the attacks they launch is very high, but at most it is 'legendary level'. Facing the divine power of the gods, they are vulnerable."

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

The God of Prophecy thought that this time the prophecy would be successful if the objects of the prophecy were no longer other gods, but he found that his prophecy was as if it were separated by a layer of universe, and it was impossible to predict the next attack time of that alien universe civilization. and location.

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

The God of Knowledge used the knowledge he possessed to reasonably question the attack by the Tyran civilization warship just now.

Although the Goddess of Doom is a chaotic and evil god, and she is also narrow-minded, this does not mean that she is a fool. There are so many gods waiting for her to speak. Unless she is preparing to become the enemy of the gods, she cannot refuse. , Moreover, the attack of alien civilization also involves her life and death.

The God of Knowledge used the knowledge he possessed to reasonably question the attack by the Tyran civilization warship just now.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

Moreover, as several gods took action at the same time, they wiped out all the sneak attack enemies in almost a second. The weak alien civilization was no different from ordinary people.

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

The God of Knowledge used the knowledge he possessed to reasonably question the attack by the Tyran civilization warship just now.

Moreover, as several gods took action at the same time, they wiped out all the sneak attack enemies in almost a second. The weak alien civilization was no different from ordinary people.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

However, the highest level of the gods now is only 18th level of godhood. There is not even a 19th level of godhood. The gods will not pay attention to these imaginary things. Since the goddess of dawn has presided over the meeting of the gods twice, she will continue to let it go this time. She just keeps doing it.

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

For a moment, the "Pantheon" was silent. It was difficult for the gods 30,000 years ago to find a way to deal with the enemy's invasion, let alone now, 30,000 years later, the overall strength of the gods has dropped significantly.

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

Moreover, as several gods took action at the same time, they wiped out all the sneak attack enemies in almost a second. The weak alien civilization was no different from ordinary people.

The Dawn Goddess and the Earth Goddess looked at each other. Finally, the Earth Goddess Chantiya lowered her head and signaled the Dawn Goddess to speak.

The gods had long known about this goddess's character and her behavior of randomly cursing people, so no god thought she was lying. After listening to the ins and outs explained by the goddess of misfortune, the gods began to whisper again. This time, even the powerful gods I joined the discussion, but in the end I couldn't figure out why the alien civilization suddenly attacked the Goddess of Doom.

Hearing the question from the God of Knowledge, the Goddess of Dawn sighed and said: "...the most terrifying thing about the civilization of the alien universe is not the power of the weapons, but their elusiveness and infinite number. Don't look at the fact that we just easily defeated a group of enemies. But for that alien universe civilization, this loss is not to mention a thorn in the side, and they don’t even care too much.”

Although the Goddess of Doom is a chaotic and evil god, and she is also narrow-minded, this does not mean that she is a fool. There are so many gods waiting for her to speak. Unless she is preparing to become the enemy of the gods, she cannot refuse. , Moreover, the attack of alien civilization also involves her life and death.

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

"Like most of your Highnesses present, I have not participated in the war 30,000 years ago, so I want to ask the ancient gods. Based on the power I just saw, this alien civilization seems to have no imagination. They are so powerful, and the energy level of the attacks they launch is very high, but at most it is 'legendary level'. Facing the divine power of the gods, they are vulnerable."

But this conclusion is even more troublesome, because the pattern and reason of enemy attacks cannot be found, so it is impossible to predict the next arrival.

'Maybe she's just unlucky. '

Although the Goddess of Doom is a chaotic and evil god, and she is also narrow-minded, this does not mean that she is a fool. There are so many gods waiting for her to speak. Unless she is preparing to become the enemy of the gods, she cannot refuse. , Moreover, the attack of alien civilization also involves her life and death.

"Thanks to His Highness Louis' quick response this time, no damage was caused to the main material world."

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

Although the Goddess of Doom is a chaotic and evil god, and she is also narrow-minded, this does not mean that she is a fool. There are so many gods waiting for her to speak. Unless she is preparing to become the enemy of the gods, she cannot refuse. , Moreover, the attack of alien civilization also involves her life and death.

The gods had long known about this goddess's character and her behavior of randomly cursing people, so no god thought she was lying. After listening to the ins and outs explained by the goddess of misfortune, the gods began to whisper again. This time, even the powerful gods I joined the discussion, but in the end I couldn't figure out why the alien civilization suddenly attacked the Goddess of Doom.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

But this conclusion is even more troublesome, because the pattern and reason of enemy attacks cannot be found, so it is impossible to predict the next arrival.

The previous two "Pantheon" meetings were presided over by Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn. However, as time goes by, many gods have caught up with the progress of the goddess of dawn. Now, just in terms of the level of godhead, the goddess of dawn is no longer the most powerful. The stronger one should be presided over by another god under normal circumstances.

"Weapons of these alien civilizations will always appear suddenly anywhere in the main material world. The main material world is so big that the gods cannot guard every corner. Even if the time of the entire main material world is stopped like His Highness Louis, , and it cannot be maintained forever.”

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

One of the gods said in confusion. The one who spoke was the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance Agron, now the God of Knowledge. He is a newly promoted god. He has now reached medium divine power. It can be said that among the new gods except Louis He is the strongest person outside, and the priesthood of 'knowledge' has great potential. In a few hundred years, he may even hope to achieve powerful divine power.

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

However, the highest level of the gods now is only 18th level of godhood. There is not even a 19th level of godhood. The gods will not pay attention to these imaginary things. Since the goddess of dawn has presided over the meeting of the gods twice, she will continue to let it go this time. She just keeps doing it.

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

'Maybe she's just unlucky. '

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

"Your Highnesses, please be quiet for a moment."

Hearing the question from the God of Knowledge, the Goddess of Dawn sighed and said: "...the most terrifying thing about the civilization of the alien universe is not the power of the weapons, but their elusiveness and infinite number. Don't look at the fact that we just easily defeated a group of enemies. But for that alien universe civilization, this loss is not to mention a thorn in the side, and they don’t even care too much.”

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

Many gods also nodded. Although the blow from the alien civilization just now would bring great disaster to the main material world, the energy level of those weapons was not high. As the God of Knowledge said, they were 'legendary' at best. Power, when facing the gods, there should be no threat. There is no need for strong divine power to take action. Even a weak divine power can easily cope with the attack just now. At most, it will only lose some divine power.

"Weapons of these alien civilizations will always appear suddenly anywhere in the main material world. The main material world is so big that the gods cannot guard every corner. Even if the time of the entire main material world is stopped like His Highness Louis, , and it cannot be maintained forever.”

"Your Highness Lorenria is right. I can't even make any predictions about that alien civilization."

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

For a moment, the "Pantheon" was silent. It was difficult for the gods 30,000 years ago to find a way to deal with the enemy's invasion, let alone now, 30,000 years later, the overall strength of the gods has dropped significantly.

Louis nodded and said, his tone calm but also filled with deep worry, as if he was worried about the arrival of this alien civilization.

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

The goddess of dawn asked the goddess of misfortune at this time, and the eyes of the gods also fell on this goddess.

"This is what I should do. My interests are consistent with your highnesses. For the safety of the main material world, I should advance and retreat together with your highnesses."

The gods who came to the "Pantheon" are only their own divinities, not incarnations, so each god is not an entity. But even so, when the voice of the goddess of the dawn fell, the gods seemed to see this powerful The seriousness and worry on the goddess's face.

The God of Prophecy thought that this time the prophecy would be successful if the objects of the prophecy were no longer other gods, but he found that his prophecy was as if it were separated by a layer of universe, and it was impossible to predict the next attack time of that alien universe civilization. and location.

Even a powerful god would pay attention to this god's question.

"Weapons of these alien civilizations will always appear suddenly anywhere in the main material world. The main material world is so big that the gods cannot guard every corner. Even if the time of the entire main material world is stopped like His Highness Louis, , and it cannot be maintained forever.”

Louis nodded when he heard the words of the Goddess of Dawn, indicating that he could not maintain the time stop of the main material world for a long time. It would be harmless to do it a few times, but if he kept doing this, even a powerful god could not bear the loss of divine power.

One of the gods said in confusion. The one who spoke was the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance Agron, now the God of Knowledge. He is a newly promoted god. He has now reached medium divine power. It can be said that among the new gods except Louis He is the strongest person outside, and the priesthood of 'knowledge' has great potential. In a few hundred years, he may even hope to achieve powerful divine power.

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

This is the power of the Tyran civilization's space-time wormhole. Because it uses the loopholes of the crystal wall system to attack cross-border, the prophecy will naturally be invalidated through a layer of crystal wall system. If the troops and weapons of the Tyran civilization are completely allowed to enter, In the world of Saint Sauron, this god of prophecy with weak divine power can even predict every action of the Tyranid civilization, making them no longer mysterious.

"Weapons of these alien civilizations will always appear suddenly anywhere in the main material world. The main material world is so big that the gods cannot guard every corner. Even if the time of the entire main material world is stopped like His Highness Louis, , and it cannot be maintained forever.”

However, the highest level of the gods now is only 18th level of godhood. There is not even a 19th level of godhood. The gods will not pay attention to these imaginary things. Since the goddess of dawn has presided over the meeting of the gods twice, she will continue to let it go this time. She just keeps doing it.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

One of the gods said in confusion. The one who spoke was the former leader of the Seven Kingdoms Alliance Agron, now the God of Knowledge. He is a newly promoted god. He has now reached medium divine power. It can be said that among the new gods except Louis He is the strongest person outside, and the priesthood of 'knowledge' has great potential. In a few hundred years, he may even hope to achieve powerful divine power.

"... Because there are too many of them, and they will always suddenly attack the main material world, as long as one attack is successful, it will bring huge casualties to the main material world, thus making us lose all faith, those alien universe civilizations The enemy does not have the rules among our gods and will not attack believers. The enemy has found our biggest weakness."

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"

At this moment, the God of Prophecy suddenly spoke up. This god has the lofty priesthood of 'prophecy', but prophecy is of little use to people who are stronger than him, and the requirements for the user's talent are extremely high, so the God of Prophecy On the contrary, there are very few believers, just a weak divine power.

Tyranids are mortals after all, and the gods predict that mortals will have no difficulty.

For a moment, the "Pantheon" was silent. It was difficult for the gods 30,000 years ago to find a way to deal with the enemy's invasion, let alone now, 30,000 years later, the overall strength of the gods has dropped significantly.

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

As for the pantheon of other races, they have never received this honor once in history. Who is to say that the human pantheon has always been the strongest.

"Then, Your Highness Benshaba, can you please tell me what happened at that time? As the person involved, you should know the situation better."

The Dawn Goddess and the Earth Goddess looked at each other. Finally, the Earth Goddess Chantiya lowered her head and signaled the Dawn Goddess to speak.

As the Goddess of Dawn spoke, the exchange of divine thoughts among the various intertwined gods in the "Pantheon" stopped. Many gods looked to the top, waiting for the goddess whom the gods were already familiar with to speak.

Louis felt that the time had come. He straightened his voice and said: "... Your Highnesses, I have a proposal!"

After considering her tone, the goddess of misfortune spoke in a hoarse voice about the cause and effect, as well as the reason why she went to the Principality of Ioa.

"Your Highnesses have seen what just happened in the Prime Material Realm. Just as your Highnesses guessed, it was the weapon from the alien civilization that once caused the 'Era of Disaster'."

Although the Goddess of Doom is a chaotic and evil god, and she is also narrow-minded, this does not mean that she is a fool. There are so many gods waiting for her to speak. Unless she is preparing to become the enemy of the gods, she cannot refuse. , Moreover, the attack of alien civilization also involves her life and death.

But this conclusion is even more troublesome, because the pattern and reason of enemy attacks cannot be found, so it is impossible to predict the next arrival.

The gods who came to the "Pantheon" are only their own divinities, not incarnations, so each god is not an entity. But even so, when the voice of the goddess of the dawn fell, the gods seemed to see this powerful The seriousness and worry on the goddess's face.

The goddess of dawn asked the goddess of misfortune at this time, and the eyes of the gods also fell on this goddess.

"Please speak, Your Highness Ogma!"