I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 753: A conspiracy to enslave the gods


Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

Louis thought for a long time, and then summoned an extremely ordinary stone slab with a casual move. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "... Your Highnesses, why don't you all inject a piece of your own divinity into it, and let us gods Together with their power, we forge an indelible artifact and erect this monument forever in the "Pantheon", representing the oaths of our gods. And if there is a new highness who can be conferred as a god in the future, it must be in the "Pantheon". ’ I swore the Oath of Styx in front of it!”

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

"But Her Highness Shar discovered the conspiracy of the alien civilization at a critical moment. She did not tell the other party all the secrets of the gods, and even obtained the other party's secrets during this period."

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

Although there is no problem with Louis' proposal in the eyes of the gods, this oath of divine fire cannot be made casually. If you are not careful, you may even become a slave!

Even Shar was wondering why Louis would bring up these things, making her stand on the opposite side of the gods again, but Shar remained calm and did not say anything, just watching what her main god was going to do.

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

"Then what proposals do you have, Your Highness Louis?"

Not to mention that Louis also has a love-hate relationship with the oldest goddess of the Silver Moon and Dark Night. It can even be said that since the new era of the resurrection of the gods, all major events related to the gods have involved the dragon god.

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

Hearing Louis' words, the gods were thoughtful. The God of Knowledge stroked his long white beard and said: "... His Highness Louis, do you want the gods to make an oath together?"

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

Even Shar was wondering why Louis would bring up these things, making her stand on the opposite side of the gods again, but Shar remained calm and did not say anything, just watching what her main god was going to do.

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

Confronting the Goddess of Earth, the God of War, the Goddess of Magic, and the Lord God of Orcs, hiding the Goddess of Night in his own pantheon, and chasing and intercepting the Spider Queen in the abyss, etc., this dragon god is simply arrogant. no.

"As His Highness Ogma said, I think all of you, Your Highnesses, should swear an oath to your own divine fire. If any god wants to betray the gods, then he will extinguish the divine fire and fall completely!"

Then everyone thought about it, didn't all the gods have this idea? This crisis involves the life and death of the gods, and no one wants to die.

"In that case, let us swear an oath together, Your Highnesses."

This is true for people, and so is the god!

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

Under the gaze of all the gods, Louis pretended to be the arrogant smile of a giant dragon, and then slowly said: "... Your Highnesses, the reason why civilizations in different universes 30,000 years ago were able to understand the gods was because of the betrayal of the goddess of the night. The most important element!”

The goddess of dawn spoke at the right time.

The Goddess of Dawn actually thinks that it is better to have a sense of ritual for such a major event. The other gods also think the same. They are high-altitude gods. How can such an important thing be ended with just an oath.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

Although there is no problem with Louis' proposal in the eyes of the gods, this oath of divine fire cannot be made casually. If you are not careful, you may even become a slave!

"Then what proposals do you have, Your Highness Louis?"

At this time, the goddess of dawn persuaded with a gentle voice: "... Your Highness Louis, your proposal is correct, but I think the oath of divine fire is still inappropriate. Why don't all your highnesses take the oath of Styx, so that we will still be needed even three thousand years later?" Continue to keep your vows and you can renew them again.”

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

Under the gaze of all the gods, Louis pretended to be the arrogant smile of a giant dragon, and then slowly said: "... Your Highnesses, the reason why civilizations in different universes 30,000 years ago were able to understand the gods was because of the betrayal of the goddess of the night. The most important element!”

This was something Louis had discussed with the Silver Moon Goddess before, and Suellen also agreed with Louis' idea, because as a medium-level divine power, Rose would be too costly to directly let her fall, and this time Louis and Suellen had to deal with her. The blockade of the Kingdom of God has also made this spider lose face among the gods. If she continues to target the Silver Moon Goddess for good or bad, then Louis and Su Lun will have more excuses to surround her again. This has already avenged Su Lun before. of hatred.

Even Shar was wondering why Louis would bring up these things, making her stand on the opposite side of the gods again, but Shar remained calm and did not say anything, just watching what her main god was going to do.

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

Although there is no problem with Louis' proposal in the eyes of the gods, this oath of divine fire cannot be made casually. If you are not careful, you may even become a slave!

Under the gaze of all the gods, Louis pretended to be the arrogant smile of a giant dragon, and then slowly said: "... Your Highnesses, the reason why civilizations in different universes 30,000 years ago were able to understand the gods was because of the betrayal of the goddess of the night. The most important element!”

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

This was something Louis had discussed with the Silver Moon Goddess before, and Suellen also agreed with Louis' idea, because as a medium-level divine power, Rose would be too costly to directly let her fall, and this time Louis and Suellen had to deal with her. The blockade of the Kingdom of God has also made this spider lose face among the gods. If she continues to target the Silver Moon Goddess for good or bad, then Louis and Su Lun will have more excuses to surround her again. This has already avenged Su Lun before. of hatred.

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

Under the gaze of all the gods, Louis pretended to be the arrogant smile of a giant dragon, and then slowly said: "... Your Highnesses, the reason why civilizations in different universes 30,000 years ago were able to understand the gods was because of the betrayal of the goddess of the night. The most important element!”

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

"But Her Highness Shar discovered the conspiracy of the alien civilization at a critical moment. She did not tell the other party all the secrets of the gods, and even obtained the other party's secrets during this period."

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

This was something Louis had discussed with the Silver Moon Goddess before, and Suellen also agreed with Louis' idea, because as a medium-level divine power, Rose would be too costly to directly let her fall, and this time Louis and Suellen had to deal with her. The blockade of the Kingdom of God has also made this spider lose face among the gods. If she continues to target the Silver Moon Goddess for good or bad, then Louis and Su Lun will have more excuses to surround her again. This has already avenged Su Lun before. of hatred.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

Seeing the eyes of the gods falling on him again, Louis said unhurriedly: "...and now that the alien civilization has obtained some of the secrets of the gods, we can no longer afford greater losses. If we continue If a god like His Highness Shar betrays you, it will be a devastating blow to the gods!"

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

Regarding Louis' speech, everyone listened with caution, because the gods knew that after killing the 'Prince of Lies', Louis obtained the other party's 'Fraud' and 'Conspiracy' priesthoods. A god with two priesthoods must Be careful in your approach to avoid being scammed without even knowing it.

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

Pledge to divine fire

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

Pledge to divine fire

The Goddess of Dawn actually thinks that it is better to have a sense of ritual for such a major event. The other gods also think the same. They are high-altitude gods. How can such an important thing be ended with just an oath.

Seeing the eyes of the gods falling on him again, Louis said unhurriedly: "...and now that the alien civilization has obtained some of the secrets of the gods, we can no longer afford greater losses. If we continue If a god like His Highness Shar betrays you, it will be a devastating blow to the gods!"

"But Her Highness Shar discovered the conspiracy of the alien civilization at a critical moment. She did not tell the other party all the secrets of the gods, and even obtained the other party's secrets during this period."

The Goddess of Dawn actually thinks that it is better to have a sense of ritual for such a major event. The other gods also think the same. They are high-altitude gods. How can such an important thing be ended with just an oath.

Hearing Louis' words, the gods were thoughtful. The God of Knowledge stroked his long white beard and said: "... His Highness Louis, do you want the gods to make an oath together?"

At this time, the goddess of dawn persuaded with a gentle voice: "... Your Highness Louis, your proposal is correct, but I think the oath of divine fire is still inappropriate. Why don't all your highnesses take the oath of Styx, so that we will still be needed even three thousand years later?" Continue to keep your vows and you can renew them again.”

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

Hearing Louis' words, the gods were thoughtful. The God of Knowledge stroked his long white beard and said: "... His Highness Louis, do you want the gods to make an oath together?"

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

This is true for people, and so is the god!

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

"As His Highness Ogma said, I think all of you, Your Highnesses, should swear an oath to your own divine fire. If any god wants to betray the gods, then he will extinguish the divine fire and fall completely!"

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

Then everyone thought about it, didn't all the gods have this idea? This crisis involves the life and death of the gods, and no one wants to die.

Hearing Louis' words, the Spider Queen was completely speechless. The other gods were also moved. They just felt that Louis would put aside his prejudices and reconcile with the Spider Queen. This showed that he was really sincere and did not want the gods to fall in love with each other. fight.

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

Louis' words suddenly took on a chilling tone, and the terrifying intention of killing filled the "Pantheon", making all the gods tremble.

Hearing Louis' words, the gods were thoughtful. The God of Knowledge stroked his long white beard and said: "... His Highness Louis, do you want the gods to make an oath together?"

"But Her Highness Shar discovered the conspiracy of the alien civilization at a critical moment. She did not tell the other party all the secrets of the gods, and even obtained the other party's secrets during this period."

"Then what proposals do you have, Your Highness Louis?"

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

Pledge to divine fire

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

Regarding Louis' speech, everyone listened with caution, because the gods knew that after killing the 'Prince of Lies', Louis obtained the other party's 'Fraud' and 'Conspiracy' priesthoods. A god with two priesthoods must Be careful in your approach to avoid being scammed without even knowing it.

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

A sharp and gloomy female voice sounded, and the Spider Queen suddenly spoke. The Dark Elf Queen looked at Louis with a malicious look and began to sow discord.

Confronting the Goddess of Earth, the God of War, the Goddess of Magic, and the Lord God of Orcs, hiding the Goddess of Night in his own pantheon, and chasing and intercepting the Spider Queen in the abyss, etc., this dragon god is simply arrogant. no.

This was something Louis had discussed with the Silver Moon Goddess before, and Suellen also agreed with Louis' idea, because as a medium-level divine power, Rose would be too costly to directly let her fall, and this time Louis and Suellen had to deal with her. The blockade of the Kingdom of God has also made this spider lose face among the gods. If she continues to target the Silver Moon Goddess for good or bad, then Louis and Su Lun will have more excuses to surround her again. This has already avenged Su Lun before. of hatred.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

All the gods hesitated for a moment. The Oath of Divine Fire is stricter than the Oath of Styx. It can even be said to be the most terrifying oath among the gods. Once this oath is made, it can never be terminated. This is why the gods almost never The oath method cannot be used, because no one knows the consequences of making this oath, and the Styx oath has a validity of three thousand years, so even if the gods make a very strict oath, they will not swear the oath of divine fire.

For Louis, it doesn't matter what kind of oath of divine fire or oath of Styx, as long as the gods have this idea.

"Then what proposals do you have, Your Highness Louis?"

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

For a moment, all the gods hesitated.

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

Under the gaze of all the gods, Louis pretended to be the arrogant smile of a giant dragon, and then slowly said: "... Your Highnesses, the reason why civilizations in different universes 30,000 years ago were able to understand the gods was because of the betrayal of the goddess of the night. The most important element!”

Although there is no problem with Louis' proposal in the eyes of the gods, this oath of divine fire cannot be made casually. If you are not careful, you may even become a slave!

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

Confronting the Goddess of Earth, the God of War, the Goddess of Magic, and the Lord God of Orcs, hiding the Goddess of Night in his own pantheon, and chasing and intercepting the Spider Queen in the abyss, etc., this dragon god is simply arrogant. no.

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

The goddess of dawn spoke at the right time.

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

For a moment, all the gods hesitated.

The goddess of dawn spoke at the right time.

Regarding Louis' speech, everyone listened with caution, because the gods knew that after killing the 'Prince of Lies', Louis obtained the other party's 'Fraud' and 'Conspiracy' priesthoods. A god with two priesthoods must Be careful in your approach to avoid being scammed without even knowing it.

At this time, the goddess of dawn persuaded with a gentle voice: "... Your Highness Louis, your proposal is correct, but I think the oath of divine fire is still inappropriate. Why don't all your highnesses take the oath of Styx, so that we will still be needed even three thousand years later?" Continue to keep your vows and you can renew them again.”

Louis thought for a long time, and then summoned an extremely ordinary stone slab with a casual move. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "... Your Highnesses, why don't you all inject a piece of your own divinity into it, and let us gods Together with their power, we forge an indelible artifact and erect this monument forever in the "Pantheon", representing the oaths of our gods. And if there is a new highness who can be conferred as a god in the future, it must be in the "Pantheon". ’ I swore the Oath of Styx in front of it!”

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

Even Shar was wondering why Louis would bring up these things, making her stand on the opposite side of the gods again, but Shar remained calm and did not say anything, just watching what her main god was going to do.

This is true for people, and so is the god!

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

A sharp and gloomy female voice sounded, and the Spider Queen suddenly spoke. The Dark Elf Queen looked at Louis with a malicious look and began to sow discord.

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

Even Shar was wondering why Louis would bring up these things, making her stand on the opposite side of the gods again, but Shar remained calm and did not say anything, just watching what her main god was going to do.

Pledge to divine fire

Under the gaze of all the gods, Louis pretended to be the arrogant smile of a giant dragon, and then slowly said: "... Your Highnesses, the reason why civilizations in different universes 30,000 years ago were able to understand the gods was because of the betrayal of the goddess of the night. The most important element!”

At this time, the goddess of dawn persuaded with a gentle voice: "... Your Highness Louis, your proposal is correct, but I think the oath of divine fire is still inappropriate. Why don't all your highnesses take the oath of Styx, so that we will still be needed even three thousand years later?" Continue to keep your vows and you can renew them again.”

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

"As His Highness Ogma said, I think all of you, Your Highnesses, should swear an oath to your own divine fire. If any god wants to betray the gods, then he will extinguish the divine fire and fall completely!"

For a moment, all the gods hesitated.

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

Louis thought for a long time, and then summoned an extremely ordinary stone slab with a casual move. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "... Your Highnesses, why don't you all inject a piece of your own divinity into it, and let us gods Together with their power, we forge an indelible artifact and erect this monument forever in the "Pantheon", representing the oaths of our gods. And if there is a new highness who can be conferred as a god in the future, it must be in the "Pantheon". ’ I swore the Oath of Styx in front of it!”

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

Even Shar was wondering why Louis would bring up these things, making her stand on the opposite side of the gods again, but Shar remained calm and did not say anything, just watching what her main god was going to do.

Hearing Louis' words, the Spider Queen was completely speechless. The other gods were also moved. They just felt that Louis would put aside his prejudices and reconcile with the Spider Queen. This showed that he was really sincere and did not want the gods to fall in love with each other. fight.

Not to mention that Louis also has a love-hate relationship with the oldest goddess of the Silver Moon and Dark Night. It can even be said that since the new era of the resurrection of the gods, all major events related to the gods have involved the dragon god.

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

For Louis, it doesn't matter what kind of oath of divine fire or oath of Styx, as long as the gods have this idea.

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

Regarding Louis' speech, everyone listened with caution, because the gods knew that after killing the 'Prince of Lies', Louis obtained the other party's 'Fraud' and 'Conspiracy' priesthoods. A god with two priesthoods must Be careful in your approach to avoid being scammed without even knowing it.

This is true for people, and so is the god!

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

All the gods hesitated for a moment. The Oath of Divine Fire is stricter than the Oath of Styx. It can even be said to be the most terrifying oath among the gods. Once this oath is made, it can never be terminated. This is why the gods almost never The oath method cannot be used, because no one knows the consequences of making this oath, and the Styx oath has a validity of three thousand years, so even if the gods make a very strict oath, they will not swear the oath of divine fire.

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

Pledge to divine fire

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

This was something Louis had discussed with the Silver Moon Goddess before, and Suellen also agreed with Louis' idea, because as a medium-level divine power, Rose would be too costly to directly let her fall, and this time Louis and Suellen had to deal with her. The blockade of the Kingdom of God has also made this spider lose face among the gods. If she continues to target the Silver Moon Goddess for good or bad, then Louis and Su Lun will have more excuses to surround her again. This has already avenged Su Lun before. of hatred.

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

For Louis, it doesn't matter what kind of oath of divine fire or oath of Styx, as long as the gods have this idea.

For Louis, it doesn't matter what kind of oath of divine fire or oath of Styx, as long as the gods have this idea.

Even Shar was wondering why Louis would bring up these things, making her stand on the opposite side of the gods again, but Shar remained calm and did not say anything, just watching what her main god was going to do.

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

"In that case, let us swear an oath together, Your Highnesses."

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

Hearing Louis' words, the gods were thoughtful. The God of Knowledge stroked his long white beard and said: "... His Highness Louis, do you want the gods to make an oath together?"

"In that case, let us swear an oath together, Your Highnesses."

Not to mention that Louis also has a love-hate relationship with the oldest goddess of the Silver Moon and Dark Night. It can even be said that since the new era of the resurrection of the gods, all major events related to the gods have involved the dragon god.

For Louis, it doesn't matter what kind of oath of divine fire or oath of Styx, as long as the gods have this idea.

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

A sharp and gloomy female voice sounded, and the Spider Queen suddenly spoke. The Dark Elf Queen looked at Louis with a malicious look and began to sow discord.

"As His Highness Ogma said, I think all of you, Your Highnesses, should swear an oath to your own divine fire. If any god wants to betray the gods, then he will extinguish the divine fire and fall completely!"

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

All the gods hesitated for a moment. The Oath of Divine Fire is stricter than the Oath of Styx. It can even be said to be the most terrifying oath among the gods. Once this oath is made, it can never be terminated. This is why the gods almost never The oath method cannot be used, because no one knows the consequences of making this oath, and the Styx oath has a validity of three thousand years, so even if the gods make a very strict oath, they will not swear the oath of divine fire.

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

This was something Louis had discussed with the Silver Moon Goddess before, and Suellen also agreed with Louis' idea, because as a medium-level divine power, Rose would be too costly to directly let her fall, and this time Louis and Suellen had to deal with her. The blockade of the Kingdom of God has also made this spider lose face among the gods. If she continues to target the Silver Moon Goddess for good or bad, then Louis and Su Lun will have more excuses to surround her again. This has already avenged Su Lun before. of hatred.

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

"As His Highness Ogma said, I think all of you, Your Highnesses, should swear an oath to your own divine fire. If any god wants to betray the gods, then he will extinguish the divine fire and fall completely!"

This is true for people, and so is the god!

"But Her Highness Shar discovered the conspiracy of the alien civilization at a critical moment. She did not tell the other party all the secrets of the gods, and even obtained the other party's secrets during this period."

Although there is no problem with Louis' proposal in the eyes of the gods, this oath of divine fire cannot be made casually. If you are not careful, you may even become a slave!

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

Pledge to divine fire

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

Not to mention that Louis also has a love-hate relationship with the oldest goddess of the Silver Moon and Dark Night. It can even be said that since the new era of the resurrection of the gods, all major events related to the gods have involved the dragon god.

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

The goddess of dawn spoke at the right time.

Louis' words suddenly took on a chilling tone, and the terrifying intention of killing filled the "Pantheon", making all the gods tremble.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

Hearing Louis' words, the Spider Queen was completely speechless. The other gods were also moved. They just felt that Louis would put aside his prejudices and reconcile with the Spider Queen. This showed that he was really sincere and did not want the gods to fall in love with each other. fight.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

Then everyone thought about it, didn't all the gods have this idea? This crisis involves the life and death of the gods, and no one wants to die.

Not to mention that Louis also has a love-hate relationship with the oldest goddess of the Silver Moon and Dark Night. It can even be said that since the new era of the resurrection of the gods, all major events related to the gods have involved the dragon god.

Then everyone thought about it, didn't all the gods have this idea? This crisis involves the life and death of the gods, and no one wants to die.

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

In an instant, all the gods were moved by Louis' proposal. This proposal that everyone jointly made a Styx oath and would not betray each other satisfied the interests of all the gods.

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

Louis suddenly changed the subject and began to praise Shar again. This made the gods confused and did not understand what this dragon, which could be described as sinister and cunning, was going to do.

In an instant, all the gods were moved by Louis' proposal. This proposal that everyone jointly made a Styx oath and would not betray each other satisfied the interests of all the gods.

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

"Ha, what His Highness Louis said is nice, but who knows what conspiracy you have here. You said you don't want a god to betray you, but now that the enemy is facing you, you are encircling and suppressing me, one of the gods, and you want to kill me. In my opinion, isn’t this your betrayal of God?”

Louis' words suddenly took on a chilling tone, and the terrifying intention of killing filled the "Pantheon", making all the gods tremble.

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

The gods immediately responded to the Dawn Goddess's proposal.

This was something Louis had discussed with the Silver Moon Goddess before, and Suellen also agreed with Louis' idea, because as a medium-level divine power, Rose would be too costly to directly let her fall, and this time Louis and Suellen had to deal with her. The blockade of the Kingdom of God has also made this spider lose face among the gods. If she continues to target the Silver Moon Goddess for good or bad, then Louis and Su Lun will have more excuses to surround her again. This has already avenged Su Lun before. of hatred.

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

"In that case, let us swear an oath together, Your Highnesses."

In an instant, all the gods were moved by Louis' proposal. This proposal that everyone jointly made a Styx oath and would not betray each other satisfied the interests of all the gods.

Louis thought for a long time, and then summoned an extremely ordinary stone slab with a casual move. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "... Your Highnesses, why don't you all inject a piece of your own divinity into it, and let us gods Together with their power, we forge an indelible artifact and erect this monument forever in the "Pantheon", representing the oaths of our gods. And if there is a new highness who can be conferred as a god in the future, it must be in the "Pantheon". ’ I swore the Oath of Styx in front of it!”

For a moment, all the gods hesitated.

Louis thought for a long time, and then summoned an extremely ordinary stone slab with a casual move. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "... Your Highnesses, why don't you all inject a piece of your own divinity into it, and let us gods Together with their power, we forge an indelible artifact and erect this monument forever in the "Pantheon", representing the oaths of our gods. And if there is a new highness who can be conferred as a god in the future, it must be in the "Pantheon". ’ I swore the Oath of Styx in front of it!”

Not to mention that Louis also has a love-hate relationship with the oldest goddess of the Silver Moon and Dark Night. It can even be said that since the new era of the resurrection of the gods, all major events related to the gods have involved the dragon god.

The goddess of dawn spoke at the right time.

Confronting the Goddess of Earth, the God of War, the Goddess of Magic, and the Lord God of Orcs, hiding the Goddess of Night in his own pantheon, and chasing and intercepting the Spider Queen in the abyss, etc., this dragon god is simply arrogant. no.

For a moment, all the gods hesitated.

Not to mention that Louis also has a love-hate relationship with the oldest goddess of the Silver Moon and Dark Night. It can even be said that since the new era of the resurrection of the gods, all major events related to the gods have involved the dragon god.

"Wait a moment, this is probably the first oath jointly sworn by the gods since the birth of the world of Saint Sauron. I think it is better to have a sense of ceremony for such a big event."

Louis's voice attracted the attention of many gods present.

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

Pledge to divine fire

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

Louis interrupted the Dawn Goddess at this time and said again.

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

Louis thought for a long time, and then summoned an extremely ordinary stone slab with a casual move. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "... Your Highnesses, why don't you all inject a piece of your own divinity into it, and let us gods Together with their power, we forge an indelible artifact and erect this monument forever in the "Pantheon", representing the oaths of our gods. And if there is a new highness who can be conferred as a god in the future, it must be in the "Pantheon". ’ I swore the Oath of Styx in front of it!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

Seeing this, Louis raised the corners of his mouth without revealing any trace, and he reluctantly said: "...Okay, since His Highness Lorenria said so, then I agree."

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

"I have the same idea. The Oath of Divine Fire is a bit bad. Let's use the Oath of Styx."

"Then what proposals do you have, Your Highness Louis?"

No one dares to ignore what Louis said. As one of the few powerful gods among the gods today, and as a god who has established the basic system of the gods, he is the Saint Suede regardless of whether other gods admit it or not. One of the most powerful and powerful gods in the world of Lunl.

Louis looked at the Silver Moon Goddess at this time. After seeing her nod, Louis said: "... If this is the request of Her Highness Rose and you need me to set an example, then I am willing to give up the fight against the Pit Demon." The siege of "Net" can also allow the army of the Kingdom of Dragons to leave the Dark Territory and form a peaceful friendship with Your Highness Rose. Your Highness Suellen is also willing to withdraw the elven troops in the Dark Territory."

As soon as he finished speaking, the gods' eyes turned to Shar, the goddess of the night. For a moment, many gods looked surprised. They didn't know why Louis suddenly mentioned this. Did he break up with Shar? But it shouldn't be. The Styx Oath between the two has only passed two hundred years. At least in the next two thousand eight hundred years, it is impossible for them to break up.

The Goddess of Dawn actually thinks that it is better to have a sense of ritual for such a major event. The other gods also think the same. They are high-altitude gods. How can such an important thing be ended with just an oath.

It can be said that everyone is at peace on the surface, but in fact it is the Spider God Queen who is defeated. If the Spider God Queen still wants to be strong and refuses to admit defeat, then she is bringing it upon herself, and the gods will not show any mercy to her.

Pledge to divine fire

"I think Her Highness Lorenria is right."

At this time, the goddess of dawn persuaded with a gentle voice: "... Your Highness Louis, your proposal is correct, but I think the oath of divine fire is still inappropriate. Why don't all your highnesses take the oath of Styx, so that we will still be needed even three thousand years later?" Continue to keep your vows and you can renew them again.”

"Then what proposals do you have, Your Highness Louis?"

At this time, the goddess of dawn persuaded with a gentle voice: "... Your Highness Louis, your proposal is correct, but I think the oath of divine fire is still inappropriate. Why don't all your highnesses take the oath of Styx, so that we will still be needed even three thousand years later?" Continue to keep your vows and you can renew them again.”

Louis thought for a long time, and then summoned an extremely ordinary stone slab with a casual move. He suppressed the excitement in his heart and said slowly: "... Your Highnesses, why don't you all inject a piece of your own divinity into it, and let us gods Together with their power, we forge an indelible artifact and erect this monument forever in the "Pantheon", representing the oaths of our gods. And if there is a new highness who can be conferred as a god in the future, it must be in the "Pantheon". ’ I swore the Oath of Styx in front of it!”

At this time, the goddess of dawn persuaded with a gentle voice: "... Your Highness Louis, your proposal is correct, but I think the oath of divine fire is still inappropriate. Why don't all your highnesses take the oath of Styx, so that we will still be needed even three thousand years later?" Continue to keep your vows and you can renew them again.”

Louis' words suddenly took on a chilling tone, and the terrifying intention of killing filled the "Pantheon", making all the gods tremble.

Lu Xun once said that people like to make compromises. For example, if this room is too dark and a window needs to be opened here, everyone will definitely not allow it. But if you advocate removing the roof, they will compromise and be willing to open the window.

For Louis, it doesn't matter what kind of oath of divine fire or oath of Styx, as long as the gods have this idea.