I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 755: We need a Majesty


Shangtiya once made such a proposal, but it was rejected by the gods, because at that time everyone only thought that the threat existed, but this time the real threat came, and Sangtiya's proposal became possible to be realized. .

He knew that when the gods infused their divinity into the 'Slate of Destiny', and when he issued the order of analysis, he would only have the last step left to reach the position of His Majesty, which is to achieve the realm of gods above gods.

Changtiya said calmly: "... As long as a majesty is born between us, we can use the power of the oldest gods from the beginning of the world to hold up a powerful protective umbrella for the gods!"

When the emotionless voice of Zhi Nao appeared in Louis' mind, and when a progress bar moved forward to one percent in a situation that only Louis could see, Louis' mood at this time was very calm. .

Louis smiled. To be honest, after he deceived the gods and signed the 'Slate of Destiny', his conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have been greatly improved, and he even reached the power that this priesthood can control in an instant. At the culmination of this, you must know that Louis deceived all the gods this time, which suddenly made him recognized by the force of fraud and conspiracy.

Just when the Dawn Goddess proposed to adjourn the meeting and close the "Pantheon", the Earth Goddess Chantiya suddenly spoke:

'Especially since the gods actually helped me refine the Slate of Destiny so that it can no longer be destroyed. '

Although the brain is now destroyed, its essence is the 'civilized meme', which still retains the ability to analyze divinity. This is the most powerful artifact used by Louis to control the gods.

Although the goddess of magic Miss Michela had a bad relationship with Louis for a period of time, the relationship between the goddess and Louis has eased a lot now. She said in that mysterious and ethereal female voice: "... What His Highness Louis said is absolutely true. , but we cannot just conclude that the other party has lost powerful weapons and power. This may be paralyzing our minds, so the gods still cannot relax and must always be alert to possible crises in the main material world. The civilization of the alien universe is likely to change. A softer way of intrusion, perhaps a conspiracy and fraud."

[Civilization meme is activated, fully analyzing the divinity of the gods in the world of Saint Sauron!]

Gods never care about the life and death of other living beings except their own believers.

It will take a certain amount of time for Zhi Nao to complete the analysis of the divinities of the gods, but now Louis has no shortage of time. Although this involves divinity, he cannot accelerate it with the power of the Time Priest, but according to Louis' calculations, starting from Zhi Nao It will take up to one year to complete the analysis.

Louis laughed a little when he thought of this. He initially planned to deceive all the gods, and then secretly refined the Stone of Destiny into a magical weapon, so that the Stone of Destiny could withstand divine attacks. Otherwise, if the stone was destroyed by the gods, , then Louis will lose the weapon to control the gods.

For a while, the gods couldn't discuss the reason. Even after 30,000 years, the gods still didn't know much about that alien civilization. They didn't know where it came from or how it got there. Without information, In a symmetrical situation, all they can do is fight defensively.

The intelligent brain once resided in Louis, and experienced Louis' process from a demigod to a powerful god, thereby recording the growth information of the god and obtaining the most precious information, allowing the intelligent brain to control the gods through the analysis of divinity. required faith.

But this attack was very different from that time. The alien civilization made a tentative attack and stopped the attack after finding that it didn't work.

After the oath ended, the gods were still discussing. Facing an unknown and powerful alien civilization that once put the gods to sleep, no matter how cautious you are, you can't be too cautious. Even the gods who usually oppose each other are still using themselves as their own at this time. His wisdom speaks true insights and seeks the best solution through brainstorming.

When the gods heard the words of the Magic Goddess, they nodded secretly and agreed with her words.

Louis' words made several gods who participated in the war 30,000 years ago fall into thinking. Indeed, Louis was right. The war methods of these alien universe civilizations seemed to be somewhat different from those 30,000 years ago. The alien universes at that time The attacks of civilization are almost endless and endless, and the oppression makes you breathless. In addition, they have successfully attacked the main material world. In the end, the gods were defeated step by step, and they could only propose a sacrifice plan.

This is not a good sign.

The gods who were about to retreat to the "Pantheon" restrained their actions and looked at the earth goddess involuntarily.

Louis narrowed his eyes and found that many gods were tempted!

The reason why Louis can control the beliefs of the gods relies on the external object of the Stone of Destiny.

"Ever since Her Highness Ben Shaba's clone was attacked, I have been alert to a possible new round of attacks in the main material world, but the other party has never appeared. Does this mean that the civilization of the alien universe has been attacked in 30,000 years? Chu also received a fatal blow, and they did not recover. Is this just a probing attack?"

"... After the alien civilization destroyed the main material world, it did not stop at all. It used the main material world as a springboard to destroy all adjacent planes. Even the demons of the Abyss and the demons of Bato Hell were destroyed. There is no escape.”

If Louis hadn't hidden an equally powerful Order Godhead, he would have been controlled by the Intelligent Brain at this time and turned into an unconscious Intelligent Brain carrier.

"There is another way that allows us to eliminate the threat of alien civilization once and for all, and protect the rights of the gods from being violated again!"

God above god is another absolute qualitative change for the gods. No matter which god it is, there is no doubt that a god above god can definitely sweep away the opponent when facing civilizations from different universes, because god above god has no flaws. , is absolutely perfect!

In the end, the gods established a plan to continue to be wary of the main material world and be cautious. As for other planes, they can leave it alone for the time being. The attack of the alien civilization cannot break through the kingdom of any god. That is because the energy level is not enough. Therefore, the place where the gods and kingdoms are located is very safe and requires almost no defense, while other planes will be destroyed if they are destroyed. As long as the main material world still exists and the believers of the gods do not suffer losses, then the gods will never fall.

Seeing this, Louis thought it would be better to let these gods feel at ease. After being silent for a long time, he spoke again: "... Your Highnesses, I have reviewed the war in the Era of Disaster in the memory of Your Highness Su Lun. , in the picture I saw, the civilized weapon that came from nowhere struck the entire world with almost no interval, thus destroying the main material world in a short period of time."

If it weren't for the low plasticity of these two priesthoods, Louis could try to use them to understand the power of the priesthood.

But this is almost impossible.

But now, the gods spontaneously helped Louis refine it, making the current tablet of destiny completely immune to the divine power of the gods. It is much stronger than Louis refining it alone. Now there are only two ways to destroy it. In addition to reaching the point of destruction by God with absolute power, that is Louis, the master, voluntarily giving up and letting it self-destruct.