I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 758: The throne of the Demon King


The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

"Then Patricia, return to the main material world, return to your city of Desnott, and prepare for your becoming a god. If you fail to become a god, I will look for the next suitable candidate. "

After receiving Louis' assurance, Patricia suppressed the floating heart in her heart that had not appeared in a thousand years and respectfully withdrew.

Louis did not continue to use divine power to induce the birth of the dragon egg. Patricia's birth of a dragon egg was already the result of birth. As a former earthling, Louis always felt that children born in this way were more like creations, and It wasn't natural, so he didn't like it.

Now, there are eight hell lords gathered together. They are hostile to each other, wary of each other, and completely distrustful of all other devils.

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

Louis did not continue to use divine power to induce the birth of the dragon egg. Patricia's birth of a dragon egg was already the result of birth. As a former earthling, Louis always felt that children born in this way were more like creations, and It wasn't natural, so he didn't like it.

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.

He was loyal to all the ancient gods, and then led the army to fight against the demons on the orders of the ancient gods to stop the world from being occupied by chaos, while the ancient gods continued their never-ending war.

"Yes, Your Highness Louis!"

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

Seeing this, Louis chuckled and said: "... When she is born, if you have already become a god, I will let her go to the underworld and be educated by you."

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

Tanarola looked at her god, she opened her mouth to say something, but before the angel could say anything, Louis said: "...Patricia has a mission, so I am like this. Do, as for you, just let nature take its course. This is also the requirement of the priesthood of life that I am in charge of. All lives should not be desecrated."

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

"Then Patricia, return to the main material world, return to your city of Desnott, and prepare for your becoming a god. If you fail to become a god, I will look for the next suitable candidate. "

Due to the clear hierarchy, an intuitive chain of loyalty has been formed in the devil's political system. Even the lowest lemure can find his loyal boss, and so on, up to the nine most terrifying hell lords.

After Patricia left, Louis sat on the throne, thinking about his next plan.

The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.

Although there are nine levels of hell, the first eight lords will all be loyal to the lord of the ninth level, Asmodeus, known as the Lord of Baator and the Emperor of Demons. The birth of this most powerful devil can Dating back to the chaotic period at the beginning of the world, the ancient gods who controlled the divine force were conquering and fighting each other, and it was also during that period that the Abyss was born.

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

“To do your will, my God.”

“To do your will, my God.”

He was loyal to all the ancient gods, and then led the army to fight against the demons on the orders of the ancient gods to stop the world from being occupied by chaos, while the ancient gods continued their never-ending war.

Tanarola would not refute Louis' order. She knelt on the ground and touched her forehead to the ground, saying respectfully.

The gods in the underworld protect these devils who are greedy for souls. Many devils will secretly go to the underworld to abduct the souls of the believers of the gods, turn these believers into devil petitioners and bring them back to hell. And the petitioner is the most valuable asset among the devil.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

"Then Patricia, return to the main material world, return to your city of Desnott, and prepare for your becoming a god. If you fail to become a god, I will look for the next suitable candidate. "

Devils are extremely cunning creatures, but they also obey order very much. They do everything according to the rules. They like to use deceptive means to defraud mortal souls, and use word games to make fuss in contracts. They are definitely not like plundering by force like demons. , so people who make deals with the devil are worse off than those who make deals with the devil. Most of them are deceived and even lose their souls.

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

Louis said slowly with the coldness unique to gods.

In the end, after countless years of killing, the world finally split from a state of chaos and became the world of Saint Solon today. The ancient gods lost the support of the priestly force and became gods of faith, and the oldest batch of The gods could not adapt to this state, and most of them perished.

The race of this order is filled with terrible political struggles. Because order is respected, conspiracy and rebellion are the norm here. Every devil will use 'legal' means to seek a higher position and kill his boss, thereby Get yourself one step closer.

Louis said slowly with the coldness unique to gods.

Devils are extremely cunning creatures, but they also obey order very much. They do everything according to the rules. They like to use deceptive means to defraud mortal souls, and use word games to make fuss in contracts. They are definitely not like plundering by force like demons. , so people who make deals with the devil are worse off than those who make deals with the devil. Most of them are deceived and even lose their souls.

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

Although there are nine levels of hell, the first eight lords will all be loyal to the lord of the ninth level, Asmodeus, known as the Lord of Baator and the Emperor of Demons. The birth of this most powerful devil can Dating back to the chaotic period at the beginning of the world, the ancient gods who controlled the divine force were conquering and fighting each other, and it was also during that period that the Abyss was born.

Although Patricia is now a demigod and Louis is a true god, the dragon born from the blood of the two cannot be a demigod. Anything that is related to a 'god' is not that simple. This new baby A dragon can only be a legendary dragon at birth, but as it grows, it can compete with demigods when it reaches adulthood.

The gods in the underworld protect these devils who are greedy for souls. Many devils will secretly go to the underworld to abduct the souls of the believers of the gods, turn these believers into devil petitioners and bring them back to hell. And the petitioner is the most valuable asset among the devil.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

Now, there are eight hell lords gathered together. They are hostile to each other, wary of each other, and completely distrustful of all other devils.

To the gods, only the same true gods can be treated as equals, and those poor people who failed to become gods have no chance of being remembered by the gods.

Of course, there are also cunning humans who can deceive the devil. In the process of deceiving each other, they deceive the devil into serving as their slaves. This is also common.

Seeing this, Louis chuckled and said: "... When she is born, if you have already become a god, I will let her go to the underworld and be educated by you."

"Yes, Your Highness Louis!"

Tanarola looked at her god, she opened her mouth to say something, but before the angel could say anything, Louis said: "...Patricia has a mission, so I am like this. Do, as for you, just let nature take its course. This is also the requirement of the priesthood of life that I am in charge of. All lives should not be desecrated."

Devils are extremely cunning creatures, but they also obey order very much. They do everything according to the rules. They like to use deceptive means to defraud mortal souls, and use word games to make fuss in contracts. They are definitely not like plundering by force like demons. , so people who make deals with the devil are worse off than those who make deals with the devil. Most of them are deceived and even lose their souls.

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

Louis said slowly with the coldness unique to gods.

Patricia lowered her head and said, before leaving, she subconsciously glanced at the dragon egg that was showing the vigorous aura of life and death.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

Tanarola would not refute Louis' order. She knelt on the ground and touched her forehead to the ground, saying respectfully.

It was also during this period that Asmodeus, a lawful and good angel, was contaminated by evil and turned into a devil. He absorbed the divine fire seedlings of many gods before their death, gained stronger power, and fell into hell. middle.

But if you want to become a true demigod dragon, it is not that simple to integrate divinity.

“To do your will, my God.”

Louis did not continue to use divine power to induce the birth of the dragon egg. Patricia's birth of a dragon egg was already the result of birth. As a former earthling, Louis always felt that children born in this way were more like creations, and It wasn't natural, so he didn't like it.

Seeing this, Louis chuckled and said: "... When she is born, if you have already become a god, I will let her go to the underworld and be educated by you."

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

Due to the clear hierarchy, an intuitive chain of loyalty has been formed in the devil's political system. Even the lowest lemure can find his loyal boss, and so on, up to the nine most terrifying hell lords.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

The demons in the abyss are inexhaustible, and even the oldest gods who control the divine force cannot eliminate this plane related to the Serpent of Chaos, because this world is originally a duality of order and chaos, and the will of the abyss To some extent, it represents half of the power of the Serpent of Chaos.

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

Seeing this, Louis chuckled and said: "... When she is born, if you have already become a god, I will let her go to the underworld and be educated by you."

Although Patricia is now a demigod and Louis is a true god, the dragon born from the blood of the two cannot be a demigod. Anything that is related to a 'god' is not that simple. This new baby A dragon can only be a legendary dragon at birth, but as it grows, it can compete with demigods when it reaches adulthood.

Louis did not continue to use divine power to induce the birth of the dragon egg. Patricia's birth of a dragon egg was already the result of birth. As a former earthling, Louis always felt that children born in this way were more like creations, and It wasn't natural, so he didn't like it.

In the end, after countless years of killing, the world finally split from a state of chaos and became the world of Saint Solon today. The ancient gods lost the support of the priestly force and became gods of faith, and the oldest batch of The gods could not adapt to this state, and most of them perished.

Devils are extremely lawful creatures. They strictly abide by order and have a clear hierarchy, which is in sharp contrast to the chaos among demons.

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.

But if you want to become a true demigod dragon, it is not that simple to integrate divinity.

Tanarola would not refute Louis' order. She knelt on the ground and touched her forehead to the ground, saying respectfully.

Due to the clear hierarchy, an intuitive chain of loyalty has been formed in the devil's political system. Even the lowest lemure can find his loyal boss, and so on, up to the nine most terrifying hell lords.

Although there are nine levels of hell, the first eight lords will all be loyal to the lord of the ninth level, Asmodeus, known as the Lord of Baator and the Emperor of Demons. The birth of this most powerful devil can Dating back to the chaotic period at the beginning of the world, the ancient gods who controlled the divine force were conquering and fighting each other, and it was also during that period that the Abyss was born.

The race of this order is filled with terrible political struggles. Because order is respected, conspiracy and rebellion are the norm here. Every devil will use 'legal' means to seek a higher position and kill his boss, thereby Get yourself one step closer.

The demons in the abyss are inexhaustible, and even the oldest gods who control the divine force cannot eliminate this plane related to the Serpent of Chaos, because this world is originally a duality of order and chaos, and the will of the abyss To some extent, it represents half of the power of the Serpent of Chaos.

Tanarola would not refute Louis' order. She knelt on the ground and touched her forehead to the ground, saying respectfully.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

Tanarola looked at her god, she opened her mouth to say something, but before the angel could say anything, Louis said: "...Patricia has a mission, so I am like this. Do, as for you, just let nature take its course. This is also the requirement of the priesthood of life that I am in charge of. All lives should not be desecrated."

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

In hell, perhaps because he has not forgotten his responsibilities, the devil king is still fighting the war with the devil until the end of the world, and it has been millions of years now.

After receiving Louis' assurance, Patricia suppressed the floating heart in her heart that had not appeared in a thousand years and respectfully withdrew.

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

Devils are extremely lawful creatures. They strictly abide by order and have a clear hierarchy, which is in sharp contrast to the chaos among demons.

In hell, perhaps because he has not forgotten his responsibilities, the devil king is still fighting the war with the devil until the end of the world, and it has been millions of years now.

To the gods, only the same true gods can be treated as equals, and those poor people who failed to become gods have no chance of being remembered by the gods.

After Patricia left, Louis sat on the throne, thinking about his next plan.

"Then Patricia, return to the main material world, return to your city of Desnott, and prepare for your becoming a god. If you fail to become a god, I will look for the next suitable candidate. "

Tanarola would not refute Louis' order. She knelt on the ground and touched her forehead to the ground, saying respectfully.

In the end, after countless years of killing, the world finally split from a state of chaos and became the world of Saint Solon today. The ancient gods lost the support of the priestly force and became gods of faith, and the oldest batch of The gods could not adapt to this state, and most of them perished.

It was also during this period that Asmodeus, a lawful and good angel, was contaminated by evil and turned into a devil. He absorbed the divine fire seedlings of many gods before their death, gained stronger power, and fell into hell. middle.

Devils are extremely cunning creatures, but they also obey order very much. They do everything according to the rules. They like to use deceptive means to defraud mortal souls, and use word games to make fuss in contracts. They are definitely not like plundering by force like demons. , so people who make deals with the devil are worse off than those who make deals with the devil. Most of them are deceived and even lose their souls.

Although there are nine levels of hell, the first eight lords will all be loyal to the lord of the ninth level, Asmodeus, known as the Lord of Baator and the Emperor of Demons. The birth of this most powerful devil can Dating back to the chaotic period at the beginning of the world, the ancient gods who controlled the divine force were conquering and fighting each other, and it was also during that period that the Abyss was born.

Of course, there are also cunning humans who can deceive the devil. In the process of deceiving each other, they deceive the devil into serving as their slaves. This is also common.

Seeing this, Louis chuckled and said: "... When she is born, if you have already become a god, I will let her go to the underworld and be educated by you."

After Patricia left, Louis sat on the throne, thinking about his next plan.

In the end, after countless years of killing, the world finally split from a state of chaos and became the world of Saint Solon today. The ancient gods lost the support of the priestly force and became gods of faith, and the oldest batch of The gods could not adapt to this state, and most of them perished.

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

But if you want to become a true demigod dragon, it is not that simple to integrate divinity.

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

“To do your will, my God.”

The race of this order is filled with terrible political struggles. Because order is respected, conspiracy and rebellion are the norm here. Every devil will use 'legal' means to seek a higher position and kill his boss, thereby Get yourself one step closer.

Devils are extremely lawful creatures. They strictly abide by order and have a clear hierarchy, which is in sharp contrast to the chaos among demons.

He was loyal to all the ancient gods, and then led the army to fight against the demons on the orders of the ancient gods to stop the world from being occupied by chaos, while the ancient gods continued their never-ending war.

Louis did not continue to use divine power to induce the birth of the dragon egg. Patricia's birth of a dragon egg was already the result of birth. As a former earthling, Louis always felt that children born in this way were more like creations, and It wasn't natural, so he didn't like it.

"Yes, Your Highness Louis!"

Louis said slowly with the coldness unique to gods.

Of course, there are also cunning humans who can deceive the devil. In the process of deceiving each other, they deceive the devil into serving as their slaves. This is also common.

The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.

Due to the clear hierarchy, an intuitive chain of loyalty has been formed in the devil's political system. Even the lowest lemure can find his loyal boss, and so on, up to the nine most terrifying hell lords.

Tanarola looked at her god, she opened her mouth to say something, but before the angel could say anything, Louis said: "...Patricia has a mission, so I am like this. Do, as for you, just let nature take its course. This is also the requirement of the priesthood of life that I am in charge of. All lives should not be desecrated."

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

Louis said slowly with the coldness unique to gods.

"Then Patricia, return to the main material world, return to your city of Desnott, and prepare for your becoming a god. If you fail to become a god, I will look for the next suitable candidate. "

The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.

The soul is the common currency of devils, and the promotion of every devil also requires souls as energy. The souls of many mortals who are deceived by devils or believe in devils will enter this hell after death and become the goods of devils, or A mortal soul with great luck may turn into a powerful devil here.

Tanarola would not refute Louis' order. She knelt on the ground and touched her forehead to the ground, saying respectfully.

But if you want to become a true demigod dragon, it is not that simple to integrate divinity.

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

The gods in the underworld protect these devils who are greedy for souls. Many devils will secretly go to the underworld to abduct the souls of the believers of the gods, turn these believers into devil petitioners and bring them back to hell. And the petitioner is the most valuable asset among the devil.

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.

The race of this order is filled with terrible political struggles. Because order is respected, conspiracy and rebellion are the norm here. Every devil will use 'legal' means to seek a higher position and kill his boss, thereby Get yourself one step closer.

Of course, there are also cunning humans who can deceive the devil. In the process of deceiving each other, they deceive the devil into serving as their slaves. This is also common.

The gods in the underworld protect these devils who are greedy for souls. Many devils will secretly go to the underworld to abduct the souls of the believers of the gods, turn these believers into devil petitioners and bring them back to hell. And the petitioner is the most valuable asset among the devil.

Devils are extremely cunning creatures, but they also obey order very much. They do everything according to the rules. They like to use deceptive means to defraud mortal souls, and use word games to make fuss in contracts. They are definitely not like plundering by force like demons. , so people who make deals with the devil are worse off than those who make deals with the devil. Most of them are deceived and even lose their souls.

“To do your will, my God.”

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

Of course, there are also cunning humans who can deceive the devil. In the process of deceiving each other, they deceive the devil into serving as their slaves. This is also common.

Although there are nine levels of hell, the first eight lords will all be loyal to the lord of the ninth level, Asmodeus, known as the Lord of Baator and the Emperor of Demons. The birth of this most powerful devil can Dating back to the chaotic period at the beginning of the world, the ancient gods who controlled the divine force were conquering and fighting each other, and it was also during that period that the Abyss was born.

Although Patricia is now a demigod and Louis is a true god, the dragon born from the blood of the two cannot be a demigod. Anything that is related to a 'god' is not that simple. This new baby A dragon can only be a legendary dragon at birth, but as it grows, it can compete with demigods when it reaches adulthood.

After receiving Louis' assurance, Patricia suppressed the floating heart in her heart that had not appeared in a thousand years and respectfully withdrew.

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

In hell, perhaps because he has not forgotten his responsibilities, the devil king is still fighting the war with the devil until the end of the world, and it has been millions of years now.

He was loyal to all the ancient gods, and then led the army to fight against the demons on the orders of the ancient gods to stop the world from being occupied by chaos, while the ancient gods continued their never-ending war.

“To do your will, my God.”

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

It was also during this period that Asmodeus, a lawful and good angel, was contaminated by evil and turned into a devil. He absorbed the divine fire seedlings of many gods before their death, gained stronger power, and fell into hell. middle.

Due to the clear hierarchy, an intuitive chain of loyalty has been formed in the devil's political system. Even the lowest lemure can find his loyal boss, and so on, up to the nine most terrifying hell lords.

Now, there are eight hell lords gathered together. They are hostile to each other, wary of each other, and completely distrustful of all other devils.

It was also during this period that Asmodeus, a lawful and good angel, was contaminated by evil and turned into a devil. He absorbed the divine fire seedlings of many gods before their death, gained stronger power, and fell into hell. middle.

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

Tanarola looked at her god, she opened her mouth to say something, but before the angel could say anything, Louis said: "...Patricia has a mission, so I am like this. Do, as for you, just let nature take its course. This is also the requirement of the priesthood of life that I am in charge of. All lives should not be desecrated."

Although Patricia is now a demigod and Louis is a true god, the dragon born from the blood of the two cannot be a demigod. Anything that is related to a 'god' is not that simple. This new baby A dragon can only be a legendary dragon at birth, but as it grows, it can compete with demigods when it reaches adulthood.

The race of this order is filled with terrible political struggles. Because order is respected, conspiracy and rebellion are the norm here. Every devil will use 'legal' means to seek a higher position and kill his boss, thereby Get yourself one step closer.

"Yes, Your Highness Louis!"

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

"Yes, Your Highness Louis!"

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

Although there are nine levels of hell, the first eight lords will all be loyal to the lord of the ninth level, Asmodeus, known as the Lord of Baator and the Emperor of Demons. The birth of this most powerful devil can Dating back to the chaotic period at the beginning of the world, the ancient gods who controlled the divine force were conquering and fighting each other, and it was also during that period that the Abyss was born.

Seeing this, Louis chuckled and said: "... When she is born, if you have already become a god, I will let her go to the underworld and be educated by you."

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

The demons in the abyss are inexhaustible, and even the oldest gods who control the divine force cannot eliminate this plane related to the Serpent of Chaos, because this world is originally a duality of order and chaos, and the will of the abyss To some extent, it represents half of the power of the Serpent of Chaos.

Devils are extremely lawful creatures. They strictly abide by order and have a clear hierarchy, which is in sharp contrast to the chaos among demons.

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

This angel is Asmodeus.

In hell, perhaps because he has not forgotten his responsibilities, the devil king is still fighting the war with the devil until the end of the world, and it has been millions of years now.

The gods in the underworld protect these devils who are greedy for souls. Many devils will secretly go to the underworld to abduct the souls of the believers of the gods, turn these believers into devil petitioners and bring them back to hell. And the petitioner is the most valuable asset among the devil.

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

He was loyal to all the ancient gods, and then led the army to fight against the demons on the orders of the ancient gods to stop the world from being occupied by chaos, while the ancient gods continued their never-ending war.

This angel is Asmodeus.

Now, there are eight hell lords gathered together. They are hostile to each other, wary of each other, and completely distrustful of all other devils.

The demons in the abyss are inexhaustible, and even the oldest gods who control the divine force cannot eliminate this plane related to the Serpent of Chaos, because this world is originally a duality of order and chaos, and the will of the abyss To some extent, it represents half of the power of the Serpent of Chaos.

After Patricia left, Louis sat on the throne, thinking about his next plan.

But if you want to become a true demigod dragon, it is not that simple to integrate divinity.

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

This angel is Asmodeus.

Devils are extremely lawful creatures. They strictly abide by order and have a clear hierarchy, which is in sharp contrast to the chaos among demons.

This angel is Asmodeus.

Devils are extremely cunning creatures, but they also obey order very much. They do everything according to the rules. They like to use deceptive means to defraud mortal souls, and use word games to make fuss in contracts. They are definitely not like plundering by force like demons. , so people who make deals with the devil are worse off than those who make deals with the devil. Most of them are deceived and even lose their souls.

"Yes, Your Highness Louis!"

Tanarola looked at her god, she opened her mouth to say something, but before the angel could say anything, Louis said: "...Patricia has a mission, so I am like this. Do, as for you, just let nature take its course. This is also the requirement of the priesthood of life that I am in charge of. All lives should not be desecrated."

He was loyal to all the ancient gods, and then led the army to fight against the demons on the orders of the ancient gods to stop the world from being occupied by chaos, while the ancient gods continued their never-ending war.

Devils are extremely cunning creatures, but they also obey order very much. They do everything according to the rules. They like to use deceptive means to defraud mortal souls, and use word games to make fuss in contracts. They are definitely not like plundering by force like demons. , so people who make deals with the devil are worse off than those who make deals with the devil. Most of them are deceived and even lose their souls.

"Then Patricia, return to the main material world, return to your city of Desnott, and prepare for your becoming a god. If you fail to become a god, I will look for the next suitable candidate. "

It was also during this period that Asmodeus, a lawful and good angel, was contaminated by evil and turned into a devil. He absorbed the divine fire seedlings of many gods before their death, gained stronger power, and fell into hell. middle.

Although there are nine levels of hell, the first eight lords will all be loyal to the lord of the ninth level, Asmodeus, known as the Lord of Baator and the Emperor of Demons. The birth of this most powerful devil can Dating back to the chaotic period at the beginning of the world, the ancient gods who controlled the divine force were conquering and fighting each other, and it was also during that period that the Abyss was born.

In hell, perhaps because he has not forgotten his responsibilities, the devil king is still fighting the war with the devil until the end of the world, and it has been millions of years now.

Due to the clear hierarchy, an intuitive chain of loyalty has been formed in the devil's political system. Even the lowest lemure can find his loyal boss, and so on, up to the nine most terrifying hell lords.

“To do your will, my God.”

Due to the clear hierarchy, an intuitive chain of loyalty has been formed in the devil's political system. Even the lowest lemure can find his loyal boss, and so on, up to the nine most terrifying hell lords.

In the end, after countless years of killing, the world finally split from a state of chaos and became the world of Saint Solon today. The ancient gods lost the support of the priestly force and became gods of faith, and the oldest batch of The gods could not adapt to this state, and most of them perished.

Of course, there are also cunning humans who can deceive the devil. In the process of deceiving each other, they deceive the devil into serving as their slaves. This is also common.

In the end, after countless years of killing, the world finally split from a state of chaos and became the world of Saint Solon today. The ancient gods lost the support of the priestly force and became gods of faith, and the oldest batch of The gods could not adapt to this state, and most of them perished.

The soul is the common currency of devils, and the promotion of every devil also requires souls as energy. The souls of many mortals who are deceived by devils or believe in devils will enter this hell after death and become the goods of devils, or A mortal soul with great luck may turn into a powerful devil here.

It was also during this period that Asmodeus, a lawful and good angel, was contaminated by evil and turned into a devil. He absorbed the divine fire seedlings of many gods before their death, gained stronger power, and fell into hell. middle.

Now, there are eight hell lords gathered together. They are hostile to each other, wary of each other, and completely distrustful of all other devils.

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

If it weren't for Patricia to quickly become a god and take over matters in the underworld, Louis would not do this. Now that the dragon egg has been born, let it be born naturally.

In hell, perhaps because he has not forgotten his responsibilities, the devil king is still fighting the war with the devil until the end of the world, and it has been millions of years now.

After receiving Louis' assurance, Patricia suppressed the floating heart in her heart that had not appeared in a thousand years and respectfully withdrew.

Devils are extremely lawful creatures. They strictly abide by order and have a clear hierarchy, which is in sharp contrast to the chaos among demons.

But if you want to become a true demigod dragon, it is not that simple to integrate divinity.

Not all dragons are like Rosalind, because Rosalind has the blood of a demon. In addition to blood, her source of power also comes from profound gifts. Therefore, as long as Rosalind is blessed by the will of the abyss, she can have the power of a demigod. She can even have virtual godhead in her own territory. Of course, this power can only be used in the abyss. If she leaves the abyss, she will temporarily lose this part of the will of the abyss.

Now, there are eight hell lords gathered together. They are hostile to each other, wary of each other, and completely distrustful of all other devils.

Patricia lowered her head and said, before leaving, she subconsciously glanced at the dragon egg that was showing the vigorous aura of life and death.

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

Because in the era of the Disaster Era, the uncrowned king of the devil also fell. Today's hell is a time when the king is vacant. Each of the eight current lords of hell has a chance to aspire for the supreme throne!

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

The demons in the abyss are inexhaustible, and even the oldest gods who control the divine force cannot eliminate this plane related to the Serpent of Chaos, because this world is originally a duality of order and chaos, and the will of the abyss To some extent, it represents half of the power of the Serpent of Chaos.

Baator Hell, also known as the Nine Hells, is a plane connected to the abyss. It is the home and hometown of the devil.

These demons like greedy people the most. They are keen to use gold, precious metals and jewelry to deceive humans into selling their souls. There is an extremely ironic saying among demons, that is, they always marvel at humans selling themselves at extremely low prices. soul.

After Patricia left, Louis sat on the throne, thinking about his next plan.

Under this situation, the ancient gods had to fight each other and face the demons who brought chaos to the world. They finally created a powerful servant of God, who was the first in the world. Angel.

The dragon egg inlaid with gorgeous runes is placed in the center of the "Dragon Sleeping Temple". The vigorous beating of the heart echoes inside the dragon egg, telling the story of the birth of a new life.