I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 759: The great devils of Baator Hell


"Devil lords, thirty thousand years have passed, and there is still no news about my father. This means that Nasus has lost its master, and Baator Hell has lost its king. Although thirty thousand years have passed, It has not completely restored Hell to the way it was before the 'Era of Disaster', but it is still strong enough."

In the void at the junction of the ninth hell Nessus and the eighth hell Kania, there stands a huge long table. Eight hell lords and legendary devils gather here. Each of them is vigilant. Looking at the devils around them, their eyes showed greedy desire as they looked towards the ninth level of hell.

This is a humanoid creature wearing precious jewelry, silk, and gorgeous clothes. She has a beautiful appearance, with a sharp horn that symbolizes the devil on her forehead. Her fiery red skin seems to be flowing with lava, shining with... The stunning and voluptuous beauty is like a bloody rose in hell that is about to erupt.

The eight hell lords are divided into five men and three women according to gender. Each of them has almost the same power as a weak god in their own territory. Coupled with the advantage of the devil of order in the war, this is how hell can be conquered. With the number of nine lords, they competed with the endless army of demons and abyss lords in the entire bottomless abyss.

But unfortunately, this insidious and cunning devil eventually fell in the Era of Disaster. Instead, Zariel, the fallen angel, was lucky enough to survive and regained his throne after escaping from the prison.

This angel was once a well-known figure in the upper plane like the current 'Sword of the Dragon God' Tanarora. She always led the army to fight against demons. She was originally an extremely kind angel, but she was keen on war. , in the end, just like the Lord of Hell, she was corrupted by evil in the war, fell into hell, and became a lust demon, and then she won the throne of the Lord of Hell with her powerful power.

"Bator Hell does need a king, but this king is definitely not you, Gracia! Even though you are the daughter of the Lord of Hell, we devils are different from humans and have no right to inherit. You have no right to inherit." Power over Nessus!"

This Queen of Desire has a very arrogant and rebellious temperament. It took even the former Lord of Hell hundreds of years to tame this unruly daughter and make her serve him.

At this time, a sharp voice came. It was Maman, the lord of hell on the third level. This was an extremely ugly and burly snake-like devil. He had a twisted face, and the snake body was a disgusting brown color. That big black mouth was filled with penetrating sharp teeth and fangs.

Before the Era of Disaster, Zariel was usurped by her own men and kicked her off the throne of the Lord of Hell. At the same time, the devil named Bayer imprisoned her old boss in the deepest part of the first level of hell. He tortured her everywhere and cut off a piece of her flesh every day to use as his own food.

Seeing the fallen angel speak, the third lord Maman laughed and said: "...You are the biggest shame among the devils, Zariel! If it hadn't been for the 'Era of Disaster', you would still be locked up in a bronze prison. Here, enduring endless punishment, how can it be possible to regain the throne of the lord again!"

And now that the terrifying Lord of Hell is no longer around, it is naturally impossible for him to let go of this best opportunity to rule Baator Hell.

Another hell lord roared loudly, that was Mephistophilis, the eighth level hell lord. This is a devil that most perfectly fits the image of a devil in people's minds. He has a body as tall as a giant and is huge. The tough red wings, twisted sharp horns, and dark red skin burning with black flames are simply the most evil incarnation of the devil in the dream.

Asmodeus, the lord of hell, gave Gracia the seed of divine fire, a relic from the fall of the true god, and she became a lust demon from birth and became the queen among the lust demons.

It's just that the one who is mocking her now is the Lord of Hell who is not even sure of Zariel's victory, which makes her unable to do anything but rage.

The serpentine devil laughed, making Zariel look extremely ugly.

"Yes, Gracia, even among all the great devils, you are not the strongest one. I know your ambition, but in the face of absolute power, your ambition is a joke!"

Among the hell lords, an extremely rebellious, arrogant, and beautiful voice with unyielding will expressed his opinions in devil's language in front of the long table.

The devils were fighting overtly and covertly for power, and at this time, an incarnation of Louis quietly sneaked into Baator Hell and sneaked into the meeting place of the big devils.

The top position of this long table is vacant. That position originally belonged to the King of Baator, but in the past 30,000 years, this hell has long lost its king.

Nessus, the ninth level of hell, is the core of the entire Baator Hell. This level of hell is a vast void. In this crimson void burning like a flame, there is a zigzag-shaped continent floating in it. In the center of the continent, there are ravines that are as winding as snakes. Among them stands a cold castle, which is the sacred place of Asmodeus, the Lord of Hell - the Castle of Nessus.

This is an ambitious devil. Even when the Lord of Hell was still alive, it dared to blatantly tell the uncrowned king that it wanted to usurp his position, but Asmodeus thought he was a good one. The clown, in the end, instead of punishing him for his ambition, allowed him to continue to serve as the lord of the eighth floor.

The third hell lord Maman and the eighth hell lord Mephistophilis are allies, so he took the initiative to help.

Desire demons are extremely rare even among devils and have very harsh birth conditions. There are only two ways to become a lust demon. One is for heavenly creatures from the upper planes to fall into hell, which is equivalent to the transformation of angels. Only by becoming a fallen angel can he become a lust demon; and the other method is for the devil to absorb a trace of the divine fire when the true god fell, and then he can become a lust demon.

It's just that the ninth level of Baator Hell, Nessus, is now empty, not even a devil, and the owner here has disappeared for 30,000 years.

Seeing Maman speaking for his allies, Zariel, the ally of the Demon Queen and the lord of the first level of hell, also refuted with a sonorous and powerful voice full of rust and war: "... when will the devils also We need to rely on force to fight for power like those disgusting demons. This is simply a shame for the devil!"

She is none other than the lord of the sixth level of Hell, the Queen of Desire Gracia, the daughter of Asmodeus, the former Lord of Baator Hell.

The big devil named Bayer is insidious and cunning, and can even be said to be the best at war among the devils. Under the leadership of Bayer, the devils have always had the upper hand in bloody battles, defeating the devils step by step.

But this experience is Zariel's greatest shame. Any creature who dares to speak out about this will be brutally killed by her.

"... Therefore we need a king who can rule Baator!"

Zariel's voice is like a sharp sword. Like Gracia, she is a female desire demon. However, unlike Gracia, Zariel did not absorb the desire demon transformed from the divine fire seedling. , but an angel who fell from heaven.