I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 762: The Lord of Deception and Conspiracy


"Devils, I have no intention of using any conspiracy against you, nor do I seek Baator Hell. All I need is killing, real killing, assassination, murder, torture, strangulation, murder, slaughter, vendetta, and fighting. … This is the only thing I need, the most realistic killing!”

However, a bloody battle is very dangerous. It is a fight in which even the origin of gods may be absorbed. When a bloody battle unfolds, the divine forces of destruction, war, and killing will boil to the limit. Under the fusion of these forces, even the gods in the capital May be torn.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

He used the Succubus Queen to give birth to a demon, thereby defrauding the will of the abyss, and then used his divine power to help his daughter establish a political power in the abyss. Now the new demon lord has completely occupied the first three floors of the abyss, and these three This layer has been the scene of bloody battles in the ancient past.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

Louis spread his huge wings and raised his huge dragon body, oppressing the minds of many big devils, making these big devils unnaturally show expressions of fear.

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

The big devils suddenly realized at this time and felt that they understood the thoughts of the dragon god. He let his daughter occupy the bloody battle and encouraged the devils to participate in the bloody battle. He wanted to actively control a bloody battle. Fortunately, the bloody battle Get the final recognition of killing!

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

Louis' words completely burned the ambitions of all the devils, leaving them with no choice.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

"Devils, fighting for the supreme kingship is a manifestation of your planning, dominance, war power, and bravery. Only bloody battles are the battlefield that can best display your kingly appearance. Use your plots and tricks. , use your army of demons who have forbidden orders, use your brave fighting power, and use your ability to lead an army to kill the demons!"

"Devils, I have no intention of using any conspiracy against you, nor do I seek Baator Hell. All I need is killing, real killing, assassination, murder, torture, strangulation, murder, slaughter, vendetta, and fighting. … This is the only thing I need, the most realistic killing!”

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

However, a bloody battle is very dangerous. It is a fight in which even the origin of gods may be absorbed. When a bloody battle unfolds, the divine forces of destruction, war, and killing will boil to the limit. Under the fusion of these forces, even the gods in the capital May be torn.

The eight great devils thought that the current God of Dragons and Slaughter wanted to imitate the ancient God of Slaughter and participate in a bloody battle. However, this Dragon God was much smarter and more insidious. He actually tried to control both sides of the bloody battle. To gain stronger power, now that I think about it, the big devils also admire this god's whimsical ideas. They admire him as the master of fraud and conspiracy that makes all devils afraid.

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

The eight great devils thought that the current God of Dragons and Slaughter wanted to imitate the ancient God of Slaughter and participate in a bloody battle. However, this Dragon God was much smarter and more insidious. He actually tried to control both sides of the bloody battle. To gain stronger power, now that I think about it, the big devils also admire this god's whimsical ideas. They admire him as the master of fraud and conspiracy that makes all devils afraid.

Sensing the change in the devils' mentality, Louis continued: "... It has been countless thousands of years since the bloody battle took place. Except after the Era of Disaster, the devils and demons suffered heavy losses. This has not happened in the last 30,000 years. bloody battle!"

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

Sensing the change in the devils' mentality, Louis continued: "... It has been countless thousands of years since the bloody battle took place. Except after the Era of Disaster, the devils and demons suffered heavy losses. This has not happened in the last 30,000 years. bloody battle!"

"Devils, I have no intention of using any conspiracy against you, nor do I seek Baator Hell. All I need is killing, real killing, assassination, murder, torture, strangulation, murder, slaughter, vendetta, and fighting. … This is the only thing I need, the most realistic killing!”

Although human historians attribute the bloody battle to several reasons, such as pure hatred, conflict with philosophical concepts, the concept of striking first, primitive desire for control, etc., these analyzes seem to be logical, but as a god, Louis His intuition told him that this bloody battle was definitely not that simple, and there must be a huge secret hidden in it.

Because he deceived the gods, Louis' conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have even come into contact with their own Force. When Louis unfolds his conspiracy and fraud, the Force will flow involuntarily. These Forces will pollute the minds of living beings and seduce living beings. Even the gods will be affected by their spiritual consciousness. At this time, the big devils were affected by the force of the priesthood of Louis. They were confused, half-believing, and had impulses.

Because that is equivalent to the leakage of the power of an unconscious god, even if it is just a shock of power, it is enough to make the powerful god give in.

Because that is equivalent to the leakage of the power of an unconscious god, even if it is just a shock of power, it is enough to make the powerful god give in.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

"Devils, fighting for the supreme kingship is a manifestation of your planning, dominance, war power, and bravery. Only bloody battles are the battlefield that can best display your kingly appearance. Use your plots and tricks. , use your army of demons who have forbidden orders, use your brave fighting power, and use your ability to lead an army to kill the demons!"

These big devils who have been immersed in conspiracies since birth don't believe a word of Louis' claim that there is no conspiracy. However, the big devils completely believe Louis' purpose of seeking killing.

That may be a secret that even the ancient gods have not discovered!

Because Louis' words aroused the suspicion of these devils, they began to suspect that Asmodeus might have gained such power because of the bloody battle. If this was the case, then one of the eight lords would definitely start a war. A bloody battle was attempted, and other lords had to keep up in this situation.

Because that is equivalent to the leakage of the power of an unconscious god, even if it is just a shock of power, it is enough to make the powerful god give in.

These big devils who have been immersed in conspiracies since birth don't believe a word of Louis' claim that there is no conspiracy. However, the big devils completely believe Louis' purpose of seeking killing.

The participation of that god made all living beings know the cruelty of the bloody battle, because he actually fell in the bloody battle. Under the impact of the demon lord, the hell lord, and the endless demons and demon armies, a god actually ran out of energy. The divine power has completely disappeared.

The things that the Dragon God did in the abyss cannot be hidden from those who are interested, especially when Louis is so arrogant. Both the gods and the devils who are mortal enemies of the devils know a thing or two about it, and as the eight rulers of hell today , these eight hell realms are even more convinced of Louis's series of killings in the abyss.

"Devils, I have no intention of using any conspiracy against you, nor do I seek Baator Hell. All I need is killing, real killing, assassination, murder, torture, strangulation, murder, slaughter, vendetta, and fighting. … This is the only thing I need, the most realistic killing!”

Because Louis' words aroused the suspicion of these devils, they began to suspect that Asmodeus might have gained such power because of the bloody battle. If this was the case, then one of the eight lords would definitely start a war. A bloody battle was attempted, and other lords had to keep up in this situation.

The things that the Dragon God did in the abyss cannot be hidden from those who are interested, especially when Louis is so arrogant. Both the gods and the devils who are mortal enemies of the devils know a thing or two about it, and as the eight rulers of hell today , these eight hell realms are even more convinced of Louis's series of killings in the abyss.

And when these things were figured out in their minds, the big devils became excited.

The bloody battle between the abyss and hell can be said to be the largest killing battlefield in the world of Saint Sauron. In the very long time ago, when the ancient god of killing was still alive, that god of killing wanted to be completely recognized by the killing force. He became more powerful, and he once personally participated in a bloody battle.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

The big devils suddenly realized at this time and felt that they understood the thoughts of the dragon god. He let his daughter occupy the bloody battle and encouraged the devils to participate in the bloody battle. He wanted to actively control a bloody battle. Fortunately, the bloody battle Get the final recognition of killing!

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

"Devils, fighting for the supreme kingship is a manifestation of your planning, dominance, war power, and bravery. Only bloody battles are the battlefield that can best display your kingly appearance. Use your plots and tricks. , use your army of demons who have forbidden orders, use your brave fighting power, and use your ability to lead an army to kill the demons!"

He used the Succubus Queen to give birth to a demon, thereby defrauding the will of the abyss, and then used his divine power to help his daughter establish a political power in the abyss. Now the new demon lord has completely occupied the first three floors of the abyss, and these three This layer has been the scene of bloody battles in the ancient past.

The bloody battle between the abyss and hell can be said to be the largest killing battlefield in the world of Saint Sauron. In the very long time ago, when the ancient god of killing was still alive, that god of killing wanted to be completely recognized by the killing force. He became more powerful, and he once personally participated in a bloody battle.

That may be a secret that even the ancient gods have not discovered!

And when these things were figured out in their minds, the big devils became excited.

The big devils suddenly realized at this time and felt that they understood the thoughts of the dragon god. He let his daughter occupy the bloody battle and encouraged the devils to participate in the bloody battle. He wanted to actively control a bloody battle. Fortunately, the bloody battle Get the final recognition of killing!

The things that the Dragon God did in the abyss cannot be hidden from those who are interested, especially when Louis is so arrogant. Both the gods and the devils who are mortal enemies of the devils know a thing or two about it, and as the eight rulers of hell today , these eight hell realms are even more convinced of Louis's series of killings in the abyss.

Sensing the change in the devils' mentality, Louis continued: "... It has been countless thousands of years since the bloody battle took place. Except after the Era of Disaster, the devils and demons suffered heavy losses. This has not happened in the last 30,000 years. bloody battle!"

The participation of that god made all living beings know the cruelty of the bloody battle, because he actually fell in the bloody battle. Under the impact of the demon lord, the hell lord, and the endless demons and demon armies, a god actually ran out of energy. The divine power has completely disappeared.

The eight great devils thought that the current God of Dragons and Slaughter wanted to imitate the ancient God of Slaughter and participate in a bloody battle. However, this Dragon God was much smarter and more insidious. He actually tried to control both sides of the bloody battle. To gain stronger power, now that I think about it, the big devils also admire this god's whimsical ideas. They admire him as the master of fraud and conspiracy that makes all devils afraid.

Sensing the change in the devils' mentality, Louis continued: "... It has been countless thousands of years since the bloody battle took place. Except after the Era of Disaster, the devils and demons suffered heavy losses. This has not happened in the last 30,000 years. bloody battle!"

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

The bloody battle between the abyss and hell can be said to be the largest killing battlefield in the world of Saint Sauron. In the very long time ago, when the ancient god of killing was still alive, that god of killing wanted to be completely recognized by the killing force. He became more powerful, and he once personally participated in a bloody battle.

The participation of that god made all living beings know the cruelty of the bloody battle, because he actually fell in the bloody battle. Under the impact of the demon lord, the hell lord, and the endless demons and demon armies, a god actually ran out of energy. The divine power has completely disappeared.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

Louis' words completely burned the ambitions of all the devils, leaving them with no choice.

The participation of that god made all living beings know the cruelty of the bloody battle, because he actually fell in the bloody battle. Under the impact of the demon lord, the hell lord, and the endless demons and demon armies, a god actually ran out of energy. The divine power has completely disappeared.

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

Because he deceived the gods, Louis' conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have even come into contact with their own Force. When Louis unfolds his conspiracy and fraud, the Force will flow involuntarily. These Forces will pollute the minds of living beings and seduce living beings. Even the gods will be affected by their spiritual consciousness. At this time, the big devils were affected by the force of the priesthood of Louis. They were confused, half-believing, and had impulses.

Because he deceived the gods, Louis' conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have even come into contact with their own Force. When Louis unfolds his conspiracy and fraud, the Force will flow involuntarily. These Forces will pollute the minds of living beings and seduce living beings. Even the gods will be affected by their spiritual consciousness. At this time, the big devils were affected by the force of the priesthood of Louis. They were confused, half-believing, and had impulses.

"...The first bloody battle was started by Asmodeus, the former lord of hell, and he became the king of Baator. What secrets were hidden in the bloody battle? Why do demons and demons continue to engage in bloody battles? Is it possible that Don’t you want to know? Maybe Asmodeus became the Lord of Hell just because he benefited from the bloody battle!”

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

Because he deceived the gods, Louis' conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have even come into contact with their own Force. When Louis unfolds his conspiracy and fraud, the Force will flow involuntarily. These Forces will pollute the minds of living beings and seduce living beings. Even the gods will be affected by their spiritual consciousness. At this time, the big devils were affected by the force of the priesthood of Louis. They were confused, half-believing, and had impulses.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

Louis spread his huge wings and raised his huge dragon body, oppressing the minds of many big devils, making these big devils unnaturally show expressions of fear.

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

Because he deceived the gods, Louis' conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have even come into contact with their own Force. When Louis unfolds his conspiracy and fraud, the Force will flow involuntarily. These Forces will pollute the minds of living beings and seduce living beings. Even the gods will be affected by their spiritual consciousness. At this time, the big devils were affected by the force of the priesthood of Louis. They were confused, half-believing, and had impulses.

The things that the Dragon God did in the abyss cannot be hidden from those who are interested, especially when Louis is so arrogant. Both the gods and the devils who are mortal enemies of the devils know a thing or two about it, and as the eight rulers of hell today , these eight hell realms are even more convinced of Louis's series of killings in the abyss.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

Otherwise, if the lord who boldly tried benefited from this, the balance between hells would be completely broken.

"Devils, I have no intention of using any conspiracy against you, nor do I seek Baator Hell. All I need is killing, real killing, assassination, murder, torture, strangulation, murder, slaughter, vendetta, and fighting. … This is the only thing I need, the most realistic killing!”

Otherwise, if the lord who boldly tried benefited from this, the balance between hells would be completely broken.

Because Louis' words aroused the suspicion of these devils, they began to suspect that Asmodeus might have gained such power because of the bloody battle. If this was the case, then one of the eight lords would definitely start a war. A bloody battle was attempted, and other lords had to keep up in this situation.

Otherwise, if the lord who boldly tried benefited from this, the balance between hells would be completely broken.

The eight great devils thought that the current God of Dragons and Slaughter wanted to imitate the ancient God of Slaughter and participate in a bloody battle. However, this Dragon God was much smarter and more insidious. He actually tried to control both sides of the bloody battle. To gain stronger power, now that I think about it, the big devils also admire this god's whimsical ideas. They admire him as the master of fraud and conspiracy that makes all devils afraid.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

Louis spread his huge wings and raised his huge dragon body, oppressing the minds of many big devils, making these big devils unnaturally show expressions of fear.

Because he deceived the gods, Louis' conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have even come into contact with their own Force. When Louis unfolds his conspiracy and fraud, the Force will flow involuntarily. These Forces will pollute the minds of living beings and seduce living beings. Even the gods will be affected by their spiritual consciousness. At this time, the big devils were affected by the force of the priesthood of Louis. They were confused, half-believing, and had impulses.

Although human historians attribute the bloody battle to several reasons, such as pure hatred, conflict with philosophical concepts, the concept of striking first, primitive desire for control, etc., these analyzes seem to be logical, but as a god, Louis His intuition told him that this bloody battle was definitely not that simple, and there must be a huge secret hidden in it.

And when these things were figured out in their minds, the big devils became excited.

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

Because he deceived the gods, Louis' conspiracy and deceitful priesthood have even come into contact with their own Force. When Louis unfolds his conspiracy and fraud, the Force will flow involuntarily. These Forces will pollute the minds of living beings and seduce living beings. Even the gods will be affected by their spiritual consciousness. At this time, the big devils were affected by the force of the priesthood of Louis. They were confused, half-believing, and had impulses.

Louis spread his huge wings and raised his huge dragon body, oppressing the minds of many big devils, making these big devils unnaturally show expressions of fear.

"...The first bloody battle was started by Asmodeus, the former lord of hell, and he became the king of Baator. What secrets were hidden in the bloody battle? Why do demons and demons continue to engage in bloody battles? Is it possible that Don’t you want to know? Maybe Asmodeus became the Lord of Hell just because he benefited from the bloody battle!”

Sensing the change in the devils' mentality, Louis continued: "... It has been countless thousands of years since the bloody battle took place. Except after the Era of Disaster, the devils and demons suffered heavy losses. This has not happened in the last 30,000 years. bloody battle!"

"...The first bloody battle was started by Asmodeus, the former lord of hell, and he became the king of Baator. What secrets were hidden in the bloody battle? Why do demons and demons continue to engage in bloody battles? Is it possible that Don’t you want to know? Maybe Asmodeus became the Lord of Hell just because he benefited from the bloody battle!”

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

"...The first bloody battle was started by Asmodeus, the former lord of hell, and he became the king of Baator. What secrets were hidden in the bloody battle? Why do demons and demons continue to engage in bloody battles? Is it possible that Don’t you want to know? Maybe Asmodeus became the Lord of Hell just because he benefited from the bloody battle!”

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

Otherwise, if the lord who boldly tried benefited from this, the balance between hells would be completely broken.

The eight great devils thought that the current God of Dragons and Slaughter wanted to imitate the ancient God of Slaughter and participate in a bloody battle. However, this Dragon God was much smarter and more insidious. He actually tried to control both sides of the bloody battle. To gain stronger power, now that I think about it, the big devils also admire this god's whimsical ideas. They admire him as the master of fraud and conspiracy that makes all devils afraid.

"Devils, fighting for the supreme kingship is a manifestation of your planning, dominance, war power, and bravery. Only bloody battles are the battlefield that can best display your kingly appearance. Use your plots and tricks. , use your army of demons who have forbidden orders, use your brave fighting power, and use your ability to lead an army to kill the demons!"

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

Louis spread his huge wings and raised his huge dragon body, oppressing the minds of many big devils, making these big devils unnaturally show expressions of fear.

Louis' words completely burned the ambitions of all the devils, leaving them with no choice.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

That may be a secret that even the ancient gods have not discovered!

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

The participation of that god made all living beings know the cruelty of the bloody battle, because he actually fell in the bloody battle. Under the impact of the demon lord, the hell lord, and the endless demons and demon armies, a god actually ran out of energy. The divine power has completely disappeared.

The big devils suddenly realized at this time and felt that they understood the thoughts of the dragon god. He let his daughter occupy the bloody battle and encouraged the devils to participate in the bloody battle. He wanted to actively control a bloody battle. Fortunately, the bloody battle Get the final recognition of killing!

Because Louis' words aroused the suspicion of these devils, they began to suspect that Asmodeus might have gained such power because of the bloody battle. If this was the case, then one of the eight lords would definitely start a war. A bloody battle was attempted, and other lords had to keep up in this situation.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

These big devils who have been immersed in conspiracies since birth don't believe a word of Louis' claim that there is no conspiracy. However, the big devils completely believe Louis' purpose of seeking killing.

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

The big devils suddenly realized at this time and felt that they understood the thoughts of the dragon god. He let his daughter occupy the bloody battle and encouraged the devils to participate in the bloody battle. He wanted to actively control a bloody battle. Fortunately, the bloody battle Get the final recognition of killing!

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

He used the Succubus Queen to give birth to a demon, thereby defrauding the will of the abyss, and then used his divine power to help his daughter establish a political power in the abyss. Now the new demon lord has completely occupied the first three floors of the abyss, and these three This layer has been the scene of bloody battles in the ancient past.

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

Louis' words completely burned the ambitions of all the devils, leaving them with no choice.

Otherwise, if the lord who boldly tried benefited from this, the balance between hells would be completely broken.

"...The first bloody battle was started by Asmodeus, the former lord of hell, and he became the king of Baator. What secrets were hidden in the bloody battle? Why do demons and demons continue to engage in bloody battles? Is it possible that Don’t you want to know? Maybe Asmodeus became the Lord of Hell just because he benefited from the bloody battle!”

The eight great devils thought that the current God of Dragons and Slaughter wanted to imitate the ancient God of Slaughter and participate in a bloody battle. However, this Dragon God was much smarter and more insidious. He actually tried to control both sides of the bloody battle. To gain stronger power, now that I think about it, the big devils also admire this god's whimsical ideas. They admire him as the master of fraud and conspiracy that makes all devils afraid.

The big devils suddenly realized at this time and felt that they understood the thoughts of the dragon god. He let his daughter occupy the bloody battle and encouraged the devils to participate in the bloody battle. He wanted to actively control a bloody battle. Fortunately, the bloody battle Get the final recognition of killing!

The things that the Dragon God did in the abyss cannot be hidden from those who are interested, especially when Louis is so arrogant. Both the gods and the devils who are mortal enemies of the devils know a thing or two about it, and as the eight rulers of hell today , these eight hell realms are even more convinced of Louis's series of killings in the abyss.

When Louis saw the expressions of these devils, he knew that he was safe. The devils' ambitions and suspicion of other devils would make these big devils integrate into the bloody battle according to his plan.

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

"Devils, I have no intention of using any conspiracy against you, nor do I seek Baator Hell. All I need is killing, real killing, assassination, murder, torture, strangulation, murder, slaughter, vendetta, and fighting. … This is the only thing I need, the most realistic killing!”

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

The participation of that god made all living beings know the cruelty of the bloody battle, because he actually fell in the bloody battle. Under the impact of the demon lord, the hell lord, and the endless demons and demon armies, a god actually ran out of energy. The divine power has completely disappeared.

The bloody battle between the abyss and hell can be said to be the largest killing battlefield in the world of Saint Sauron. In the very long time ago, when the ancient god of killing was still alive, that god of killing wanted to be completely recognized by the killing force. He became more powerful, and he once personally participated in a bloody battle.

Because Louis' words aroused the suspicion of these devils, they began to suspect that Asmodeus might have gained such power because of the bloody battle. If this was the case, then one of the eight lords would definitely start a war. A bloody battle was attempted, and other lords had to keep up in this situation.

These big devils who have been immersed in conspiracies since birth don't believe a word of Louis' claim that there is no conspiracy. However, the big devils completely believe Louis' purpose of seeking killing.

The participation of that god made all living beings know the cruelty of the bloody battle, because he actually fell in the bloody battle. Under the impact of the demon lord, the hell lord, and the endless demons and demon armies, a god actually ran out of energy. The divine power has completely disappeared.

At the same time, Louis himself actually began to doubt the purpose of the bloody battle. You have to say that Asmodeus was an angel of God before he fell into the devil, so he had to fight with the devils even after he fell. Enemy, this excuse seems reasonable, but it always feels a little unsatisfactory.

Louis' words completely burned the ambitions of all the devils, leaving them with no choice.

Because Louis' words aroused the suspicion of these devils, they began to suspect that Asmodeus might have gained such power because of the bloody battle. If this was the case, then one of the eight lords would definitely start a war. A bloody battle was attempted, and other lords had to keep up in this situation.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

Although human historians attribute the bloody battle to several reasons, such as pure hatred, conflict with philosophical concepts, the concept of striking first, primitive desire for control, etc., these analyzes seem to be logical, but as a god, Louis His intuition told him that this bloody battle was definitely not that simple, and there must be a huge secret hidden in it.

However, a bloody battle is very dangerous. It is a fight in which even the origin of gods may be absorbed. When a bloody battle unfolds, the divine forces of destruction, war, and killing will boil to the limit. Under the fusion of these forces, even the gods in the capital May be torn.

However, a bloody battle is very dangerous. It is a fight in which even the origin of gods may be absorbed. When a bloody battle unfolds, the divine forces of destruction, war, and killing will boil to the limit. Under the fusion of these forces, even the gods in the capital May be torn.

The ancient god of killing was not even pulled into the star realm. He lost all opportunities for resurrection and died completely. The Prince of Lies back then was extremely lucky. In this world that was polluted by the evil that was shared by chaos and order. When the god was unconscious, he deceived his trust and gained his priesthood.

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

However, a bloody battle is very dangerous. It is a fight in which even the origin of gods may be absorbed. When a bloody battle unfolds, the divine forces of destruction, war, and killing will boil to the limit. Under the fusion of these forces, even the gods in the capital May be torn.

"... Let other devils see your abilities, make them sincerely convinced, and make them loyal. Then, you will step on the corpses of countless devils, climb to the highest throne under the eyes of devils' reverence, and step into the ninth level of hell. Nessus, the Castle of Nessus is waiting for you there, and the throne of the King of Hell is right there!”

That may be a secret that even the ancient gods have not discovered!

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

Louis spread his huge wings and raised his huge dragon body, oppressing the minds of many big devils, making these big devils unnaturally show expressions of fear.

These big devils who have been immersed in conspiracies since birth don't believe a word of Louis' claim that there is no conspiracy. However, the big devils completely believe Louis' purpose of seeking killing.

However, a bloody battle is very dangerous. It is a fight in which even the origin of gods may be absorbed. When a bloody battle unfolds, the divine forces of destruction, war, and killing will boil to the limit. Under the fusion of these forces, even the gods in the capital May be torn.

Otherwise, if the lord who boldly tried benefited from this, the balance between hells would be completely broken.

And when these things were figured out in their minds, the big devils became excited.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

"Devils, fighting for the supreme kingship is a manifestation of your planning, dominance, war power, and bravery. Only bloody battles are the battlefield that can best display your kingly appearance. Use your plots and tricks. , use your army of demons who have forbidden orders, use your brave fighting power, and use your ability to lead an army to kill the demons!"

This is the history of the Prince of Lies.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

Louis' dragon cry was soaring at the junction of the void of the nine hells, with a high-spirited tone and undying will, encouraging these devils to start a bloody battle, igniting their impulses with burning passion.

"Devils, I have no intention of using any conspiracy against you, nor do I seek Baator Hell. All I need is killing, real killing, assassination, murder, torture, strangulation, murder, slaughter, vendetta, and fighting. … This is the only thing I need, the most realistic killing!”

Because that is equivalent to the leakage of the power of an unconscious god, even if it is just a shock of power, it is enough to make the powerful god give in.

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

Louis' words completely burned the ambitions of all the devils, leaving them with no choice.

But the secret of the bloody battle also attracted Louis to participate in it, hoping to find what might be hidden in it.

"...The first bloody battle was started by Asmodeus, the former lord of hell, and he became the king of Baator. What secrets were hidden in the bloody battle? Why do demons and demons continue to engage in bloody battles? Is it possible that Don’t you want to know? Maybe Asmodeus became the Lord of Hell just because he benefited from the bloody battle!”

Because that is equivalent to the leakage of the power of an unconscious god, even if it is just a shock of power, it is enough to make the powerful god give in.

Because that is equivalent to the leakage of the power of an unconscious god, even if it is just a shock of power, it is enough to make the powerful god give in.

Louis' words completely burned the ambitions of all the devils, leaving them with no choice.

"...The first bloody battle was started by Asmodeus, the former lord of hell, and he became the king of Baator. What secrets were hidden in the bloody battle? Why do demons and demons continue to engage in bloody battles? Is it possible that Don’t you want to know? Maybe Asmodeus became the Lord of Hell just because he benefited from the bloody battle!”