I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 764: A salute to the great emperor


In the "Between Orders" at the core of "Dragon Sleeping Temple", this vast space has almost turned into a science fiction planet.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

But even so, Louis has used all the divine power he got from the earth plane. Now Louis can say that he really doesn't have a drop of it.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

Built in the mountains, there are endless urban buildings and many towering mage towers. The huge magic crystals on the mage towers are connected with magic power, creating a layer that is enough to cover the entire city. Even the demigods cannot break it. Powerful enchantment.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

Various races are wandering on the street, including warriors, rogues, priests, mages, warlocks, bards, knights, druids, barbarian warriors, etc., and Louis There is no difference in the magical world of imagination.

"For such a huge devil army, in order for those divine power seeds to be sufficiently contagious, they must increase the gift of divine power. Probably these divine powers can only be transmitted to the fourth generation and then they will no longer be able to spread."

These devils were all caught by Louis in Hell, involving all major devil types. After using the Tyran civilization to extract the genetic factors, he used them as a basic template and made certain transformations to create them. out.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

However, after more than two hundred years of development, the empire has already experienced huge growth in military and economic strength. It is now the undisputed most powerful country on the mainland, even compared with the original Millennium Empire Subilon. Not to mention too much.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

Because these small weapons have the ability to self-destruct, other beings will always find something wrong with them.

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

With money and population, the expansion of the country was put on the agenda. After fifty years of construction, this miraculous city that spanned several mountain peaks and was almost built on the mountains was built.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

The City of Dragons is a mountain city, built at the southern end of the towering Saint-Sauron Mountains. It is an important transportation intersection between the east and west continents. The entire city is built on the mountain. Many stone bridges connect different urban areas. Their bridge piers They are all built on top of towering cliffs, with cliffs hundreds of meters deep on both sides.

But this time Louis wanted to end it once and for all, to use bloody battles to completely defeat the chaos represented by the abyss, and to gain the full recognition of order, he needed to expend divine power.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

"This is the city you built, Lord God. It is truly extremely beautiful."

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

Only in this way can the killings of the devils bring the recognition of order to Louis. Otherwise, the bloody battle will only bring about the fluctuation of the force of war, killing and destruction.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

The progress of trying to use the demons' civil unrest to suppress the chaos is too slow. However, the chess piece that Louis nailed into the abyss, Rosalind, was a part of launching the bloody battle. Now with the cooperation of the demons, then the three of them The first bloody battle between hell and abyss in thousands of years will surely bring about the most profound and desperate killing.

Built in the mountains, there are endless urban buildings and many towering mage towers. The huge magic crystals on the mage towers are connected with magic power, creating a layer that is enough to cover the entire city. Even the demigods cannot break it. Powerful enchantment.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

The devils and demons have forgotten the cruelty of the bloody war, and it is time for these evil races to recall the tragic war.

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

In the south of the main material continent, the Dragon City is the capital of the Kingdom of Dragons.

The progress of trying to use the demons' civil unrest to suppress the chaos is too slow. However, the chess piece that Louis nailed into the abyss, Rosalind, was a part of launching the bloody battle. Now with the cooperation of the demons, then the three of them The first bloody battle between hell and abyss in thousands of years will surely bring about the most profound and desperate killing.

"Hopefully things will go well."

Built in the mountains, there are endless urban buildings and many towering mage towers. The huge magic crystals on the mage towers are connected with magic power, creating a layer that is enough to cover the entire city. Even the demigods cannot break it. Powerful enchantment.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

However, simply creating demons and killing demons will not allow Louis to be recognized by the order. Therefore, he must implant his own divine power seeds in these demons to turn this demon army into an existence like his own 'incarnation'. These divine power seeds have the ability to contagion. When they are thrown into the bloody battle army, these divine powers will spontaneously be contagious, allowing other devils to also possess Louis' characteristics, allowing them to represent themselves.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

"But as long as this bloody battle is successful, I will be able to completely seize order, and there will not be much need for divine power."

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

Only in this way can the killings of the devils bring the recognition of order to Louis. Otherwise, the bloody battle will only bring about the fluctuation of the force of war, killing and destruction.

However, simply creating demons and killing demons will not allow Louis to be recognized by the order. Therefore, he must implant his own divine power seeds in these demons to turn this demon army into an existence like his own 'incarnation'. These divine power seeds have the ability to contagion. When they are thrown into the bloody battle army, these divine powers will spontaneously be contagious, allowing other devils to also possess Louis' characteristics, allowing them to represent themselves.

However, after more than two hundred years of development, the empire has already experienced huge growth in military and economic strength. It is now the undisputed most powerful country on the mainland, even compared with the original Millennium Empire Subilon. Not to mention too much.

Louis breathed out, his eyes flickered, and the huge upside-down dragon pupils showed expectation.

The devils and demons have forgotten the cruelty of the bloody war, and it is time for these evil races to recall the tragic war.

However, because of the existence of the Magic Network, mages can relatively easily mobilize the magic power of the Magic Network, and magic technology has made great progress, especially since the Arcane Empire before the Disaster Era has many relics and technologies handed down. After the network is built again, these technologies can be used again.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

"For such a huge devil army, in order for those divine power seeds to be sufficiently contagious, they must increase the gift of divine power. Probably these divine powers can only be transmitted to the fourth generation and then they will no longer be able to spread."

In the south of the main material continent, the Dragon City is the capital of the Kingdom of Dragons.

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

Various races are wandering on the street, including warriors, rogues, priests, mages, warlocks, bards, knights, druids, barbarian warriors, etc., and Louis There is no difference in the magical world of imagination.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

"Hopefully things will go well."

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

The City of Dragons is a mountain city, built at the southern end of the towering Saint-Sauron Mountains. It is an important transportation intersection between the east and west continents. The entire city is built on the mountain. Many stone bridges connect different urban areas. Their bridge piers They are all built on top of towering cliffs, with cliffs hundreds of meters deep on both sides.

But this time Louis wanted to end it once and for all, to use bloody battles to completely defeat the chaos represented by the abyss, and to gain the full recognition of order, he needed to expend divine power.

But even so, Louis has used all the divine power he got from the earth plane. Now Louis can say that he really doesn't have a drop of it.

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

In the past, the reason why Louis did not expand the city when he was a lord was because the mountains here are undulating and the terrain is complex. Building cities in many places requires a lot of manpower and material resources. When Louis took over the city, the residents of the entire city were still very poor. He even needs to get food from the earth plane to satisfy the people's lives.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

Although Louis still retains the divine power of faith of the believers in the world of St. Solon, they are like the basic savings left by a person. They must not be spent indiscriminately, but must be used at critical moments. Now Louis can In one fell swoop, he went from rich to pauper.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

"Hopefully things will go well."

"But as long as this bloody battle is successful, I will be able to completely seize order, and there will not be much need for divine power."

If the world of Saint-Saurol when Louis traveled through time was still biased towards the physical style of the Middle Ages, then the entire world of Saint-Sauron now is completely magical.

However, simply creating demons and killing demons will not allow Louis to be recognized by the order. Therefore, he must implant his own divine power seeds in these demons to turn this demon army into an existence like his own 'incarnation'. These divine power seeds have the ability to contagion. When they are thrown into the bloody battle army, these divine powers will spontaneously be contagious, allowing other devils to also possess Louis' characteristics, allowing them to represent themselves.

Louis breathed out, his eyes flickered, and the huge upside-down dragon pupils showed expectation.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

"Hopefully things will go well."

In the "Between Orders" at the core of "Dragon Sleeping Temple", this vast space has almost turned into a science fiction planet.

He whispered and waited quietly.

"Hopefully things will go well."

Although Louis still retains the divine power of faith of the believers in the world of St. Solon, they are like the basic savings left by a person. They must not be spent indiscriminately, but must be used at critical moments. Now Louis can In one fell swoop, he went from rich to pauper.

He whispered and waited quietly.

Only in this way can the killings of the devils bring the recognition of order to Louis. Otherwise, the bloody battle will only bring about the fluctuation of the force of war, killing and destruction.

With money and population, the expansion of the country was put on the agenda. After fifty years of construction, this miraculous city that spanned several mountain peaks and was almost built on the mountains was built.

"For such a huge devil army, in order for those divine power seeds to be sufficiently contagious, they must increase the gift of divine power. Probably these divine powers can only be transmitted to the fourth generation and then they will no longer be able to spread."

Today is not a festival in the Kingdom of Dragons, but a triumphal ceremony. After two years of conquest, the expeditionary force led by His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Dragons, Alexia, will return from the 'Dark Territory'.

However, because of the existence of the Magic Network, mages can relatively easily mobilize the magic power of the Magic Network, and magic technology has made great progress, especially since the Arcane Empire before the Disaster Era has many relics and technologies handed down. After the network is built again, these technologies can be used again.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

However, simply creating demons and killing demons will not allow Louis to be recognized by the order. Therefore, he must implant his own divine power seeds in these demons to turn this demon army into an existence like his own 'incarnation'. These divine power seeds have the ability to contagion. When they are thrown into the bloody battle army, these divine powers will spontaneously be contagious, allowing other devils to also possess Louis' characteristics, allowing them to represent themselves.

Because these small weapons have the ability to self-destruct, other beings will always find something wrong with them.

The devils and demons have forgotten the cruelty of the bloody war, and it is time for these evil races to recall the tragic war.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

"But as long as this bloody battle is successful, I will be able to completely seize order, and there will not be much need for divine power."

Various races are wandering on the street, including warriors, rogues, priests, mages, warlocks, bards, knights, druids, barbarian warriors, etc., and Louis There is no difference in the magical world of imagination.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

In the south of the main material continent, the Dragon City is the capital of the Kingdom of Dragons.

Various races are wandering on the street, including warriors, rogues, priests, mages, warlocks, bards, knights, druids, barbarian warriors, etc., and Louis There is no difference in the magical world of imagination.

"For such a huge devil army, in order for those divine power seeds to be sufficiently contagious, they must increase the gift of divine power. Probably these divine powers can only be transmitted to the fourth generation and then they will no longer be able to spread."

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

The City of Dragons is a mountain city, built at the southern end of the towering Saint-Sauron Mountains. It is an important transportation intersection between the east and west continents. The entire city is built on the mountain. Many stone bridges connect different urban areas. Their bridge piers They are all built on top of towering cliffs, with cliffs hundreds of meters deep on both sides.

These devils were all caught by Louis in Hell, involving all major devil types. After using the Tyran civilization to extract the genetic factors, he used them as a basic template and made certain transformations to create them. out.

The progress of trying to use the demons' civil unrest to suppress the chaos is too slow. However, the chess piece that Louis nailed into the abyss, Rosalind, was a part of launching the bloody battle. Now with the cooperation of the demons, then the three of them The first bloody battle between hell and abyss in thousands of years will surely bring about the most profound and desperate killing.

Thousands of knights wearing armor maintained order and intercepted the crowd. From time to time, soldiers could be seen running around delivering messages. On the city wall, the commander of the knights looked nervous and asked questions for a while. How was the arrangement? After a while, he asked the mage next to him where His Majesty's troops were.

"Hopefully things will go well."

But even so, Louis has used all the divine power he got from the earth plane. Now Louis can say that he really doesn't have a drop of it.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

"Such a majestic city has never been seen before, even on the Earth plane."

Louis breathed out, his eyes flickered, and the huge upside-down dragon pupils showed expectation.

"This is the city you built, Lord God. It is truly extremely beautiful."

Today is not a festival in the Kingdom of Dragons, but a triumphal ceremony. After two years of conquest, the expeditionary force led by His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Dragons, Alexia, will return from the 'Dark Territory'.

"This is the city you built, Lord God. It is truly extremely beautiful."

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

However, simply creating demons and killing demons will not allow Louis to be recognized by the order. Therefore, he must implant his own divine power seeds in these demons to turn this demon army into an existence like his own 'incarnation'. These divine power seeds have the ability to contagion. When they are thrown into the bloody battle army, these divine powers will spontaneously be contagious, allowing other devils to also possess Louis' characteristics, allowing them to represent themselves.

"But as long as this bloody battle is successful, I will be able to completely seize order, and there will not be much need for divine power."

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

Thousands of knights wearing armor maintained order and intercepted the crowd. From time to time, soldiers could be seen running around delivering messages. On the city wall, the commander of the knights looked nervous and asked questions for a while. How was the arrangement? After a while, he asked the mage next to him where His Majesty's troops were.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

With money and population, the expansion of the country was put on the agenda. After fifty years of construction, this miraculous city that spanned several mountain peaks and was almost built on the mountains was built.

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

He whispered and waited quietly.

Although Louis still retains the divine power of faith of the believers in the world of St. Solon, they are like the basic savings left by a person. They must not be spent indiscriminately, but must be used at critical moments. Now Louis can In one fell swoop, he went from rich to pauper.

"Such a majestic city has never been seen before, even on the Earth plane."

However, after more than two hundred years of development, the empire has already experienced huge growth in military and economic strength. It is now the undisputed most powerful country on the mainland, even compared with the original Millennium Empire Subilon. Not to mention too much.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

Because these small weapons have the ability to self-destruct, other beings will always find something wrong with them.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

Louis breathed out, his eyes flickered, and the huge upside-down dragon pupils showed expectation.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

The progress of trying to use the demons' civil unrest to suppress the chaos is too slow. However, the chess piece that Louis nailed into the abyss, Rosalind, was a part of launching the bloody battle. Now with the cooperation of the demons, then the three of them The first bloody battle between hell and abyss in thousands of years will surely bring about the most profound and desperate killing.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

With money and population, the expansion of the country was put on the agenda. After fifty years of construction, this miraculous city that spanned several mountain peaks and was almost built on the mountains was built.

The City of Dragons is a mountain city, built at the southern end of the towering Saint-Sauron Mountains. It is an important transportation intersection between the east and west continents. The entire city is built on the mountain. Many stone bridges connect different urban areas. Their bridge piers They are all built on top of towering cliffs, with cliffs hundreds of meters deep on both sides.

In the past, the reason why Louis did not expand the city when he was a lord was because the mountains here are undulating and the terrain is complex. Building cities in many places requires a lot of manpower and material resources. When Louis took over the city, the residents of the entire city were still very poor. He even needs to get food from the earth plane to satisfy the people's lives.

Only in this way can the killings of the devils bring the recognition of order to Louis. Otherwise, the bloody battle will only bring about the fluctuation of the force of war, killing and destruction.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

The devils and demons have forgotten the cruelty of the bloody war, and it is time for these evil races to recall the tragic war.

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

If the world of Saint-Saurol when Louis traveled through time was still biased towards the physical style of the Middle Ages, then the entire world of Saint-Sauron now is completely magical.

"For such a huge devil army, in order for those divine power seeds to be sufficiently contagious, they must increase the gift of divine power. Probably these divine powers can only be transmitted to the fourth generation and then they will no longer be able to spread."

"But as long as this bloody battle is successful, I will be able to completely seize order, and there will not be much need for divine power."

In the past, the reason why Louis did not expand the city when he was a lord was because the mountains here are undulating and the terrain is complex. Building cities in many places requires a lot of manpower and material resources. When Louis took over the city, the residents of the entire city were still very poor. He even needs to get food from the earth plane to satisfy the people's lives.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

Today is not a festival in the Kingdom of Dragons, but a triumphal ceremony. After two years of conquest, the expeditionary force led by His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Dragons, Alexia, will return from the 'Dark Territory'.

The progress of trying to use the demons' civil unrest to suppress the chaos is too slow. However, the chess piece that Louis nailed into the abyss, Rosalind, was a part of launching the bloody battle. Now with the cooperation of the demons, then the three of them The first bloody battle between hell and abyss in thousands of years will surely bring about the most profound and desperate killing.

Various races are wandering on the street, including warriors, rogues, priests, mages, warlocks, bards, knights, druids, barbarian warriors, etc., and Louis There is no difference in the magical world of imagination.

If the world of Saint-Saurol when Louis traveled through time was still biased towards the physical style of the Middle Ages, then the entire world of Saint-Sauron now is completely magical.

However, simply creating demons and killing demons will not allow Louis to be recognized by the order. Therefore, he must implant his own divine power seeds in these demons to turn this demon army into an existence like his own 'incarnation'. These divine power seeds have the ability to contagion. When they are thrown into the bloody battle army, these divine powers will spontaneously be contagious, allowing other devils to also possess Louis' characteristics, allowing them to represent themselves.

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

However, after more than two hundred years of development, the empire has already experienced huge growth in military and economic strength. It is now the undisputed most powerful country on the mainland, even compared with the original Millennium Empire Subilon. Not to mention too much.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

Louis breathed out, his eyes flickered, and the huge upside-down dragon pupils showed expectation.

With money and population, the expansion of the country was put on the agenda. After fifty years of construction, this miraculous city that spanned several mountain peaks and was almost built on the mountains was built.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

However, because of the existence of the Magic Network, mages can relatively easily mobilize the magic power of the Magic Network, and magic technology has made great progress, especially since the Arcane Empire before the Disaster Era has many relics and technologies handed down. After the network is built again, these technologies can be used again.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

He whispered and waited quietly.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

"Such a majestic city has never been seen before, even on the Earth plane."

But this time Louis wanted to end it once and for all, to use bloody battles to completely defeat the chaos represented by the abyss, and to gain the full recognition of order, he needed to expend divine power.

"This is the city you built, Lord God. It is truly extremely beautiful."

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

Today is not a festival in the Kingdom of Dragons, but a triumphal ceremony. After two years of conquest, the expeditionary force led by His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Dragons, Alexia, will return from the 'Dark Territory'.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

Built in the mountains, there are endless urban buildings and many towering mage towers. The huge magic crystals on the mage towers are connected with magic power, creating a layer that is enough to cover the entire city. Even the demigods cannot break it. Powerful enchantment.

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

Only in this way can the killings of the devils bring the recognition of order to Louis. Otherwise, the bloody battle will only bring about the fluctuation of the force of war, killing and destruction.

However, simply creating demons and killing demons will not allow Louis to be recognized by the order. Therefore, he must implant his own divine power seeds in these demons to turn this demon army into an existence like his own 'incarnation'. These divine power seeds have the ability to contagion. When they are thrown into the bloody battle army, these divine powers will spontaneously be contagious, allowing other devils to also possess Louis' characteristics, allowing them to represent themselves.

He whispered and waited quietly.

"This is the city you built, Lord God. It is truly extremely beautiful."

Due to the resurgence of the goddess of magic, the magic network was once again established, and the threshold for noble mages was finally lowered, so that the number of mages as a group increased sharply—although the overall number of mages was still at the bottom among the major professions.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

The City of Dragons is a mountain city, built at the southern end of the towering Saint-Sauron Mountains. It is an important transportation intersection between the east and west continents. The entire city is built on the mountain. Many stone bridges connect different urban areas. Their bridge piers They are all built on top of towering cliffs, with cliffs hundreds of meters deep on both sides.

However, because of the existence of the Magic Network, mages can relatively easily mobilize the magic power of the Magic Network, and magic technology has made great progress, especially since the Arcane Empire before the Disaster Era has many relics and technologies handed down. After the network is built again, these technologies can be used again.

Louis took over the entire three-story balcony of a famous bar in the capital. He stood on the edge of the balcony and inspected this majestic city that he had first built and was completely perfected by Alexia.

In the "Between Orders" at the core of "Dragon Sleeping Temple", this vast space has almost turned into a science fiction planet.

If the world of Saint-Saurol when Louis traveled through time was still biased towards the physical style of the Middle Ages, then the entire world of Saint-Sauron now is completely magical.

If the world of Saint-Saurol when Louis traveled through time was still biased towards the physical style of the Middle Ages, then the entire world of Saint-Sauron now is completely magical.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

Built in the mountains, there are endless urban buildings and many towering mage towers. The huge magic crystals on the mage towers are connected with magic power, creating a layer that is enough to cover the entire city. Even the demigods cannot break it. Powerful enchantment.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

Today is not a festival in the Kingdom of Dragons, but a triumphal ceremony. After two years of conquest, the expeditionary force led by His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Dragons, Alexia, will return from the 'Dark Territory'.

Various races are wandering on the street, including warriors, rogues, priests, mages, warlocks, bards, knights, druids, barbarian warriors, etc., and Louis There is no difference in the magical world of imagination.

The city today is quite lively. Many citizens have taken to the streets. There are young girls holding flowers in their hands, there are exquisitely dressed girls looking forward to it, there are strong women and men holding their children, and there are some Wealthy businessmen in gold and silver were all smiling, and adventurers dressed in rough clothes looked around curiously. These people gathered on both sides of the road, talking and laughing loudly to each other, and the whole city seemed extremely lively.

The devils and demons have forgotten the cruelty of the bloody war, and it is time for these evil races to recall the tragic war.

In the past, the reason why Louis did not expand the city when he was a lord was because the mountains here are undulating and the terrain is complex. Building cities in many places requires a lot of manpower and material resources. When Louis took over the city, the residents of the entire city were still very poor. He even needs to get food from the earth plane to satisfy the people's lives.

"This is the city you built, Lord God. It is truly extremely beautiful."

But even so, Louis has used all the divine power he got from the earth plane. Now Louis can say that he really doesn't have a drop of it.

In fact, the army of the Kingdom of Dragons had already arrived twenty miles outside the capital yesterday. However, this was a rare war fought by His Majesty the Emperor himself, so a grand triumphal welcome ceremony must be held when returning in triumph. Offer a salute and glory to the great emperor.

In the past, the reason why Louis did not expand the city when he was a lord was because the mountains here are undulating and the terrain is complex. Building cities in many places requires a lot of manpower and material resources. When Louis took over the city, the residents of the entire city were still very poor. He even needs to get food from the earth plane to satisfy the people's lives.

"This is the city you built, Lord God. It is truly extremely beautiful."

If the world of Saint-Saurol when Louis traveled through time was still biased towards the physical style of the Middle Ages, then the entire world of Saint-Sauron now is completely magical.

The devils and demons have forgotten the cruelty of the bloody war, and it is time for these evil races to recall the tragic war.

Although Louis still retains the divine power of faith of the believers in the world of St. Solon, they are like the basic savings left by a person. They must not be spent indiscriminately, but must be used at critical moments. Now Louis can In one fell swoop, he went from rich to pauper.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

It has been more than two hundred years since the establishment of the Kingdom of Dragons. Over the past two hundred years, the empire has been going smoothly. There have been almost no wars. Even if there are, they are only local wars. Therefore, as the capital of the country, the City of Dragons has also been expanded several times. When Louis was the dragon lord here, the capital expanded three times.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

The seeds of divine power are like viruses, but the characteristics of divine power prevent it from replicating itself and can only spread by weakening itself. In this case, the number of devils that can be infected is limited.

Next to Louis, a lively girl with a graceful figure, pure beauty, and a pair of curved dragon horns in her silver hair said with a smile.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

The progress of trying to use the demons' civil unrest to suppress the chaos is too slow. However, the chess piece that Louis nailed into the abyss, Rosalind, was a part of launching the bloody battle. Now with the cooperation of the demons, then the three of them The first bloody battle between hell and abyss in thousands of years will surely bring about the most profound and desperate killing.

Since magic and science are two completely different systems, the devils created by Louis do not have spell-like abilities like real devils. However, due to the basic adjustments made by biotechnology, these devils are far superior in physical abilities. His own kind, and in order to increase the similarity, Louis also made small weapons and placed them in the bodies of these devils, pretending that they were spell-like energy.

The creation of these 'clone legions' does not require Louis' real body to keep an eye on them. With the science and technology of the Tyran civilization, as long as it is left to Zhinao to manufacture in the arsenal, it won't take long to complete a terrifying devil legion.

The entire army was stationed twenty miles away to rest overnight, just waiting to enter the city today.

In the "Between Orders" at the core of "Dragon Sleeping Temple", this vast space has almost turned into a science fiction planet.

Because these small weapons have the ability to self-destruct, other beings will always find something wrong with them.

Next to Louis, a lively girl with a graceful figure, pure beauty, and a pair of curved dragon horns in her silver hair said with a smile.

That is Louis' god, the incarnation of Heloise, the good dragon god.

Under the control of the 'intelligent brain', biological factories are activated one after another. In the cultivation of genetic modules and ecological fluid, millions of devils are being created.

Because these small weapons have the ability to self-destruct, other beings will always find something wrong with them.

With money and population, the expansion of the country was put on the agenda. After fifty years of construction, this miraculous city that spanned several mountain peaks and was almost built on the mountains was built.

"Hopefully things will go well."