I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 766: The most fundamental contradiction between God and God


"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

"Okay, I don't have any contempt for you businessmen. On the contrary, you businessmen are also within my protection."

The tavern owner left in a hurry, with a touch of fear and deep envy in his eyes...

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

A man who was dressed exaggeratedly and adorned with various gems and metal jewelry gently opened the door of the third-floor balcony. He held a glass of wine in a crystal bottle on the tray and walked in with a respectful smile.

This is the most fundamental contradiction between gods.

"I can understand what you mean, but I can never accept His Highness Drexler's will."

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

This is the owner of this tavern.

Louis looked him up and down, making the tavern owner feel as if his soul was being watched by something terrible. He immediately broke into a cold sweat and lowered his head in fear, thinking that he had met those famous strong men on the mainland.

Before Louis could say anything, the good dragon god sighed again: "...The country you established is exactly what I dreamed of. The dragons can live in harmony with all races and live in the same environment. Why is Drake His Highness Si Le just doesn’t understand, he always thinks that what the dragon needs is absolute power, and all races only need to be afraid of the dragon.”

The owner of the tavern immediately became excited after hearing this, and introduced it like a pyramid scheme: "... Distinguished guest, this is a rare good thing that can only be found in the Kingdom of Dragons. The main ingredient of this wine is giant dragons. Dragon's saliva is brewed by alchemists using magic potion refining methods and adding many precious vegetation. It can not only strengthen the body, but can even improve people's spirit and concentration."

This is the most fundamental contradiction between gods.

I didn't notice it before, but I saw it just now. The dragon lady is so beautiful. She is a real dragon lady!

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

Of course, male dragons don't count. They are not in love, but in reproduction.

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

The best view from the balcony on the third floor of this tavern was reserved for a group of aristocratic young ladies, who wanted to see the great emperor’s triumphal ceremony from the best vantage point. However, this man who suddenly appeared, the owner of the tavern, A man who has never been seen in the City of Dragon Song can easily make the noble children with arrogant personalities give up this place, which shows that he has a great origin.

Many wealthy businessmen, especially those who frequently need to travel across the continent, believe in the Goddess of Wealth in the hope that they can make more money and be protected from danger by the gods while traveling across the continent.

The manly boss immediately put away the wine in his tray and said with a flattering smile: "... Dear guest, it seems that you are not satisfied with this bottle of wine, but it doesn't matter. We have the same good wine here, from Yin. The fruit wine produced in Raymond of the Moon Kingdom is rarely produced every year, and is used by the great nobles and His Majesty of the Kingdom of Dragons. I also got some of it here."

"So you are the God of Good Dragons, and His Highness Drexler is the God of Evil Dragons. This is your battle between good and evil, and your battle for priesthood. It can never be reconciled. This is what gods are."

This tavern is located on the bustling street of the City of Dragon Song, covering an area of three floors. It is one of the most famous taverns in the entire city, and the owner does not look like a nobleman. Since he can open in such a location Going to a famous tavern shows that he is not only very rich, but also has a high emotional intelligence and knows how to take care of things.

Louis pointed with his hand, and the legion led by Alexia was entering the city in triumph, and the entire city of Dragon Song immediately fell into a sea of cheers.

Of course Louis knows what the tavern owner is thinking. Businessmen are just such a group. If they don’t have any emotional intelligence and don’t know how to communicate, they won’t have such a big industry.

As Louis' god, the goddess of wealth was telling the truth when he said that the businessman was within her protection, but the tavern owner couldn't possibly understand, "... What kind of wine are you going to introduce to me? You look like you care so much."

Many wealthy businessmen, especially those who frequently need to travel across the continent, believe in the Goddess of Wealth in the hope that they can make more money and be protected from danger by the gods while traveling across the continent.

This is the most fundamental contradiction between gods.

Louis looked him up and down, making the tavern owner feel as if his soul was being watched by something terrible. He immediately broke into a cold sweat and lowered his head in fear, thinking that he had met those famous strong men on the mainland.

The tavern owner didn't understand what a capitalist was, but he could hear the ridicule in the distinguished guest's words, so he laughed and said: "... These are all the teachings of the goddess."

He didn't point out the boss's little thoughts, but just smiled and said: "... You are so smart in business, you divided the tavern into three floors and added a basement. Use the basement to entertain the common people, and use the first and second floors to entertain the common people. Entertaining wealthy businessmen and using the third floor to entertain powerful nobles to earn money from all classes is really the evil heart of a capitalist."

He didn't point out the boss's little thoughts, but just smiled and said: "... You are so smart in business, you divided the tavern into three floors and added a basement. Use the basement to entertain the common people, and use the first and second floors to entertain the common people. Entertaining wealthy businessmen and using the third floor to entertain powerful nobles to earn money from all classes is really the evil heart of a capitalist."

The observant tavern owner noticed something was wrong with Louis' expression. He immediately shut up and began to think with a grimace about what he had done wrong and how he could make his distinguished guest so unhappy. When his peripheral vision turned to this person, After the female guest came with him as a distinguished guest, he froze on the spot, his eyes widening.

This tavern is located on the bustling street of the City of Dragon Song, covering an area of three floors. It is one of the most famous taverns in the entire city, and the owner does not look like a nobleman. Since he can open in such a location Going to a famous tavern shows that he is not only very rich, but also has a high emotional intelligence and knows how to take care of things.

The best view from the balcony on the third floor of this tavern was reserved for a group of aristocratic young ladies, who wanted to see the great emperor’s triumphal ceremony from the best vantage point. However, this man who suddenly appeared, the owner of the tavern, A man who has never been seen in the City of Dragon Song can easily make the noble children with arrogant personalities give up this place, which shows that he has a great origin.

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

"This boss is really an interesting person."

"Okay, I don't have any contempt for you businessmen. On the contrary, you businessmen are also within my protection."

For a person like the tavern owner, he would definitely want to make friends, and he would not hesitate to use his collection of fine wines to do so.

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

"This boss is really an interesting person."

"Your Highness Heloise, you must know that it is precisely because of the existence of the Evil Dragon that believes in Your Highness Drexler that the value of the Good Dragon that believes in you is even more precious."

For a person like the tavern owner, he would definitely want to make friends, and he would not hesitate to use his collection of fine wines to do so.

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

At this time, the tavern owner finally understood why those noble ladies and gentlemen retreated without a sound. People who can be intimate with a dragon must be absolutely strong. Although the world of Saint-Saurol also rules the world with power, because Beings with extraordinary power, such as legends and demigods, are beyond some of the laws and powers of the world to a certain extent.

Of course Louis knows what the tavern owner is thinking. Businessmen are just such a group. If they don’t have any emotional intelligence and don’t know how to communicate, they won’t have such a big industry.

At this time, the tavern owner finally understood why those noble ladies and gentlemen retreated without a sound. People who can be intimate with a dragon must be absolutely strong. Although the world of Saint-Saurol also rules the world with power, because Beings with extraordinary power, such as legends and demigods, are beyond some of the laws and powers of the world to a certain extent.

"So you are the God of Good Dragons, and His Highness Drexler is the God of Evil Dragons. This is your battle between good and evil, and your battle for priesthood. It can never be reconciled. This is what gods are."

He didn't point out the boss's little thoughts, but just smiled and said: "... You are so smart in business, you divided the tavern into three floors and added a basement. Use the basement to entertain the common people, and use the first and second floors to entertain the common people. Entertaining wealthy businessmen and using the third floor to entertain powerful nobles to earn money from all classes is really the evil heart of a capitalist."

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

"Okay, I don't have any contempt for you businessmen. On the contrary, you businessmen are also within my protection."

"Okay, I don't have any contempt for you businessmen. On the contrary, you businessmen are also within my protection."

Heloise had deep disgust in the words of the Dragon God.

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

This tavern is located on the bustling street of the City of Dragon Song, covering an area of three floors. It is one of the most famous taverns in the entire city, and the owner does not look like a nobleman. Since he can open in such a location Going to a famous tavern shows that he is not only very rich, but also has a high emotional intelligence and knows how to take care of things.

The observant tavern owner noticed something was wrong with Louis' expression. He immediately shut up and began to think with a grimace about what he had done wrong and how he could make his distinguished guest so unhappy. When his peripheral vision turned to this person, After the female guest came with him as a distinguished guest, he froze on the spot, his eyes widening.

The tavern owner didn't understand what a capitalist was, but he could hear the ridicule in the distinguished guest's words, so he laughed and said: "... These are all the teachings of the goddess."

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

The tavern owner left in a hurry, with a touch of fear and deep envy in his eyes...

Many wealthy businessmen, especially those who frequently need to travel across the continent, believe in the Goddess of Wealth in the hope that they can make more money and be protected from danger by the gods while traveling across the continent.

"Okay, I don't have any contempt for you businessmen. On the contrary, you businessmen are also within my protection."

Seeing the tavern owner leaving, Heloise, the Good Dragon God, also smiled, looking at her Lord God with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

"I can understand what you mean, but I can never accept His Highness Drexler's will."

At the same time, the owner of the tavern also knew why the guests were embarrassed by the wine in his hand. He had a dragon female companion, and he must have been drinking ambergris every day. If he thought about it deeply, he might not only be drinking ambergris, but You can also taste the more secret things of the female dragon.

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

The tavern owner kept introducing the treasure in his hand, but Louis' face turned dark at this time.

As Louis' god, the goddess of wealth was telling the truth when he said that the businessman was within her protection, but the tavern owner couldn't possibly understand, "... What kind of wine are you going to introduce to me? You look like you care so much."

The tavern owner didn't understand what a capitalist was, but he could hear the ridicule in the distinguished guest's words, so he laughed and said: "... These are all the teachings of the goddess."

The observant tavern owner noticed something was wrong with Louis' expression. He immediately shut up and began to think with a grimace about what he had done wrong and how he could make his distinguished guest so unhappy. When his peripheral vision turned to this person, After the female guest came with him as a distinguished guest, he froze on the spot, his eyes widening.

Although love between different races often occurs in the world of St. Sauron, it is very rare for dragons to fall in love with other races. This is the country of dragons, and the status of dragons is extremely high. Whoever can marry A dragon falling in love is really the talk of the town after dinner.

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

The owner of the tavern immediately became excited after hearing this, and introduced it like a pyramid scheme: "... Distinguished guest, this is a rare good thing that can only be found in the Kingdom of Dragons. The main ingredient of this wine is giant dragons. Dragon's saliva is brewed by alchemists using magic potion refining methods and adding many precious vegetation. It can not only strengthen the body, but can even improve people's spirit and concentration."

"This boss is really an interesting person."

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

The tavern owner kept introducing the treasure in his hand, but Louis' face turned dark at this time.

"This boss is really an interesting person."

Seeing the tavern owner leaving, Heloise, the Good Dragon God, also smiled, looking at her Lord God with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

This lady actually has dragon horns on her head! !

For a person like the tavern owner, he would definitely want to make friends, and he would not hesitate to use his collection of fine wines to do so.

Ambergris? Isn't that dragon's saliva? If you really want to drink it, just swallow it! The thought of drinking the saliva of other dragons is really disgusting. Of course, Louis would not mind if it was the saliva of a beautiful dragon like Heloise, the Good Dragon God next to him.

Ambergris? Isn't that dragon's saliva? If you really want to drink it, just swallow it! The thought of drinking the saliva of other dragons is really disgusting. Of course, Louis would not mind if it was the saliva of a beautiful dragon like Heloise, the Good Dragon God next to him.

The owner of the tavern immediately became excited after hearing this, and introduced it like a pyramid scheme: "... Distinguished guest, this is a rare good thing that can only be found in the Kingdom of Dragons. The main ingredient of this wine is giant dragons. Dragon's saliva is brewed by alchemists using magic potion refining methods and adding many precious vegetation. It can not only strengthen the body, but can even improve people's spirit and concentration."

Heloise had deep disgust in the words of the Dragon God.

The observant tavern owner noticed something was wrong with Louis' expression. He immediately shut up and began to think with a grimace about what he had done wrong and how he could make his distinguished guest so unhappy. When his peripheral vision turned to this person, After the female guest came with him as a distinguished guest, he froze on the spot, his eyes widening.

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

This tavern is located on the bustling street of the City of Dragon Song, covering an area of three floors. It is one of the most famous taverns in the entire city, and the owner does not look like a nobleman. Since he can open in such a location Going to a famous tavern shows that he is not only very rich, but also has a high emotional intelligence and knows how to take care of things.

This lady actually has dragon horns on her head! !

Before Louis could say anything, the good dragon god sighed again: "...The country you established is exactly what I dreamed of. The dragons can live in harmony with all races and live in the same environment. Why is Drake His Highness Si Le just doesn’t understand, he always thinks that what the dragon needs is absolute power, and all races only need to be afraid of the dragon.”

"I can understand what you mean, but I can never accept His Highness Drexler's will."

This lady actually has dragon horns on her head! !

I didn't notice it before, but I saw it just now. The dragon lady is so beautiful. She is a real dragon lady!

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

The tavern owner kept introducing the treasure in his hand, but Louis' face turned dark at this time.

Of course, male dragons don't count. They are not in love, but in reproduction.

Ambergris? Isn't that dragon's saliva? If you really want to drink it, just swallow it! The thought of drinking the saliva of other dragons is really disgusting. Of course, Louis would not mind if it was the saliva of a beautiful dragon like Heloise, the Good Dragon God next to him.

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

Seeing the tavern owner leaving, Heloise, the Good Dragon God, also smiled, looking at her Lord God with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

This tavern is located on the bustling street of the City of Dragon Song, covering an area of three floors. It is one of the most famous taverns in the entire city, and the owner does not look like a nobleman. Since he can open in such a location Going to a famous tavern shows that he is not only very rich, but also has a high emotional intelligence and knows how to take care of things.

A man who was dressed exaggeratedly and adorned with various gems and metal jewelry gently opened the door of the third-floor balcony. He held a glass of wine in a crystal bottle on the tray and walked in with a respectful smile.

The owner of the tavern immediately became excited after hearing this, and introduced it like a pyramid scheme: "... Distinguished guest, this is a rare good thing that can only be found in the Kingdom of Dragons. The main ingredient of this wine is giant dragons. Dragon's saliva is brewed by alchemists using magic potion refining methods and adding many precious vegetation. It can not only strengthen the body, but can even improve people's spirit and concentration."

At this time, the tavern owner finally understood why those noble ladies and gentlemen retreated without a sound. People who can be intimate with a dragon must be absolutely strong. Although the world of Saint-Saurol also rules the world with power, because Beings with extraordinary power, such as legends and demigods, are beyond some of the laws and powers of the world to a certain extent.

Although love between different races often occurs in the world of St. Sauron, it is very rare for dragons to fall in love with other races. This is the country of dragons, and the status of dragons is extremely high. Whoever can marry A dragon falling in love is really the talk of the town after dinner.

Seeing the tavern owner leaving, Heloise, the Good Dragon God, also smiled, looking at her Lord God with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

"This boss is really an interesting person."

Seeing the tavern owner leaving, Heloise, the Good Dragon God, also smiled, looking at her Lord God with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

Heloise had deep disgust in the words of the Dragon God.

At the same time, the owner of the tavern also knew why the guests were embarrassed by the wine in his hand. He had a dragon female companion, and he must have been drinking ambergris every day. If he thought about it deeply, he might not only be drinking ambergris, but You can also taste the more secret things of the female dragon.

For a person like the tavern owner, he would definitely want to make friends, and he would not hesitate to use his collection of fine wines to do so.

Louis pointed with his hand, and the legion led by Alexia was entering the city in triumph, and the entire city of Dragon Song immediately fell into a sea of cheers.

Although love between different races often occurs in the world of St. Sauron, it is very rare for dragons to fall in love with other races. This is the country of dragons, and the status of dragons is extremely high. Whoever can marry A dragon falling in love is really the talk of the town after dinner.

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

This lady actually has dragon horns on her head! !

Louis said with a sigh.

"Your Highness Heloise, you must know that it is precisely because of the existence of the Evil Dragon that believes in Your Highness Drexler that the value of the Good Dragon that believes in you is even more precious."

"Your Highness Heloise, you must know that it is precisely because of the existence of the Evil Dragon that believes in Your Highness Drexler that the value of the Good Dragon that believes in you is even more precious."

The manly boss immediately put away the wine in his tray and said with a flattering smile: "... Dear guest, it seems that you are not satisfied with this bottle of wine, but it doesn't matter. We have the same good wine here, from Yin. The fruit wine produced in Raymond of the Moon Kingdom is rarely produced every year, and is used by the great nobles and His Majesty of the Kingdom of Dragons. I also got some of it here."

This is the owner of this tavern.

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

"... Just wait a moment, I'll get it for you right now!"

The manly boss immediately put away the wine in his tray and said with a flattering smile: "... Dear guest, it seems that you are not satisfied with this bottle of wine, but it doesn't matter. We have the same good wine here, from Yin. The fruit wine produced in Raymond of the Moon Kingdom is rarely produced every year, and is used by the great nobles and His Majesty of the Kingdom of Dragons. I also got some of it here."

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

Of course, male dragons don't count. They are not in love, but in reproduction.

"This boss is really an interesting person."

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

The tavern owner kept introducing the treasure in his hand, but Louis' face turned dark at this time.

The tavern owner left in a hurry, with a touch of fear and deep envy in his eyes...

"This boss is really an interesting person."

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

"I can understand what you mean, but I can never accept His Highness Drexler's will."

I didn't notice it before, but I saw it just now. The dragon lady is so beautiful. She is a real dragon lady!

The owner of the tavern immediately became excited after hearing this, and introduced it like a pyramid scheme: "... Distinguished guest, this is a rare good thing that can only be found in the Kingdom of Dragons. The main ingredient of this wine is giant dragons. Dragon's saliva is brewed by alchemists using magic potion refining methods and adding many precious vegetation. It can not only strengthen the body, but can even improve people's spirit and concentration."

He didn't point out the boss's little thoughts, but just smiled and said: "... You are so smart in business, you divided the tavern into three floors and added a basement. Use the basement to entertain the common people, and use the first and second floors to entertain the common people. Entertaining wealthy businessmen and using the third floor to entertain powerful nobles to earn money from all classes is really the evil heart of a capitalist."

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

This is the most fundamental contradiction between gods.

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

Of course Louis knows what the tavern owner is thinking. Businessmen are just such a group. If they don’t have any emotional intelligence and don’t know how to communicate, they won’t have such a big industry.

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

Although love between different races often occurs in the world of St. Sauron, it is very rare for dragons to fall in love with other races. This is the country of dragons, and the status of dragons is extremely high. Whoever can marry A dragon falling in love is really the talk of the town after dinner.

Many wealthy businessmen, especially those who frequently need to travel across the continent, believe in the Goddess of Wealth in the hope that they can make more money and be protected from danger by the gods while traveling across the continent.

At the same time, the owner of the tavern also knew why the guests were embarrassed by the wine in his hand. He had a dragon female companion, and he must have been drinking ambergris every day. If he thought about it deeply, he might not only be drinking ambergris, but You can also taste the more secret things of the female dragon.

Louis heard the boss's voice. He looked back and saw that the other person was a believer in the goddess of wealth.

Louis pointed with his hand, and the legion led by Alexia was entering the city in triumph, and the entire city of Dragon Song immediately fell into a sea of cheers.

Of course, male dragons don't count. They are not in love, but in reproduction.

Many wealthy businessmen, especially those who frequently need to travel across the continent, believe in the Goddess of Wealth in the hope that they can make more money and be protected from danger by the gods while traveling across the continent.

"... Just wait a moment, I'll get it for you right now!"

This is the owner of this tavern.

"This boss is really an interesting person."

Many wealthy businessmen, especially those who frequently need to travel across the continent, believe in the Goddess of Wealth in the hope that they can make more money and be protected from danger by the gods while traveling across the continent.

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

Of course Louis knows what the tavern owner is thinking. Businessmen are just such a group. If they don’t have any emotional intelligence and don’t know how to communicate, they won’t have such a big industry.

"Okay, I don't have any contempt for you businessmen. On the contrary, you businessmen are also within my protection."

Seeing the tavern owner leaving, Heloise, the Good Dragon God, also smiled, looking at her Lord God with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

At this time, the tavern owner finally understood why those noble ladies and gentlemen retreated without a sound. People who can be intimate with a dragon must be absolutely strong. Although the world of Saint-Saurol also rules the world with power, because Beings with extraordinary power, such as legends and demigods, are beyond some of the laws and powers of the world to a certain extent.

At this time, the tavern owner finally understood why those noble ladies and gentlemen retreated without a sound. People who can be intimate with a dragon must be absolutely strong. Although the world of Saint-Saurol also rules the world with power, because Beings with extraordinary power, such as legends and demigods, are beyond some of the laws and powers of the world to a certain extent.

Before Louis could say anything, the good dragon god sighed again: "...The country you established is exactly what I dreamed of. The dragons can live in harmony with all races and live in the same environment. Why is Drake His Highness Si Le just doesn’t understand, he always thinks that what the dragon needs is absolute power, and all races only need to be afraid of the dragon.”

Many wealthy businessmen, especially those who frequently need to travel across the continent, believe in the Goddess of Wealth in the hope that they can make more money and be protected from danger by the gods while traveling across the continent.

This is the owner of this tavern.

The tavern owner didn't understand what a capitalist was, but he could hear the ridicule in the distinguished guest's words, so he laughed and said: "... These are all the teachings of the goddess."

"Your Highness Heloise, you must know that it is precisely because of the existence of the Evil Dragon that believes in Your Highness Drexler that the value of the Good Dragon that believes in you is even more precious."

He didn't point out the boss's little thoughts, but just smiled and said: "... You are so smart in business, you divided the tavern into three floors and added a basement. Use the basement to entertain the common people, and use the first and second floors to entertain the common people. Entertaining wealthy businessmen and using the third floor to entertain powerful nobles to earn money from all classes is really the evil heart of a capitalist."

Seeing the tavern owner leaving, Heloise, the Good Dragon God, also smiled, looking at her Lord God with a hint of teasing in her eyes.

This tavern is located on the bustling street of the City of Dragon Song, covering an area of three floors. It is one of the most famous taverns in the entire city, and the owner does not look like a nobleman. Since he can open in such a location Going to a famous tavern shows that he is not only very rich, but also has a high emotional intelligence and knows how to take care of things.

This is the most fundamental contradiction between gods.

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

This lady actually has dragon horns on her head! !

I didn't notice it before, but I saw it just now. The dragon lady is so beautiful. She is a real dragon lady!

"Okay, I don't have any contempt for you businessmen. On the contrary, you businessmen are also within my protection."

The tavern owner left in a hurry, with a touch of fear and deep envy in his eyes...

The manly boss immediately put away the wine in his tray and said with a flattering smile: "... Dear guest, it seems that you are not satisfied with this bottle of wine, but it doesn't matter. We have the same good wine here, from Yin. The fruit wine produced in Raymond of the Moon Kingdom is rarely produced every year, and is used by the great nobles and His Majesty of the Kingdom of Dragons. I also got some of it here."

The observant tavern owner noticed something was wrong with Louis' expression. He immediately shut up and began to think with a grimace about what he had done wrong and how he could make his distinguished guest so unhappy. When his peripheral vision turned to this person, After the female guest came with him as a distinguished guest, he froze on the spot, his eyes widening.

Although love between different races often occurs in the world of St. Sauron, it is very rare for dragons to fall in love with other races. This is the country of dragons, and the status of dragons is extremely high. Whoever can marry A dragon falling in love is really the talk of the town after dinner.

"I can understand what you mean, but I can never accept His Highness Drexler's will."

This is the most fundamental contradiction between gods.

"Your Highness Heloise, you must know that it is precisely because of the existence of the Evil Dragon that believes in Your Highness Drexler that the value of the Good Dragon that believes in you is even more precious."

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

This lady actually has dragon horns on her head! !

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

For a person like the tavern owner, he would definitely want to make friends, and he would not hesitate to use his collection of fine wines to do so.

The owner of the tavern immediately became excited after hearing this, and introduced it like a pyramid scheme: "... Distinguished guest, this is a rare good thing that can only be found in the Kingdom of Dragons. The main ingredient of this wine is giant dragons. Dragon's saliva is brewed by alchemists using magic potion refining methods and adding many precious vegetation. It can not only strengthen the body, but can even improve people's spirit and concentration."

He didn't point out the boss's little thoughts, but just smiled and said: "... You are so smart in business, you divided the tavern into three floors and added a basement. Use the basement to entertain the common people, and use the first and second floors to entertain the common people. Entertaining wealthy businessmen and using the third floor to entertain powerful nobles to earn money from all classes is really the evil heart of a capitalist."

Heloise had deep disgust in the words of the Dragon God.

This is the owner of this tavern.

The manly boss immediately put away the wine in his tray and said with a flattering smile: "... Dear guest, it seems that you are not satisfied with this bottle of wine, but it doesn't matter. We have the same good wine here, from Yin. The fruit wine produced in Raymond of the Moon Kingdom is rarely produced every year, and is used by the great nobles and His Majesty of the Kingdom of Dragons. I also got some of it here."

Before Louis could say anything, the good dragon god sighed again: "...The country you established is exactly what I dreamed of. The dragons can live in harmony with all races and live in the same environment. Why is Drake His Highness Si Le just doesn’t understand, he always thinks that what the dragon needs is absolute power, and all races only need to be afraid of the dragon.”

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

The best view from the balcony on the third floor of this tavern was reserved for a group of aristocratic young ladies, who wanted to see the great emperor’s triumphal ceremony from the best vantage point. However, this man who suddenly appeared, the owner of the tavern, A man who has never been seen in the City of Dragon Song can easily make the noble children with arrogant personalities give up this place, which shows that he has a great origin.

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

A man who was dressed exaggeratedly and adorned with various gems and metal jewelry gently opened the door of the third-floor balcony. He held a glass of wine in a crystal bottle on the tray and walked in with a respectful smile.

"So you are the God of Good Dragons, and His Highness Drexler is the God of Evil Dragons. This is your battle between good and evil, and your battle for priesthood. It can never be reconciled. This is what gods are."

Louis said with a smile: "... As the god of all dragons, what I care about is not the relationship between dragons and various races, but the reproduction and life and death of dragons. Everything else is not within my scope of consideration. No matter whether the dragons are evil or good, it is enough as long as they still live in this world."

The tavern owner is also a person who has seen the world. He knows that a person with such physical characteristics must be a dragon. In other words, the woman who comes with this distinguished guest is a dragon!

Louis said with a sigh.

Louis said with a sigh.

Of course Louis knows what the tavern owner is thinking. Businessmen are just such a group. If they don’t have any emotional intelligence and don’t know how to communicate, they won’t have such a big industry.

At the same time, the owner of the tavern also knew why the guests were embarrassed by the wine in his hand. He had a dragon female companion, and he must have been drinking ambergris every day. If he thought about it deeply, he might not only be drinking ambergris, but You can also taste the more secret things of the female dragon.

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

Before Louis could say anything, the good dragon god sighed again: "...The country you established is exactly what I dreamed of. The dragons can live in harmony with all races and live in the same environment. Why is Drake His Highness Si Le just doesn’t understand, he always thinks that what the dragon needs is absolute power, and all races only need to be afraid of the dragon.”

The two dragons who were once mortal dragons were best friends when they were young, but when they grew up and had different ideas, they parted ways. As the two became gods with their own ideas, the best friends became An enemy that can never be reconciled.

"Your Highness Heloise, you must know that it is precisely because of the existence of the Evil Dragon that believes in Your Highness Drexler that the value of the Good Dragon that believes in you is even more precious."

Of course, male dragons don't count. They are not in love, but in reproduction.

"Your Highness Heloise, you must know that it is precisely because of the existence of the Evil Dragon that believes in Your Highness Drexler that the value of the Good Dragon that believes in you is even more precious."

"I can understand what you mean, but I can never accept His Highness Drexler's will."

This is the most fundamental contradiction between gods.

A man who was dressed exaggeratedly and adorned with various gems and metal jewelry gently opened the door of the third-floor balcony. He held a glass of wine in a crystal bottle on the tray and walked in with a respectful smile.

The tavern owner didn't understand what a capitalist was, but he could hear the ridicule in the distinguished guest's words, so he laughed and said: "... These are all the teachings of the goddess."

"These things require you to think about it for hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Now temporarily put aside your understanding of your priesthood. Look, that is my daughter. She is so beautiful and healthy. She is a giant dragon. The brightest gem among them all.”

This is the owner of this tavern.

"Distinguished guest, His Majesty's triumphal ceremony will not begin for some time. This is the best wine in our tavern. It is a rare item even in the entire continent. Only distinguished guests like you are eligible. Make good use of it.”

At this time, the tavern owner finally understood why those noble ladies and gentlemen retreated without a sound. People who can be intimate with a dragon must be absolutely strong. Although the world of Saint-Saurol also rules the world with power, because Beings with extraordinary power, such as legends and demigods, are beyond some of the laws and powers of the world to a certain extent.

Louis said with a sigh.

"... Just wait a moment, I'll get it for you right now!"

At the same time, the owner of the tavern also knew why the guests were embarrassed by the wine in his hand. He had a dragon female companion, and he must have been drinking ambergris every day. If he thought about it deeply, he might not only be drinking ambergris, but You can also taste the more secret things of the female dragon.

This is the owner of this tavern.

Louis looked him up and down, making the tavern owner feel as if his soul was being watched by something terrible. He immediately broke into a cold sweat and lowered his head in fear, thinking that he had met those famous strong men on the mainland.

Louis pointed with his hand, and the legion led by Alexia was entering the city in triumph, and the entire city of Dragon Song immediately fell into a sea of cheers.

He didn't point out the boss's little thoughts, but just smiled and said: "... You are so smart in business, you divided the tavern into three floors and added a basement. Use the basement to entertain the common people, and use the first and second floors to entertain the common people. Entertaining wealthy businessmen and using the third floor to entertain powerful nobles to earn money from all classes is really the evil heart of a capitalist."

Of course, male dragons don't count. They are not in love, but in reproduction.

Louis pointed with his hand, and the legion led by Alexia was entering the city in triumph, and the entire city of Dragon Song immediately fell into a sea of cheers.

"This boss is really an interesting person."

A man who was dressed exaggeratedly and adorned with various gems and metal jewelry gently opened the door of the third-floor balcony. He held a glass of wine in a crystal bottle on the tray and walked in with a respectful smile.