I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 767: A daughter in my family has just grown up


The gate of the City of Dragon Song was opened, and a mighty army was walking towards the city across the long stone bridge between the mountain streams.

After Alexia walked into the city gate, the army entered the country. In addition to the soldiers from the Kingdom of Dragons, the elven troops from the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the war also participated in this triumph. Wearing armor, the mighty and majestic soldiers walked past a large number. In the broad streets where carriages line up side by side, girls throw garlands and scream. Parents want to find their children in the army, women also want to find their husbands there, and children are looking for their fathers.

In addition to those nobles in the early days of the founding of the country, more new nobles filled the vacancies in power. Louis had not seen the imperial heraldry of nobles, so he could not recognize the family crests worn by many knights and mages. .

This is a coalition composed of multiple races, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., but the main race is still dominated by humans.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

When Louis first built this city, the number of troops was very small, and even the uniforms were not uniform. They were wearing neat armor like they are now. Every soldier was powerful, especially those with the title of knight. A strong man with a very high professional level.

In addition to these acquaintances, there were even more people whom Louis didn't know at all. A legion of the empire was composed of ten thousand people. This time, ten of the most elite legions participated in the attack on the Dark Territory. The number of these legions was The legion commanders were all newcomers promoted in recent decades, and were no longer the people Louis knew.

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

Louis did not have many children, but Alexia was undoubtedly the one who was most attentive and affectionate. He gave everything he had in the world to this daughter and helped her ascend to the supreme throne. If it were not for the dragon The country still needs this queen, and Louis can't wait to directly give her a godhead and priesthood with weak divine power, so that she can directly become a god to accompany him.

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

The nobles who were once canonized by Louis for their military merits are different now more than two hundred years later. Some families are still at the center of the empire's power and have become veritable century-old nobles, just like the one that Louis remembers deeply. White, who is in love with a male elf, his family is now the hereditary count of the empire, guarding a province on the border of the empire, and is the highest official there.

It's just that at this time, the faces of the scouts from the major kingdoms in the Western Continent were extremely ugly. Looking at the triumphant imperial army, almost everyone was wearing full body armor, and the number of knights was endless. This was not the case in other kingdoms. It simply cannot be done.

After more than two hundred years of imperial career, Alexia has long lost any immaturity and childishness. She is already a qualified emperor. In a political system dominated by humans, more than two hundred years is enough time. The political environment of the empire has become extremely complicated, but even though Alexia has no human blood, she has been able to balance the power of her subordinates and balance the conflicts between the nobles and the people.

Among the crowds welcoming the emperor's triumphant return, there were also spies from other countries. Although the kings of these countries knew that their own strength was not enough to compete with the empire, and because of the existence of the gods, as long as they did not provoke the empire, the empire would generally be in trouble. It would not take the initiative to invade, but there was a giant dragon sleeping next to the bed, and no one dared to rest assured. Therefore, sending spies to check the military strength of the empire became a must.

Just like Caesar crossing the Rubicon River and entering the city of Rome, Alexia rode on a tall unicorn and walked at the forefront of the army. On both sides of her there were knights holding the imperial flag with a painted on it. Dragon head.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

When Louis first built this city, the number of troops was very small, and even the uniforms were not uniform. They were wearing neat armor like they are now. Every soldier was powerful, especially those with the title of knight. A strong man with a very high professional level.

When Louis first built this city, the number of troops was very small, and even the uniforms were not uniform. They were wearing neat armor like they are now. Every soldier was powerful, especially those with the title of knight. A strong man with a very high professional level.

The empress of the empire wears a gorgeous silk gauze dress with countless mysterious runes painted on it. She looks extremely noble in the light. She wears a crown on her head. There are two beautiful dragon horns on both sides of the crown, a pair of The same long ears as the elves also add more nobility to her.

The nobles who were once canonized by Louis for their military merits are different now more than two hundred years later. Some families are still at the center of the empire's power and have become veritable century-old nobles, just like the one that Louis remembers deeply. White, who is in love with a male elf, his family is now the hereditary count of the empire, guarding a province on the border of the empire, and is the highest official there.

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

It's just that at this time, the faces of the scouts from the major kingdoms in the Western Continent were extremely ugly. Looking at the triumphant imperial army, almost everyone was wearing full body armor, and the number of knights was endless. This was not the case in other kingdoms. It simply cannot be done.

As for these nobles during the founding period, in addition to still exerting their abilities in politics, some nobles gradually declined and became small nobles with only small fiefdoms. Some nobles made big mistakes and were deprived of their rights by Alexia. Noble status.

Under the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, Louis also saw his daughter's proud and majestic face through the height of the place. Even the dragon will grow after more than two hundred years. Now Alek Xia's human form is no longer a petite lolita like in the past, and is gradually developing into a girlish direction. This makes Louis secretly sigh, "I have a grown-up girl in my family."

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

But then I thought about it, many kingdoms and principalities occupied the western continent together, and the empire alone occupied part of the entire south and east. It seemed acceptable that their respective countries could not compare with this behemoth.

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

From the perspective of Louis and the dragon, more than two hundred years have passed by in the blink of an eye, but for humans, this has been the efforts of several generations. The first group of people who followed Louis have become history books. names and memories, and those who are still alive become true legends.

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

But then I thought about it, many kingdoms and principalities occupied the western continent together, and the empire alone occupied part of the entire south and east. It seemed acceptable that their respective countries could not compare with this behemoth.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

Louis did not have many children, but Alexia was undoubtedly the one who was most attentive and affectionate. He gave everything he had in the world to this daughter and helped her ascend to the supreme throne. If it were not for the dragon The country still needs this queen, and Louis can't wait to directly give her a godhead and priesthood with weak divine power, so that she can directly become a god to accompany him.

"His Majesty the Emperor has returned in triumph!!"

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

In addition to these acquaintances, there were even more people whom Louis didn't know at all. A legion of the empire was composed of ten thousand people. This time, ten of the most elite legions participated in the attack on the Dark Territory. The number of these legions was The legion commanders were all newcomers promoted in recent decades, and were no longer the people Louis knew.

After Alexia walked into the city gate, the army entered the country. In addition to the soldiers from the Kingdom of Dragons, the elven troops from the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the war also participated in this triumph. Wearing armor, the mighty and majestic soldiers walked past a large number. In the broad streets where carriages line up side by side, girls throw garlands and scream. Parents want to find their children in the army, women also want to find their husbands there, and children are looking for their fathers.

From the perspective of Louis and the dragon, more than two hundred years have passed by in the blink of an eye, but for humans, this has been the efforts of several generations. The first group of people who followed Louis have become history books. names and memories, and those who are still alive become true legends.

After Alexia walked into the city gate, the army entered the country. In addition to the soldiers from the Kingdom of Dragons, the elven troops from the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the war also participated in this triumph. Wearing armor, the mighty and majestic soldiers walked past a large number. In the broad streets where carriages line up side by side, girls throw garlands and scream. Parents want to find their children in the army, women also want to find their husbands there, and children are looking for their fathers.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

The soldiers guarding the city cheered loudly.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

The soldiers guarding the city cheered loudly.

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

Just like Caesar crossing the Rubicon River and entering the city of Rome, Alexia rode on a tall unicorn and walked at the forefront of the army. On both sides of her there were knights holding the imperial flag with a painted on it. Dragon head.

Louis saw many familiar people among these victorious armies, including Novilie flying in the sky; the wolf girl Lisafur who had long been a legend and had regarded the empire as her home; for more than two hundred years, The elf ranger who came to the Kingdom of Dragons from the Silver Moon Kingdom and has been stationed here since then, the adopted daughter of the Silver Moon Goddess Hisna; and even the Saint who has returned to the Church of the Dawn, but has changed her nationality and become a member of the empire. Warrior Roselea.

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

The empress of the empire wears a gorgeous silk gauze dress with countless mysterious runes painted on it. She looks extremely noble in the light. She wears a crown on her head. There are two beautiful dragon horns on both sides of the crown, a pair of The same long ears as the elves also add more nobility to her.

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

After more than two hundred years of imperial career, Alexia has long lost any immaturity and childishness. She is already a qualified emperor. In a political system dominated by humans, more than two hundred years is enough time. The political environment of the empire has become extremely complicated, but even though Alexia has no human blood, she has been able to balance the power of her subordinates and balance the conflicts between the nobles and the people.

The empress of the empire wears a gorgeous silk gauze dress with countless mysterious runes painted on it. She looks extremely noble in the light. She wears a crown on her head. There are two beautiful dragon horns on both sides of the crown, a pair of The same long ears as the elves also add more nobility to her.

Louis did not have many children, but Alexia was undoubtedly the one who was most attentive and affectionate. He gave everything he had in the world to this daughter and helped her ascend to the supreme throne. If it were not for the dragon The country still needs this queen, and Louis can't wait to directly give her a godhead and priesthood with weak divine power, so that she can directly become a god to accompany him.

When Louis first built this city, the number of troops was very small, and even the uniforms were not uniform. They were wearing neat armor like they are now. Every soldier was powerful, especially those with the title of knight. A strong man with a very high professional level.

But then I thought about it, many kingdoms and principalities occupied the western continent together, and the empire alone occupied part of the entire south and east. It seemed acceptable that their respective countries could not compare with this behemoth.

When Alexia walked into the city gate, a military band immediately played high-spirited music, and the people on both sides of the road cheered heartily. In the blink of an eye, the entire huge mountain capital fell into a carnival, and people cheered Calling the emperor's honorable name, he offered her the most noble courtesy.

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

But then I thought about it, many kingdoms and principalities occupied the western continent together, and the empire alone occupied part of the entire south and east. It seemed acceptable that their respective countries could not compare with this behemoth.

But this also proves that the blood of the empire is still flowing, and the nobles are still changing from generation to generation. The children of these noble families have not yet fallen. They are all working hard to become warriors who serve the country and fight for the country. This The country is still thriving and there is no sign of decadence at all.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

From the perspective of Louis and the dragon, more than two hundred years have passed by in the blink of an eye, but for humans, this has been the efforts of several generations. The first group of people who followed Louis have become history books. names and memories, and those who are still alive become true legends.

Under the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, Louis also saw his daughter's proud and majestic face through the height of the place. Even the dragon will grow after more than two hundred years. Now Alek Xia's human form is no longer a petite lolita like in the past, and is gradually developing into a girlish direction. This makes Louis secretly sigh, "I have a grown-up girl in my family."

The soldiers guarding the city cheered loudly.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

When Louis first built this city, the number of troops was very small, and even the uniforms were not uniform. They were wearing neat armor like they are now. Every soldier was powerful, especially those with the title of knight. A strong man with a very high professional level.

Louis did not have many children, but Alexia was undoubtedly the one who was most attentive and affectionate. He gave everything he had in the world to this daughter and helped her ascend to the supreme throne. If it were not for the dragon The country still needs this queen, and Louis can't wait to directly give her a godhead and priesthood with weak divine power, so that she can directly become a god to accompany him.

At this time, no matter which god he is, as long as he is a member of the people of the empire, he is proudly cheering for the strength of the country. After death, they may go to the kingdom of different gods, but when they are alive, they have to live in in this country.

At this time, no matter which god he is, as long as he is a member of the people of the empire, he is proudly cheering for the strength of the country. After death, they may go to the kingdom of different gods, but when they are alive, they have to live in in this country.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

The nobles who were once canonized by Louis for their military merits are different now more than two hundred years later. Some families are still at the center of the empire's power and have become veritable century-old nobles, just like the one that Louis remembers deeply. White, who is in love with a male elf, his family is now the hereditary count of the empire, guarding a province on the border of the empire, and is the highest official there.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

This is a coalition composed of multiple races, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., but the main race is still dominated by humans.

The nobles who were once canonized by Louis for their military merits are different now more than two hundred years later. Some families are still at the center of the empire's power and have become veritable century-old nobles, just like the one that Louis remembers deeply. White, who is in love with a male elf, his family is now the hereditary count of the empire, guarding a province on the border of the empire, and is the highest official there.

This may be the true meaning of the level of legend. They have done legendary things, but as time passes and countless lives change, the story of these people is still a legend and still lives in front of people's eyes.

This may be the true meaning of the level of legend. They have done legendary things, but as time passes and countless lives change, the story of these people is still a legend and still lives in front of people's eyes.

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

Louis saw many familiar people among these victorious armies, including Novilie flying in the sky; the wolf girl Lisafur who had long been a legend and had regarded the empire as her home; for more than two hundred years, The elf ranger who came to the Kingdom of Dragons from the Silver Moon Kingdom and has been stationed here since then, the adopted daughter of the Silver Moon Goddess Hisna; and even the Saint who has returned to the Church of the Dawn, but has changed her nationality and become a member of the empire. Warrior Roselea.

This is a coalition composed of multiple races, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., but the main race is still dominated by humans.

After more than two hundred years of imperial career, Alexia has long lost any immaturity and childishness. She is already a qualified emperor. In a political system dominated by humans, more than two hundred years is enough time. The political environment of the empire has become extremely complicated, but even though Alexia has no human blood, she has been able to balance the power of her subordinates and balance the conflicts between the nobles and the people.

As for these nobles during the founding period, in addition to still exerting their abilities in politics, some nobles gradually declined and became small nobles with only small fiefdoms. Some nobles made big mistakes and were deprived of their rights by Alexia. Noble status.

The gate of the City of Dragon Song was opened, and a mighty army was walking towards the city across the long stone bridge between the mountain streams.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

"His Majesty the Emperor has returned in triumph!!"

After more than two hundred years of imperial career, Alexia has long lost any immaturity and childishness. She is already a qualified emperor. In a political system dominated by humans, more than two hundred years is enough time. The political environment of the empire has become extremely complicated, but even though Alexia has no human blood, she has been able to balance the power of her subordinates and balance the conflicts between the nobles and the people.

After Alexia walked into the city gate, the army entered the country. In addition to the soldiers from the Kingdom of Dragons, the elven troops from the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the war also participated in this triumph. Wearing armor, the mighty and majestic soldiers walked past a large number. In the broad streets where carriages line up side by side, girls throw garlands and scream. Parents want to find their children in the army, women also want to find their husbands there, and children are looking for their fathers.

The empress of the empire wears a gorgeous silk gauze dress with countless mysterious runes painted on it. She looks extremely noble in the light. She wears a crown on her head. There are two beautiful dragon horns on both sides of the crown, a pair of The same long ears as the elves also add more nobility to her.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

At this time, no matter which god he is, as long as he is a member of the people of the empire, he is proudly cheering for the strength of the country. After death, they may go to the kingdom of different gods, but when they are alive, they have to live in in this country.

After Alexia walked into the city gate, the army entered the country. In addition to the soldiers from the Kingdom of Dragons, the elven troops from the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the war also participated in this triumph. Wearing armor, the mighty and majestic soldiers walked past a large number. In the broad streets where carriages line up side by side, girls throw garlands and scream. Parents want to find their children in the army, women also want to find their husbands there, and children are looking for their fathers.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

But this also proves that the blood of the empire is still flowing, and the nobles are still changing from generation to generation. The children of these noble families have not yet fallen. They are all working hard to become warriors who serve the country and fight for the country. This The country is still thriving and there is no sign of decadence at all.

After Alexia walked into the city gate, the army entered the country. In addition to the soldiers from the Kingdom of Dragons, the elven troops from the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the war also participated in this triumph. Wearing armor, the mighty and majestic soldiers walked past a large number. In the broad streets where carriages line up side by side, girls throw garlands and scream. Parents want to find their children in the army, women also want to find their husbands there, and children are looking for their fathers.

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

The soldiers guarding the city cheered loudly.

Louis saw many familiar people among these victorious armies, including Novilie flying in the sky; the wolf girl Lisafur who had long been a legend and had regarded the empire as her home; for more than two hundred years, The elf ranger who came to the Kingdom of Dragons from the Silver Moon Kingdom and has been stationed here since then, the adopted daughter of the Silver Moon Goddess Hisna; and even the Saint who has returned to the Church of the Dawn, but has changed her nationality and become a member of the empire. Warrior Roselea.

From the perspective of Louis and the dragon, more than two hundred years have passed by in the blink of an eye, but for humans, this has been the efforts of several generations. The first group of people who followed Louis have become history books. names and memories, and those who are still alive become true legends.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

In addition to these acquaintances, there were even more people whom Louis didn't know at all. A legion of the empire was composed of ten thousand people. This time, ten of the most elite legions participated in the attack on the Dark Territory. The number of these legions was The legion commanders were all newcomers promoted in recent decades, and were no longer the people Louis knew.

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

The nobles who were once canonized by Louis for their military merits are different now more than two hundred years later. Some families are still at the center of the empire's power and have become veritable century-old nobles, just like the one that Louis remembers deeply. White, who is in love with a male elf, his family is now the hereditary count of the empire, guarding a province on the border of the empire, and is the highest official there.

Just like Caesar crossing the Rubicon River and entering the city of Rome, Alexia rode on a tall unicorn and walked at the forefront of the army. On both sides of her there were knights holding the imperial flag with a painted on it. Dragon head.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

The empress of the empire wears a gorgeous silk gauze dress with countless mysterious runes painted on it. She looks extremely noble in the light. She wears a crown on her head. There are two beautiful dragon horns on both sides of the crown, a pair of The same long ears as the elves also add more nobility to her.

This is a coalition composed of multiple races, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., but the main race is still dominated by humans.

The empress of the empire wears a gorgeous silk gauze dress with countless mysterious runes painted on it. She looks extremely noble in the light. She wears a crown on her head. There are two beautiful dragon horns on both sides of the crown, a pair of The same long ears as the elves also add more nobility to her.

Under the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, Louis also saw his daughter's proud and majestic face through the height of the place. Even the dragon will grow after more than two hundred years. Now Alek Xia's human form is no longer a petite lolita like in the past, and is gradually developing into a girlish direction. This makes Louis secretly sigh, "I have a grown-up girl in my family."

When Louis first built this city, the number of troops was very small, and even the uniforms were not uniform. They were wearing neat armor like they are now. Every soldier was powerful, especially those with the title of knight. A strong man with a very high professional level.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

This may be the true meaning of the level of legend. They have done legendary things, but as time passes and countless lives change, the story of these people is still a legend and still lives in front of people's eyes.

It's just that at this time, the faces of the scouts from the major kingdoms in the Western Continent were extremely ugly. Looking at the triumphant imperial army, almost everyone was wearing full body armor, and the number of knights was endless. This was not the case in other kingdoms. It simply cannot be done.

This is a coalition composed of multiple races, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., but the main race is still dominated by humans.

The soldiers guarding the city cheered loudly.

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

But this also proves that the blood of the empire is still flowing, and the nobles are still changing from generation to generation. The children of these noble families have not yet fallen. They are all working hard to become warriors who serve the country and fight for the country. This The country is still thriving and there is no sign of decadence at all.

The nobles who were once canonized by Louis for their military merits are different now more than two hundred years later. Some families are still at the center of the empire's power and have become veritable century-old nobles, just like the one that Louis remembers deeply. White, who is in love with a male elf, his family is now the hereditary count of the empire, guarding a province on the border of the empire, and is the highest official there.

"His Majesty the Emperor has returned in triumph!!"

But this also proves that the blood of the empire is still flowing, and the nobles are still changing from generation to generation. The children of these noble families have not yet fallen. They are all working hard to become warriors who serve the country and fight for the country. This The country is still thriving and there is no sign of decadence at all.

After Alexia walked into the city gate, the army entered the country. In addition to the soldiers from the Kingdom of Dragons, the elven troops from the Silver Moon Kingdom who participated in the war also participated in this triumph. Wearing armor, the mighty and majestic soldiers walked past a large number. In the broad streets where carriages line up side by side, girls throw garlands and scream. Parents want to find their children in the army, women also want to find their husbands there, and children are looking for their fathers.

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

Under the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, Louis also saw his daughter's proud and majestic face through the height of the place. Even the dragon will grow after more than two hundred years. Now Alek Xia's human form is no longer a petite lolita like in the past, and is gradually developing into a girlish direction. This makes Louis secretly sigh, "I have a grown-up girl in my family."

As for these nobles during the founding period, in addition to still exerting their abilities in politics, some nobles gradually declined and became small nobles with only small fiefdoms. Some nobles made big mistakes and were deprived of their rights by Alexia. Noble status.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

But this also proves that the blood of the empire is still flowing, and the nobles are still changing from generation to generation. The children of these noble families have not yet fallen. They are all working hard to become warriors who serve the country and fight for the country. This The country is still thriving and there is no sign of decadence at all.

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

In addition to those nobles in the early days of the founding of the country, more new nobles filled the vacancies in power. Louis had not seen the imperial heraldry of nobles, so he could not recognize the family crests worn by many knights and mages. .

This is a coalition composed of multiple races, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., but the main race is still dominated by humans.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

As a true son of God, becoming a god is so simple.

From the perspective of Louis and the dragon, more than two hundred years have passed by in the blink of an eye, but for humans, this has been the efforts of several generations. The first group of people who followed Louis have become history books. names and memories, and those who are still alive become true legends.

"His Majesty the Emperor has returned in triumph!!"

As for these nobles during the founding period, in addition to still exerting their abilities in politics, some nobles gradually declined and became small nobles with only small fiefdoms. Some nobles made big mistakes and were deprived of their rights by Alexia. Noble status.

At this time, no matter which god he is, as long as he is a member of the people of the empire, he is proudly cheering for the strength of the country. After death, they may go to the kingdom of different gods, but when they are alive, they have to live in in this country.

From the perspective of Louis and the dragon, more than two hundred years have passed by in the blink of an eye, but for humans, this has been the efforts of several generations. The first group of people who followed Louis have become history books. names and memories, and those who are still alive become true legends.

But this also proves that the blood of the empire is still flowing, and the nobles are still changing from generation to generation. The children of these noble families have not yet fallen. They are all working hard to become warriors who serve the country and fight for the country. This The country is still thriving and there is no sign of decadence at all.

As for these nobles during the founding period, in addition to still exerting their abilities in politics, some nobles gradually declined and became small nobles with only small fiefdoms. Some nobles made big mistakes and were deprived of their rights by Alexia. Noble status.

The empress of the empire wears a gorgeous silk gauze dress with countless mysterious runes painted on it. She looks extremely noble in the light. She wears a crown on her head. There are two beautiful dragon horns on both sides of the crown, a pair of The same long ears as the elves also add more nobility to her.

The soldiers guarding the city cheered loudly.

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

From the perspective of Louis and the dragon, more than two hundred years have passed by in the blink of an eye, but for humans, this has been the efforts of several generations. The first group of people who followed Louis have become history books. names and memories, and those who are still alive become true legends.

The price of making armor is high. Generally, if a kingdom has thousands of such knights, it is already a military power. However, compared with the Imperial Army, it seems that the entire military strength of their kingdom is equivalent to one legion of the Empire, and because of the Empire Too rich and luxurious equipment can simply crush the entire material world, not to mention the legendary and demigod-level powerhouses raised by the empire.

This army is all wearing neat armor that covers the whole body. Some are riding war horses, some are riding giant wolves, and some are riding woodland leopards, showing the beasts that different races have tamed to survive in different environments.

This may be the true meaning of the level of legend. They have done legendary things, but as time passes and countless lives change, the story of these people is still a legend and still lives in front of people's eyes.

The triumphal ceremony is very important, as it can demonstrate the imperial power and unite the country's centripetal force, allowing the entire country to follow the emperor's will.

After more than two hundred years of imperial career, Alexia has long lost any immaturity and childishness. She is already a qualified emperor. In a political system dominated by humans, more than two hundred years is enough time. The political environment of the empire has become extremely complicated, but even though Alexia has no human blood, she has been able to balance the power of her subordinates and balance the conflicts between the nobles and the people.

"His Majesty the Emperor has returned in triumph!!"

This is a coalition composed of multiple races, including humans, elves, dwarves, orcs, etc., but the main race is still dominated by humans.

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

When Louis first built this city, the number of troops was very small, and even the uniforms were not uniform. They were wearing neat armor like they are now. Every soldier was powerful, especially those with the title of knight. A strong man with a very high professional level.

Under the roar of the mountains and the tsunami, Louis also saw his daughter's proud and majestic face through the height of the place. Even the dragon will grow after more than two hundred years. Now Alek Xia's human form is no longer a petite lolita like in the past, and is gradually developing into a girlish direction. This makes Louis secretly sigh, "I have a grown-up girl in my family."

Louis chuckled lightly. It felt great to be a witness to history and a superior god!

In addition to these acquaintances, there were even more people whom Louis didn't know at all. A legion of the empire was composed of ten thousand people. This time, ten of the most elite legions participated in the attack on the Dark Territory. The number of these legions was The legion commanders were all newcomers promoted in recent decades, and were no longer the people Louis knew.

As for these nobles during the founding period, in addition to still exerting their abilities in politics, some nobles gradually declined and became small nobles with only small fiefdoms. Some nobles made big mistakes and were deprived of their rights by Alexia. Noble status.

The nobles who were once canonized by Louis for their military merits are different now more than two hundred years later. Some families are still at the center of the empire's power and have become veritable century-old nobles, just like the one that Louis remembers deeply. White, who is in love with a male elf, his family is now the hereditary count of the empire, guarding a province on the border of the empire, and is the highest official there.

At this time, no matter which god he is, as long as he is a member of the people of the empire, he is proudly cheering for the strength of the country. After death, they may go to the kingdom of different gods, but when they are alive, they have to live in in this country.

Among the crowds welcoming the emperor's triumphant return, there were also spies from other countries. Although the kings of these countries knew that their own strength was not enough to compete with the empire, and because of the existence of the gods, as long as they did not provoke the empire, the empire would generally be in trouble. It would not take the initiative to invade, but there was a giant dragon sleeping next to the bed, and no one dared to rest assured. Therefore, sending spies to check the military strength of the empire became a must.

"If I were to write a biography, this should be the legendary story of a dragon lord."

Among the crowds welcoming the emperor's triumphant return, there were also spies from other countries. Although the kings of these countries knew that their own strength was not enough to compete with the empire, and because of the existence of the gods, as long as they did not provoke the empire, the empire would generally be in trouble. It would not take the initiative to invade, but there was a giant dragon sleeping next to the bed, and no one dared to rest assured. Therefore, sending spies to check the military strength of the empire became a must.

In addition to those nobles in the early days of the founding of the country, more new nobles filled the vacancies in power. Louis had not seen the imperial heraldry of nobles, so he could not recognize the family crests worn by many knights and mages. .