I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 769: Miracles come at a cost


The devout believer said excitedly.

Only by merging divinity and becoming a demigod can one not die due to the end of life. Those who possess divinity are divine beings. However, many high-level legends and powerful men cannot obtain divinity. Even if they obtain divinity, it is difficult to Fuse it into a demigod.

Louis took a closer look and saw that the experiments conducted by Marchis were still related to potions, and this was his only talent.

There are not many people in the mage area. Some mages went out with the army to follow His Majesty the Emperor of the Kingdom of Dragons to conquer the dark elves in the Underdark. Now they are also in the triumphant team. Some mages went to participate in the welcome ceremony. Welcome the return of His Majesty the Emperor.

Louis didn't answer, but just stared at Machis for a while before saying: "... In more than two hundred years, you have only just entered the legendary state. If this continues, you will no longer have any hope of promotion."

Louis chuckled twice.

Gods look down on the world from high above, and after Louis became a god above gods, he also decided to look down on the gods just as gods look down on mortals. Therefore, Louis needed a spokesperson to become a thorn among the gods and become his most loyal A slave who dares to be an enemy of the gods for his will.

The life of a legend also has a limit, usually a thousand years, unless it is a long-lived species such as a dragon or an elf, whose lifespan will be longer after reaching the legendary level.

There are about a hundred gods in the entire world of Saint Sauron, and the number of demigods is several times more than the number of true gods. However, compared with the total number of countless intelligent beings in the entire world of Saint Sauron, the number of gods and demigods is simply Poorly rare.

The old mage who listened to God's words got up from the ground and stood in front of Louis respectfully, "...You came to the earth from your kingdom of God. Do you have any instructions for your slaves?"

Many spells have been prepared by Machis. As long as he can stop the enemy for a few seconds, countless strong people will come to support him. This is the City of Dragon Song, the capital of the Kingdom of Dragons, and there are countless strong people. Anyway, unless a god comes, even a demigod must be honest here.

The old mage looked wary and could invade his laboratory silently. This must have required a demigod-level mage to do this.

"My talent ends here. I am able to become a legend because I followed the empire. Taking the rise of the empire as my luck is a reluctant achievement. With my qualifications, there is no possibility of promotion... But this is not the case. There is nothing to be afraid of. When I am alive, I will serve His Majesty Alexia for the rest of my life and devote myself to the empire. When I die, I will be able to be by your side. For your slave, this is already a happy life. .”

"Well, your qualifications are indeed not good, and such a huge amount of resources and my gifts stop here... Normally, when you die, you should go to my Kingdom of God and become a saint, but I have another one. I leave the important task to you."

Since the magic net reappeared in this world, the difficulty for mages to release spells has been greatly reduced. Before the goddess of magic awakens, if a wizard wants to release a spell, he needs to use his mental power to guide a magic circle, and then mobilize his magic power to complete it.

Louis said regretfully.

The old mage who was once greedy for life and afraid of death, with many small thoughts, has now become a devout believer like a saint, and is not even afraid of death. He who once tried every means to become a legend has now completely Look away and stop pursuing these things. This is the power of faith.

Louis walked into the mage's tower. Usually there must be many mages and magic apprentices here, but at this time, there are not many people in the entire mage tower. There are only some moving stone statues managing the tower. There were also several ghosts summoned by the mage to clean up.

As a god, Louis has unimpeded access no matter where he goes. Even the many spell traps and alarms in the mage's lair, the mage tower, cannot detect him.

"Your Excellency, how did you come into my laboratory?"

And Machis is a good choice. He is loyal and has firm belief in himself. The most important thing is that Machis is not a person related by blood like his descendants. When the time comes, he will become a god. He threw it among the gods to do his will.

Marchis is one of them.

"Thank you for your kindness and great gift. However, your servant does not have the honor and blessing to accept your reward."

It is indeed an unimaginable miracle to become a god in one step, but Machis will also have to pay a huge price after that, that is, he will become the enemy of the gods and be hostile to all the gods.

"I originally planned that if you had a chance to hit the high-level legends, I would grant you a divine power, giving you the possibility of becoming a demigod."

But since the emergence of the magic net, the mage can completely record the spell array he constructed with his mind in the magic net. When needed, he can take it out with magic power and use it in one go. The mental loss is greatly reduced. The magic net is simply a magic net. The most convenient smart device for mages.

Louis smiled at his first slave, his first servant in the world of St. Solon, and raised his hand slightly to signal him to stand up.

Machis knelt on the ground again and said with tears in his eyes.

Louis allowed himself to transform from non-existence into existence, and was immediately captured by the spirit of the legendary mage.

However, the group of mages is inherently unique. In the end, some mages neither participated in the expedition nor the welcome ceremony, but continued to do their own experiments.

However, this rule does not apply to mages of legend and above. Even if the spells recorded in the magic network available for the day are used up, they can use their own mental power to construct new spells, but they use their own Mental power, without the help of the magic net.

"But please say, your will is the direction I will move forward."

"Get up, Marchis..."

"Now is not the time to tell you. You will know when the time comes... This may be an unimaginable step to the sky for you."

However, the magic network also has shortcomings, that is, in order to prevent the proliferation of spells, the goddess of magic strictly requires the number of spells that wizards of different levels can use every day. In this way, the goddess of magic will not be forcibly seized by these mortal wizards, nor will It will cause spells to spread across the land, causing disastrous consequences.

Thinking of this, he quickly turned around, and many spell sequences were already flashing on his mage's robe. With just one thought, he could release several high-level magic spells in one breath.

Because the previous goddess of magic did not have the authority to control the use of the magic network, spells spread across the land. In the end, powerful arcanists abused magic and usurped the power of the goddess of magic, causing her to fall.

When Louis stepped onto the tower and came to the laboratory on the top floor, he saw an old mage wearing a simple black robe, doing experiments seriously in front of his test bench. There were many people from other positions. The energy gathered above is rolling in the energy pool.

However, when Machis saw the figure behind him, he immediately dispersed all his spells, burst into tears, and even ignored the experiment. He knelt on the ground and saluted: "...my lord Louis Galakrond, My most sincere greetings from your most loyal followers, your most faithful servants.”