I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 777: Come back to your mother's arms


Just as the demon army was gathering, many demon lords in the bottomless abyss also gathered in the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", the first layer of the abyss.

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

"...Don't think about fighting alone. Devils are just as cunning as devils. If you are young and careless, you will lose your life due to impulse. Your father will not feel sorry for you, because people like you Devil, if he can give birth to one with me, he can give birth to a second one. If you don’t want more sisters to compete with you for this power, just think about what I say.”

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

"...Don't think about fighting alone. Devils are just as cunning as devils. If you are young and careless, you will lose your life due to impulse. Your father will not feel sorry for you, because people like you Devil, if he can give birth to one with me, he can give birth to a second one. If you don’t want more sisters to compete with you for this power, just think about what I say.”

"Your idea of seducing your father to gain his support is a good one. This allowed you to quickly gain the position of lord, and even occupy the first level of the abyss."

The succubus queen giggled, filling the empty hall with the flavor of lust.

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

The most indispensable thing in the bottomless abyss is demons and lords. Compared with the current situation where there are only eight hell lords in the entire hell, the total number of lords in the abyss may be hundreds.

The bloodworms on the fifth floor, the Beholder Goddess and the Mistress on the sixth floor, the angry lords on the twenty-third floor, the crazy prince on the five hundred and seventh floor, and many more demon lords gathered together.

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

"My lords, I don't have any suggestions for this bloody battle that is about to begin. All the lords just need to lead their own demon armies and do whatever they want."

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

Compared with those veteran abyss lords who have been around for tens of thousands or thousands of years, she does not have much prestige. If the bloody battle had not been carried out on the first level of the abyss, it is estimated that these demon lords would not remember her as a newcomer.

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

But fortunately, the devils have an absolute numerical advantage, so they can fight with the devils in bloody battles, and even gain the upper hand. If they don't even have this numerical advantage, then the abyss may really be captured by the devils.

The bloodworms on the fifth floor, the Beholder Goddess and the Mistress on the sixth floor, the angry lords on the twenty-third floor, the crazy prince on the five hundred and seventh floor, and many more demon lords gathered together.

Malcanthet's laughter echoed in the hall. She twisted her enchanting body and slowly left here.

With the chaotic characteristics of demons, they cannot play the tricks of the demons in cooperating with various legions. If it is a one-on-one situation, one demon versus another demon, the outcome is particularly uncertain, but as long as the demon The number of demons increases, and when the battle turns into a war, the demons are definitely no match for the demons.

The most indispensable thing in the bottomless abyss is demons and lords. Compared with the current situation where there are only eight hell lords in the entire hell, the total number of lords in the abyss may be hundreds.

But fortunately, the devils have an absolute numerical advantage, so they can fight with the devils in bloody battles, and even gain the upper hand. If they don't even have this numerical advantage, then the abyss may really be captured by the devils.

Even Rosalind's mother, Queen Succubus, joined in on behalf of the succubus clan.

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

The Abyss has not experienced a bloody battle for 30,000 years, and all the demon lords are also curious about the bloody battle. Especially the joy that the will of the abyss conveys to all the demon lords makes even the abyss lords who are not interested in bloody battles , will also participate in this war unconsciously.

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

Compared with those veteran abyss lords who have been around for tens of thousands or thousands of years, she does not have much prestige. If the bloody battle had not been carried out on the first level of the abyss, it is estimated that these demon lords would not remember her as a newcomer.

At the junction of the eighth and ninth levels of hell, Louis' incarnation appears here.

The most indispensable thing in the bottomless abyss is demons and lords. Compared with the current situation where there are only eight hell lords in the entire hell, the total number of lords in the abyss may be hundreds.

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

The succubus queen giggled, filling the empty hall with the flavor of lust.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

The Abyss has not experienced a bloody battle for 30,000 years, and all the demon lords are also curious about the bloody battle. Especially the joy that the will of the abyss conveys to all the demon lords makes even the abyss lords who are not interested in bloody battles , will also participate in this war unconsciously.

When there was no one in the hall, Rosalind's expressionless face became unpredictable. She thought about what her mother had just said, and suddenly felt that what she said seemed reasonable. For a moment, the arrogant and irritable Abyss Demonic Dragon fell into thinking.

"My lords, I don't have any suggestions for this bloody battle that is about to begin. All the lords just need to lead their own demon armies and do whatever they want."

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

"Apart from your body, what else do you have that deserves your father's attention? And in terms of beauty, how can you compare to my mother? Your beauty is just a part of me."

Malcanthet's laughter echoed in the hall. She twisted her enchanting body and slowly left here.

But every abyss lord has instinctive memories from the soul and from the depths of the DNA that advise them to stay away from the front line of the bloody battle. Otherwise, even if you are a demon prince, you may die of exhaustion among some weak demons. In his hands, it becomes the stepping stone for the other party to achieve the position of the Devil's Grand Duke.

But every abyss lord has instinctive memories from the soul and from the depths of the DNA that advise them to stay away from the front line of the bloody battle. Otherwise, even if you are a demon prince, you may die of exhaustion among some weak demons. In his hands, it becomes the stepping stone for the other party to achieve the position of the Devil's Grand Duke.

Just as the demon army was gathering, many demon lords in the bottomless abyss also gathered in the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", the first layer of the abyss.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

The Abyss has not experienced a bloody battle for 30,000 years, and all the demon lords are also curious about the bloody battle. Especially the joy that the will of the abyss conveys to all the demon lords makes even the abyss lords who are not interested in bloody battles , will also participate in this war unconsciously.

"Apart from your body, what else do you have that deserves your father's attention? And in terms of beauty, how can you compare to my mother? Your beauty is just a part of me."

Just as the demon army was gathering, many demon lords in the bottomless abyss also gathered in the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", the first layer of the abyss.

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

With the chaotic characteristics of demons, they cannot play the tricks of the demons in cooperating with various legions. If it is a one-on-one situation, one demon versus another demon, the outcome is particularly uncertain, but as long as the demon The number of demons increases, and when the battle turns into a war, the demons are definitely no match for the demons.

"So think about it carefully, my daughter, you are still very useful to me, and I don't need your surrender, but you should consider some allies. Apart from your mother and me, who else Who is more suitable to be an ally?"

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

Rosalind looked at the abyss lords from all planes of the abyss gathered in her palace, and felt secretly happy. As the master of the "Abyss Plain", although she was not qualified, she did not have the ability to command all the abyss lords present. , but under the rules of the bloody battle, she will automatically become the supreme commander of the bloody battle at this moment. This is the will of the abyss.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

Even Rosalind's mother, Queen Succubus, joined in on behalf of the succubus clan.

"Your idea of seducing your father to gain his support is a good one. This allowed you to quickly gain the position of lord, and even occupy the first level of the abyss."

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

Rosalind looked at the abyss lords from all planes of the abyss gathered in her palace, and felt secretly happy. As the master of the "Abyss Plain", although she was not qualified, she did not have the ability to command all the abyss lords present. , but under the rules of the bloody battle, she will automatically become the supreme commander of the bloody battle at this moment. This is the will of the abyss.

"My lords, I don't have any suggestions for this bloody battle that is about to begin. All the lords just need to lead their own demon armies and do whatever they want."

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

Even Rosalind's mother, Queen Succubus, joined in on behalf of the succubus clan.

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

Especially after seeing the vigilance and hostility in the eyes of her mother, the Succubus Queen Mercantheut, Rosalind became even more happy. There is no so-called family affection between demons. They all live for their own interests, unless they are those who The devil will only surrender if someone among his relatives is too powerful.

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

Especially after seeing the vigilance and hostility in the eyes of her mother, the Succubus Queen Mercantheut, Rosalind became even more happy. There is no so-called family affection between demons. They all live for their own interests, unless they are those who The devil will only surrender if someone among his relatives is too powerful.

"So think about it carefully, my daughter, you are still very useful to me, and I don't need your surrender, but you should consider some allies. Apart from your mother and me, who else Who is more suitable to be an ally?"

Like the relationship between Rosalind and Louis.

Malcanthet's laughter echoed in the hall. She twisted her enchanting body and slowly left here.

When there was no one in the hall, Rosalind's expressionless face became unpredictable. She thought about what her mother had just said, and suddenly felt that what she said seemed reasonable. For a moment, the arrogant and irritable Abyss Demonic Dragon fell into thinking.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

The most indispensable thing in the bottomless abyss is demons and lords. Compared with the current situation where there are only eight hell lords in the entire hell, the total number of lords in the abyss may be hundreds.

"My lords, I don't have any suggestions for this bloody battle that is about to begin. All the lords just need to lead their own demon armies and do whatever they want."

Like the relationship between Rosalind and Louis.

The demons were originally a mess. After gathering together and knowing that so many lords were participating in this bloody battle, the demon lords all left Rosalind, a palace that had just been built not long ago. When each lord left, They all paid no attention to her master, which made Rosalind's face become even more ugly.

The most indispensable thing in the bottomless abyss is demons and lords. Compared with the current situation where there are only eight hell lords in the entire hell, the total number of lords in the abyss may be hundreds.

"So think about it carefully, my daughter, you are still very useful to me, and I don't need your surrender, but you should consider some allies. Apart from your mother and me, who else Who is more suitable to be an ally?"

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

The succubus queen giggled, filling the empty hall with the flavor of lust.

Malcanthet's laughter echoed in the hall. She twisted her enchanting body and slowly left here.

"My lords, I don't have any suggestions for this bloody battle that is about to begin. All the lords just need to lead their own demon armies and do whatever they want."

Like the relationship between Rosalind and Louis.

"Your idea of seducing your father to gain his support is a good one. This allowed you to quickly gain the position of lord, and even occupy the first level of the abyss."

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

"My lords, I don't have any suggestions for this bloody battle that is about to begin. All the lords just need to lead their own demon armies and do whatever they want."

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

At the junction of the eighth and ninth levels of hell, Louis' incarnation appears here.

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

The bloodworms on the fifth floor, the Beholder Goddess and the Mistress on the sixth floor, the angry lords on the twenty-third floor, the crazy prince on the five hundred and seventh floor, and many more demon lords gathered together.

With the chaotic characteristics of demons, they cannot play the tricks of the demons in cooperating with various legions. If it is a one-on-one situation, one demon versus another demon, the outcome is particularly uncertain, but as long as the demon The number of demons increases, and when the battle turns into a war, the demons are definitely no match for the demons.

Especially after seeing the vigilance and hostility in the eyes of her mother, the Succubus Queen Mercantheut, Rosalind became even more happy. There is no so-called family affection between demons. They all live for their own interests, unless they are those who The devil will only surrender if someone among his relatives is too powerful.

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

"So think about it carefully, my daughter, you are still very useful to me, and I don't need your surrender, but you should consider some allies. Apart from your mother and me, who else Who is more suitable to be an ally?"

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

Rosalind looked at the abyss lords from all planes of the abyss gathered in her palace, and felt secretly happy. As the master of the "Abyss Plain", although she was not qualified, she did not have the ability to command all the abyss lords present. , but under the rules of the bloody battle, she will automatically become the supreme commander of the bloody battle at this moment. This is the will of the abyss.

Like the relationship between Rosalind and Louis.

But fortunately, the devils have an absolute numerical advantage, so they can fight with the devils in bloody battles, and even gain the upper hand. If they don't even have this numerical advantage, then the abyss may really be captured by the devils.

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

Like the relationship between Rosalind and Louis.

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

Malcanthet's laughter echoed in the hall. She twisted her enchanting body and slowly left here.

At the junction of the eighth and ninth levels of hell, Louis' incarnation appears here.

When there was no one in the hall, Rosalind's expressionless face became unpredictable. She thought about what her mother had just said, and suddenly felt that what she said seemed reasonable. For a moment, the arrogant and irritable Abyss Demonic Dragon fell into thinking.

Rosalind looked at the abyss lords from all planes of the abyss gathered in her palace, and felt secretly happy. As the master of the "Abyss Plain", although she was not qualified, she did not have the ability to command all the abyss lords present. , but under the rules of the bloody battle, she will automatically become the supreme commander of the bloody battle at this moment. This is the will of the abyss.

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

Today, the first layer of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," has become specialized. For the time being, all the abyss lords in this layer will obtain virtual godheads and be blessed by the will of the abyss, so that they can use more power. In the bloody battle.

Compared with those veteran abyss lords who have been around for tens of thousands or thousands of years, she does not have much prestige. If the bloody battle had not been carried out on the first level of the abyss, it is estimated that these demon lords would not remember her as a newcomer.

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

The bloodworms on the fifth floor, the Beholder Goddess and the Mistress on the sixth floor, the angry lords on the twenty-third floor, the crazy prince on the five hundred and seventh floor, and many more demon lords gathered together.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

"So think about it carefully, my daughter, you are still very useful to me, and I don't need your surrender, but you should consider some allies. Apart from your mother and me, who else Who is more suitable to be an ally?"

The Abyss has not experienced a bloody battle for 30,000 years, and all the demon lords are also curious about the bloody battle. Especially the joy that the will of the abyss conveys to all the demon lords makes even the abyss lords who are not interested in bloody battles , will also participate in this war unconsciously.

Rosalind cursed these lords in her heart. Although the devil's nature was to be unable to command, it still knew how to obey the most basic orders of where to fight. For the supreme commander of the bloody battle, these were the things she longed for.

Just as the demon army was gathering, many demon lords in the bottomless abyss also gathered in the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", the first layer of the abyss.

The most indispensable thing in the bottomless abyss is demons and lords. Compared with the current situation where there are only eight hell lords in the entire hell, the total number of lords in the abyss may be hundreds.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

The demons were originally a mess. After gathering together and knowing that so many lords were participating in this bloody battle, the demon lords all left Rosalind, a palace that had just been built not long ago. When each lord left, They all paid no attention to her master, which made Rosalind's face become even more ugly.

Rosalind cursed these lords in her heart. Although the devil's nature was to be unable to command, it still knew how to obey the most basic orders of where to fight. For the supreme commander of the bloody battle, these were the things she longed for.

Like the relationship between Rosalind and Louis.

With the chaotic characteristics of demons, they cannot play the tricks of the demons in cooperating with various legions. If it is a one-on-one situation, one demon versus another demon, the outcome is particularly uncertain, but as long as the demon The number of demons increases, and when the battle turns into a war, the demons are definitely no match for the demons.

"... But you have to remember, my beautiful and stupid daughter, your father is a superior god. He will not be emotional towards demons like us. Of course, as demons, we cannot have much true love. He He is a profit-oriented person. When you can provide him with benefits, he will strongly support you, but when one day you lose value, he will abandon you without hesitation!"

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

"...Don't think about fighting alone. Devils are just as cunning as devils. If you are young and careless, you will lose your life due to impulse. Your father will not feel sorry for you, because people like you Devil, if he can give birth to one with me, he can give birth to a second one. If you don’t want more sisters to compete with you for this power, just think about what I say.”

But fortunately, the devils have an absolute numerical advantage, so they can fight with the devils in bloody battles, and even gain the upper hand. If they don't even have this numerical advantage, then the abyss may really be captured by the devils.

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

But fortunately, the devils have an absolute numerical advantage, so they can fight with the devils in bloody battles, and even gain the upper hand. If they don't even have this numerical advantage, then the abyss may really be captured by the devils.

When there was no one in the hall, Rosalind's expressionless face became unpredictable. She thought about what her mother had just said, and suddenly felt that what she said seemed reasonable. For a moment, the arrogant and irritable Abyss Demonic Dragon fell into thinking.

At the junction of the eighth and ninth levels of hell, Louis' incarnation appears here.

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

Compared with those veteran abyss lords who have been around for tens of thousands or thousands of years, she does not have much prestige. If the bloody battle had not been carried out on the first level of the abyss, it is estimated that these demon lords would not remember her as a newcomer.

The succubus queen giggled, filling the empty hall with the flavor of lust.

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

"Your idea of seducing your father to gain his support is a good one. This allowed you to quickly gain the position of lord, and even occupy the first level of the abyss."

The demons were originally a mess. After gathering together and knowing that so many lords were participating in this bloody battle, the demon lords all left Rosalind, a palace that had just been built not long ago. When each lord left, They all paid no attention to her master, which made Rosalind's face become even more ugly.

Compared with those veteran abyss lords who have been around for tens of thousands or thousands of years, she does not have much prestige. If the bloody battle had not been carried out on the first level of the abyss, it is estimated that these demon lords would not remember her as a newcomer.

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

'Just wait, if one day I become the Demon Prince, I will make you old stubborns kneel in front of me and howl! '

Rosalind cursed these lords in her heart. Although the devil's nature was to be unable to command, it still knew how to obey the most basic orders of where to fight. For the supreme commander of the bloody battle, these were the things she longed for.

Rosalind cursed these lords in her heart. Although the devil's nature was to be unable to command, it still knew how to obey the most basic orders of where to fight. For the supreme commander of the bloody battle, these were the things she longed for.

"So think about it carefully, my daughter, you are still very useful to me, and I don't need your surrender, but you should consider some allies. Apart from your mother and me, who else Who is more suitable to be an ally?"

"Apart from your body, what else do you have that deserves your father's attention? And in terms of beauty, how can you compare to my mother? Your beauty is just a part of me."

"... But you have to remember, my beautiful and stupid daughter, your father is a superior god. He will not be emotional towards demons like us. Of course, as demons, we cannot have much true love. He He is a profit-oriented person. When you can provide him with benefits, he will strongly support you, but when one day you lose value, he will abandon you without hesitation!"

Rosalind looked at the abyss lords from all planes of the abyss gathered in her palace, and felt secretly happy. As the master of the "Abyss Plain", although she was not qualified, she did not have the ability to command all the abyss lords present. , but under the rules of the bloody battle, she will automatically become the supreme commander of the bloody battle at this moment. This is the will of the abyss.

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

"Your idea of seducing your father to gain his support is a good one. This allowed you to quickly gain the position of lord, and even occupy the first level of the abyss."

When there was no one in the hall, Rosalind's expressionless face became unpredictable. She thought about what her mother had just said, and suddenly felt that what she said seemed reasonable. For a moment, the arrogant and irritable Abyss Demonic Dragon fell into thinking.

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

"Apart from your body, what else do you have that deserves your father's attention? And in terms of beauty, how can you compare to my mother? Your beauty is just a part of me."

Rosalind looked at the abyss lords from all planes of the abyss gathered in her palace, and felt secretly happy. As the master of the "Abyss Plain", although she was not qualified, she did not have the ability to command all the abyss lords present. , but under the rules of the bloody battle, she will automatically become the supreme commander of the bloody battle at this moment. This is the will of the abyss.

"My lords, I don't have any suggestions for this bloody battle that is about to begin. All the lords just need to lead their own demon armies and do whatever they want."

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

The most indispensable thing in the bottomless abyss is demons and lords. Compared with the current situation where there are only eight hell lords in the entire hell, the total number of lords in the abyss may be hundreds.

"...Don't think about fighting alone. Devils are just as cunning as devils. If you are young and careless, you will lose your life due to impulse. Your father will not feel sorry for you, because people like you Devil, if he can give birth to one with me, he can give birth to a second one. If you don’t want more sisters to compete with you for this power, just think about what I say.”

Especially after seeing the vigilance and hostility in the eyes of her mother, the Succubus Queen Mercantheut, Rosalind became even more happy. There is no so-called family affection between demons. They all live for their own interests, unless they are those who The devil will only surrender if someone among his relatives is too powerful.

The succubus queen giggled, filling the empty hall with the flavor of lust.

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

This greatly satisfied Rosalind's vanity and ambition for power, giving her the ultimate pleasure of tasting fine wine and enjoying a climax.

"Your idea of seducing your father to gain his support is a good one. This allowed you to quickly gain the position of lord, and even occupy the first level of the abyss."

The bloodworms on the fifth floor, the Beholder Goddess and the Mistress on the sixth floor, the angry lords on the twenty-third floor, the crazy prince on the five hundred and seventh floor, and many more demon lords gathered together.

With the chaotic characteristics of demons, they cannot play the tricks of the demons in cooperating with various legions. If it is a one-on-one situation, one demon versus another demon, the outcome is particularly uncertain, but as long as the demon The number of demons increases, and when the battle turns into a war, the demons are definitely no match for the demons.

The demons were originally a mess. After gathering together and knowing that so many lords were participating in this bloody battle, the demon lords all left Rosalind, a palace that had just been built not long ago. When each lord left, They all paid no attention to her master, which made Rosalind's face become even more ugly.

"So think about it carefully, my daughter, you are still very useful to me, and I don't need your surrender, but you should consider some allies. Apart from your mother and me, who else Who is more suitable to be an ally?"

The succubus queen Malkanthet was the only lord who did not leave here to go to her own legion. She mocked her daughter, showed a charming smile, and stretched lazily, revealing her beautiful and exaggerated curves.

Even Rosalind's mother, Queen Succubus, joined in on behalf of the succubus clan.

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

"...Don't think about fighting alone. Devils are just as cunning as devils. If you are young and careless, you will lose your life due to impulse. Your father will not feel sorry for you, because people like you Devil, if he can give birth to one with me, he can give birth to a second one. If you don’t want more sisters to compete with you for this power, just think about what I say.”

The succubus queen giggled, filling the empty hall with the flavor of lust.

Compared with those veteran abyss lords who have been around for tens of thousands or thousands of years, she does not have much prestige. If the bloody battle had not been carried out on the first level of the abyss, it is estimated that these demon lords would not remember her as a newcomer.

But there are also some abyss lords who are not very bright-minded but are extremely excited and can't wait to participate in the bloody battle and join the frontline battlefield. Demons are chaotic creatures, and they always have a few moments of rationality.

Malcanthet's laughter echoed in the hall. She twisted her enchanting body and slowly left here.

At the junction of the eighth and ninth levels of hell, Louis' incarnation appears here.

Just as the demon army was gathering, many demon lords in the bottomless abyss also gathered in the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", the first layer of the abyss.

"...Don't think about fighting alone. Devils are just as cunning as devils. If you are young and careless, you will lose your life due to impulse. Your father will not feel sorry for you, because people like you Devil, if he can give birth to one with me, he can give birth to a second one. If you don’t want more sisters to compete with you for this power, just think about what I say.”

With the chaotic characteristics of demons, they cannot play the tricks of the demons in cooperating with various legions. If it is a one-on-one situation, one demon versus another demon, the outcome is particularly uncertain, but as long as the demon The number of demons increases, and when the battle turns into a war, the demons are definitely no match for the demons.

With the chaotic characteristics of demons, they cannot play the tricks of the demons in cooperating with various legions. If it is a one-on-one situation, one demon versus another demon, the outcome is particularly uncertain, but as long as the demon The number of demons increases, and when the battle turns into a war, the demons are definitely no match for the demons.

The hundreds of abyss lords gathered in this hall were all talking to themselves, and they were indifferent to Rosalind. Seeing this, Miss Abyss Demon Dragon felt angry in her heart, but she also knew that she was still too young to become an abyss lord. Less than a few years.

"Your idea of seducing your father to gain his support is a good one. This allowed you to quickly gain the position of lord, and even occupy the first level of the abyss."

Even Rosalind's mother, Queen Succubus, joined in on behalf of the succubus clan.

When there was no one in the hall, Rosalind's expressionless face became unpredictable. She thought about what her mother had just said, and suddenly felt that what she said seemed reasonable. For a moment, the arrogant and irritable Abyss Demonic Dragon fell into thinking.

The demons were originally a mess. After gathering together and knowing that so many lords were participating in this bloody battle, the demon lords all left Rosalind, a palace that had just been built not long ago. When each lord left, They all paid no attention to her master, which made Rosalind's face become even more ugly.

Rosalind clearly knew that even if she obtained the permission of the Will of the Abyss, she would not have the ability to order all the demon lords to obey. As for the supreme command, it was actually just a false name, because creatures like demons did not need it when they marched. Command, you only need to give them one order, that is - attack!

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

At the junction of the eighth and ninth levels of hell, Louis' incarnation appears here.

"Giggle~~ My beautiful daughter, the abyss is not an easy place for people to survive. You are too young and too impulsive to know how scary the abyss is. Why not return to your mother's arms and let her love you well? .”

"... But you have to remember, my beautiful and stupid daughter, your father is a superior god. He will not be emotional towards demons like us. Of course, as demons, we cannot have much true love. He He is a profit-oriented person. When you can provide him with benefits, he will strongly support you, but when one day you lose value, he will abandon you without hesitation!"

But every abyss lord has instinctive memories from the soul and from the depths of the DNA that advise them to stay away from the front line of the bloody battle. Otherwise, even if you are a demon prince, you may die of exhaustion among some weak demons. In his hands, it becomes the stepping stone for the other party to achieve the position of the Devil's Grand Duke.