I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 778: The arrow has to be fired when it is on the string


In the blood-red space, the force of killing and war began to vibrate. This made Louis look at this land with an impulse in his heart. His killing priesthood seemed to urge him to join in and gain insights from the endless killing. The Force, and thus one step closer.

Although there are more humans on the Earth plane, the weakness of mortals cannot be compared with that of demons. The most powerful soldiers among the demons even have legendary levels of power. They are city-destroying monsters that can be called supermen on the Earth plane.

Louis cursed in his heart. He had a thought in his mind. The one hundred thousand demon army created with Tyrannic technology had been quietly prepared. When the bloody battle began, when the demons and demons fought until they lost their minds. , he will put these 100,000 legions into the devil camp to help these devils kill devils.

“The God of Killing at that time must have been immersed in killing for too long, and finally could not restrain the urge to kill, so he broke into the bloody battle, and because of the control of killing, he was completely immersed in killing, and died of exhaustion. "

But faintly, Louis was also a little uneasy. He found that he seemed to underestimate the bloody battle. Just before the bloody battle happened, the shock of war and the killing force frightened Louis. If the bloody battle completely started, at that time How far will the Force of war and carnage boil? In front of such a powerful sea of force, it is like an unconscious god appearing incarnate in the world. Can a powerful god really control a bloody battle

One hundred thousand devils are really not much of a threat compared to 20 million devils, but these one hundred thousand devils all have Louis' divine power of order. They will spread and infect other devils like viruses, and then let the devils belong to the camp. Louis, thus bringing benefits to Louis when killing demons, causing Order's emotions to rise.

After calming down, Louis looked away. He pondered for a moment and jumped directly into the ninth layer of hell, Nessus.

However, there are really too many demons. They are so densely packed together like ants that they are enough to drive people with trypophobia crazy. Even Louis felt his scalp tingling when he looked at these endless demons. numb.

"Even in the process of pursuing order, I am moving more and more to the extreme of order. One day I will completely turn into pure order, so duality is necessary. When you have order, you also need to have chaos. "

"... Even if I fail, it doesn't matter. At most, I will lose the divine power of belief in the earth plane. At worst, I will spend some time on the earth plane to accumulate divine power, so that even if I fail the first time, I will still have a second chance. .”

For example, Shar, who holds the Dark Priesthood, must be a god with a dark mind, and the Dark Priesthood will also deepen Shar's dark temperament. God is the extreme embodiment of a certain conceptualization.

"...So does the god control the priesthood, or does the priesthood influence the god?"

His inverted dragon eyes looked into the void, but even he couldn't put the full picture of the bloody battle into his eyes. This was the most terrifying war in the world of St. Solon. Even if a powerful god fell into the center of the bloody battle, They may also perish because their divine power has run out.

Standing in front of Nessus on the ninth level of hell, Louis took a deep breath and suppressed his restlessness. Although it was a good choice to become a god with the priesthood of killing, in this dualistic world, he could not compare to order and chaos. .

Among the demons, there is Rosalind, a young man. Louis and his daughter have already discussed a detailed battlefield location. The two troops will meet, and then Rosalind will pretend to be defeated and run away, ordering her subordinates in the name of the demon lord. The demon army retreated, leaving Louis' demon army like a sharp knife piercing the demon's heart.

Louis fell into a kind of philosophical thinking, and the conclusion he finally came to was quite frightening. The nature of a god should be the key to obtaining a priesthood, but when a god obtains a certain priesthood, he will also be a priest. Affected, it goes to an extreme.

"Even if we use 'regional life and death' to kill all the more than 20 million demons, a god may have to shout 'I don't have a drop of divine power' first."

Although Louis does not have the priesthood of war, he also knows clearly that in war, the combat effectiveness of an orderly army is far greater than that of chaos, and if the formation of the devil's numerical superiority is broken using surprise troops, the eight demon legions of hell can even defeat one. The possibility is equal to ten, thus winning a complete victory in the bloody battle against the devil.

And the gods who fell in the bloody battle will completely lose the qualifications for resurrection.

The first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss", was now bordering Avernus, the first level of hell, and the place where the two bordered was the battlefield of bloody battles.

Louis was also a little curious about the plane where the King of Hell lived.

"Should we start?"

"It can be seen that becoming a goddess is not static, so the gods will pursue further advancement. The understanding of the priesthood can help the gods become more powerful, just like Her Highness Su Lun, the goddess of the silver moon, even if she loses the sun His priesthood turned into the moon, but he still has strong control over the sun."

Louis' eyes flickered, and he became more clear about his future path.

Louis roughly guessed how the ancient god of killing fell. He must have been controlled by the killing priest. Otherwise, with the ability of a powerful god, he would be able to retreat even if he was caught in a bloody battle, instead of fighting to death.

However, compared to others, Louis, as a powerful god, was able to see the bloody battle scene more clearly.

The roars of the demons and the filthy curses from the Abyss resounded across the "Abyss Plain". It was simply a mess. Comparing the demons with the devil's army, it was simply a miscellaneous army versus a regular army.

Louis believes that if this demon army is brought to the main material world, it will definitely be able to sweep everything. Even his kingdom of dragons will be completely destroyed. Fortunately, it is difficult for demons to leave the abyss, which is what makes these worlds like cancer. Monsters can only kill each other in their own area.

In front of Nessus on the ninth level of hell, Louis murmured.

"But now that the matter has come to this, I have almost used all the divine power I got from the earth plane, and I have to shoot when the arrow is on the string. No matter what the result is, I have to give it a try."

Demons and Devils' armies of more than 20 million are densely packed in this open field. The demons' steel fortresses and the golem weapons made by the devils are slowly moving at the forefront of the army. There are spaceships that use magic as energy to float. In the sky, there are also demons and demons who can fly occupying the sky.

This is just like the rich and the poor in the mortal world. It doesn't matter if the investment fails once for the rich. They have enough funds to make a second investment, but if the investment fails once for the poor, their family will be ruined.

Even in a bloody battle, tactics, tactics, and strategic policies are still useful. Otherwise, the devils would not have separated a separate legion specifically for espionage. That is to say, the chaotic characteristics of the devils prevent them from doing this.

Countless demons are crowded together. The eyes of these demons have turned pure blood red. They are losing their minds under the stimulation of the force of killing and war. With the help of the will of the abyss, these demons have not yet rushed forward. It is already commendable.

After withdrawing his thoughts, he looked at the bloody battlefield again. More than 20 million demons and demons were approaching step by step. Compared with the neat arrays and the silent battlefield of the demons, the demon camp was simply a hodgepodge. .

Louis felt a little at ease when he thought of this. The faith of the seven billion people on the earth plane is his greatest guarantee and the strongest reliance on him to compete with the gods. If he only relies on this little faith in the world of Saint Solon, With the transformation of power, Louis must have been carefully counting his money to live his life now. How could he be so extravagant and wasteful

The biggest difference between Louis and other gods is that he has 'money' and can afford to lose, while other gods may lose once and there will be no next time.