I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 779: Hell's deepest secret


"This is... the ninth level of hell, the core of Baator, Nasus."

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

Louis came to a canyon. He squatted on the ground and touched the remains of the land. The power of the Time Priest allowed him to read ancient information from these materials. That was the birth of this world millions of years ago. Although the traces left behind were blurred, Louis also vaguely saw the fall of the King of Baator and the birth of Hell.

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

Louis pondered deeply. In the past 30,000 years, no other lord of hell has entered Nasus. All the lords of hell are afraid that there are secrets hidden here that can rule hell, so they monitor each other, so that they take advantage of Louis and let him He became the first living being to enter the core of hell in 30,000 years.

This is a nearly circular building complex. In the center of the building there is a huge pit that cannot be seen to the bottom. The King of Bator fell here, thus forming this huge pit, and the Lord of Hell seems to In order to commemorate his fall in this way, he built this cold castle on the edge of the pit, the base camp of hell.

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

Overall, the castle gave Louis a very absurd sense of grandeur and desolation.

In normal times, the lords of hell have virtual godheads in their own planes. Even the incarnation of Louis cannot enter Nasus without telling everyone, but now the eight major lords are not here, and these lords would never expect that there is a god. He would actually be interested in Nasus.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

"This is... the ninth level of hell, the core of Baator, Nasus."

This is a nearly circular building complex. In the center of the building there is a huge pit that cannot be seen to the bottom. The King of Bator fell here, thus forming this huge pit, and the Lord of Hell seems to In order to commemorate his fall in this way, he built this cold castle on the edge of the pit, the base camp of hell.

"As the core of hell, there should be no shortage of devils here, and the most powerful devils should still live here. But I have been wandering around for so long and found nothing. Could it be that the King of Bator is really It fell 30,000 years ago, and this place has been abandoned for 30,000 years?"

"You finally came!"

Stepping into the fortress is like entering a huge maze. Legend has it that if you want to use drawings to draw all the details of this fortress, it would take thousands of drawings. This shows how huge and complex it is. Even Louis All require divine magic to determine the direction.

"This is... the ninth level of hell, the core of Baator, Nasus."

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

Here is a deep red void like a whirlpool. It looks like a rotating black hole, but the color of this black hole has turned into blood red. This blood red color is like the flowing blood spinning and twisting here infinitely, forming a A scene like an abstract oil painting.

With a low laugh, Louis stepped into the Castle of Nessus without hesitation. The structure in this castle was very similar to that made by humans. Even the decorations were similar, with precious fabrics, precious metals, and large volumes. Amazing gems are inlaid on the walls. If there were a dragon here, it would probably demolish the castle and take all the gems home.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

Just as Louis thought, there was nothing in this huge fortress. If the metals that constructed the fortress were not very valuable, I am afraid that these metals would be corroded and the fortress would collapse thirty thousand years later.

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

And the most amazing thing is that there are huge caves in the cracks at the bottom of these mountain gorges. Those caves are connected to the void space, where the size cannot be measured by physical methods. In other words, the continent of Nessus is seemingly limited. The space actually contains infinity inside it.

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

Legend has it that the blood-red colors of Nessus flowed from the King of Hell. Shortly after the birth of the world, the King of Baator was thrown into hell by the oldest gods. It fell from the heaven to Bator Hell caused injuries to the body. Its skin was cracked and blood was flowing forever, even dyeing the plane of Nassus red.

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

In normal times, the lords of hell have virtual godheads in their own planes. Even the incarnation of Louis cannot enter Nasus without telling everyone, but now the eight major lords are not here, and these lords would never expect that there is a god. He would actually be interested in Nasus.

Louis is also a dragon, but he is the god of dragons and can restrain his greed and desire for gems.

The incarnation of Louis descended on the continent. This place can be described as absolutely flat. There are no trees, no buildings, and no ups and downs on the entire continent. Even a mortal standing here can see for several kilometers. outside.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

Unable to get any information he wanted, Louis pondered for a while and then walked towards the center of the canyon. The winding canyon could not stop the footsteps of the gods. Soon he saw a huge abandoned fortress.

Just as Louis thought, there was nothing in this huge fortress. If the metals that constructed the fortress were not very valuable, I am afraid that these metals would be corroded and the fortress would collapse thirty thousand years later.

And the most amazing thing is that there are huge caves in the cracks at the bottom of these mountain gorges. Those caves are connected to the void space, where the size cannot be measured by physical methods. In other words, the continent of Nessus is seemingly limited. The space actually contains infinity inside it.

And in this deep red void, there is a floating continent. The continent is a complete plain, with an oval outline and jagged edges. Louis stood in the void and visually measured this. The area of a continent.

Stepping into the fortress is like entering a huge maze. Legend has it that if you want to use drawings to draw all the details of this fortress, it would take thousands of drawings. This shows how huge and complex it is. Even Louis All require divine magic to determine the direction.

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

It is about 2,500 kilometers from east to west, and 1,100 kilometers from north to south. If we want to describe it in more detail, the distance from the capital of the Celestial Dynasty to the Demon City is about 1,300 kilometers. From this point, we can see that in Naisse The size of this continent.

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

"This is... the ninth level of hell, the core of Baator, Nasus."

"This is... the ninth level of hell, the core of Baator, Nasus."

"You finally came!"

This is a nearly circular building complex. In the center of the building there is a huge pit that cannot be seen to the bottom. The King of Bator fell here, thus forming this huge pit, and the Lord of Hell seems to In order to commemorate his fall in this way, he built this cold castle on the edge of the pit, the base camp of hell.

"As the core of hell, there should be no shortage of devils here, and the most powerful devils should still live here. But I have been wandering around for so long and found nothing. Could it be that the King of Bator is really It fell 30,000 years ago, and this place has been abandoned for 30,000 years?"

This huge, dizzying fortress has been recorded in the ancient library. Its name is 'Marsham'. It was designed by the King of Baator himself and built by the devil on orders. It was once the most powerful place in Baator Hell. The powerful demon army is stationed here. It is a demon army that is so terrifying that it has never even participated in a bloody battle, but it is enough to sweep through hell. The blood dripping from the King of Baator dyes the plane red, and the blood transformed into The plane is also breeding powerful devils every moment.

"For most of the material planes where living things exist, this continent is considered vast."

The incarnation of Louis descended on the continent. This place can be described as absolutely flat. There are no trees, no buildings, and no ups and downs on the entire continent. Even a mortal standing here can see for several kilometers. outside.

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

Here is a deep red void like a whirlpool. It looks like a rotating black hole, but the color of this black hole has turned into blood red. This blood red color is like the flowing blood spinning and twisting here infinitely, forming a A scene like an abstract oil painting.

Stepping into the fortress is like entering a huge maze. Legend has it that if you want to use drawings to draw all the details of this fortress, it would take thousands of drawings. This shows how huge and complex it is. Even Louis All require divine magic to determine the direction.

Stepping into the fortress is like entering a huge maze. Legend has it that if you want to use drawings to draw all the details of this fortress, it would take thousands of drawings. This shows how huge and complex it is. Even Louis All require divine magic to determine the direction.

This huge, dizzying fortress has been recorded in the ancient library. Its name is 'Marsham'. It was designed by the King of Baator himself and built by the devil on orders. It was once the most powerful place in Baator Hell. The powerful demon army is stationed here. It is a demon army that is so terrifying that it has never even participated in a bloody battle, but it is enough to sweep through hell. The blood dripping from the King of Baator dyes the plane red, and the blood transformed into The plane is also breeding powerful devils every moment.

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

The incarnation of Louis descended on the continent. This place can be described as absolutely flat. There are no trees, no buildings, and no ups and downs on the entire continent. Even a mortal standing here can see for several kilometers. outside.

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

And in this deep red void, there is a floating continent. The continent is a complete plain, with an oval outline and jagged edges. Louis stood in the void and visually measured this. The area of a continent.

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

Louis is also a dragon, but he is the god of dragons and can restrain his greed and desire for gems.

And in this deep red void, there is a floating continent. The continent is a complete plain, with an oval outline and jagged edges. Louis stood in the void and visually measured this. The area of a continent.

This is a nearly circular building complex. In the center of the building there is a huge pit that cannot be seen to the bottom. The King of Bator fell here, thus forming this huge pit, and the Lord of Hell seems to In order to commemorate his fall in this way, he built this cold castle on the edge of the pit, the base camp of hell.

And the most amazing thing is that there are huge caves in the cracks at the bottom of these mountain gorges. Those caves are connected to the void space, where the size cannot be measured by physical methods. In other words, the continent of Nessus is seemingly limited. The space actually contains infinity inside it.

This huge, dizzying fortress has been recorded in the ancient library. Its name is 'Marsham'. It was designed by the King of Baator himself and built by the devil on orders. It was once the most powerful place in Baator Hell. The powerful demon army is stationed here. It is a demon army that is so terrifying that it has never even participated in a bloody battle, but it is enough to sweep through hell. The blood dripping from the King of Baator dyes the plane red, and the blood transformed into The plane is also breeding powerful devils every moment.

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

"You finally came!"

But in the middle of this miserable cry, a sigh that even made Louis feel creepy suddenly came:

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

But in the middle of this miserable cry, a sigh that even made Louis feel creepy suddenly came:

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

The incarnation of Louis descended on the continent. This place can be described as absolutely flat. There are no trees, no buildings, and no ups and downs on the entire continent. Even a mortal standing here can see for several kilometers. outside.

Louis came to a canyon. He squatted on the ground and touched the remains of the land. The power of the Time Priest allowed him to read ancient information from these materials. That was the birth of this world millions of years ago. Although the traces left behind were blurred, Louis also vaguely saw the fall of the King of Baator and the birth of Hell.

The surrounding walls kept oozing with shrill cries, but Louis was very sure that there was no living person here. The cries of the walls seemed to record the last obsessions of the innocent souls who died in hell.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

This huge, dizzying fortress has been recorded in the ancient library. Its name is 'Marsham'. It was designed by the King of Baator himself and built by the devil on orders. It was once the most powerful place in Baator Hell. The powerful demon army is stationed here. It is a demon army that is so terrifying that it has never even participated in a bloody battle, but it is enough to sweep through hell. The blood dripping from the King of Baator dyes the plane red, and the blood transformed into The plane is also breeding powerful devils every moment.

Overall, the castle gave Louis a very absurd sense of grandeur and desolation.

"As the core of hell, there should be no shortage of devils here, and the most powerful devils should still live here. But I have been wandering around for so long and found nothing. Could it be that the King of Bator is really It fell 30,000 years ago, and this place has been abandoned for 30,000 years?"

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

"For most of the material planes where living things exist, this continent is considered vast."

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

Unable to get any information he wanted, Louis pondered for a while and then walked towards the center of the canyon. The winding canyon could not stop the footsteps of the gods. Soon he saw a huge abandoned fortress.

Louis pondered deeply. In the past 30,000 years, no other lord of hell has entered Nasus. All the lords of hell are afraid that there are secrets hidden here that can rule hell, so they monitor each other, so that they take advantage of Louis and let him He became the first living being to enter the core of hell in 30,000 years.

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

Just as Louis thought, there was nothing in this huge fortress. If the metals that constructed the fortress were not very valuable, I am afraid that these metals would be corroded and the fortress would collapse thirty thousand years later.

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

This huge, dizzying fortress has been recorded in the ancient library. Its name is 'Marsham'. It was designed by the King of Baator himself and built by the devil on orders. It was once the most powerful place in Baator Hell. The powerful demon army is stationed here. It is a demon army that is so terrifying that it has never even participated in a bloody battle, but it is enough to sweep through hell. The blood dripping from the King of Baator dyes the plane red, and the blood transformed into The plane is also breeding powerful devils every moment.

"For most of the material planes where living things exist, this continent is considered vast."

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

The surrounding walls kept oozing with shrill cries, but Louis was very sure that there was no living person here. The cries of the walls seemed to record the last obsessions of the innocent souls who died in hell.

Louis came to a canyon. He squatted on the ground and touched the remains of the land. The power of the Time Priest allowed him to read ancient information from these materials. That was the birth of this world millions of years ago. Although the traces left behind were blurred, Louis also vaguely saw the fall of the King of Baator and the birth of Hell.

Louis came to a canyon. He squatted on the ground and touched the remains of the land. The power of the Time Priest allowed him to read ancient information from these materials. That was the birth of this world millions of years ago. Although the traces left behind were blurred, Louis also vaguely saw the fall of the King of Baator and the birth of Hell.

In normal times, the lords of hell have virtual godheads in their own planes. Even the incarnation of Louis cannot enter Nasus without telling everyone, but now the eight major lords are not here, and these lords would never expect that there is a god. He would actually be interested in Nasus.

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

Unable to get any information he wanted, Louis pondered for a while and then walked towards the center of the canyon. The winding canyon could not stop the footsteps of the gods. Soon he saw a huge abandoned fortress.

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

"You finally came!"

Overall, the castle gave Louis a very absurd sense of grandeur and desolation.

This huge, dizzying fortress has been recorded in the ancient library. Its name is 'Marsham'. It was designed by the King of Baator himself and built by the devil on orders. It was once the most powerful place in Baator Hell. The powerful demon army is stationed here. It is a demon army that is so terrifying that it has never even participated in a bloody battle, but it is enough to sweep through hell. The blood dripping from the King of Baator dyes the plane red, and the blood transformed into The plane is also breeding powerful devils every moment.

Stepping into the fortress is like entering a huge maze. Legend has it that if you want to use drawings to draw all the details of this fortress, it would take thousands of drawings. This shows how huge and complex it is. Even Louis All require divine magic to determine the direction.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

It is about 2,500 kilometers from east to west, and 1,100 kilometers from north to south. If we want to describe it in more detail, the distance from the capital of the Celestial Dynasty to the Demon City is about 1,300 kilometers. From this point, we can see that in Naisse The size of this continent.

Louis is also a dragon, but he is the god of dragons and can restrain his greed and desire for gems.

Legend has it that the blood-red colors of Nessus flowed from the King of Hell. Shortly after the birth of the world, the King of Baator was thrown into hell by the oldest gods. It fell from the heaven to Bator Hell caused injuries to the body. Its skin was cracked and blood was flowing forever, even dyeing the plane of Nassus red.

Legend has it that the blood-red colors of Nessus flowed from the King of Hell. Shortly after the birth of the world, the King of Baator was thrown into hell by the oldest gods. It fell from the heaven to Bator Hell caused injuries to the body. Its skin was cracked and blood was flowing forever, even dyeing the plane of Nassus red.

Just as Louis thought, there was nothing in this huge fortress. If the metals that constructed the fortress were not very valuable, I am afraid that these metals would be corroded and the fortress would collapse thirty thousand years later.

Just as Louis thought, there was nothing in this huge fortress. If the metals that constructed the fortress were not very valuable, I am afraid that these metals would be corroded and the fortress would collapse thirty thousand years later.

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

"This is... the ninth level of hell, the core of Baator, Nasus."

"For most of the material planes where living things exist, this continent is considered vast."

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

Stepping into the fortress is like entering a huge maze. Legend has it that if you want to use drawings to draw all the details of this fortress, it would take thousands of drawings. This shows how huge and complex it is. Even Louis All require divine magic to determine the direction.

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

Overall, the castle gave Louis a very absurd sense of grandeur and desolation.

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

"This is... the ninth level of hell, the core of Baator, Nasus."

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

But in the middle of this miserable cry, a sigh that even made Louis feel creepy suddenly came:

Louis pondered deeply. In the past 30,000 years, no other lord of hell has entered Nasus. All the lords of hell are afraid that there are secrets hidden here that can rule hell, so they monitor each other, so that they take advantage of Louis and let him He became the first living being to enter the core of hell in 30,000 years.

With a low laugh, Louis stepped into the Castle of Nessus without hesitation. The structure in this castle was very similar to that made by humans. Even the decorations were similar, with precious fabrics, precious metals, and large volumes. Amazing gems are inlaid on the walls. If there were a dragon here, it would probably demolish the castle and take all the gems home.

This is a nearly circular building complex. In the center of the building there is a huge pit that cannot be seen to the bottom. The King of Bator fell here, thus forming this huge pit, and the Lord of Hell seems to In order to commemorate his fall in this way, he built this cold castle on the edge of the pit, the base camp of hell.

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

This huge, dizzying fortress has been recorded in the ancient library. Its name is 'Marsham'. It was designed by the King of Baator himself and built by the devil on orders. It was once the most powerful place in Baator Hell. The powerful demon army is stationed here. It is a demon army that is so terrifying that it has never even participated in a bloody battle, but it is enough to sweep through hell. The blood dripping from the King of Baator dyes the plane red, and the blood transformed into The plane is also breeding powerful devils every moment.

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

It is about 2,500 kilometers from east to west, and 1,100 kilometers from north to south. If we want to describe it in more detail, the distance from the capital of the Celestial Dynasty to the Demon City is about 1,300 kilometers. From this point, we can see that in Naisse The size of this continent.

The incarnation of Louis descended on the continent. This place can be described as absolutely flat. There are no trees, no buildings, and no ups and downs on the entire continent. Even a mortal standing here can see for several kilometers. outside.

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

Overall, the castle gave Louis a very absurd sense of grandeur and desolation.

Just as Louis thought, there was nothing in this huge fortress. If the metals that constructed the fortress were not very valuable, I am afraid that these metals would be corroded and the fortress would collapse thirty thousand years later.

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

Louis is also a dragon, but he is the god of dragons and can restrain his greed and desire for gems.

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

Stepping into the fortress is like entering a huge maze. Legend has it that if you want to use drawings to draw all the details of this fortress, it would take thousands of drawings. This shows how huge and complex it is. Even Louis All require divine magic to determine the direction.

Just as Louis thought, there was nothing in this huge fortress. If the metals that constructed the fortress were not very valuable, I am afraid that these metals would be corroded and the fortress would collapse thirty thousand years later.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

"You finally came!"

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

Louis pondered deeply. In the past 30,000 years, no other lord of hell has entered Nasus. All the lords of hell are afraid that there are secrets hidden here that can rule hell, so they monitor each other, so that they take advantage of Louis and let him He became the first living being to enter the core of hell in 30,000 years.

When the eight hell lords went to participate in the bloody battle, they never expected that Louis would take this opportunity to enter the ninth layer of hell, Nasus.

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

"As the core of hell, there should be no shortage of devils here, and the most powerful devils should still live here. But I have been wandering around for so long and found nothing. Could it be that the King of Bator is really It fell 30,000 years ago, and this place has been abandoned for 30,000 years?"

With a low laugh, Louis stepped into the Castle of Nessus without hesitation. The structure in this castle was very similar to that made by humans. Even the decorations were similar, with precious fabrics, precious metals, and large volumes. Amazing gems are inlaid on the walls. If there were a dragon here, it would probably demolish the castle and take all the gems home.

Unable to get any information he wanted, Louis pondered for a while and then walked towards the center of the canyon. The winding canyon could not stop the footsteps of the gods. Soon he saw a huge abandoned fortress.

Louis is also a dragon, but he is the god of dragons and can restrain his greed and desire for gems.

Louis came to a canyon. He squatted on the ground and touched the remains of the land. The power of the Time Priest allowed him to read ancient information from these materials. That was the birth of this world millions of years ago. Although the traces left behind were blurred, Louis also vaguely saw the fall of the King of Baator and the birth of Hell.

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

Louis is also a dragon, but he is the god of dragons and can restrain his greed and desire for gems.

Louis came to a canyon. He squatted on the ground and touched the remains of the land. The power of the Time Priest allowed him to read ancient information from these materials. That was the birth of this world millions of years ago. Although the traces left behind were blurred, Louis also vaguely saw the fall of the King of Baator and the birth of Hell.

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

"As the core of hell, there should be no shortage of devils here, and the most powerful devils should still live here. But I have been wandering around for so long and found nothing. Could it be that the King of Bator is really It fell 30,000 years ago, and this place has been abandoned for 30,000 years?"

Legend has it that the blood-red colors of Nessus flowed from the King of Hell. Shortly after the birth of the world, the King of Baator was thrown into hell by the oldest gods. It fell from the heaven to Bator Hell caused injuries to the body. Its skin was cracked and blood was flowing forever, even dyeing the plane of Nassus red.

Overall, the castle gave Louis a very absurd sense of grandeur and desolation.

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

The surrounding walls kept oozing with shrill cries, but Louis was very sure that there was no living person here. The cries of the walls seemed to record the last obsessions of the innocent souls who died in hell.

Here is a deep red void like a whirlpool. It looks like a rotating black hole, but the color of this black hole has turned into blood red. This blood red color is like the flowing blood spinning and twisting here infinitely, forming a A scene like an abstract oil painting.

This is a nearly circular building complex. In the center of the building there is a huge pit that cannot be seen to the bottom. The King of Bator fell here, thus forming this huge pit, and the Lord of Hell seems to In order to commemorate his fall in this way, he built this cold castle on the edge of the pit, the base camp of hell.

"I'm afraid I'm the first living creature to step foot here in millions of years."

There was a winding canyon located in the fortress. Continuing forward, when Louis passed through this canyon, he finally saw his destination, the residence of the King of Baator - Castle Nessus!

But in the middle of this miserable cry, a sigh that even made Louis feel creepy suddenly came:

And the most amazing thing is that there are huge caves in the cracks at the bottom of these mountain gorges. Those caves are connected to the void space, where the size cannot be measured by physical methods. In other words, the continent of Nessus is seemingly limited. The space actually contains infinity inside it.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

"For most of the material planes where living things exist, this continent is considered vast."

But in the middle of this miserable cry, a sigh that even made Louis feel creepy suddenly came:

"You finally came!"

"You finally came!"

But as Louis walked deeper into the continent, he found that the scene of the plain had changed. There were crisscrossing ditches and mountain gorges crisscrossing the center of the plain, like scars. It is said that the Emperor of Hell 30,000 years ago While still alive, these mountain gorges were home to millions of people.

And the most amazing thing is that there are huge caves in the cracks at the bottom of these mountain gorges. Those caves are connected to the void space, where the size cannot be measured by physical methods. In other words, the continent of Nessus is seemingly limited. The space actually contains infinity inside it.

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

There are no traces of magic or any traps. Although this palace is huge, in fact, no devil has entered here since the castle was established. The King of Baator does not allow any The devil enters here.

"These snake-like canyons are probably the traces left here when the King of Baator fell from the upper plane."

It was desolate and there was nothing. Louis didn't use any magical power, but he walked very fast. He almost walked around these canyons, but he didn't find a devil or even a plant. .

Louis came to a canyon. He squatted on the ground and touched the remains of the land. The power of the Time Priest allowed him to read ancient information from these materials. That was the birth of this world millions of years ago. Although the traces left behind were blurred, Louis also vaguely saw the fall of the King of Baator and the birth of Hell.