I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 780: The King of Baator and the Serpent of Order


Louis did not hide too much and directly expressed his doubts and confusion. After a pause, Louis said again: "...Yes, although I am only a new god, I understand it from the mouths of other ancient gods. However, it seems that you, the King of Baator, have never appeared in front of people since you fell into hell, and no devil has even entered the castle of Nessus where you are."

"I was definitely shocked."

This is also the biggest difference between gods and devils. Don’t look at the fact that Asmodeus’s virtual godhood is as high as 20, but he does not dare to leave Nasus at all. If he also comes to other planes in the form of incarnation, then at most it will be It's just a powerful divine creature that makes God troubled. Because a devil is still a devil, it is impossible to have godhead, and it is impossible to have the characteristics of God!

Just when this idea flashed through Louis' mind, his expression changed drastically in the next moment.

Although the devil has no concept of the Kingdom of God, will not give Asmodeus more blessings, and will not weaken the power of the true god, it is incredible to have his godhood level as high as 20 in his own territory. The blessing!

However, it is understandable that he has such an attitude. Not to mention that the current incarnation of Louis only has a godhood level of 9. He cannot be an opponent of the King of Bator, whose virtual godhood is as high as 20. Even if Louis' real body is here, he may not be able to defeat him. Him.

Louis sensed it with divinity and found that the King of Baator was not an incarnation or a shadow, but his true body. What was even more frightening was that the King of Baator brought great fear to Louis. .

Louis' words were sarcastic, as if he was mocking the King of Baator for being a giant turtle.

The devil looks like an ancient wizard in fairy tales. Although he is obviously strong, he gives people a dark feeling of being dry and thin. He holds a ruby scepter, and the scepter exudes the breath of the deepest part of hell. It is the treasure staff that symbolizes the supreme power of hell!

Yes, it is fear. It is the instinctive reaction of the weak when facing the strong. It is the natural reaction of gods with low godhood facing gods with high godhood.

After getting this answer, even Louis felt incredible. Although he was a virtual godhead, what was the concept of being able to reach his godhead level of 20? That was the level of godhood that only the Prince of Lies had achieved in a very short period of time since the fall of the first ancient gods and the birth of the God of Faith.

After laughing strangely for a while, the King of Bator raised his eyelids without eyebrows and eyelashes with a cat-and-mouse mentality, and asked teasingly: "...such a great dragon god, What are you shocked about? Is it because I didn't die, or is it because of my great strength?"

The dark red skin of the King of Baator suddenly cracked, and blood gushed out from those cracks like a fountain. The blood dyed his robe red, making the familiar red color even darker, and in Asmodeus On Si's body, Louis sensed an aura that he was very familiar with.

Louis's shocked mind calmed down. It was not that he had found any countermeasures against powerful enemies, but that he knew that no matter how hard his incarnation struggled, it could not be the opponent of the King of Bator. In this case, there was no need to think about it. For more information, it is better to find a way to extract more information from the King of Baator.

That is the power of the Serpent of Order!

"You finally came!"

The figure stood in the center of the empty hall, with a strange and devilish smile on his face. He was tall and strong, about four or five meters tall, almost equivalent to a small giant.

Although the opponent is very strong, the victory of this incarnation of Louis fighting here is basically 0, but Louis does not have any fear, because he is only an avatar here, even if he is killed by Asmodeus So what if he dies? As long as his divine power is enough, Louis can quickly form a new incarnation. This is the most terrifying thing about gods, they are really difficult to kill.

"... What shocks me is your strength. According to the speculations of the gods, Asmodeus is located in his own territory of Nessus. He should be a virtual godhead with medium divine power close to powerful divine power. But because the King of Baator cannot leave Hell, the gods have never cared about you."

This King of Bator, in his own Nessus realm, his virtual godhead is as high as 20!

"... It seems that the gods are being fooled by you. Who would notice that although the name of a devil is spread across all planes, in fact no one has seen it at all. Even if the Prince of Lies compares with you, You seem a little immature, but you are really tolerant, Asmodeus! You can endure it for millions of years in one breath, and no one else or god can do it except you, the king of Baator!"

"Hehehe...are you shocked? The new god, the great dragon god, His Highness Louis Galakrond."

And this King of Baator, who once served the gods as a follower and the most powerful archangel, after falling to hell, actually allowed his virtual godhead to reach this level, crushing all the gods!


A sudden sound sounded, with strong sighs and joy. This annoying sound like metal friction even gave Louis a chill. Louis, who was observing the wailing wall, suddenly turned around and saw In the Castle of Nessus, which was empty before, a figure unexpectedly appeared.


"I have already expected the possibility that the King of Bator is not dead. Not only me, but even the eight lords of hell and other true gods may have such thoughts. Only one of the eight lords of hell dares to The internal struggle is actually not because they are afraid that you are not dead and dare not come into Nasus."

Asmodeus smiled evilly in his hoarse and dry voice. He was not polite at all to the true god Louis, not even respectful.

This is a devil. He wears a red robe. The robe is inlaid with black diamonds and rubies. He has a pair of sharp horns on his forehead. This devil's skin is dark and red, but his hair is black. That shriveled and terrifying face has a strange beauty, and at the same time, this devil exudes a sense of fatal danger.

Asmodeus smiled strangely. He seemed to have seen through Louis' thoughts. He raised his arms and said loudly: "... As expected of the dragon god who has taken away the priesthood of fraud and conspiracy from the Prince of Lies. He is really adaptable. Due to the environment, I immediately took other measures after I found that I had no resistance. For a smart and cunning god like you, if you are not careful, even the devil will be fooled, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!!”

Although Louis had never seen this devil, the moment he saw him, Louis immediately knew his name, the uncrowned emperor of hell, the king of Bator who rules this land!