I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 784: Order shakes


At the intersection of the "Abyss Plain" and hell, demons and devils' armies are fighting. The endless armies are fighting in a melee. Even with the eyesight of the abyss lord, it is impossible to see these two terrifying legions in full view. .

Rosalind felt that the possibility of herself becoming a corpse was higher, because there were some abyss lords who were more powerful than her and looked down on the bloody battle and had joined the battlefield from the beginning. One-third of those abyss lords were already dead by this time. , the remaining two-thirds had no time to regret, they could only continue killing, and they lost the possibility of escaping the bloody battle.

The force of order completely shook, and Louis' spirituality began to rise infinitely. It was as if he had once again come to the original place of the world and saw the incarnation of the snake of order, and this time he himself turned into a 'snake'!

The hell lords were furious, but more than anything, they were filled with deep fear. For the King of Bator, who had been in charge of hell for millions of years, every hell lord would fear his cunning and power even if they were unruly. .

But soon, Rosalind knew what happened. A terrifying demon army suddenly joined the bloody battlefield!

At the intersection of the "Abyss Plain" and hell, demons and devils' armies are fighting. The endless armies are fighting in a melee. Even with the eyesight of the abyss lord, it is impossible to see these two terrifying legions in full view. .

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

At this time, Rosalind couldn't even tell the difference between demons and demons. Countless demons were fighting with each other. Some were torn apart, bitten to pieces, eaten, and slaughtered. Spells are everywhere, flames, thunder, ice and other energy are sweeping everything. Blood has long become a real river flowing, and above the scarlet blood river, all floating are corpses and mutilated limbs.

Rosalind gritted her teeth and decided to go to her mother to surrender, begging her more experienced mother to guide her on a path. Just when Rosalind had this idea, there was a sudden commotion on the bloody battlefield.

Even Rosalind herself could hardly control her actions. Under the breath of bloody battle, Rosalind felt that she was gradually losing her mind. She instinctively wanted to rush into the battlefield to fight. She knew that this idea was very dangerous. There was a problem, if she really rushed into the bloody battlefield, even she might die.

'Isn't this demon army a back-up plan left behind by God the Father? '

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

Although Rosalind did not understand where this demon army came from, they completed their unfinished mission and led the demons to fight a bloody path straight to the Iron Fortress.

The force of order completely shook, and Louis' spirituality began to rise infinitely. It was as if he had once again come to the original place of the world and saw the incarnation of the snake of order, and this time he himself turned into a 'snake'!

As a demon, Rosalind actually felt fear.

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

Rosalind gritted her teeth and decided to go to her mother to surrender, begging her more experienced mother to guide her on a path. Just when Rosalind had this idea, there was a sudden commotion on the bloody battlefield.

The bloody battle was simply uncontrollable. Rosalind knew this at this time. The strategy she had discussed with her father could not be achieved in the bloody battle. Why did the army of "Abyss Plain" retreat suddenly to the devil? The tactic of opening a gap and allowing the devil's elite legion to enter the core of the devil's phalanx, thereby causing a large number of casualties to the devil, simply cannot be accomplished in a bloody battle.

Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

As an abyss lord, it is impossible for Rosalind not to have experienced killing. In the battle for the "Abyss Plain", she directly and indirectly killed at least more than 100,000 demons in total. She thought she had long been used to it. It was bloody, and she was used to killing, but when she stood on this bloody battlefield, she realized that she had underestimated the most terrifying war in St. Sauron.

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

Standing on the Iron Fortress, Rosalind looked at other fortresses and saw many demon lords with similar expressions to hers. Each demon lord had a look of fear on their face. These demon lords were all from the 'Era of Disaster' A new lord was born later.

'Isn't this demon army a back-up plan left behind by God the Father? '

Even Rosalind herself could hardly control her actions. Under the breath of bloody battle, Rosalind felt that she was gradually losing her mind. She instinctively wanted to rush into the battlefield to fight. She knew that this idea was very dangerous. There was a problem, if she really rushed into the bloody battlefield, even she might die.

The hell lords were furious, but more than anything, they were filled with deep fear. For the King of Bator, who had been in charge of hell for millions of years, every hell lord would fear his cunning and power even if they were unruly. .

At this time, Rosalind couldn't even tell the difference between demons and demons. Countless demons were fighting with each other. Some were torn apart, bitten to pieces, eaten, and slaughtered. Spells are everywhere, flames, thunder, ice and other energy are sweeping everything. Blood has long become a real river flowing, and above the scarlet blood river, all floating are corpses and mutilated limbs.

There are also some ancient demons who have survived the 'Era of Disaster', and their looks are much better than those of newcomers, but even so, the bodies of these ancient demons are trembling slightly.

There are also some ancient demons who have survived the 'Era of Disaster', and their looks are much better than those of newcomers, but even so, the bodies of these ancient demons are trembling slightly.

Even Rosalind herself could hardly control her actions. Under the breath of bloody battle, Rosalind felt that she was gradually losing her mind. She instinctively wanted to rush into the battlefield to fight. She knew that this idea was very dangerous. There was a problem, if she really rushed into the bloody battlefield, even she might die.

Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

As a demon, Rosalind actually felt fear.

As a demon, Rosalind actually felt fear.

The bloody battle was simply uncontrollable. Rosalind knew this at this time. The strategy she had discussed with her father could not be achieved in the bloody battle. Why did the army of "Abyss Plain" retreat suddenly to the devil? The tactic of opening a gap and allowing the devil's elite legion to enter the core of the devil's phalanx, thereby causing a large number of casualties to the devil, simply cannot be accomplished in a bloody battle.

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

This demon army that came out of nowhere seemed to be born for a bloody battle. Every demon was extremely powerful. When Rosalind saw this demon army, she already knew that the demons would probably fight in this bloody battle. Going to fail.

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

"How is it possible? Didn't Lord Asmodeus fall?"

"Then our behavior of fighting for the dominance of hell has been known to Him for a long time!"

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

The bloody battle was simply uncontrollable. Rosalind knew this at this time. The strategy she had discussed with her father could not be achieved in the bloody battle. Why did the army of "Abyss Plain" retreat suddenly to the devil? The tactic of opening a gap and allowing the devil's elite legion to enter the core of the devil's phalanx, thereby causing a large number of casualties to the devil, simply cannot be accomplished in a bloody battle.

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

Standing on the Iron Fortress, Rosalind looked at other fortresses and saw many demon lords with similar expressions to hers. Each demon lord had a look of fear on their face. These demon lords were all from the 'Era of Disaster' A new lord was born later.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the demon army of the 'Burning Legion' that Louis handed over to Rosalind. As 'clone demons', they should have completely obeyed the command of their master. They can be said to be 'order demons'. ', but even these tool men were gradually contaminated in the bloody battle and lost the possibility of being commanded.

The fall of an abyss lord can be so simple in a bloody battle, but there will always be some lucky people who kill enough enemies in the bloody battle and survive. These lucky people have a high chance of becoming the new abyss lord.

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

These unconscious cloned demons seem to have gained consciousness during the bloody battle, and this consciousness has only one purpose, and that is to kill the enemy!

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

"How is it possible? Didn't Lord Asmodeus fall?"

"Hmph, this is very similar to my father's method. He likes to watch the weak ants despair forever under his control."

Rosalind gritted her teeth and decided to go to her mother to surrender, begging her more experienced mother to guide her on a path. Just when Rosalind had this idea, there was a sudden commotion on the bloody battlefield.

This demon army that came out of nowhere seemed to be born for a bloody battle. Every demon was extremely powerful. When Rosalind saw this demon army, she already knew that the demons would probably fight in this bloody battle. Going to fail.

The hell lords were furious, but more than anything, they were filled with deep fear. For the King of Bator, who had been in charge of hell for millions of years, every hell lord would fear his cunning and power even if they were unruly. .

"How is it possible? Didn't Lord Asmodeus fall?"

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

Even Rosalind herself could hardly control her actions. Under the breath of bloody battle, Rosalind felt that she was gradually losing her mind. She instinctively wanted to rush into the battlefield to fight. She knew that this idea was very dangerous. There was a problem, if she really rushed into the bloody battlefield, even she might die.

At this time, Rosalind couldn't even tell the difference between demons and demons. Countless demons were fighting with each other. Some were torn apart, bitten to pieces, eaten, and slaughtered. Spells are everywhere, flames, thunder, ice and other energy are sweeping everything. Blood has long become a real river flowing, and above the scarlet blood river, all floating are corpses and mutilated limbs.

The bloody battle was simply uncontrollable. Rosalind knew this at this time. The strategy she had discussed with her father could not be achieved in the bloody battle. Why did the army of "Abyss Plain" retreat suddenly to the devil? The tactic of opening a gap and allowing the devil's elite legion to enter the core of the devil's phalanx, thereby causing a large number of casualties to the devil, simply cannot be accomplished in a bloody battle.

Fortunately, Rosalind was always at the rear and did not participate in the war. If she had participated in the war at this time, she would have completely lost her sanity and completely fallen into the madness of killing. She would fight until the bloody battle was over, or become the winner and get huge benefits. , or become an incomplete corpse.

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

The fall of an abyss lord can be so simple in a bloody battle, but there will always be some lucky people who kill enough enemies in the bloody battle and survive. These lucky people have a high chance of becoming the new abyss lord.

"Then our behavior of fighting for the dominance of hell has been known to Him for a long time!"

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

The force of order completely shook, and Louis' spirituality began to rise infinitely. It was as if he had once again come to the original place of the world and saw the incarnation of the snake of order, and this time he himself turned into a 'snake'!

The fall of an abyss lord can be so simple in a bloody battle, but there will always be some lucky people who kill enough enemies in the bloody battle and survive. These lucky people have a high chance of becoming the new abyss lord.

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

Rosalind felt that the possibility of herself becoming a corpse was higher, because there were some abyss lords who were more powerful than her and looked down on the bloody battle and had joined the battlefield from the beginning. One-third of those abyss lords were already dead by this time. , the remaining two-thirds had no time to regret, they could only continue killing, and they lost the possibility of escaping the bloody battle.

The demons in the abyss do not know the origin of this demon army, but as the lords of hell, the eight lords know the origin of this army in detail!

There are also some ancient demons who have survived the 'Era of Disaster', and their looks are much better than those of newcomers, but even so, the bodies of these ancient demons are trembling slightly.

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

The fall of an abyss lord can be so simple in a bloody battle, but there will always be some lucky people who kill enough enemies in the bloody battle and survive. These lucky people have a high chance of becoming the new abyss lord.

At the same time, Louis, who was in the Castle of Nessus, suddenly took control of the false devils he had created and began to spread divine power. With the acquiescence and help of Asmodeus, Louis' power soon It was the integration with the Nessus Legion that made this most terrifying legion in hell become a part of Louis.

"Then our behavior of fighting for the dominance of hell has been known to Him for a long time!"

Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

'Isn't this demon army a back-up plan left behind by God the Father? '

'Isn't this demon army a back-up plan left behind by God the Father? '

At the same time, Louis, who was in the Castle of Nessus, suddenly took control of the false devils he had created and began to spread divine power. With the acquiescence and help of Asmodeus, Louis' power soon It was the integration with the Nessus Legion that made this most terrifying legion in hell become a part of Louis.

She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

"Then our behavior of fighting for the dominance of hell has been known to Him for a long time!"

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

Although Rosalind did not understand where this demon army came from, they completed their unfinished mission and led the demons to fight a bloody path straight to the Iron Fortress.

The hell lords were furious, but more than anything, they were filled with deep fear. For the King of Bator, who had been in charge of hell for millions of years, every hell lord would fear his cunning and power even if they were unruly. .

The fall of an abyss lord can be so simple in a bloody battle, but there will always be some lucky people who kill enough enemies in the bloody battle and survive. These lucky people have a high chance of becoming the new abyss lord.

She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.

She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the demon army of the 'Burning Legion' that Louis handed over to Rosalind. As 'clone demons', they should have completely obeyed the command of their master. They can be said to be 'order demons'. ', but even these tool men were gradually contaminated in the bloody battle and lost the possibility of being commanded.

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

As an abyss lord, it is impossible for Rosalind not to have experienced killing. In the battle for the "Abyss Plain", she directly and indirectly killed at least more than 100,000 demons in total. She thought she had long been used to it. It was bloody, and she was used to killing, but when she stood on this bloody battlefield, she realized that she had underestimated the most terrifying war in St. Sauron.

Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

Although Rosalind did not understand where this demon army came from, they completed their unfinished mission and led the demons to fight a bloody path straight to the Iron Fortress.

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

As an abyss lord, it is impossible for Rosalind not to have experienced killing. In the battle for the "Abyss Plain", she directly and indirectly killed at least more than 100,000 demons in total. She thought she had long been used to it. It was bloody, and she was used to killing, but when she stood on this bloody battlefield, she realized that she had underestimated the most terrifying war in St. Sauron.

These unconscious cloned demons seem to have gained consciousness during the bloody battle, and this consciousness has only one purpose, and that is to kill the enemy!

At the intersection of the "Abyss Plain" and hell, demons and devils' armies are fighting. The endless armies are fighting in a melee. Even with the eyesight of the abyss lord, it is impossible to see these two terrifying legions in full view. .

Rosalind gritted her teeth and decided to go to her mother to surrender, begging her more experienced mother to guide her on a path. Just when Rosalind had this idea, there was a sudden commotion on the bloody battlefield.

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the demon army of the 'Burning Legion' that Louis handed over to Rosalind. As 'clone demons', they should have completely obeyed the command of their master. They can be said to be 'order demons'. ', but even these tool men were gradually contaminated in the bloody battle and lost the possibility of being commanded.

"Hmph, this is very similar to my father's method. He likes to watch the weak ants despair forever under his control."

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.



These unconscious cloned demons seem to have gained consciousness during the bloody battle, and this consciousness has only one purpose, and that is to kill the enemy!

But soon, Rosalind knew what happened. A terrifying demon army suddenly joined the bloody battlefield!

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

The demons in the abyss do not know the origin of this demon army, but as the lords of hell, the eight lords know the origin of this army in detail!

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

Although the failure of this mission seemed to be Father God's own fault, because Father God did not calculate the horror of the bloody battle, Rosalind thought with her own demonic thinking and felt that even so, Father God would not let her go and would treat her badly. She punishes.

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

The fall of an abyss lord can be so simple in a bloody battle, but there will always be some lucky people who kill enough enemies in the bloody battle and survive. These lucky people have a high chance of becoming the new abyss lord.

Rosalind gritted her teeth and decided to go to her mother to surrender, begging her more experienced mother to guide her on a path. Just when Rosalind had this idea, there was a sudden commotion on the bloody battlefield.

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

This demon army that came out of nowhere seemed to be born for a bloody battle. Every demon was extremely powerful. When Rosalind saw this demon army, she already knew that the demons would probably fight in this bloody battle. Going to fail.

This demon army that came out of nowhere seemed to be born for a bloody battle. Every demon was extremely powerful. When Rosalind saw this demon army, she already knew that the demons would probably fight in this bloody battle. Going to fail.

As an abyss lord, it is impossible for Rosalind not to have experienced killing. In the battle for the "Abyss Plain", she directly and indirectly killed at least more than 100,000 demons in total. She thought she had long been used to it. It was bloody, and she was used to killing, but when she stood on this bloody battlefield, she realized that she had underestimated the most terrifying war in St. Sauron.


Although Rosalind did not understand where this demon army came from, they completed their unfinished mission and led the demons to fight a bloody path straight to the Iron Fortress.

"Then our behavior of fighting for the dominance of hell has been known to Him for a long time!"

The bloody battle was simply uncontrollable. Rosalind knew this at this time. The strategy she had discussed with her father could not be achieved in the bloody battle. Why did the army of "Abyss Plain" retreat suddenly to the devil? The tactic of opening a gap and allowing the devil's elite legion to enter the core of the devil's phalanx, thereby causing a large number of casualties to the devil, simply cannot be accomplished in a bloody battle.

These unconscious cloned demons seem to have gained consciousness during the bloody battle, and this consciousness has only one purpose, and that is to kill the enemy!

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

'Isn't this demon army a back-up plan left behind by God the Father? '

The demons in the abyss do not know the origin of this demon army, but as the lords of hell, the eight lords know the origin of this army in detail!

The force of order completely shook, and Louis' spirituality began to rise infinitely. It was as if he had once again come to the original place of the world and saw the incarnation of the snake of order, and this time he himself turned into a 'snake'!

At the same time, Louis, who was in the Castle of Nessus, suddenly took control of the false devils he had created and began to spread divine power. With the acquiescence and help of Asmodeus, Louis' power soon It was the integration with the Nessus Legion that made this most terrifying legion in hell become a part of Louis.


The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

The demons in the abyss do not know the origin of this demon army, but as the lords of hell, the eight lords know the origin of this army in detail!

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

"That's the Nessus Legion?!"

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

"How is it possible? Didn't Lord Asmodeus fall?"

At the intersection of the "Abyss Plain" and hell, demons and devils' armies are fighting. The endless armies are fighting in a melee. Even with the eyesight of the abyss lord, it is impossible to see these two terrifying legions in full view. .

The demons in the abyss do not know the origin of this demon army, but as the lords of hell, the eight lords know the origin of this army in detail!

At the intersection of the "Abyss Plain" and hell, demons and devils' armies are fighting. The endless armies are fighting in a melee. Even with the eyesight of the abyss lord, it is impossible to see these two terrifying legions in full view. .

This demon army that came out of nowhere seemed to be born for a bloody battle. Every demon was extremely powerful. When Rosalind saw this demon army, she already knew that the demons would probably fight in this bloody battle. Going to fail.

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

As a demon, Rosalind actually felt fear.

Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

"Then our behavior of fighting for the dominance of hell has been known to Him for a long time!"


She was startled and looked towards the battlefield nervously, but because there were so many demons and demons, she couldn't see the edge at all, and she didn't know what was going on, which made her even more panicked.

"Hmph, this is very similar to my father's method. He likes to watch the weak ants despair forever under his control."

The demons in the abyss do not know the origin of this demon army, but as the lords of hell, the eight lords know the origin of this army in detail!

At the same time, Louis, who was in the Castle of Nessus, suddenly took control of the false devils he had created and began to spread divine power. With the acquiescence and help of Asmodeus, Louis' power soon It was the integration with the Nessus Legion that made this most terrifying legion in hell become a part of Louis.

Fortunately, Rosalind was always at the rear and did not participate in the war. If she had participated in the war at this time, she would have completely lost her sanity and completely fallen into the madness of killing. She would fight until the bloody battle was over, or become the winner and get huge benefits. , or become an incomplete corpse.

At the same time, Louis, who was in the Castle of Nessus, suddenly took control of the false devils he had created and began to spread divine power. With the acquiescence and help of Asmodeus, Louis' power soon It was the integration with the Nessus Legion that made this most terrifying legion in hell become a part of Louis.

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

"The appearance of this Nessus legion, which has never participated in a bloody battle, means that Asmodeus is not dead at all. We have all been deceived and played by him!"

Rosalind gritted her teeth and decided to go to her mother to surrender, begging her more experienced mother to guide her on a path. Just when Rosalind had this idea, there was a sudden commotion on the bloody battlefield.

"That's the Nessus Legion?!"

Even Rosalind herself could hardly control her actions. Under the breath of bloody battle, Rosalind felt that she was gradually losing her mind. She instinctively wanted to rush into the battlefield to fight. She knew that this idea was very dangerous. There was a problem, if she really rushed into the bloody battlefield, even she might die.

"How is it possible? Didn't Lord Asmodeus fall?"

Rosalind felt that the possibility of herself becoming a corpse was higher, because there were some abyss lords who were more powerful than her and looked down on the bloody battle and had joined the battlefield from the beginning. One-third of those abyss lords were already dead by this time. , the remaining two-thirds had no time to regret, they could only continue killing, and they lost the possibility of escaping the bloody battle.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the demon army of the 'Burning Legion' that Louis handed over to Rosalind. As 'clone demons', they should have completely obeyed the command of their master. They can be said to be 'order demons'. ', but even these tool men were gradually contaminated in the bloody battle and lost the possibility of being commanded.


Thinking of this, Rosalind was even more in awe of Louis. Sure enough, Father God would not make mistakes. She had previously misunderstood that Father God did not understand bloody battles, which led to the failure of the mission. This was just what she took for granted. It turned out that Father God just did not believe in her. , did not inform the real plan, but instead ambushed such a terrifying army in the army of devils.

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

Rosalind felt that the possibility of herself becoming a corpse was higher, because there were some abyss lords who were more powerful than her and looked down on the bloody battle and had joined the battlefield from the beginning. One-third of those abyss lords were already dead by this time. , the remaining two-thirds had no time to regret, they could only continue killing, and they lost the possibility of escaping the bloody battle.

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

Standing on the Iron Fortress, Rosalind looked at other fortresses and saw many demon lords with similar expressions to hers. Each demon lord had a look of fear on their face. These demon lords were all from the 'Era of Disaster' A new lord was born later.

The total number of this demon legion is estimated to be as high as one million, and what is even more terrifying is that as soon as this legion entered the bloody battlefield, it became overwhelming and unstoppable. It immediately tore a huge gap into the demon legion. As the devils of the order camp, when they saw each other After the formation became chaotic, devils soon followed, causing the gap to expand like a dam bursting.

The hell lords were furious, but more than anything, they were filled with deep fear. For the King of Bator, who had been in charge of hell for millions of years, every hell lord would fear his cunning and power even if they were unruly. .

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

"Hmph, this is very similar to my father's method. He likes to watch the weak ants despair forever under his control."

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

"Hmph, this is very similar to my father's method. He likes to watch the weak ants despair forever under his control."

"How is it possible? Didn't Lord Asmodeus fall?"

At the same time, Louis, who was in the Castle of Nessus, suddenly took control of the false devils he had created and began to spread divine power. With the acquiescence and help of Asmodeus, Louis' power soon It was the integration with the Nessus Legion that made this most terrifying legion in hell become a part of Louis.


Rosalind gritted her teeth and decided to go to her mother to surrender, begging her more experienced mother to guide her on a path. Just when Rosalind had this idea, there was a sudden commotion on the bloody battlefield.

At the same time, Louis, who was in the Castle of Nessus, suddenly took control of the false devils he had created and began to spread divine power. With the acquiescence and help of Asmodeus, Louis' power soon It was the integration with the Nessus Legion that made this most terrifying legion in hell become a part of Louis.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is the demon army of the 'Burning Legion' that Louis handed over to Rosalind. As 'clone demons', they should have completely obeyed the command of their master. They can be said to be 'order demons'. ', but even these tool men were gradually contaminated in the bloody battle and lost the possibility of being commanded.

If she wasn't afraid of physical punishment, what she was afraid of was being deprived of power and strength by Father God, which was the most intolerable thing for a demon. She was even more afraid of Father God abandoning her and giving birth to a new child with her mother. demon.

At the intersection of the "Abyss Plain" and hell, demons and devils' armies are fighting. The endless armies are fighting in a melee. Even with the eyesight of the abyss lord, it is impossible to see these two terrifying legions in full view. .

The demons in the abyss do not know the origin of this demon army, but as the lords of hell, the eight lords know the origin of this army in detail!

There are also some ancient demons who have survived the 'Era of Disaster', and their looks are much better than those of newcomers, but even so, the bodies of these ancient demons are trembling slightly.

As an abyss lord, it is impossible for Rosalind not to have experienced killing. In the battle for the "Abyss Plain", she directly and indirectly killed at least more than 100,000 demons in total. She thought she had long been used to it. It was bloody, and she was used to killing, but when she stood on this bloody battlefield, she realized that she had underestimated the most terrifying war in St. Sauron.

The force of order completely shook, and Louis' spirituality began to rise infinitely. It was as if he had once again come to the original place of the world and saw the incarnation of the snake of order, and this time he himself turned into a 'snake'!

These unconscious cloned demons seem to have gained consciousness during the bloody battle, and this consciousness has only one purpose, and that is to kill the enemy!

The demons caught in the bloody battle have completely lost their minds under the force of war and killing. The only thing left in their minds now is the idea of killing the enemy. As for the orders of their lords, they have completely forgotten .

These unconscious cloned demons seem to have gained consciousness during the bloody battle, and this consciousness has only one purpose, and that is to kill the enemy!

Rosalind felt that the possibility of herself becoming a corpse was higher, because there were some abyss lords who were more powerful than her and looked down on the bloody battle and had joined the battlefield from the beginning. One-third of those abyss lords were already dead by this time. , the remaining two-thirds had no time to regret, they could only continue killing, and they lost the possibility of escaping the bloody battle.

'Isn't this demon army a back-up plan left behind by God the Father? '

In addition to the fear of being frightened by the bloody battle, Rosalind also had a greater worry. She had not completed the task assigned by Father God. How would Father God punish her in the future

"Did He always watch us from Nasus? No, I should be the King of Baator!"

Even Rosalind herself could hardly control her actions. Under the breath of bloody battle, Rosalind felt that she was gradually losing her mind. She instinctively wanted to rush into the battlefield to fight. She knew that this idea was very dangerous. There was a problem, if she really rushed into the bloody battlefield, even she might die.