I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 785: The twin snakes of order return


The border between hell and the abyss is a scene of tragedy.

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

"... But this time He is serious. If we don't do our best, He may really punish us. If you underestimate His power and think you can disobey orders, then you can do it, but I am going to join the battlefield! "

Now, just when the eight lords are about to decide the winner, and just when Mephistopheles is about to succeed in his 30,000-year plan, the King of Hell appears again, which makes Mephistopheles Si felt that the King of Bator was basically targeting him. He had not shown up for 30,000 years just to laugh at him.

The accumulation of millions of years by the Emperor of Hell is astonishing. This army was originally the wealth he accumulated in order to become the 'Snake of Order'. Now the opportunity to become a god is right in front of him. The once cautious King of Bator has also No longer stingy, he sent out all the legions he had accumulated over millions of years in one fell swoop, and even carried out a crusade against the demon army regardless of losses or casualties.

As the Nessus Legion, which has been in legend for millions of years but has never been seen before, joins the bloody battle, the situation where the devil had the upper hand was immediately broken, and the devil's order began to increase infinitely. Chaos began to be suppressed by order, and the entire huge demon army immediately collapsed.

As the Hell Lord and the Grand Duke joined the battlefield, the line that the demons had barely defended was completely defeated. The demons poured into the Scarlet Fortress. The demon lords began to fall one after another. With the fall of the Scarlet Fortress, the "Wanyuan Plain" It is only a matter of time before it is captured by the devil.

Some demon lords who were not completely blinded by the bloody battle also quickly fled. Since the first bloody battle hundreds of thousands of years ago, there has never been such a victory for one side. In the past bloody battles, no matter whether it was the devil or the devil, he won. They were all miserable victories. Normally, they would quickly retreat soon after they invaded the opponent's territory. But this time, I am afraid that the devil will invade the abyss and conquer several abyss planes.

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

In addition to the King of Baator's army, even if all the other eight lords of hell are added up, such a powerful demon army is estimated to only have tens of thousands of people at most, or even less than one-tenth of the Nessus army. .

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

The endless demon army tore open the demon front line and invaded the demon's last fortress, the Bloody Fortress. At this time, the demon lords could not even if they wanted to watch the fire from the other side. Many demon lords were involved in the bloody battle and began to personally Go on the field and fight.

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

In addition to the King of Baator's army, even if all the other eight lords of hell are added up, such a powerful demon army is estimated to only have tens of thousands of people at most, or even less than one-tenth of the Nessus army. .

The endless demon army tore open the demon front line and invaded the demon's last fortress, the Bloody Fortress. At this time, the demon lords could not even if they wanted to watch the fire from the other side. Many demon lords were involved in the bloody battle and began to personally Go on the field and fight.

The endless sea of order is boiling, helping Louis consolidate his power of order until this power reaches a critical point, allowing Louis' 'Godhead of Order' to be completely stabilized at level 20, which is the same as Asmodeus. 20 of the virtual godheads reached a consensus!

"...Those who serve me will gain power and strength, and those who disobey my orders will be burned to ashes by the fire of hell. I swear this in the name of Asmodeus, the King of Baator!"

The accumulation of millions of years by the Emperor of Hell is astonishing. This army was originally the wealth he accumulated in order to become the 'Snake of Order'. Now the opportunity to become a god is right in front of him. The once cautious King of Bator has also No longer stingy, he sent out all the legions he had accumulated over millions of years in one fell swoop, and even carried out a crusade against the demon army regardless of losses or casualties.

As the daughter of Asmodeus, the Queen of Desire understands the power of her father best. Although he has always been cautious and can be described as desperate, this absolutely cannot deny the power of the King of Hell.

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

And when the voice of the Lord of Hell echoed among every devil, the absolute rank suppression made the devils believe that this was the real King of Baator, Asmodeus, and he was definitely not a fake. This master who has ruled Hell for millions of years has not died. He still lives high in Nasus in Hell.

But although he was angry in his heart, Mephistopheles did not dare to rebel against the king anymore, so he could only join the other hell lords in the fight between the demon army and the demons.

When the Lord of Hell swore his oath, the devils went crazy.

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

For Asmodeus, as long as he can become a god, devils, demons, and even gods are just subjects of his own rule. At this time, if he does not explode his accumulation into more When.

Although the demon's fortress is in danger, if it continues like this, maybe under the leadership of these demon lords, the demons can really maintain the current situation.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

This made Mephistophilis angry at the insult of the King of Hell, but he was also afraid of his power. If it weren't for the rumor that the King of Hell had fallen long ago, Asmodeus would not have any power in the past 30,000 years. According to the news, it is difficult for the eighth lord to even think about stealing the throne again.

In addition to the King of Baator's army, even if all the other eight lords of hell are added up, such a powerful demon army is estimated to only have tens of thousands of people at most, or even less than one-tenth of the Nessus army. .

As long as he can help Louis achieve the completion of the realm of order and good, as long as he can later turn the opposition between order and chaos into the opposition between good and evil, then even if there is not the last devil left in the Nessus Legion, Asmodeus Also the final winner.

And when the voice of the Lord of Hell echoed among every devil, the absolute rank suppression made the devils believe that this was the real King of Baator, Asmodeus, and he was definitely not a fake. This master who has ruled Hell for millions of years has not died. He still lives high in Nasus in Hell.

The endless sea of order is boiling, helping Louis consolidate his power of order until this power reaches a critical point, allowing Louis' 'Godhead of Order' to be completely stabilized at level 20, which is the same as Asmodeus. 20 of the virtual godheads reached a consensus!

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

Although the demon's fortress is in danger, if it continues like this, maybe under the leadership of these demon lords, the demons can really maintain the current situation.

Under the madness of this legendary legion, the tens of millions of demon armies completely collapsed. The devils are good at using the strictness of order to defeat more with less, and under the millions of demon legions with extremely high quality, How could the chaotic army of demons be an opponent

As the Hell Lord and the Grand Duke joined the battlefield, the line that the demons had barely defended was completely defeated. The demons poured into the Scarlet Fortress. The demon lords began to fall one after another. With the fall of the Scarlet Fortress, the "Wanyuan Plain" It is only a matter of time before it is captured by the devil.

Under the madness of this legendary legion, the tens of millions of demon armies completely collapsed. The devils are good at using the strictness of order to defeat more with less, and under the millions of demon legions with extremely high quality, How could the chaotic army of demons be an opponent

The endless sea of order is boiling, helping Louis consolidate his power of order until this power reaches a critical point, allowing Louis' 'Godhead of Order' to be completely stabilized at level 20, which is the same as Asmodeus. 20 of the virtual godheads reached a consensus!

The endless demon army tore open the demon front line and invaded the demon's last fortress, the Bloody Fortress. At this time, the demon lords could not even if they wanted to watch the fire from the other side. Many demon lords were involved in the bloody battle and began to personally Go on the field and fight.

The border between hell and the abyss is a scene of tragedy.

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

Under the madness of this legendary legion, the tens of millions of demon armies completely collapsed. The devils are good at using the strictness of order to defeat more with less, and under the millions of demon legions with extremely high quality, How could the chaotic army of demons be an opponent

Although the demon's fortress is in danger, if it continues like this, maybe under the leadership of these demon lords, the demons can really maintain the current situation.

As the Hell Lord and the Grand Duke joined the battlefield, the line that the demons had barely defended was completely defeated. The demons poured into the Scarlet Fortress. The demon lords began to fall one after another. With the fall of the Scarlet Fortress, the "Wanyuan Plain" It is only a matter of time before it is captured by the devil.

The beautiful face of the Queen of Desire showed ferocity and fear, and she said to the other hell lords: "... He has always followed a low-key and cautious life, which makes him nothing like him in the past million years. The Lord of Hell thus gives us the illusion that we can usurp the throne."

And when the voice of the Lord of Hell echoed among every devil, the absolute rank suppression made the devils believe that this was the real King of Baator, Asmodeus, and he was definitely not a fake. This master who has ruled Hell for millions of years has not died. He still lives high in Nasus in Hell.

This made Mephistophilis angry at the insult of the King of Hell, but he was also afraid of his power. If it weren't for the rumor that the King of Hell had fallen long ago, Asmodeus would not have any power in the past 30,000 years. According to the news, it is difficult for the eighth lord to even think about stealing the throne again.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

Under the madness of this legendary legion, the tens of millions of demon armies completely collapsed. The devils are good at using the strictness of order to defeat more with less, and under the millions of demon legions with extremely high quality, How could the chaotic army of demons be an opponent

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

"...Those who serve me will gain power and strength, and those who disobey my orders will be burned to ashes by the fire of hell. I swear this in the name of Asmodeus, the King of Baator!"

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

"...Those who serve me will gain power and strength, and those who disobey my orders will be burned to ashes by the fire of hell. I swear this in the name of Asmodeus, the King of Baator!"

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

In addition to the King of Baator's army, even if all the other eight lords of hell are added up, such a powerful demon army is estimated to only have tens of thousands of people at most, or even less than one-tenth of the Nessus army. .

"... But this time He is serious. If we don't do our best, He may really punish us. If you underestimate His power and think you can disobey orders, then you can do it, but I am going to join the battlefield! "

Rosalind looked at this scene with fear. At the critical moment, she made the right choice, that is, to immediately abandon all her subordinates, even her own territory "Plain of Abyss", and began to escape to the lower levels of the abyss. The target of her escape is the Succubus Queen's territory, Sadela.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

For Asmodeus, as long as he can become a god, devils, demons, and even gods are just subjects of his own rule. At this time, if he does not explode his accumulation into more When.

This made Mephistophilis angry at the insult of the King of Hell, but he was also afraid of his power. If it weren't for the rumor that the King of Hell had fallen long ago, Asmodeus would not have any power in the past 30,000 years. According to the news, it is difficult for the eighth lord to even think about stealing the throne again.

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

The endless demon army tore open the demon front line and invaded the demon's last fortress, the Bloody Fortress. At this time, the demon lords could not even if they wanted to watch the fire from the other side. Many demon lords were involved in the bloody battle and began to personally Go on the field and fight.

Because in the realm of order, devils attach great importance to their oaths. Devils always use language traps to deceive souls, but at the same time they will also be deceived. Under the oath, the deceived devils will never be able to resist and can only become Servant, so every devil will not doubt the oath of the King of Baator. They believe that as long as they make great achievements, they will definitely gain stronger power and status.

Although the demon's fortress is in danger, if it continues like this, maybe under the leadership of these demon lords, the demons can really maintain the current situation.

And when the voice of the Lord of Hell echoed among every devil, the absolute rank suppression made the devils believe that this was the real King of Baator, Asmodeus, and he was definitely not a fake. This master who has ruled Hell for millions of years has not died. He still lives high in Nasus in Hell.

The accumulation of millions of years by the Emperor of Hell is astonishing. This army was originally the wealth he accumulated in order to become the 'Snake of Order'. Now the opportunity to become a god is right in front of him. The once cautious King of Bator has also No longer stingy, he sent out all the legions he had accumulated over millions of years in one fell swoop, and even carried out a crusade against the demon army regardless of losses or casualties.

The endless demon army tore open the demon front line and invaded the demon's last fortress, the Bloody Fortress. At this time, the demon lords could not even if they wanted to watch the fire from the other side. Many demon lords were involved in the bloody battle and began to personally Go on the field and fight.

The endless demon army tore open the demon front line and invaded the demon's last fortress, the Bloody Fortress. At this time, the demon lords could not even if they wanted to watch the fire from the other side. Many demon lords were involved in the bloody battle and began to personally Go on the field and fight.

The beautiful face of the Queen of Desire showed ferocity and fear, and she said to the other hell lords: "... He has always followed a low-key and cautious life, which makes him nothing like him in the past million years. The Lord of Hell thus gives us the illusion that we can usurp the throne."

When the Lord of Hell swore his oath, the devils went crazy.

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

Although the demon's fortress is in danger, if it continues like this, maybe under the leadership of these demon lords, the demons can really maintain the current situation.

Because in the realm of order, devils attach great importance to their oaths. Devils always use language traps to deceive souls, but at the same time they will also be deceived. Under the oath, the deceived devils will never be able to resist and can only become Servant, so every devil will not doubt the oath of the King of Baator. They believe that as long as they make great achievements, they will definitely gain stronger power and status.

The beautiful face of the Queen of Desire showed ferocity and fear, and she said to the other hell lords: "... He has always followed a low-key and cautious life, which makes him nothing like him in the past million years. The Lord of Hell thus gives us the illusion that we can usurp the throne."

"... But this time He is serious. If we don't do our best, He may really punish us. If you underestimate His power and think you can disobey orders, then you can do it, but I am going to join the battlefield! "

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

"My father has never been so serious."

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

As the daughter of Asmodeus, the Queen of Desire understands the power of her father best. Although he has always been cautious and can be described as desperate, this absolutely cannot deny the power of the King of Hell.

The beautiful face of the Queen of Desire showed ferocity and fear, and she said to the other hell lords: "... He has always followed a low-key and cautious life, which makes him nothing like him in the past million years. The Lord of Hell thus gives us the illusion that we can usurp the throne."

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

As the daughter of Asmodeus, the Queen of Desire understands the power of her father best. Although he has always been cautious and can be described as desperate, this absolutely cannot deny the power of the King of Hell.

At the same time, many gods with Godhead 20 were born, which seemed to be telling the coming of great changes in the world!

The endless sea of order is boiling, helping Louis consolidate his power of order until this power reaches a critical point, allowing Louis' 'Godhead of Order' to be completely stabilized at level 20, which is the same as Asmodeus. 20 of the virtual godheads reached a consensus!

The beautiful face of the Queen of Desire showed ferocity and fear, and she said to the other hell lords: "... He has always followed a low-key and cautious life, which makes him nothing like him in the past million years. The Lord of Hell thus gives us the illusion that we can usurp the throne."

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

Rosalind looked at this scene with fear. At the critical moment, she made the right choice, that is, to immediately abandon all her subordinates, even her own territory "Plain of Abyss", and began to escape to the lower levels of the abyss. The target of her escape is the Succubus Queen's territory, Sadela.

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

"... But this time He is serious. If we don't do our best, He may really punish us. If you underestimate His power and think you can disobey orders, then you can do it, but I am going to join the battlefield! "

Because in the realm of order, devils attach great importance to their oaths. Devils always use language traps to deceive souls, but at the same time they will also be deceived. Under the oath, the deceived devils will never be able to resist and can only become Servant, so every devil will not doubt the oath of the King of Baator. They believe that as long as they make great achievements, they will definitely gain stronger power and status.

Some demon lords who were not completely blinded by the bloody battle also quickly fled. Since the first bloody battle hundreds of thousands of years ago, there has never been such a victory for one side. In the past bloody battles, no matter whether it was the devil or the devil, he won. They were all miserable victories. Normally, they would quickly retreat soon after they invaded the opponent's territory. But this time, I am afraid that the devil will invade the abyss and conquer several abyss planes.

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

And when the voice of the Lord of Hell echoed among every devil, the absolute rank suppression made the devils believe that this was the real King of Baator, Asmodeus, and he was definitely not a fake. This master who has ruled Hell for millions of years has not died. He still lives high in Nasus in Hell.

As the daughter of Asmodeus, the Queen of Desire understands the power of her father best. Although he has always been cautious and can be described as desperate, this absolutely cannot deny the power of the King of Hell.

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

Some demon lords who were not completely blinded by the bloody battle also quickly fled. Since the first bloody battle hundreds of thousands of years ago, there has never been such a victory for one side. In the past bloody battles, no matter whether it was the devil or the devil, he won. They were all miserable victories. Normally, they would quickly retreat soon after they invaded the opponent's territory. But this time, I am afraid that the devil will invade the abyss and conquer several abyss planes.

The face of the eighth lord Mephistophilis changed continuously. Sometimes he was disappointed, sometimes angry, and sometimes helpless and resentful. Finally, the big devil also said: "... Follow the orders of the King of Baator. As long as he is still alive, We may not have any chance if we are still in Nessus."

Under the madness of this legendary legion, the tens of millions of demon armies completely collapsed. The devils are good at using the strictness of order to defeat more with less, and under the millions of demon legions with extremely high quality, How could the chaotic army of demons be an opponent

Under the madness of this legendary legion, the tens of millions of demon armies completely collapsed. The devils are good at using the strictness of order to defeat more with less, and under the millions of demon legions with extremely high quality, How could the chaotic army of demons be an opponent

The beautiful face of the Queen of Desire showed ferocity and fear, and she said to the other hell lords: "... He has always followed a low-key and cautious life, which makes him nothing like him in the past million years. The Lord of Hell thus gives us the illusion that we can usurp the throne."

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

At the same time, many gods with Godhead 20 were born, which seemed to be telling the coming of great changes in the world!

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

For Asmodeus, as long as he can become a god, devils, demons, and even gods are just subjects of his own rule. At this time, if he does not explode his accumulation into more When.

In addition to the King of Baator's army, even if all the other eight lords of hell are added up, such a powerful demon army is estimated to only have tens of thousands of people at most, or even less than one-tenth of the Nessus army. .

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

"My father has never been so serious."

This made Mephistophilis angry at the insult of the King of Hell, but he was also afraid of his power. If it weren't for the rumor that the King of Hell had fallen long ago, Asmodeus would not have any power in the past 30,000 years. According to the news, it is difficult for the eighth lord to even think about stealing the throne again.

And when the voice of the Lord of Hell echoed among every devil, the absolute rank suppression made the devils believe that this was the real King of Baator, Asmodeus, and he was definitely not a fake. This master who has ruled Hell for millions of years has not died. He still lives high in Nasus in Hell.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

Now, just when the eight lords are about to decide the winner, and just when Mephistopheles is about to succeed in his 30,000-year plan, the King of Hell appears again, which makes Mephistopheles Si felt that the King of Bator was basically targeting him. He had not shown up for 30,000 years just to laugh at him.

Now, just when the eight lords are about to decide the winner, and just when Mephistopheles is about to succeed in his 30,000-year plan, the King of Hell appears again, which makes Mephistopheles Si felt that the King of Bator was basically targeting him. He had not shown up for 30,000 years just to laugh at him.

For Asmodeus, as long as he can become a god, devils, demons, and even gods are just subjects of his own rule. At this time, if he does not explode his accumulation into more When.

Rosalind looked at this scene with fear. At the critical moment, she made the right choice, that is, to immediately abandon all her subordinates, even her own territory "Plain of Abyss", and began to escape to the lower levels of the abyss. The target of her escape is the Succubus Queen's territory, Sadela.

Rosalind looked at this scene with fear. At the critical moment, she made the right choice, that is, to immediately abandon all her subordinates, even her own territory "Plain of Abyss", and began to escape to the lower levels of the abyss. The target of her escape is the Succubus Queen's territory, Sadela.

This made Mephistophilis angry at the insult of the King of Hell, but he was also afraid of his power. If it weren't for the rumor that the King of Hell had fallen long ago, Asmodeus would not have any power in the past 30,000 years. According to the news, it is difficult for the eighth lord to even think about stealing the throne again.

But although he was angry in his heart, Mephistopheles did not dare to rebel against the king anymore, so he could only join the other hell lords in the fight between the demon army and the demons.

"My father has never been so serious."

For Asmodeus, as long as he can become a god, devils, demons, and even gods are just subjects of his own rule. At this time, if he does not explode his accumulation into more When.

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

But although he was angry in his heart, Mephistopheles did not dare to rebel against the king anymore, so he could only join the other hell lords in the fight between the demon army and the demons.

The border between hell and the abyss is a scene of tragedy.

Although the demon's fortress is in danger, if it continues like this, maybe under the leadership of these demon lords, the demons can really maintain the current situation.

As the Hell Lord and the Grand Duke joined the battlefield, the line that the demons had barely defended was completely defeated. The demons poured into the Scarlet Fortress. The demon lords began to fall one after another. With the fall of the Scarlet Fortress, the "Wanyuan Plain" It is only a matter of time before it is captured by the devil.

"...Those who serve me will gain power and strength, and those who disobey my orders will be burned to ashes by the fire of hell. I swear this in the name of Asmodeus, the King of Baator!"

As the Hell Lord and the Grand Duke joined the battlefield, the line that the demons had barely defended was completely defeated. The demons poured into the Scarlet Fortress. The demon lords began to fall one after another. With the fall of the Scarlet Fortress, the "Wanyuan Plain" It is only a matter of time before it is captured by the devil.

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

Now, just when the eight lords are about to decide the winner, and just when Mephistopheles is about to succeed in his 30,000-year plan, the King of Hell appears again, which makes Mephistopheles Si felt that the King of Bator was basically targeting him. He had not shown up for 30,000 years just to laugh at him.

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

When the Lord of Hell swore his oath, the devils went crazy.

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

Rosalind looked at this scene with fear. At the critical moment, she made the right choice, that is, to immediately abandon all her subordinates, even her own territory "Plain of Abyss", and began to escape to the lower levels of the abyss. The target of her escape is the Succubus Queen's territory, Sadela.

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

At the same time, many gods with Godhead 20 were born, which seemed to be telling the coming of great changes in the world!

Some demon lords who were not completely blinded by the bloody battle also quickly fled. Since the first bloody battle hundreds of thousands of years ago, there has never been such a victory for one side. In the past bloody battles, no matter whether it was the devil or the devil, he won. They were all miserable victories. Normally, they would quickly retreat soon after they invaded the opponent's territory. But this time, I am afraid that the devil will invade the abyss and conquer several abyss planes.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

Because in the realm of order, devils attach great importance to their oaths. Devils always use language traps to deceive souls, but at the same time they will also be deceived. Under the oath, the deceived devils will never be able to resist and can only become Servant, so every devil will not doubt the oath of the King of Baator. They believe that as long as they make great achievements, they will definitely gain stronger power and status.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

The endless sea of order is boiling, helping Louis consolidate his power of order until this power reaches a critical point, allowing Louis' 'Godhead of Order' to be completely stabilized at level 20, which is the same as Asmodeus. 20 of the virtual godheads reached a consensus!

The endless sea of order is boiling, helping Louis consolidate his power of order until this power reaches a critical point, allowing Louis' 'Godhead of Order' to be completely stabilized at level 20, which is the same as Asmodeus. 20 of the virtual godheads reached a consensus!

Some demon lords who were not completely blinded by the bloody battle also quickly fled. Since the first bloody battle hundreds of thousands of years ago, there has never been such a victory for one side. In the past bloody battles, no matter whether it was the devil or the devil, he won. They were all miserable victories. Normally, they would quickly retreat soon after they invaded the opponent's territory. But this time, I am afraid that the devil will invade the abyss and conquer several abyss planes.

The accumulation of millions of years by the Emperor of Hell is astonishing. This army was originally the wealth he accumulated in order to become the 'Snake of Order'. Now the opportunity to become a god is right in front of him. The once cautious King of Bator has also No longer stingy, he sent out all the legions he had accumulated over millions of years in one fell swoop, and even carried out a crusade against the demon army regardless of losses or casualties.

Since then, the twin snakes of order have completely returned to their positions, waiting for one of them to devour the other and turn it into the original 'order'!

But although he was angry in his heart, Mephistopheles did not dare to rebel against the king anymore, so he could only join the other hell lords in the fight between the demon army and the demons.

But although he was angry in his heart, Mephistopheles did not dare to rebel against the king anymore, so he could only join the other hell lords in the fight between the demon army and the demons.

The endless demon army tore open the demon front line and invaded the demon's last fortress, the Bloody Fortress. At this time, the demon lords could not even if they wanted to watch the fire from the other side. Many demon lords were involved in the bloody battle and began to personally Go on the field and fight.

At the same time, the force of the earth in all the planes of Saint Solon's world also shook. The power of the earth boiled to the extreme. There were visions from different planes, and a star symbolizing the true god shone brightly. He soared into the sky, occupied the highest point of the gods, and began to look down on everything!

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

When the Lord of Hell swore his oath, the devils went crazy.

When the Lord of Hell swore his oath, the devils went crazy.

Suddenly, the majestic words of the King of Bator were heard in the ears of every devil. For the hell of order, lower-level devils must be loyal to higher-level devils, unless you can use deception to way to seize the power of their superiors.

This made Mephistophilis angry at the insult of the King of Hell, but he was also afraid of his power. If it weren't for the rumor that the King of Hell had fallen long ago, Asmodeus would not have any power in the past 30,000 years. According to the news, it is difficult for the eighth lord to even think about stealing the throne again.

The accumulation of millions of years by the Emperor of Hell is astonishing. This army was originally the wealth he accumulated in order to become the 'Snake of Order'. Now the opportunity to become a god is right in front of him. The once cautious King of Bator has also No longer stingy, he sent out all the legions he had accumulated over millions of years in one fell swoop, and even carried out a crusade against the demon army regardless of losses or casualties.

The addition of these demon lords temporarily eased the situation for the demons, allowing the demon army headed by the Nessus Legion to be temporarily blocked from the Blood Fortress.

"See, conquer, and kill!! Lords and Dukes of Hell, now is the time for you to show your loyalty to me. Come join this bloody battle and kill more demons for me!! Your killing will become Medal, I will make the Duke the Lord of Hell if he has made enough achievements, and I will take away the power of the Lord who does not do his best!"

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

As long as he can help Louis achieve the completion of the realm of order and good, as long as he can later turn the opposition between order and chaos into the opposition between good and evil, then even if there is not the last devil left in the Nessus Legion, Asmodeus Also the final winner.

In the past, this lord tried to steal the position of the King of Hell, but Asmodeus suppressed its rebellion lightly, and in a cat-and-mouse fun, he even tolerated its disobedience. Loyal.

Every devil in the Nessus Legion is transformed by the blood of Asmodeus, the king of Baator. Even the most powerful demon, Balor Balrog, is among the millions of Nessus Legion. , that is, the level of an ordinary soldier, it can be said that the Nessus Legion is composed of the most powerful devils, and it has reached millions.

For Asmodeus, as long as he can become a god, devils, demons, and even gods are just subjects of his own rule. At this time, if he does not explode his accumulation into more When.

As the Nessus Legion, which has been in legend for millions of years but has never been seen before, joins the bloody battle, the situation where the devil had the upper hand was immediately broken, and the devil's order began to increase infinitely. Chaos began to be suppressed by order, and the entire huge demon army immediately collapsed.

The accumulation of millions of years by the Emperor of Hell is astonishing. This army was originally the wealth he accumulated in order to become the 'Snake of Order'. Now the opportunity to become a god is right in front of him. The once cautious King of Bator has also No longer stingy, he sent out all the legions he had accumulated over millions of years in one fell swoop, and even carried out a crusade against the demon army regardless of losses or casualties.

At the same time, many gods with Godhead 20 were born, which seemed to be telling the coming of great changes in the world!

That was when the Earth Goddess completed the fusion of her divine duties. After the Prince of Lies, this ancient goddess also reached the pinnacle of true godhood!

The border between hell and the abyss is a scene of tragedy.

In addition to the King of Baator's army, even if all the other eight lords of hell are added up, such a powerful demon army is estimated to only have tens of thousands of people at most, or even less than one-tenth of the Nessus army. .

But although he was angry in his heart, Mephistopheles did not dare to rebel against the king anymore, so he could only join the other hell lords in the fight between the demon army and the demons.