I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 787: Gods, prepare to surrender!


Louis' real body was silent. He was not in a hurry. Countless information was spinning in his mind, thinking about what to do next.

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

Louis' dragon claw held the spare key to the Stone of Destiny, and sneered: "... Gods, surrender to me under the Stone of Destiny!"

Now the situation is clear. In order to compete for the position of the only His Majesty, He, the Earth Goddess and Asmodeus are the only three candidates.

This is the limitation of scientific and technological civilization. When faced with a certain individual being that is too powerful, the entire civilization is like a living target and can be easily destroyed by this individual existence in minute details. Moreover, because the target range is too small, It is difficult to concentrate the power of civilization on one person for attack.

Now the situation is clear. In order to compete for the position of the only His Majesty, He, the Earth Goddess and Asmodeus are the only three candidates.

"First, let's analyze Asmodeus's strengths and weaknesses... He has been planning for millions of years to become a god. There is absolutely no problem with his method of tearing apart 'good' with 'evil', as long as it is achieved The conditions are bound to succeed, and since this cunning and insidious devil dares to directly expose his plan, it means that he is completely sure and there is no way it will fail."

"With Asmodeus's cunning, he will probably sign an agreement with the gods so that demons and demons will not intercept the gods' petitioners and return to the kingdom of God. If so, it is estimated that both evil and neutral gods will give up on this beast. The devil king fights tooth and nail, and only the gods of the lawful good alignment will stand firm.”

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

The earth goddess Changdea is not afraid, because Louis has already had means to deal with her. The only thing that worries Louis is Asmodeus.

"...Although I don't know how He is going to communicate with the chaotic abyss that has no self-will, but looking at His confident look, He definitely has a method unknown to me... If the devil and the devil really join forces to attack the main material world, All the creatures in the main material world together will definitely be no match, and this will allow evil to begin to gain the upper hand.”

Even the power of the Tyran civilization is in vain when faced with Asmodeus, whose virtual godhead is as high as 20. If his power is the divine power of faith, it would be fine, and it can be solved by annihilating believers, but if it is the oldest order Force, then the technological power of the Tyrannic civilization would not be as lethal to him as imagined.

Now the situation is clear. In order to compete for the position of the only His Majesty, He, the Earth Goddess and Asmodeus are the only three candidates.

The King of Bator possesses exactly the same power as Louis, and he also possesses the Force of Order, which means that this devil does not need any power of faith at all to exert the power of Godhead 20 in his own domain, but can Directly mobilizing the force of order is a power that only the true ancient gods have.

Alexia is not a celestial creature, nor is she a creature of her own divine kingdom. She belongs to the main material world. If the main material world is destroyed, all living creatures based there will die.

But anyway, Louis found a way out for himself.

The same is true for Louis. The reason why he is cautious is actually because he knows that he cannot be the opponent of the gods. Even if he has the Tyran civilization, the final result will inevitably be a lose-lose situation.

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

Louis' real body was silent. He was not in a hurry. Countless information was spinning in his mind, thinking about what to do next.

Although the scope of Asmodeus's abilities is limited, he can only exert his full strength in Nasus, the ninth layer of hell. This devil never leaves Nasus, but because of this, his power and Nasus complement each other. It is simply impossible to use external force to directly smash the ninth level of hell.

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

The earth goddess Changdea is not afraid, because Louis has already had means to deal with her. The only thing that worries Louis is Asmodeus.

Believers are very important to gods, but the importance does not lie in whether believers are dead or alive. As long as there are enough petitioners, gods can survive. And creatures like gods are actually the most timid and afraid of death. As long as there are enough petitioners, Given a chance to survive, they can do anything.

The main material world is a place where evil and good coexist. Either let the power of good in the main material world outweigh the evil, or directly destroy it by force. There is no other way for Louis.

Even the power of the Tyran civilization is in vain when faced with Asmodeus, whose virtual godhead is as high as 20. If his power is the divine power of faith, it would be fine, and it can be solved by annihilating believers, but if it is the oldest order Force, then the technological power of the Tyrannic civilization would not be as lethal to him as imagined.

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

The demons and demons in the bloody battle alone are enough to sweep the world, not to mention that the demons and demons in the bloody battle are not all of them.

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

At this moment, the illusory bell rang again, and Louis listened carefully. He knew that this was the goddess of the earth who was going to tell the gods.

But if he wants to kill a powerful divine power, he also needs a hard fight. It can be said that any powerful divine power can actually compete with Asmodeus and will have a hard battle with him. In the end, the god will win because of his belief in the divine power. If you don't have enough, you will fail.

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

This is the limitation of scientific and technological civilization. When faced with a certain individual being that is too powerful, the entire civilization is like a living target and can be easily destroyed by this individual existence in minute details. Moreover, because the target range is too small, It is difficult to concentrate the power of civilization on one person for attack.

"I hope this last resort is not necessary. If it really must be used, I can only say sorry to Alexia."

Louis' real body was silent. He was not in a hurry. Countless information was spinning in his mind, thinking about what to do next.

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

At this moment, the illusory bell rang again, and Louis listened carefully. He knew that this was the goddess of the earth who was going to tell the gods.

Louis' dragon claw held the spare key to the Stone of Destiny, and sneered: "... Gods, surrender to me under the Stone of Destiny!"

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

The main material world is a place where evil and good coexist. Either let the power of good in the main material world outweigh the evil, or directly destroy it by force. There is no other way for Louis.

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

"First, let's analyze Asmodeus's strengths and weaknesses... He has been planning for millions of years to become a god. There is absolutely no problem with his method of tearing apart 'good' with 'evil', as long as it is achieved The conditions are bound to succeed, and since this cunning and insidious devil dares to directly expose his plan, it means that he is completely sure and there is no way it will fail."

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

But the disadvantage of this method is that Louis needs to sacrifice his daughter Alexia and other former subordinates to build the empire in the main material world, because the main material world is the core of the world of Saint Sauron, and light destroys it. Hell and the abyss are not enough. Just like Asmodeus, even if he leads the two coalition forces, the first thing he has to do is to capture the main material world.

At this moment, the illusory bell rang again, and Louis listened carefully. He knew that this was the goddess of the earth who was going to tell the gods.

The earth goddess Changdea is not afraid, because Louis has already had means to deal with her. The only thing that worries Louis is Asmodeus.

But anyway, Louis found a way out for himself.

"...Although I don't know how He is going to communicate with the chaotic abyss that has no self-will, but looking at His confident look, He definitely has a method unknown to me... If the devil and the devil really join forces to attack the main material world, All the creatures in the main material world together will definitely be no match, and this will allow evil to begin to gain the upper hand.”

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

Louis' final plan is that if push comes to shove, he will use Tyrannic civilization-extinction weapons to directly sweep through hell and the abyss, kill all devils and devils, and then destroy the main material world, leaving only the upper plane. If Once it comes, evil in this world will almost disappear, and goodness will become the main body in an instant. Even if these weapons cannot kill Asmodeus, they are enough to seize his order.

"When the evil in the main material world takes over, I will begin to lose my power. Then the allied forces of demons and demons will inevitably invade the upper plane. This will greatly weaken the power of good. When evil completely becomes Saint Sauron When I enter the mainstream of your world, even for just a moment, my good part of the force of order will be torn apart, and thus be obtained by Asmodeus under the attraction of my nature, making him become a god in one fell swoop."

"With Asmodeus's cunning, he will probably sign an agreement with the gods so that demons and demons will not intercept the gods' petitioners and return to the kingdom of God. If so, it is estimated that both evil and neutral gods will give up on this beast. The devil king fights tooth and nail, and only the gods of the lawful good alignment will stand firm.”

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

"I hope this last resort is not necessary. If it really must be used, I can only say sorry to Alexia."

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

Louis already has a basic understanding of the future trend in his mind. This is not a prediction, but an integration and processing of existing information, and Asmodeus's plan can be easily derived.

The King of Bator possesses exactly the same power as Louis, and he also possesses the Force of Order, which means that this devil does not need any power of faith at all to exert the power of Godhead 20 in his own domain, but can Directly mobilizing the force of order is a power that only the true ancient gods have.

But the disadvantage of this method is that Louis needs to sacrifice his daughter Alexia and other former subordinates to build the empire in the main material world, because the main material world is the core of the world of Saint Sauron, and light destroys it. Hell and the abyss are not enough. Just like Asmodeus, even if he leads the two coalition forces, the first thing he has to do is to capture the main material world.

Although the devil is synonymous with cunning, if there is no word play in their oaths, the devil's credibility is higher than that of the gods. These devils will not break their oaths. On the contrary, as long as the gods do not make the Styx Oath, they may rebel at any time. water.

This is Louis' last resort to suppress the situation, and it is the last resort that he will definitely use if he really cannot get through the difficulties.

This is the conspiracy of the King of Baator. Even if Louis knows this plan, he can't stop it. The abyss and hell at the bottom of the world are the places with the strongest conventional power. In the past, because of the endless battles between the two sides, the devils and devils were No one can have the upper hand, but if both parties join forces to open the door to the main material world, no one except the gods can stop the armies of the two parties.

The King of Bator possesses exactly the same power as Louis, and he also possesses the Force of Order, which means that this devil does not need any power of faith at all to exert the power of Godhead 20 in his own domain, but can Directly mobilizing the force of order is a power that only the true ancient gods have.

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

"With Asmodeus's cunning, he will probably sign an agreement with the gods so that demons and demons will not intercept the gods' petitioners and return to the kingdom of God. If so, it is estimated that both evil and neutral gods will give up on this beast. The devil king fights tooth and nail, and only the gods of the lawful good alignment will stand firm.”

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

But if he wants to kill a powerful divine power, he also needs a hard fight. It can be said that any powerful divine power can actually compete with Asmodeus and will have a hard battle with him. In the end, the god will win because of his belief in the divine power. If you don't have enough, you will fail.

But if he wants to kill a powerful divine power, he also needs a hard fight. It can be said that any powerful divine power can actually compete with Asmodeus and will have a hard battle with him. In the end, the god will win because of his belief in the divine power. If you don't have enough, you will fail.

The demons and demons in the bloody battle alone are enough to sweep the world, not to mention that the demons and demons in the bloody battle are not all of them.

"With Asmodeus's cunning, he will probably sign an agreement with the gods so that demons and demons will not intercept the gods' petitioners and return to the kingdom of God. If so, it is estimated that both evil and neutral gods will give up on this beast. The devil king fights tooth and nail, and only the gods of the lawful good alignment will stand firm.”

Louis already has a basic understanding of the future trend in his mind. This is not a prediction, but an integration and processing of existing information, and Asmodeus's plan can be easily derived.

Alexia is not a celestial creature, nor is she a creature of her own divine kingdom. She belongs to the main material world. If the main material world is destroyed, all living creatures based there will die.

At this moment, the illusory bell rang again, and Louis listened carefully. He knew that this was the goddess of the earth who was going to tell the gods.

"First, let's analyze Asmodeus's strengths and weaknesses... He has been planning for millions of years to become a god. There is absolutely no problem with his method of tearing apart 'good' with 'evil', as long as it is achieved The conditions are bound to succeed, and since this cunning and insidious devil dares to directly expose his plan, it means that he is completely sure and there is no way it will fail."

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

This is the limitation of scientific and technological civilization. When faced with a certain individual being that is too powerful, the entire civilization is like a living target and can be easily destroyed by this individual existence in minute details. Moreover, because the target range is too small, It is difficult to concentrate the power of civilization on one person for attack.

"With Asmodeus's cunning, he will probably sign an agreement with the gods so that demons and demons will not intercept the gods' petitioners and return to the kingdom of God. If so, it is estimated that both evil and neutral gods will give up on this beast. The devil king fights tooth and nail, and only the gods of the lawful good alignment will stand firm.”

At this moment, the illusory bell rang again, and Louis listened carefully. He knew that this was the goddess of the earth who was going to tell the gods.

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

Believers are very important to gods, but the importance does not lie in whether believers are dead or alive. As long as there are enough petitioners, gods can survive. And creatures like gods are actually the most timid and afraid of death. As long as there are enough petitioners, Given a chance to survive, they can do anything.

Louis already has a basic understanding of the future trend in his mind. This is not a prediction, but an integration and processing of existing information, and Asmodeus's plan can be easily derived.

Although the devil is synonymous with cunning, if there is no word play in their oaths, the devil's credibility is higher than that of the gods. These devils will not break their oaths. On the contrary, as long as the gods do not make the Styx Oath, they may rebel at any time. water.

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

Louis already has a basic understanding of the future trend in his mind. This is not a prediction, but an integration and processing of existing information, and Asmodeus's plan can be easily derived.

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

Believers are very important to gods, but the importance does not lie in whether believers are dead or alive. As long as there are enough petitioners, gods can survive. And creatures like gods are actually the most timid and afraid of death. As long as there are enough petitioners, Given a chance to survive, they can do anything.

The main material world is a place where evil and good coexist. Either let the power of good in the main material world outweigh the evil, or directly destroy it by force. There is no other way for Louis.

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

The main material world is a place where evil and good coexist. Either let the power of good in the main material world outweigh the evil, or directly destroy it by force. There is no other way for Louis.

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

Now the situation is clear. In order to compete for the position of the only His Majesty, He, the Earth Goddess and Asmodeus are the only three candidates.

"I hope this last resort is not necessary. If it really must be used, I can only say sorry to Alexia."

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

But anyway, Louis found a way out for himself.

At this moment, the illusory bell rang again, and Louis listened carefully. He knew that this was the goddess of the earth who was going to tell the gods.

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

Louis' dragon claw held the spare key to the Stone of Destiny, and sneered: "... Gods, surrender to me under the Stone of Destiny!"

Louis' dragon claw held the spare key to the Stone of Destiny, and sneered: "... Gods, surrender to me under the Stone of Destiny!"

The King of Bator possesses exactly the same power as Louis, and he also possesses the Force of Order, which means that this devil does not need any power of faith at all to exert the power of Godhead 20 in his own domain, but can Directly mobilizing the force of order is a power that only the true ancient gods have.

The same is true for Louis. The reason why he is cautious is actually because he knows that he cannot be the opponent of the gods. Even if he has the Tyran civilization, the final result will inevitably be a lose-lose situation.

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

"When the evil in the main material world takes over, I will begin to lose my power. Then the allied forces of demons and demons will inevitably invade the upper plane. This will greatly weaken the power of good. When evil completely becomes Saint Sauron When I enter the mainstream of your world, even for just a moment, my good part of the force of order will be torn apart, and thus be obtained by Asmodeus under the attraction of my nature, making him become a god in one fell swoop."

"...Although I don't know how He is going to communicate with the chaotic abyss that has no self-will, but looking at His confident look, He definitely has a method unknown to me... If the devil and the devil really join forces to attack the main material world, All the creatures in the main material world together will definitely be no match, and this will allow evil to begin to gain the upper hand.”

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

"I hope this last resort is not necessary. If it really must be used, I can only say sorry to Alexia."

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

The demons and demons in the bloody battle alone are enough to sweep the world, not to mention that the demons and demons in the bloody battle are not all of them.

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

Now the situation is clear. In order to compete for the position of the only His Majesty, He, the Earth Goddess and Asmodeus are the only three candidates.

But if he wants to kill a powerful divine power, he also needs a hard fight. It can be said that any powerful divine power can actually compete with Asmodeus and will have a hard battle with him. In the end, the god will win because of his belief in the divine power. If you don't have enough, you will fail.

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

The demons and demons in the bloody battle alone are enough to sweep the world, not to mention that the demons and demons in the bloody battle are not all of them.

Believers are very important to gods, but the importance does not lie in whether believers are dead or alive. As long as there are enough petitioners, gods can survive. And creatures like gods are actually the most timid and afraid of death. As long as there are enough petitioners, Given a chance to survive, they can do anything.

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

The earth goddess Changdea is not afraid, because Louis has already had means to deal with her. The only thing that worries Louis is Asmodeus.

Alexia is not a celestial creature, nor is she a creature of her own divine kingdom. She belongs to the main material world. If the main material world is destroyed, all living creatures based there will die.

But anyway, Louis found a way out for himself.

The same is true for Louis. The reason why he is cautious is actually because he knows that he cannot be the opponent of the gods. Even if he has the Tyran civilization, the final result will inevitably be a lose-lose situation.

Even the power of the Tyran civilization is in vain when faced with Asmodeus, whose virtual godhead is as high as 20. If his power is the divine power of faith, it would be fine, and it can be solved by annihilating believers, but if it is the oldest order Force, then the technological power of the Tyrannic civilization would not be as lethal to him as imagined.

"When the evil in the main material world takes over, I will begin to lose my power. Then the allied forces of demons and demons will inevitably invade the upper plane. This will greatly weaken the power of good. When evil completely becomes Saint Sauron When I enter the mainstream of your world, even for just a moment, my good part of the force of order will be torn apart, and thus be obtained by Asmodeus under the attraction of my nature, making him become a god in one fell swoop."

Believers are very important to gods, but the importance does not lie in whether believers are dead or alive. As long as there are enough petitioners, gods can survive. And creatures like gods are actually the most timid and afraid of death. As long as there are enough petitioners, Given a chance to survive, they can do anything.

The earth goddess Changdea is not afraid, because Louis has already had means to deal with her. The only thing that worries Louis is Asmodeus.

"I hope this last resort is not necessary. If it really must be used, I can only say sorry to Alexia."

The demons and demons in the bloody battle alone are enough to sweep the world, not to mention that the demons and demons in the bloody battle are not all of them.

To put it simply, facing Asmodeus, who has a Godhead of 20 and still controls the force of order, neither he nor the Tyranid civilization can do anything to anyone.

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

"...Although I don't know how He is going to communicate with the chaotic abyss that has no self-will, but looking at His confident look, He definitely has a method unknown to me... If the devil and the devil really join forces to attack the main material world, All the creatures in the main material world together will definitely be no match, and this will allow evil to begin to gain the upper hand.”

Although the devil is synonymous with cunning, if there is no word play in their oaths, the devil's credibility is higher than that of the gods. These devils will not break their oaths. On the contrary, as long as the gods do not make the Styx Oath, they may rebel at any time. water.

"First, let's analyze Asmodeus's strengths and weaknesses... He has been planning for millions of years to become a god. There is absolutely no problem with his method of tearing apart 'good' with 'evil', as long as it is achieved The conditions are bound to succeed, and since this cunning and insidious devil dares to directly expose his plan, it means that he is completely sure and there is no way it will fail."

But the disadvantage of this method is that Louis needs to sacrifice his daughter Alexia and other former subordinates to build the empire in the main material world, because the main material world is the core of the world of Saint Sauron, and light destroys it. Hell and the abyss are not enough. Just like Asmodeus, even if he leads the two coalition forces, the first thing he has to do is to capture the main material world.

"When the evil in the main material world takes over, I will begin to lose my power. Then the allied forces of demons and demons will inevitably invade the upper plane. This will greatly weaken the power of good. When evil completely becomes Saint Sauron When I enter the mainstream of your world, even for just a moment, my good part of the force of order will be torn apart, and thus be obtained by Asmodeus under the attraction of my nature, making him become a god in one fell swoop."

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

This is Louis' last resort to suppress the situation, and it is the last resort that he will definitely use if he really cannot get through the difficulties.

Although the scope of Asmodeus's abilities is limited, he can only exert his full strength in Nasus, the ninth layer of hell. This devil never leaves Nasus, but because of this, his power and Nasus complement each other. It is simply impossible to use external force to directly smash the ninth level of hell.

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

The same is true for Louis. The reason why he is cautious is actually because he knows that he cannot be the opponent of the gods. Even if he has the Tyran civilization, the final result will inevitably be a lose-lose situation.

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

The demons and demons in the bloody battle alone are enough to sweep the world, not to mention that the demons and demons in the bloody battle are not all of them.

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

"With Asmodeus's cunning, he will probably sign an agreement with the gods so that demons and demons will not intercept the gods' petitioners and return to the kingdom of God. If so, it is estimated that both evil and neutral gods will give up on this beast. The devil king fights tooth and nail, and only the gods of the lawful good alignment will stand firm.”

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

Although the devil is synonymous with cunning, if there is no word play in their oaths, the devil's credibility is higher than that of the gods. These devils will not break their oaths. On the contrary, as long as the gods do not make the Styx Oath, they may rebel at any time. water.

Louis' final plan is that if push comes to shove, he will use Tyrannic civilization-extinction weapons to directly sweep through hell and the abyss, kill all devils and devils, and then destroy the main material world, leaving only the upper plane. If Once it comes, evil in this world will almost disappear, and goodness will become the main body in an instant. Even if these weapons cannot kill Asmodeus, they are enough to seize his order.

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

"With Asmodeus's cunning, he will probably sign an agreement with the gods so that demons and demons will not intercept the gods' petitioners and return to the kingdom of God. If so, it is estimated that both evil and neutral gods will give up on this beast. The devil king fights tooth and nail, and only the gods of the lawful good alignment will stand firm.”

But the disadvantage of this method is that Louis needs to sacrifice his daughter Alexia and other former subordinates to build the empire in the main material world, because the main material world is the core of the world of Saint Sauron, and light destroys it. Hell and the abyss are not enough. Just like Asmodeus, even if he leads the two coalition forces, the first thing he has to do is to capture the main material world.

"When the evil in the main material world takes over, I will begin to lose my power. Then the allied forces of demons and demons will inevitably invade the upper plane. This will greatly weaken the power of good. When evil completely becomes Saint Sauron When I enter the mainstream of your world, even for just a moment, my good part of the force of order will be torn apart, and thus be obtained by Asmodeus under the attraction of my nature, making him become a god in one fell swoop."

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

Louis' real body was silent. He was not in a hurry. Countless information was spinning in his mind, thinking about what to do next.

This is the limitation of scientific and technological civilization. When faced with a certain individual being that is too powerful, the entire civilization is like a living target and can be easily destroyed by this individual existence in minute details. Moreover, because the target range is too small, It is difficult to concentrate the power of civilization on one person for attack.

Although the scope of Asmodeus's abilities is limited, he can only exert his full strength in Nasus, the ninth layer of hell. This devil never leaves Nasus, but because of this, his power and Nasus complement each other. It is simply impossible to use external force to directly smash the ninth level of hell.

"No matter how you look at it, I am destined to die... But Asmodeus also has weaknesses. First of all, he is not a god, and he cannot condense into an incarnation. Therefore, his combat power is only his true body, not Like other gods, there are many incarnations available, and when facing a god, you need to face the opponent's true body and the attacks of all incarnations."

The main material world is a place where evil and good coexist. Either let the power of good in the main material world outweigh the evil, or directly destroy it by force. There is no other way for Louis.

Even the power of the Tyran civilization is in vain when faced with Asmodeus, whose virtual godhead is as high as 20. If his power is the divine power of faith, it would be fine, and it can be solved by annihilating believers, but if it is the oldest order Force, then the technological power of the Tyrannic civilization would not be as lethal to him as imagined.

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

Alexia is not a celestial creature, nor is she a creature of her own divine kingdom. She belongs to the main material world. If the main material world is destroyed, all living creatures based there will die.

The King of Bator possesses exactly the same power as Louis, and he also possesses the Force of Order, which means that this devil does not need any power of faith at all to exert the power of Godhead 20 in his own domain, but can Directly mobilizing the force of order is a power that only the true ancient gods have.

"I hope this last resort is not necessary. If it really must be used, I can only say sorry to Alexia."

Although the scope of Asmodeus's abilities is limited, he can only exert his full strength in Nasus, the ninth layer of hell. This devil never leaves Nasus, but because of this, his power and Nasus complement each other. It is simply impossible to use external force to directly smash the ninth level of hell.

This is the conspiracy of the King of Baator. Even if Louis knows this plan, he can't stop it. The abyss and hell at the bottom of the world are the places with the strongest conventional power. In the past, because of the endless battles between the two sides, the devils and devils were No one can have the upper hand, but if both parties join forces to open the door to the main material world, no one except the gods can stop the armies of the two parties.

The same is true for Louis. The reason why he is cautious is actually because he knows that he cannot be the opponent of the gods. Even if he has the Tyran civilization, the final result will inevitably be a lose-lose situation.

Alexia is not a celestial creature, nor is she a creature of her own divine kingdom. She belongs to the main material world. If the main material world is destroyed, all living creatures based there will die.

But anyway, Louis found a way out for himself.

Alexia is not a celestial creature, nor is she a creature of her own divine kingdom. She belongs to the main material world. If the main material world is destroyed, all living creatures based there will die.

But the disadvantage of this method is that Louis needs to sacrifice his daughter Alexia and other former subordinates to build the empire in the main material world, because the main material world is the core of the world of Saint Sauron, and light destroys it. Hell and the abyss are not enough. Just like Asmodeus, even if he leads the two coalition forces, the first thing he has to do is to capture the main material world.

Louis already has a basic understanding of the future trend in his mind. This is not a prediction, but an integration and processing of existing information, and Asmodeus's plan can be easily derived.

But anyway, Louis found a way out for himself.

"I hope this last resort is not necessary. If it really must be used, I can only say sorry to Alexia."

The demons and demons in the bloody battle alone are enough to sweep the world, not to mention that the demons and demons in the bloody battle are not all of them.

But anyway, Louis found a way out for himself.

The main material world is a place where evil and good coexist. Either let the power of good in the main material world outweigh the evil, or directly destroy it by force. There is no other way for Louis.

While Louis was thinking, He had already begun to use the 'spare key' to connect to the Intelligent Brain on the Earth plane, and began to order the Intelligent Brain to create weapons of mass destruction for the Tyranid civilization.

But if he wants to kill a powerful divine power, he also needs a hard fight. It can be said that any powerful divine power can actually compete with Asmodeus and will have a hard battle with him. In the end, the god will win because of his belief in the divine power. If you don't have enough, you will fail.

Although the scope of Asmodeus's abilities is limited, he can only exert his full strength in Nasus, the ninth layer of hell. This devil never leaves Nasus, but because of this, his power and Nasus complement each other. It is simply impossible to use external force to directly smash the ninth level of hell.

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

At this moment, the illusory bell rang again, and Louis listened carefully. He knew that this was the goddess of the earth who was going to tell the gods.

Alexia is not a celestial creature, nor is she a creature of her own divine kingdom. She belongs to the main material world. If the main material world is destroyed, all living creatures based there will die.

But the disadvantage of this method is that Louis needs to sacrifice his daughter Alexia and other former subordinates to build the empire in the main material world, because the main material world is the core of the world of Saint Sauron, and light destroys it. Hell and the abyss are not enough. Just like Asmodeus, even if he leads the two coalition forces, the first thing he has to do is to capture the main material world.

If Asmodeus was truly invincible, he wouldn't need to make so many twists and turns, nor would he need to plan for millions of years. He could just defeat the gods all by himself.

"... So in fact, as long as we can find a way to get rid of Asmodeus's true form, although he is close to a god, he is not a god after all."

"When the evil in the main material world takes over, I will begin to lose my power. Then the allied forces of demons and demons will inevitably invade the upper plane. This will greatly weaken the power of good. When evil completely becomes Saint Sauron When I enter the mainstream of your world, even for just a moment, my good part of the force of order will be torn apart, and thus be obtained by Asmodeus under the attraction of my nature, making him become a god in one fell swoop."

Although the scope of Asmodeus's abilities is limited, he can only exert his full strength in Nasus, the ninth layer of hell. This devil never leaves Nasus, but because of this, his power and Nasus complement each other. It is simply impossible to use external force to directly smash the ninth level of hell.

Louis' dragon claw held the spare key to the Stone of Destiny, and sneered: "... Gods, surrender to me under the Stone of Destiny!"

Louis' dragon claw held the spare key to the Stone of Destiny, and sneered: "... Gods, surrender to me under the Stone of Destiny!"

Even the power of the Tyran civilization is in vain when faced with Asmodeus, whose virtual godhead is as high as 20. If his power is the divine power of faith, it would be fine, and it can be solved by annihilating believers, but if it is the oldest order Force, then the technological power of the Tyrannic civilization would not be as lethal to him as imagined.

This is Louis' last resort to suppress the situation, and it is the last resort that he will definitely use if he really cannot get through the difficulties.

But if he wants to kill a powerful divine power, he also needs a hard fight. It can be said that any powerful divine power can actually compete with Asmodeus and will have a hard battle with him. In the end, the god will win because of his belief in the divine power. If you don't have enough, you will fail.

Louis' dragon eyes flashed, and there was no real qualitative change between Godhead 20 and Godhead 19. Even the force of order was the same. Perhaps Asmodeus could use the power of the virtual godhead at will without faith, which can be said to be the best in single combat. The strongest man in this world.

Since Asmodeus can seize his Force of Order by letting evil suppress good, then conversely, he can also seize His Force of Order by using good to suppress evil.

Louis' real body was silent. He was not in a hurry. Countless information was spinning in his mind, thinking about what to do next.