I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 789: God’s great prophecy


There is nothingness in the Pantheon. Countless Greek-style columns stand on the main hall. The sky is a starry sky. Each star represents a god. The gods perform their duties and are in their respective places. Sitting high on their own divine throne, they established their own rules for this world in a matter of seconds.

But gods have privileged abilities. Even if this is the Pantheon, gods can create things in the void as long as they are willing. Stairs appeared under Louis' feet. He slowly stepped up the steps and came to the side of the Earth Goddess, facing He ignored the goddess with a warm and puzzled face, and continued walking up until he passed the place where the Earth Goddess was and completely dominated the heads of the gods. Then he suddenly turned around.

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

The entire Pantheon fell silent, and you could hear a needle drop. But the next moment, the temple was in chaos. The gods were all whispering to each other. They looked at Louis as if they were looking at a madman. There were some powerful gods. He even laughed out loud, his eyes full of teasing.

What Louis is doing now is very similar to that of the Prince of Lies. The only difference is that the Prince of Lies at the time forcibly raised his godhood to 20, and there is some basis for saying such crazy words, and now Louis He was still Godhead 18. He made such a crazy move with Godhead level 18. All the gods looked at him with regret. Some even thought that the dragon god would completely fall back to medium power before long.

And in the hall of the gods, Louis suddenly asked loudly: "... Surrender, or perish?"

But the Goddess of Earth has now stabilized her godhood at 20, so she is naturally fearless. She stood up and asked sternly: "... Your Highness Louis, this is the meeting hall of the gods, the Pantheon. I hope you can pay attention to your remarks. .”

There is nothingness in the Pantheon. Countless Greek-style columns stand on the main hall. The sky is a starry sky. Each star represents a god. The gods perform their duties and are in their respective places. Sitting high on their own divine throne, they established their own rules for this world in a matter of seconds.

And in the hall of the gods, Louis suddenly asked loudly: "... Surrender, or perish?"

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

The sudden speech made all the gods stunned. The gods looked at each other, and some gods whispered. For a moment, they didn't know what Louis meant. Even the goddess of the dawn, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the silver moon, and the god of war. Waiting was also full of doubts, puzzled by Louis' sudden remarks.

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

Even among gods with strong divine power and weak divine power, their essential relationship should be equal, but the attitude shown by Louis at this moment was that he did not take the gods into consideration at all.

But gods have privileged abilities. Even if this is the Pantheon, gods can create things in the void as long as they are willing. Stairs appeared under Louis' feet. He slowly stepped up the steps and came to the side of the Earth Goddess, facing He ignored the goddess with a warm and puzzled face, and continued walking up until he passed the place where the Earth Goddess was and completely dominated the heads of the gods. Then he suddenly turned around.

Naturally, no one among the gods paid attention to him. In the end, the prince of lies made enemies everywhere, and his godhood fell in madness. It was not until his godhood dropped to 16 and almost lost his powerful divine power that he regained some sense and began to keep a low profile.

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

Although her words were not very sharp, they still failed Louis in front of the gods.

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

"Your Highness Louis, I don't know what you are talking about? Can you explain it to all the Highnesses present?"

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

There is nothingness in the Pantheon. Countless Greek-style columns stand on the main hall. The sky is a starry sky. Each star represents a god. The gods perform their duties and are in their respective places. Sitting high on their own divine throne, they established their own rules for this world in a matter of seconds.

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

Louis stood at the highest point and glanced around the gods. He suddenly opened his arms, and the majestic dragon roar resounded throughout the pantheon, "...Now, I give your highnesses a choice, surrender to me, or welcome them here. The final fall!”

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

Holding the "Slate of Destiny" in his hand, Louis issued an edict to the Earth Goddess: "...I say, your stars will fall from the sky, your four seasons will be divided into autumn and winter, and your divinity will be polluted by the stars!"

"Watch what you say?"

As the only god with a Godhead of 20, the Earth Goddess asked warmly. I wonder if she wanted to show that even after becoming a god, she was compassionate enough and could treat everything fairly, so she was so kind to Louis, who was an enemy. In other words, this goddess actually has such a personality. Anyway, there is no trace of fireworks between her and Louis' words, as if the two have never had any grudge.

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

But gods have privileged abilities. Even if this is the Pantheon, gods can create things in the void as long as they are willing. Stairs appeared under Louis' feet. He slowly stepped up the steps and came to the side of the Earth Goddess, facing He ignored the goddess with a warm and puzzled face, and continued walking up until he passed the place where the Earth Goddess was and completely dominated the heads of the gods. Then he suddenly turned around.

The sudden speech made all the gods stunned. The gods looked at each other, and some gods whispered. For a moment, they didn't know what Louis meant. Even the goddess of the dawn, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the silver moon, and the god of war. Waiting was also full of doubts, puzzled by Louis' sudden remarks.

As the only god with a Godhead of 20, the Earth Goddess asked warmly. I wonder if she wanted to show that even after becoming a god, she was compassionate enough and could treat everything fairly, so she was so kind to Louis, who was an enemy. In other words, this goddess actually has such a personality. Anyway, there is no trace of fireworks between her and Louis' words, as if the two have never had any grudge.

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

Louis slowly stood up from his seat. All the gods looked at him, thinking that he had something to say, but Louis ignored the gazes of these gods. Instead, he faced the Earth Goddess and walked forward slowly. .

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

Louis suddenly made a move with his hand, and the "Slate of Destiny" floating in the center of the Pantheon was called by its owner. It crossed the void and fell on his hand. With Louis' palm, he touched the ancient and vicissitudes of the stone slab. , countless mysterious patterns immediately emerged from the stone slab.

In the Pantheon, the gods are ranked based on their godhood. The highest position is naturally the powerful divine power. Even the Earth Goddess, who has a godhood of 20, is actually only slightly higher than other powerful gods. That's all, and the place where these powerful gods sit is already the highest point of the Pantheon, and there are no seats above it.

There is nothingness in the Pantheon. Countless Greek-style columns stand on the main hall. The sky is a starry sky. Each star represents a god. The gods perform their duties and are in their respective places. Sitting high on their own divine throne, they established their own rules for this world in a matter of seconds.

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

Holding the "Slate of Destiny" in his hand, Louis issued an edict to the Earth Goddess: "...I say, your stars will fall from the sky, your four seasons will be divided into autumn and winter, and your divinity will be polluted by the stars!"

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

But gods have privileged abilities. Even if this is the Pantheon, gods can create things in the void as long as they are willing. Stairs appeared under Louis' feet. He slowly stepped up the steps and came to the side of the Earth Goddess, facing He ignored the goddess with a warm and puzzled face, and continued walking up until he passed the place where the Earth Goddess was and completely dominated the heads of the gods. Then he suddenly turned around.

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

What Louis is doing now is very similar to that of the Prince of Lies. The only difference is that the Prince of Lies at the time forcibly raised his godhood to 20, and there is some basis for saying such crazy words, and now Louis He was still Godhead 18. He made such a crazy move with Godhead level 18. All the gods looked at him with regret. Some even thought that the dragon god would completely fall back to medium power before long.

Some of the ancient gods who had experienced that incident were thoughtful. The original Prince of Lies was just like Louis. He convened a meeting of the Pantheon, and then suddenly stood at the top of the meeting and laughed crazily, making everyone laugh. God surrenders.

"Your Highness Louis, I don't know what you are talking about? Can you explain it to all the Highnesses present?"

His behavior made all the gods baffled, and they felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts, because Louis was in a position where he almost looked down on the gods, especially his inverted dragon pupils, which showed absolute arrogance and arrogance. , as if he had become the king of the gods and was overlooking the gods.

The sudden speech made all the gods stunned. The gods looked at each other, and some gods whispered. For a moment, they didn't know what Louis meant. Even the goddess of the dawn, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the silver moon, and the god of war. Waiting was also full of doubts, puzzled by Louis' sudden remarks.

Holding the "Slate of Destiny" in his hand, Louis issued an edict to the Earth Goddess: "...I say, your stars will fall from the sky, your four seasons will be divided into autumn and winter, and your divinity will be polluted by the stars!"

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

The expression of the Dark Goddess Shar changed drastically. She knew Louis' character very well. Her main god was definitely not a targetless person. Since he dared to say such arrogant words in front of the gods, it meant that he Prepared for everything.

Even among gods with strong divine power and weak divine power, their essential relationship should be equal, but the attitude shown by Louis at this moment was that he did not take the gods into consideration at all.

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

Although her words were not very sharp, they still failed Louis in front of the gods.

Although her words were not very sharp, they still failed Louis in front of the gods.

In the Pantheon, the gods are ranked based on their godhood. The highest position is naturally the powerful divine power. Even the Earth Goddess, who has a godhood of 20, is actually only slightly higher than other powerful gods. That's all, and the place where these powerful gods sit is already the highest point of the Pantheon, and there are no seats above it.

"If this requires me to pay attention to my words, then what I am going to say next will probably be even more intolerable to your highnesses."

Naturally, no one among the gods paid attention to him. In the end, the prince of lies made enemies everywhere, and his godhood fell in madness. It was not until his godhood dropped to 16 and almost lost his powerful divine power that he regained some sense and began to keep a low profile.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

"If this requires me to pay attention to my words, then what I am going to say next will probably be even more intolerable to your highnesses."

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

There is nothingness in the Pantheon. Countless Greek-style columns stand on the main hall. The sky is a starry sky. Each star represents a god. The gods perform their duties and are in their respective places. Sitting high on their own divine throne, they established their own rules for this world in a matter of seconds.

Although her words were not very sharp, they still failed Louis in front of the gods.

Louis stood at the highest point and glanced around the gods. He suddenly opened his arms, and the majestic dragon roar resounded throughout the pantheon, "...Now, I give your highnesses a choice, surrender to me, or welcome them here. The final fall!”

"Your Highness Louis, I don't know what you are talking about? Can you explain it to all the Highnesses present?"

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Louis slowly stood up from his seat. All the gods looked at him, thinking that he had something to say, but Louis ignored the gazes of these gods. Instead, he faced the Earth Goddess and walked forward slowly. .

Louis stood at the highest point and glanced around the gods. He suddenly opened his arms, and the majestic dragon roar resounded throughout the pantheon, "...Now, I give your highnesses a choice, surrender to me, or welcome them here. The final fall!”

The entire Pantheon fell silent, and you could hear a needle drop. But the next moment, the temple was in chaos. The gods were all whispering to each other. They looked at Louis as if they were looking at a madman. There were some powerful gods. He even laughed out loud, his eyes full of teasing.

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

Louis stood at the highest point and glanced around the gods. He suddenly opened his arms, and the majestic dragon roar resounded throughout the pantheon, "...Now, I give your highnesses a choice, surrender to me, or welcome them here. The final fall!”

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

Louis sneered, and he looked at the earth goddess lightly, just like a giant dragon looking at an ant.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

Even among gods with strong divine power and weak divine power, their essential relationship should be equal, but the attitude shown by Louis at this moment was that he did not take the gods into consideration at all.

Some of the ancient gods who had experienced that incident were thoughtful. The original Prince of Lies was just like Louis. He convened a meeting of the Pantheon, and then suddenly stood at the top of the meeting and laughed crazily, making everyone laugh. God surrenders.

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

Naturally, no one among the gods paid attention to him. In the end, the prince of lies made enemies everywhere, and his godhood fell in madness. It was not until his godhood dropped to 16 and almost lost his powerful divine power that he regained some sense and began to keep a low profile.

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

"If this requires me to pay attention to my words, then what I am going to say next will probably be even more intolerable to your highnesses."

What Louis is doing now is very similar to that of the Prince of Lies. The only difference is that the Prince of Lies at the time forcibly raised his godhood to 20, and there is some basis for saying such crazy words, and now Louis He was still Godhead 18. He made such a crazy move with Godhead level 18. All the gods looked at him with regret. Some even thought that the dragon god would completely fall back to medium power before long.

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Naturally, no one among the gods paid attention to him. In the end, the prince of lies made enemies everywhere, and his godhood fell in madness. It was not until his godhood dropped to 16 and almost lost his powerful divine power that he regained some sense and began to keep a low profile.

And in the hall of the gods, Louis suddenly asked loudly: "... Surrender, or perish?"

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

Louis stood at the highest point and glanced around the gods. He suddenly opened his arms, and the majestic dragon roar resounded throughout the pantheon, "...Now, I give your highnesses a choice, surrender to me, or welcome them here. The final fall!”

His behavior made all the gods baffled, and they felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts, because Louis was in a position where he almost looked down on the gods, especially his inverted dragon pupils, which showed absolute arrogance and arrogance. , as if he had become the king of the gods and was overlooking the gods.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

But gods have privileged abilities. Even if this is the Pantheon, gods can create things in the void as long as they are willing. Stairs appeared under Louis' feet. He slowly stepped up the steps and came to the side of the Earth Goddess, facing He ignored the goddess with a warm and puzzled face, and continued walking up until he passed the place where the Earth Goddess was and completely dominated the heads of the gods. Then he suddenly turned around.

Holding the "Slate of Destiny" in his hand, Louis issued an edict to the Earth Goddess: "...I say, your stars will fall from the sky, your four seasons will be divided into autumn and winter, and your divinity will be polluted by the stars!"

As the only god with a Godhead of 20, the Earth Goddess asked warmly. I wonder if she wanted to show that even after becoming a god, she was compassionate enough and could treat everything fairly, so she was so kind to Louis, who was an enemy. In other words, this goddess actually has such a personality. Anyway, there is no trace of fireworks between her and Louis' words, as if the two have never had any grudge.

The expression of the Dark Goddess Shar changed drastically. She knew Louis' character very well. Her main god was definitely not a targetless person. Since he dared to say such arrogant words in front of the gods, it meant that he Prepared for everything.

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Even among gods with strong divine power and weak divine power, their essential relationship should be equal, but the attitude shown by Louis at this moment was that he did not take the gods into consideration at all.

Although her words were not very sharp, they still failed Louis in front of the gods.

The entire Pantheon fell silent, and you could hear a needle drop. But the next moment, the temple was in chaos. The gods were all whispering to each other. They looked at Louis as if they were looking at a madman. There were some powerful gods. He even laughed out loud, his eyes full of teasing.

When the Earth Goddess saw the gods, they just whispered to each other, but no god dared to stand up and question him, because Louis was still a powerful god anyway, and even if he was crazy, few gods would be willing to offend him casually.

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

"Watch what you say?"

Naturally, no one among the gods paid attention to him. In the end, the prince of lies made enemies everywhere, and his godhood fell in madness. It was not until his godhood dropped to 16 and almost lost his powerful divine power that he regained some sense and began to keep a low profile.

Holding the "Slate of Destiny" in his hand, Louis issued an edict to the Earth Goddess: "...I say, your stars will fall from the sky, your four seasons will be divided into autumn and winter, and your divinity will be polluted by the stars!"

But the Goddess of Earth has now stabilized her godhood at 20, so she is naturally fearless. She stood up and asked sternly: "... Your Highness Louis, this is the meeting hall of the gods, the Pantheon. I hope you can pay attention to your remarks. .”

His behavior made all the gods baffled, and they felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts, because Louis was in a position where he almost looked down on the gods, especially his inverted dragon pupils, which showed absolute arrogance and arrogance. , as if he had become the king of the gods and was overlooking the gods.

Some of the ancient gods who had experienced that incident were thoughtful. The original Prince of Lies was just like Louis. He convened a meeting of the Pantheon, and then suddenly stood at the top of the meeting and laughed crazily, making everyone laugh. God surrenders.

But gods have privileged abilities. Even if this is the Pantheon, gods can create things in the void as long as they are willing. Stairs appeared under Louis' feet. He slowly stepped up the steps and came to the side of the Earth Goddess, facing He ignored the goddess with a warm and puzzled face, and continued walking up until he passed the place where the Earth Goddess was and completely dominated the heads of the gods. Then he suddenly turned around.

His behavior made all the gods baffled, and they felt a little dissatisfied in their hearts, because Louis was in a position where he almost looked down on the gods, especially his inverted dragon pupils, which showed absolute arrogance and arrogance. , as if he had become the king of the gods and was overlooking the gods.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Louis sneered, and he looked at the earth goddess lightly, just like a giant dragon looking at an ant.

And in the hall of the gods, Louis suddenly asked loudly: "... Surrender, or perish?"

Although her words were not very sharp, they still failed Louis in front of the gods.

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Louis sneered, and he looked at the earth goddess lightly, just like a giant dragon looking at an ant.

"If this requires me to pay attention to my words, then what I am going to say next will probably be even more intolerable to your highnesses."

"Watch what you say?"

Louis suddenly made a move with his hand, and the "Slate of Destiny" floating in the center of the Pantheon was called by its owner. It crossed the void and fell on his hand. With Louis' palm, he touched the ancient and vicissitudes of the stone slab. , countless mysterious patterns immediately emerged from the stone slab.

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

Louis sneered, and he looked at the earth goddess lightly, just like a giant dragon looking at an ant.

By the way, this Dragon God seems to have killed the God of Lies. Back then, the God of Lies created an artifact called the Book of Lies. After reading that book, the former Prince of Lies went crazy. Could it be that the Dragon God also got this artifact after killing the Prince of Lies, and bravely looked at it, and drove himself crazy like the God of Lies back then.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

Louis suddenly made a move with his hand, and the "Slate of Destiny" floating in the center of the Pantheon was called by its owner. It crossed the void and fell on his hand. With Louis' palm, he touched the ancient and vicissitudes of the stone slab. , countless mysterious patterns immediately emerged from the stone slab.

Some of the ancient gods who had experienced that incident were thoughtful. The original Prince of Lies was just like Louis. He convened a meeting of the Pantheon, and then suddenly stood at the top of the meeting and laughed crazily, making everyone laugh. God surrenders.

The dark goddess Shar showed an interesting look, wanting to see what her main god was going to do. The other gods were also waiting to see what happened, and they remained calm. Even if they were dissatisfied, there was no god at this time. Will take the initiative to ask questions, waiting for Louis' next words.

"If this requires me to pay attention to my words, then what I am going to say next will probably be even more intolerable to your highnesses."

But there are also some more rational gods who feel something is wrong, because they find that the dragon god is too calm. There is only coldness and indifference in his dragon eyes, and it does not look like he is crazy at all. And such a calm god said There must be something to rely on when saying these words, so what exactly is it

What Louis is doing now is very similar to that of the Prince of Lies. The only difference is that the Prince of Lies at the time forcibly raised his godhood to 20, and there is some basis for saying such crazy words, and now Louis He was still Godhead 18. He made such a crazy move with Godhead level 18. All the gods looked at him with regret. Some even thought that the dragon god would completely fall back to medium power before long.

"Watch what you say?"

There is nothingness in the Pantheon. Countless Greek-style columns stand on the main hall. The sky is a starry sky. Each star represents a god. The gods perform their duties and are in their respective places. Sitting high on their own divine throne, they established their own rules for this world in a matter of seconds.

Even among gods with strong divine power and weak divine power, their essential relationship should be equal, but the attitude shown by Louis at this moment was that he did not take the gods into consideration at all.

The sudden speech made all the gods stunned. The gods looked at each other, and some gods whispered. For a moment, they didn't know what Louis meant. Even the goddess of the dawn, the goddess of the earth, the goddess of the silver moon, and the god of war. Waiting was also full of doubts, puzzled by Louis' sudden remarks.

Some of the ancient gods who had experienced that incident were thoughtful. The original Prince of Lies was just like Louis. He convened a meeting of the Pantheon, and then suddenly stood at the top of the meeting and laughed crazily, making everyone laugh. God surrenders.

Louis suddenly made a move with his hand, and the "Slate of Destiny" floating in the center of the Pantheon was called by its owner. It crossed the void and fell on his hand. With Louis' palm, he touched the ancient and vicissitudes of the stone slab. , countless mysterious patterns immediately emerged from the stone slab.

Louis sneered, and he looked at the earth goddess lightly, just like a giant dragon looking at an ant.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

As the only god with a Godhead of 20, the Earth Goddess asked warmly. I wonder if she wanted to show that even after becoming a god, she was compassionate enough and could treat everything fairly, so she was so kind to Louis, who was an enemy. In other words, this goddess actually has such a personality. Anyway, there is no trace of fireworks between her and Louis' words, as if the two have never had any grudge.

Louis stood at the highest point and glanced around the gods. He suddenly opened his arms, and the majestic dragon roar resounded throughout the pantheon, "...Now, I give your highnesses a choice, surrender to me, or welcome them here. The final fall!”

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

Even the goddess of the earth had helplessness flashing in her eyes. She didn't know what was wrong with Louis. He dared to say such things in front of so many people. Was he really crazy or stupid

Louis sneered, and he looked at the earth goddess lightly, just like a giant dragon looking at an ant.

Louis sneered, and he looked at the earth goddess lightly, just like a giant dragon looking at an ant.

There is nothingness in the Pantheon. Countless Greek-style columns stand on the main hall. The sky is a starry sky. Each star represents a god. The gods perform their duties and are in their respective places. Sitting high on their own divine throne, they established their own rules for this world in a matter of seconds.

Although her words were not very sharp, they still failed Louis in front of the gods.

Holding the "Slate of Destiny" in his hand, Louis issued an edict to the Earth Goddess: "...I say, your stars will fall from the sky, your four seasons will be divided into autumn and winter, and your divinity will be polluted by the stars!"

Each pattern is a divine pattern, which is information that only gods can interpret, and each divine pattern on it represents the name of a god and his priesthood!

Even among gods with strong divine power and weak divine power, their essential relationship should be equal, but the attitude shown by Louis at this moment was that he did not take the gods into consideration at all.

Faintly, God's eyes looked at the stone slab floating in the temple.

"Watch what you say?"

That high-spirited divine word is exactly the 'Great Prophecy of God'!

Louis suddenly made a move with his hand, and the "Slate of Destiny" floating in the center of the Pantheon was called by its owner. It crossed the void and fell on his hand. With Louis' palm, he touched the ancient and vicissitudes of the stone slab. , countless mysterious patterns immediately emerged from the stone slab.

"Watch what you say?"

As the only god with a Godhead of 20, the Earth Goddess asked warmly. I wonder if she wanted to show that even after becoming a god, she was compassionate enough and could treat everything fairly, so she was so kind to Louis, who was an enemy. In other words, this goddess actually has such a personality. Anyway, there is no trace of fireworks between her and Louis' words, as if the two have never had any grudge.