I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 790: Overwhelm the gods


No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

You must know that the war between gods can only be victorious after each other uses their true forms. If they are just incarnations, then it doesn't matter even if they are killed.

Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.

The star realm has arrived. It is the ideological realm of the world of Saint Solon, the boundless universe. This boundless world is also the tomb of the gods and the final destination of every fallen god. But now the star realm The pollution descended on the Pantheon and began to bind and restrain the gods.

Even if these gods still possess divine power, it is only a reserve of the past. Without the supplement of the power of faith, the divine power will one day be exhausted, and they have become rootless water.

The Dragon God takes action in this 'Pantheon', which will undoubtedly make him and the Earth Goddess a life-and-death enemy, and he is still unable to cause real harm to the Earth Goddess. Now that the Earth Goddess has reached Godhood 20, this Isn't it really crazy for the dragon god to provoke her like this? Besides, doing something in the highest palace of the gods is simply a slap in the face to all the gods.

Not to mention that the gods in this 'Pantheon' are probably not even incarnations, at most they are a manifestation of divinity.

All the gods were horrified to find that their 'incarnations' had lost contact with their true bodies. This meant that the gods had lost their most powerful ability to use their incarnations to survive. What was even more terrifying was that these gods were unable to contact them. To his own believers, under the power of the star realm, the channels of faith seemed to be corroded, and the gods lost their faith at this moment!

After the words fell, the dragon and the killing priesthood on Louis gradually disappeared, and his aura turned into one of the two poles of the world. The terrifying power overwhelmed the entire audience, and the terrifying power of God was undoubtedly telling everyone. God, He is the god with a Godhead of 20, the being who stands at the top of the gods!

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

The Dragon God takes action in this 'Pantheon', which will undoubtedly make him and the Earth Goddess a life-and-death enemy, and he is still unable to cause real harm to the Earth Goddess. Now that the Earth Goddess has reached Godhood 20, this Isn't it really crazy for the dragon god to provoke her like this? Besides, doing something in the highest palace of the gods is simply a slap in the face to all the gods.

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

Louis' great prophecy once again resounded in the 'Pantheon', as if he had turned into a real 'god', what he said was the law of the world, and what he commanded was the law of the world!

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

After the words fell, the dragon and the killing priesthood on Louis gradually disappeared, and his aura turned into one of the two poles of the world. The terrifying power overwhelmed the entire audience, and the terrifying power of God was undoubtedly telling everyone. God, He is the god with a Godhead of 20, the being who stands at the top of the gods!

You must know that even in the craziest period of the 'Prince of Lies', he was only shouting in the 'Pantheon' and did not dare to actually take action!

Not to mention that the gods in this 'Pantheon' are probably not even incarnations, at most they are a manifestation of divinity.

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

You must know that even in the craziest period of the 'Prince of Lies', he was only shouting in the 'Pantheon' and did not dare to actually take action!

At the same moment, all the gods sensed the arrival of an unknown and irresistible force. This force made all the gods fear and terrorize them, as if it was the hand that controlled the fate of the gods. At the throat of the gods!

Under the gaze of the gods, the originally completed 'Four Seasons' priesthood of the Earth Goddess was divided into four again, turning into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Except for the retention of the 'Spring' priesthood that belonged to the Earth Goddess from the beginning, the other three fragments of the priesthood were They all floated to the other three gods. These three gods were the original owners of these three priesthoods. Changdeya obtained these priesthoods by trading with them.

The star realm has arrived. It is the ideological realm of the world of Saint Solon, the boundless universe. This boundless world is also the tomb of the gods and the final destination of every fallen god. But now the star realm The pollution descended on the Pantheon and began to bind and restrain the gods.

Even if these gods still possess divine power, it is only a reserve of the past. Without the supplement of the power of faith, the divine power will one day be exhausted, and they have become rootless water.

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.

But now the Dragon God actually takes the initiative to hold this stone tablet and becomes so arrogant. Does this stone tablet really have any function that the gods are not aware of, and is it even powerful enough to withstand powerful divine power

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"

At the same moment, all the gods sensed the arrival of an unknown and irresistible force. This force made all the gods fear and terrorize them, as if it was the hand that controlled the fate of the gods. At the throat of the gods!

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

Even a gentle-tempered god is also arrogant. Now Louis' naked slap in the face made the goddess so angry that she mobilized her divine power to prepare for a battle with Louis without even thinking about it.

But now the Dragon God actually takes the initiative to hold this stone tablet and becomes so arrogant. Does this stone tablet really have any function that the gods are not aware of, and is it even powerful enough to withstand powerful divine power

Louis raised his hand and pointed at the earth goddess Changdea, and then something happened that horrified all the gods. The star at the highest point of the dome dimmed instantly, and then it fell from the highest altitude and fell back. It has reached the same position as other powerful gods!

And the falling of the stars represents the downgrading of the true god’s godhead!

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

Louis raised his hand and pointed at the earth goddess Changdea, and then something happened that horrified all the gods. The star at the highest point of the dome dimmed instantly, and then it fell from the highest altitude and fell back. It has reached the same position as other powerful gods!



Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.

You must know that even in the craziest period of the 'Prince of Lies', he was only shouting in the 'Pantheon' and did not dare to actually take action!

Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.


At the same moment, all the gods sensed the arrival of an unknown and irresistible force. This force made all the gods fear and terrorize them, as if it was the hand that controlled the fate of the gods. At the throat of the gods!

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

"No!!!! What on earth is that slate in your hand??!!!"

Even a gentle-tempered god is also arrogant. Now Louis' naked slap in the face made the goddess so angry that she mobilized her divine power to prepare for a battle with Louis without even thinking about it.

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

But as soon as this thought came up, the next moment the face of Earth Goddess Chantiya showed horror, and then the expression turned into horror again.

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

The Pantheon began to shake, as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. On the dome full of stars, the highest star representing the Earth Goddess began to flicker brightly and dimly. This star also Trembling and shaking.

"Your four seasons will surely separate autumn and winter!"

But as soon as this thought came up, the next moment the face of Earth Goddess Chantiya showed horror, and then the expression turned into horror again.

No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

"Your stars will fall from the sky!"

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"

"Your stars will fall from the sky!"

You must know that even in the craziest period of the 'Prince of Lies', he was only shouting in the 'Pantheon' and did not dare to actually take action!


You must know that even in the craziest period of the 'Prince of Lies', he was only shouting in the 'Pantheon' and did not dare to actually take action!

At the same moment, all the gods sensed the arrival of an unknown and irresistible force. This force made all the gods fear and terrorize them, as if it was the hand that controlled the fate of the gods. At the throat of the gods!

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"


Changdeya screamed, and the sound was so shrill. At this moment, his true body, all his incarnations, and even the body that manifested his divinity felt the extreme pain of his soul being completely torn apart. One of the ancient gods, she knew that was the pain caused by having part of her godhead shattered.

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

The Pantheon began to shake, as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. On the dome full of stars, the highest star representing the Earth Goddess began to flicker brightly and dimly. This star also Trembling and shaking.

"Your stars will fall from the sky!"

The Pantheon began to shake, as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. On the dome full of stars, the highest star representing the Earth Goddess began to flicker brightly and dimly. This star also Trembling and shaking.

No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

And the falling of the stars represents the downgrading of the true god’s godhead!

You must know that the war between gods can only be victorious after each other uses their true forms. If they are just incarnations, then it doesn't matter even if they are killed.

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"

Under the gaze of the gods, the originally completed 'Four Seasons' priesthood of the Earth Goddess was divided into four again, turning into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Except for the retention of the 'Spring' priesthood that belonged to the Earth Goddess from the beginning, the other three fragments of the priesthood were They all floated to the other three gods. These three gods were the original owners of these three priesthoods. Changdeya obtained these priesthoods by trading with them.

"Your stars will fall from the sky!"

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

You must know that the war between gods can only be victorious after each other uses their true forms. If they are just incarnations, then it doesn't matter even if they are killed.

The sharp screams of the Earth Goddess resounded throughout the Pantheon, and the gods heard panic in the tone of this god with a god rank of 20!

No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

"What the hell did you do to me?!"


It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

"Your stars will fall from the sky!"

"No!!!! What on earth is that slate in your hand??!!!"

Not to mention that the gods in this 'Pantheon' are probably not even incarnations, at most they are a manifestation of divinity.

Changdeya screamed, and the sound was so shrill. At this moment, his true body, all his incarnations, and even the body that manifested his divinity felt the extreme pain of his soul being completely torn apart. One of the ancient gods, she knew that was the pain caused by having part of her godhead shattered.

After the words fell, the dragon and the killing priesthood on Louis gradually disappeared, and his aura turned into one of the two poles of the world. The terrifying power overwhelmed the entire audience, and the terrifying power of God was undoubtedly telling everyone. God, He is the god with a Godhead of 20, the being who stands at the top of the gods!

"Your stars will fall from the sky!"

"No!!!! What on earth is that slate in your hand??!!!"

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"

Louis raised his hand and pointed at the earth goddess Changdea, and then something happened that horrified all the gods. The star at the highest point of the dome dimmed instantly, and then it fell from the highest altitude and fell back. It has reached the same position as other powerful gods!

The Dragon God takes action in this 'Pantheon', which will undoubtedly make him and the Earth Goddess a life-and-death enemy, and he is still unable to cause real harm to the Earth Goddess. Now that the Earth Goddess has reached Godhood 20, this Isn't it really crazy for the dragon god to provoke her like this? Besides, doing something in the highest palace of the gods is simply a slap in the face to all the gods.

At the same moment, all the gods sensed the arrival of an unknown and irresistible force. This force made all the gods fear and terrorize them, as if it was the hand that controlled the fate of the gods. At the throat of the gods!

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

Not to mention that the gods in this 'Pantheon' are probably not even incarnations, at most they are a manifestation of divinity.

Louis' great prophecy once again resounded in the 'Pantheon', as if he had turned into a real 'god', what he said was the law of the world, and what he commanded was the law of the world!

And the falling of the stars represents the downgrading of the true god’s godhead!

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

Not to mention that the gods in this 'Pantheon' are probably not even incarnations, at most they are a manifestation of divinity.

The Dragon God takes action in this 'Pantheon', which will undoubtedly make him and the Earth Goddess a life-and-death enemy, and he is still unable to cause real harm to the Earth Goddess. Now that the Earth Goddess has reached Godhood 20, this Isn't it really crazy for the dragon god to provoke her like this? Besides, doing something in the highest palace of the gods is simply a slap in the face to all the gods.

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

After the words fell, the dragon and the killing priesthood on Louis gradually disappeared, and his aura turned into one of the two poles of the world. The terrifying power overwhelmed the entire audience, and the terrifying power of God was undoubtedly telling everyone. God, He is the god with a Godhead of 20, the being who stands at the top of the gods!


No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

The star realm has arrived. It is the ideological realm of the world of Saint Solon, the boundless universe. This boundless world is also the tomb of the gods and the final destination of every fallen god. But now the star realm The pollution descended on the Pantheon and began to bind and restrain the gods.



Louis raised his hand and pointed at the earth goddess Changdea, and then something happened that horrified all the gods. The star at the highest point of the dome dimmed instantly, and then it fell from the highest altitude and fell back. It has reached the same position as other powerful gods!

With just two divine words, the Dragon God caused the Earth Goddess, who had a Godhead of 20, to be beaten back to the prototype of a Godhead of 19, and the fused priesthood of the Four Seasons was split again. What power and incredible is this!

Changdeya screamed, and the sound was so shrill. At this moment, his true body, all his incarnations, and even the body that manifested his divinity felt the extreme pain of his soul being completely torn apart. One of the ancient gods, she knew that was the pain caused by having part of her godhead shattered.

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

"Your four seasons will surely separate autumn and winter!"

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.


Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.

"Your four seasons will surely separate autumn and winter!"

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

The Dragon God takes action in this 'Pantheon', which will undoubtedly make him and the Earth Goddess a life-and-death enemy, and he is still unable to cause real harm to the Earth Goddess. Now that the Earth Goddess has reached Godhood 20, this Isn't it really crazy for the dragon god to provoke her like this? Besides, doing something in the highest palace of the gods is simply a slap in the face to all the gods.

Even a gentle-tempered god is also arrogant. Now Louis' naked slap in the face made the goddess so angry that she mobilized her divine power to prepare for a battle with Louis without even thinking about it.

Louis' great prophecy once again resounded in the 'Pantheon', as if he had turned into a real 'god', what he said was the law of the world, and what he commanded was the law of the world!

This time, Louis' word spirit was not used against Chantia, but against the gods present. As the great prophecies of these gods resounded through the Pantheon, the destiny slate in Louis' hand also lit up to the extreme. Brilliance.

This time, Louis' word spirit was not used against Chantia, but against the gods present. As the great prophecies of these gods resounded through the Pantheon, the destiny slate in Louis' hand also lit up to the extreme. Brilliance.

But as soon as this thought came up, the next moment the face of Earth Goddess Chantiya showed horror, and then the expression turned into horror again.

This time, Louis' word spirit was not used against Chantia, but against the gods present. As the great prophecies of these gods resounded through the Pantheon, the destiny slate in Louis' hand also lit up to the extreme. Brilliance.

"No!!!! What on earth is that slate in your hand??!!!"

No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

But as soon as this thought came up, the next moment the face of Earth Goddess Chantiya showed horror, and then the expression turned into horror again.

Not to mention that the gods in this 'Pantheon' are probably not even incarnations, at most they are a manifestation of divinity.

Under the gaze of the gods, the originally completed 'Four Seasons' priesthood of the Earth Goddess was divided into four again, turning into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Except for the retention of the 'Spring' priesthood that belonged to the Earth Goddess from the beginning, the other three fragments of the priesthood were They all floated to the other three gods. These three gods were the original owners of these three priesthoods. Changdeya obtained these priesthoods by trading with them.

The Dragon God takes action in this 'Pantheon', which will undoubtedly make him and the Earth Goddess a life-and-death enemy, and he is still unable to cause real harm to the Earth Goddess. Now that the Earth Goddess has reached Godhood 20, this Isn't it really crazy for the dragon god to provoke her like this? Besides, doing something in the highest palace of the gods is simply a slap in the face to all the gods.

At the same moment, all the gods sensed the arrival of an unknown and irresistible force. This force made all the gods fear and terrorize them, as if it was the hand that controlled the fate of the gods. At the throat of the gods!

Louis raised his hand and pointed at the earth goddess Changdea, and then something happened that horrified all the gods. The star at the highest point of the dome dimmed instantly, and then it fell from the highest altitude and fell back. It has reached the same position as other powerful gods!

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.

Under the gaze of the gods, the originally completed 'Four Seasons' priesthood of the Earth Goddess was divided into four again, turning into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Except for the retention of the 'Spring' priesthood that belonged to the Earth Goddess from the beginning, the other three fragments of the priesthood were They all floated to the other three gods. These three gods were the original owners of these three priesthoods. Changdeya obtained these priesthoods by trading with them.

And the falling of the stars represents the downgrading of the true god’s godhead!

After the words fell, the dragon and the killing priesthood on Louis gradually disappeared, and his aura turned into one of the two poles of the world. The terrifying power overwhelmed the entire audience, and the terrifying power of God was undoubtedly telling everyone. God, He is the god with a Godhead of 20, the being who stands at the top of the gods!

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

Even a gentle-tempered god is also arrogant. Now Louis' naked slap in the face made the goddess so angry that she mobilized her divine power to prepare for a battle with Louis without even thinking about it.

With just two divine words, the Dragon God caused the Earth Goddess, who had a Godhead of 20, to be beaten back to the prototype of a Godhead of 19, and the fused priesthood of the Four Seasons was split again. What power and incredible is this!

The Pantheon began to shake, as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. On the dome full of stars, the highest star representing the Earth Goddess began to flicker brightly and dimly. This star also Trembling and shaking.

Changdeya screamed, and the sound was so shrill. At this moment, his true body, all his incarnations, and even the body that manifested his divinity felt the extreme pain of his soul being completely torn apart. One of the ancient gods, she knew that was the pain caused by having part of her godhead shattered.

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

You must know that the war between gods can only be victorious after each other uses their true forms. If they are just incarnations, then it doesn't matter even if they are killed.

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

But as soon as this thought came up, the next moment the face of Earth Goddess Chantiya showed horror, and then the expression turned into horror again.

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

"No!!!! What on earth is that slate in your hand??!!!"

Under the gaze of the gods, the originally completed 'Four Seasons' priesthood of the Earth Goddess was divided into four again, turning into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Except for the retention of the 'Spring' priesthood that belonged to the Earth Goddess from the beginning, the other three fragments of the priesthood were They all floated to the other three gods. These three gods were the original owners of these three priesthoods. Changdeya obtained these priesthoods by trading with them.

No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"


You must know that even in the craziest period of the 'Prince of Lies', he was only shouting in the 'Pantheon' and did not dare to actually take action!

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

No one knows what Louis' words of God mean, and even the gods are quite surprised.

This time, Louis' word spirit was not used against Chantia, but against the gods present. As the great prophecies of these gods resounded through the Pantheon, the destiny slate in Louis' hand also lit up to the extreme. Brilliance.

But now the Dragon God actually takes the initiative to hold this stone tablet and becomes so arrogant. Does this stone tablet really have any function that the gods are not aware of, and is it even powerful enough to withstand powerful divine power

Louis' great prophecy once again resounded in the 'Pantheon', as if he had turned into a real 'god', what he said was the law of the world, and what he commanded was the law of the world!

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

Even a gentle-tempered god is also arrogant. Now Louis' naked slap in the face made the goddess so angry that she mobilized her divine power to prepare for a battle with Louis without even thinking about it.

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"

Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.

The star realm has arrived. It is the ideological realm of the world of Saint Solon, the boundless universe. This boundless world is also the tomb of the gods and the final destination of every fallen god. But now the star realm The pollution descended on the Pantheon and began to bind and restrain the gods.

Even a gentle-tempered god is also arrogant. Now Louis' naked slap in the face made the goddess so angry that she mobilized her divine power to prepare for a battle with Louis without even thinking about it.

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

The Dragon God takes action in this 'Pantheon', which will undoubtedly make him and the Earth Goddess a life-and-death enemy, and he is still unable to cause real harm to the Earth Goddess. Now that the Earth Goddess has reached Godhood 20, this Isn't it really crazy for the dragon god to provoke her like this? Besides, doing something in the highest palace of the gods is simply a slap in the face to all the gods.

Under the gaze of the gods, the originally completed 'Four Seasons' priesthood of the Earth Goddess was divided into four again, turning into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Except for the retention of the 'Spring' priesthood that belonged to the Earth Goddess from the beginning, the other three fragments of the priesthood were They all floated to the other three gods. These three gods were the original owners of these three priesthoods. Changdeya obtained these priesthoods by trading with them.

Under the gaze of the gods, the originally completed 'Four Seasons' priesthood of the Earth Goddess was divided into four again, turning into spring, summer, autumn and winter. Except for the retention of the 'Spring' priesthood that belonged to the Earth Goddess from the beginning, the other three fragments of the priesthood were They all floated to the other three gods. These three gods were the original owners of these three priesthoods. Changdeya obtained these priesthoods by trading with them.

Just after seeing the slate in Louis' hand, the gods faintly felt an unknown fear. All the gods had carefully inspected this slate before. It really had no ability, except for being manipulated by the gods. Apart from the fact that the blessing is difficult to destroy, it has no other effect.

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

The Pantheon began to shake, as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. On the dome full of stars, the highest star representing the Earth Goddess began to flicker brightly and dimly. This star also Trembling and shaking.

All the gods were horrified to find that their 'incarnations' had lost contact with their true bodies. This meant that the gods had lost their most powerful ability to use their incarnations to survive. What was even more terrifying was that these gods were unable to contact them. To his own believers, under the power of the star realm, the channels of faith seemed to be corroded, and the gods lost their faith at this moment!

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.

The Pantheon began to shake, as if it had experienced a magnitude 10 earthquake. On the dome full of stars, the highest star representing the Earth Goddess began to flicker brightly and dimly. This star also Trembling and shaking.

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

Because they lost their important priesthood, two of the three gods had weakened from weak divine power to weak divine power. However, seeing the lost and regained priesthood, the three gods' hearts beat faster, and none of them dared to move. They He was dumbfounded and completely confused about the current situation.

You must know that the war between gods can only be victorious after each other uses their true forms. If they are just incarnations, then it doesn't matter even if they are killed.

Even if these gods still possess divine power, it is only a reserve of the past. Without the supplement of the power of faith, the divine power will one day be exhausted, and they have become rootless water.

The star realm has arrived. It is the ideological realm of the world of Saint Solon, the boundless universe. This boundless world is also the tomb of the gods and the final destination of every fallen god. But now the star realm The pollution descended on the Pantheon and began to bind and restrain the gods.

This time, Louis' word spirit was not used against Chantia, but against the gods present. As the great prophecies of these gods resounded through the Pantheon, the destiny slate in Louis' hand also lit up to the extreme. Brilliance.

This time, Louis' word spirit was not used against Chantia, but against the gods present. As the great prophecies of these gods resounded through the Pantheon, the destiny slate in Louis' hand also lit up to the extreme. Brilliance.

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

The sharp screams of the Earth Goddess resounded throughout the Pantheon, and the gods heard panic in the tone of this god with a god rank of 20!

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

The gods who were completely panicked, whether it was weak divine power or those powerful divine powers, even Louis' allies looked at him in horror.

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"

But as soon as this thought came up, the next moment the face of Earth Goddess Chantiya showed horror, and then the expression turned into horror again.

Changdea is already considered a relatively gentle god among the gods. This is a characteristic of her priesthood. Of course, being gentle does not mean that she has no enemies, just like her and Louis today.

It's like going back in time, but the gods know that it has nothing to do with going back in time. What's more, even if it really goes back in time, it won't affect God. God is immune to the power of time!

With just two divine words, the Dragon God caused the Earth Goddess, who had a Godhead of 20, to be beaten back to the prototype of a Godhead of 19, and the fused priesthood of the Four Seasons was split again. What power and incredible is this!

And the falling of the stars represents the downgrading of the true god’s godhead!

"No!!!! What on earth is that slate in your hand??!!!"

You must know that the war between gods can only be victorious after each other uses their true forms. If they are just incarnations, then it doesn't matter even if they are killed.

Louis' face was cold, and he secretly said 'Sorry' to the Silver Moon Goddess, the God of Love and Beauty and other gods, and then he showed a condescending and arrogant smile and said: "... Now, I ask your highnesses, is it surrender? Or perish!"

Louis raised his hand and pointed at the earth goddess Changdea, and then something happened that horrified all the gods. The star at the highest point of the dome dimmed instantly, and then it fell from the highest altitude and fell back. It has reached the same position as other powerful gods!

At the same moment, all the gods sensed the arrival of an unknown and irresistible force. This force made all the gods fear and terrorize them, as if it was the hand that controlled the fate of the gods. At the throat of the gods!

Just when all the gods were shocked, Louis' majestic voice sounded again, "...your body will be polluted by the stars!"


"What the hell did you do to me?!"

Not to mention that the gods in this 'Pantheon' are probably not even incarnations, at most they are a manifestation of divinity.

After the words fell, the dragon and the killing priesthood on Louis gradually disappeared, and his aura turned into one of the two poles of the world. The terrifying power overwhelmed the entire audience, and the terrifying power of God was undoubtedly telling everyone. God, He is the god with a Godhead of 20, the being who stands at the top of the gods!

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

The Earth Goddess was even more shocked and angry. She never expected that Louis' behavior would be so outrageous. Not only did he dare to take action in the 'Pantheon', but the target of the action was her, the Queen of Earth, who was about to reach the pinnacle of the gods. god!

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

With just two divine words, the Dragon God caused the Earth Goddess, who had a Godhead of 20, to be beaten back to the prototype of a Godhead of 19, and the fused priesthood of the Four Seasons was split again. What power and incredible is this!

And the falling of the stars represents the downgrading of the true god’s godhead!

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.

You must know that the war between gods can only be victorious after each other uses their true forms. If they are just incarnations, then it doesn't matter even if they are killed.

"What the hell did you do to me?!"

The gods were dumbfounded as they looked at Louis, who was overlooking everything. They were speechless for a moment.


You must know that even in the craziest period of the 'Prince of Lies', he was only shouting in the 'Pantheon' and did not dare to actually take action!

The sharp screams of the Earth Goddess resounded throughout the Pantheon, and the gods heard panic in the tone of this god with a god rank of 20!

"What the hell did you do to me?!"