I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 791: Throne of the Gods


"... That strange artifact made us lose our perception of believers, but you can't just use that artifact to deprive the gods of their divinity and priesthood, right? Otherwise, with your temperament, it is impossible to just deprive His Highness Changdea of his divinity. Fragments and priesthood fragments!”

After finishing speaking, the orc god stared at Louis closely, trying to see something from his face.

If you want to truly fully control the gods, you still have to become a god. The "Slate of Destiny" is a very useful tool, but it is not omnipotent.

"Hahahaha!!! Although I don't know what His Highness Louis did to us to make us lose our perception of believers, but if you want to make the gods surrender, it depends on whether you have this ability!"

The expressions of the gods were all stunned. The starlight was a piece of divinity that Louis forcibly tore from their bodies, and the throne formed by the divinity of the gods was the "Throne of the Gods", which represented The status of the King of the Gods.

These gods quickly told the news to all the gods in the "Pantheon", and after knowing that Louis could not completely control the gods with the stone tablet in his hand, many gods were eager to try.

Louis showed no emotion on the surface. At this time, he must not show any cowardice. He must use powerful thunder to scare these gods.

Although these gods have lost the replenishment of their divine power, with the power currently reserved, if the gods join forces, they can still kill the dragon god in front of them!

At the same time, wise gods such as the God of Knowledge, the God of Mages, etc. also began to analyze the "Slate of Destiny" in Louis' hands, and in the end they also came to the same conclusion as the Orc Lord.

Godhead and priesthood involve the very foundation of God, and cannot be easily analyzed by the Tyran civilization. The reason why Louis can forcibly tear apart the Godhead and priesthood of the Earth Goddess is because he is a god with a Godhead of 20, so he cooperates with " Tablet of Destiny has done just that.

"Hahahaha! Your Highness Louis's idea is exactly what I want. I have been waiting for this opportunity since the battle with Your Highness!"

At this time, another god came forward. Louis took a closer look and found that it turned out to be the greatest enemy of the orc god, Malzilis, the god of war.

That's right, the biggest function of the "Slate of Destiny" is actually to deprive the connection between gods and believers, because the body of this stone is the "civilization meme" of the Tyrannic civilization. The Tyrannic civilization has a basic understanding of belief in gods. Finally, the method to defeat the gods was to cut off the connection between gods and believers, and then use technological weapons to eliminate the major planes of the world of Saint Sauron. In this case, the gods would not have the power to supplement them, and even the most powerful gods could be defeated. Consumed to death…

Lorenrea, the goddess of dawn, sighed when she saw this. Her expression was serious, and the light of justice appeared on her perfect body. Just when this lawful and good god decided to confront Louis on behalf of the gods, there were three grumpy God did not give her a chance.

The divine power displayed by Louis now cannot even be resisted by a god with medium divine power. I am afraid that only a truly powerful divine power can compete with this god who calls himself 'Your Majesty'.

The one who stood up to face Louis directly was Gruumsh, the orc god. This evil god had a ferocious smile on his face. The ugly face full of scars had the power of a warrior, but this orc god was not reckless. His eyes There was also a light of wisdom flashing in the room, staring at the "Slate of Destiny" in Louis' hand and saying:

It can be said that everything is silent in the Pantheon, and you can hear the drop of a needle. The gods are stunned to see everything that happened. Things have changed faster than the gods imagined. Before, it was a battle between the dragon god and the earth goddess. How could it happen in the blink of an eye? All the gods were involved.

But even so, Louis only tore off one level of the Godhead of the Earth Goddess Changdea.

Louis walked towards the throne step by step. Under his feet appeared steps transformed from the stone pillars in the Pantheon. When Louis stepped on the steps and came to the "Throne of the Gods", he turned around calmly. He sat down, leaned back on the throne and raised one leg. He supported his chin with his wrist and looked down at the gods. His pair of inverted dragon eyes were filled with indifferent arrogance.

Seeing this, Louis sighed secretly, these gods really couldn't be deceived so easily, they finally saw the clues.

He looked directly at the orc god Gruumsh and mocked: "... Your Highness Gruumsh, if you are dissatisfied with me, how about giving it a try?"

Three powerful gods joined forces to attack the god who was sitting high in the sky in the Pantheon and claimed to be His Majesty!

Gruumsh took a step forward. At this time, he had replaced his divinity with his true incarnation. As his divine power surged, he held a huge ax in his hand.

"Your Highness Gruumsh, let me help you too."

But the Earth Goddess backed down at this time. Unlike other gods, if the other gods were only given the third level of God's great prophecies by Louis, then the Earth Goddess accepted all of Louis' great prophecies, and the godhead was shattered, and the priesthood She didn't want to feel the pain of being split again. This earth goddess had even become desperate.

The face of the Earth Goddess Chanteya changed continuously, and she even had a hint of fear. Apart from Louis, she was still the god with the highest divinity level of 19. To be able to resist this sudden tyrant, the Earth Goddess was probably the most suitable one.

The eyes of the gods once again focused on Louis. Some were surprised, some were angry, some looked frightened, some showed hatred, and all kinds of emotions.

Louis watched the various expressions of the gods with great interest. He held the "Slate of Destiny" in his left hand and raised his right hand to see the stars in the sky. Each star symbolizing the true god was A ray of starlight shone down, and these starlights gathered into a huge throne, floating at the highest point of the Pantheon.

What's even more frightening is that these gods now find that they have lost contact with their believers, and they have even lost the qualifications to be gods!

Louis asked for the third time, with an impatient look on his face.

Only those who have truly experienced Louis' terrifying divine power can understand his power. Now the earth goddess Chantia has lost her perception of the earth's force, and this sense of gap makes her extremely uncomfortable.

The gods continued to be speechless. At this time, no god knew what to do. They looked at each other in confusion, and no god dared to stand up and make a choice at this time. In the end, the eyes of the gods converged on those powerful gods.

For a technological civilization, the thing that is least afraid of wasting is material. The total amount of material in the entire universe is too large, and the Tyran civilization can make consumables at will to use up the divine power reserved by the gods.

A sound was like thunder, and the voice of a male god containing the wrath of the storm sounded again. It was one of the powerful gods, the God of Storms, the main god of the Furious God System!

"Your Highnesses, now is the time to make a choice, surrender... or perish? If you choose to surrender, just call me 'Your Majesty'!"

"Plus me!"

As for wanting to directly tear apart the god's divinity and priesthood, even the Tyrannic civilization does not have this ability. Otherwise, this civilization would not be helpless against these powerful gods, and would even be exterminated in the end.