I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 798: I can only surrender to His Majesty


Outside Louis' divine kingdom "Dragonbone Wilderness", the incarnation of the silver moon goddess Suellen is standing outside the divine kingdom, waiting for the owner of the divine kingdom here to allow her to enter.

Silver Moon Goddess' expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "... Shar, I also somewhat admit what you said. After being with His Majesty Louis for a long time, I have some true feelings for him, and I am even more grateful to him."

The incarnation of the Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun is a beautiful elf. She has moonlight-like silver hair hanging on her shoulders. She wears a floor-length skirt woven from moonlight. Her facial features are deep and cold, and her skirt is beautiful. |The legs are long and slender, and a pair of emerald green eyes are so captivating, just like the crescent moon high above, noble and elegant.

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

Shar's language was provocative and she kept calling Louis 'my Lord God'. It seemed that she and Louis had a very close relationship, so that Suellen misunderstood the true relationship between the two of them.

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

Although almost all gods’ kingdoms are open to the outside world, and anyone with the ability to travel across dimensions can go to the kingdom of gods to accumulate experience, but gods still need to report before entering the kingdom of another god to prevent themselves. The incarnation broke into the kingdom of other gods and was defined as an intruder by the owner of the kingdom of god.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

The cold face of Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun was wary. Although Shar in front of her was only a medium-level divine power and was now just an incarnation, Su Lun still did not dare to underestimate her.

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

This is also what Su Lun wants to do. When his Majesty sits above the gods, the gods can no longer do whatever they want. They must consider Louis' thoughts and opinions before doing anything. Gods can do something only if it does not disobey him.

Especially when they were in the Pantheon, Shar surrendered to Louis first, making all the gods think that Shar and Louis had planned this long ago, so Suellen was also afraid of any dangerous traps in front of him.

This is also what Su Lun wants to do. When his Majesty sits above the gods, the gods can no longer do whatever they want. They must consider Louis' thoughts and opinions before doing anything. Gods can do something only if it does not disobey him.

Especially now that Louis has become the only majesty among the gods. It is reasonable to give enough respect to this majesty before entering his kingdom, even the silver moon goddess Su Lun is no exception.

"Shar, what are you doing here?"

"Shar, what are you doing here?"

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

However, Suellen, as Shar's sister, has known her sister for a million years. She knows that Shar, like Louis, cannot believe a word of her words. No matter what Shar says, don't get angry and stay calm. .

Shar's voice is mysterious and distant, as if coming from the void deep in the farthest universe. She giggles and her voice is charming, but the coldness and emptiness in it make all those who hear the goddess's words feel their souls. Tremble.

The incarnation of the Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun is a beautiful elf. She has moonlight-like silver hair hanging on her shoulders. She wears a floor-length skirt woven from moonlight. Her facial features are deep and cold, and her skirt is beautiful. |The legs are long and slender, and a pair of emerald green eyes are so captivating, just like the crescent moon high above, noble and elegant.

Shar's voice is mysterious and distant, as if coming from the void deep in the farthest universe. She giggles and her voice is charming, but the coldness and emptiness in it make all those who hear the goddess's words feel their souls. Tremble.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

But even so, Louis has no regrets. Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. As long as he can become a god, the so-called trust and authority can be slowly regained with his invincible power and the passage of time. By then, the whole world will be How could Louis be afraid that he would lose a certain goddess when he was in control.

However, Suellen, as Shar's sister, has known her sister for a million years. She knows that Shar, like Louis, cannot believe a word of her words. No matter what Shar says, don't get angry and stay calm. .

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

"Hehehehe... Don't blame me for stopping you here, Su Lun... I just want to ask you clearly why you are here. If your purpose of coming here will make my Lord God unhappy, then as a god, I have no choice but to Work harder and keep you out."

The result of believing their words was that all the gods were in bad luck. Thirty thousand years ago, the gods were almost tricked to death by Shar, and now, 30,000 years later, the gods were tricked to death by Louis.

Louis had already deceived the Silver Moon Goddess once when he hid Shar, but that time Louis had a private talk with her and the misunderstanding was resolved. But this time Louis deceived the Silver Moon Goddess again, and also deceived the gods by the way, which made Silver The Moon Goddess also began to wonder if the last time Louis discussed reconciliation with her in private was just a calculated move.

Outside Louis' divine kingdom "Dragonbone Wilderness", the incarnation of the silver moon goddess Suellen is standing outside the divine kingdom, waiting for the owner of the divine kingdom here to allow her to enter.

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

Just when the Silver Moon Goddess got Louis' permission and was about to step into the "Dragon Bone Wilderness", she stood still and looked sideways to her side.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

Shar actually knew why Suellen came. Because Suellen had the closest relationship with Louis, she became the representative of the gods. In addition to greeting His Majesty, she also wanted to test Louis' attitude towards God.

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

The cold face of Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun was wary. Although Shar in front of her was only a medium-level divine power and was now just an incarnation, Su Lun still did not dare to underestimate her.

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

"Shar, what are you doing here?"

A mysterious lady hidden in the dark fog stepped out of the void. The sudden appearance of the lady was wearing a gauze scarf on her face, making it difficult to see her face. It was only felt that her face was shrouded in black fog. Her jade face is like a black hole, completely attracting people's attention. In the end, even the soul seems to be swallowed by this dark void.

Although almost all gods’ kingdoms are open to the outside world, and anyone with the ability to travel across dimensions can go to the kingdom of gods to accumulate experience, but gods still need to report before entering the kingdom of another god to prevent themselves. The incarnation broke into the kingdom of other gods and was defined as an intruder by the owner of the kingdom of god.

Sometimes Suellen has to admit that Shar and Louis are actually a perfect match. These two gods are mysterious. No one knows what secrets they hide. You can't believe a word these two gods say. You never know whether they are telling the truth or lies, or whether there is any conspiracy in their words.

The result of believing their words was that all the gods were in bad luck. Thirty thousand years ago, the gods were almost tricked to death by Shar, and now, 30,000 years later, the gods were tricked to death by Louis.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

"Don't be nervous, Su Lun! I'm just surprised that you would come to "Dragonbone Wilderness" at this time. I thought you had been disappointed with my Lord God. At this time, you were following his orders at your "Moon Gate" The army is getting ready for war."

"Don't be too quick to talk, Su Lun! All the gods have surrendered to His Majesty Louis now, and even you don't dare to resist, so why are you laughing at me?"

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

"Shar, what are you doing here?"

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

The cold face of Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun was wary. Although Shar in front of her was only a medium-level divine power and was now just an incarnation, Su Lun still did not dare to underestimate her.

"Could it be that you and Shuni have been together for a long time and are really immersed in love and have unusual feelings for my Lord God?"

"... But this time I am not here for my own personal affairs, but on behalf of the gods to ask His Majesty Louis what he thinks of the gods."

However, Suellen, as Shar's sister, has known her sister for a million years. She knows that Shar, like Louis, cannot believe a word of her words. No matter what Shar says, don't get angry and stay calm. .

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

A mysterious lady hidden in the dark fog stepped out of the void. The sudden appearance of the lady was wearing a gauze scarf on her face, making it difficult to see her face. It was only felt that her face was shrouded in black fog. Her jade face is like a black hole, completely attracting people's attention. In the end, even the soul seems to be swallowed by this dark void.

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

This is also what Su Lun wants to do. When his Majesty sits above the gods, the gods can no longer do whatever they want. They must consider Louis' thoughts and opinions before doing anything. Gods can do something only if it does not disobey him.

Especially when they were in the Pantheon, Shar surrendered to Louis first, making all the gods think that Shar and Louis had planned this long ago, so Suellen was also afraid of any dangerous traps in front of him.

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

However, Suellen, as Shar's sister, has known her sister for a million years. She knows that Shar, like Louis, cannot believe a word of her words. No matter what Shar says, don't get angry and stay calm. .

Just when the Silver Moon Goddess got Louis' permission and was about to step into the "Dragon Bone Wilderness", she stood still and looked sideways to her side.

The result of believing their words was that all the gods were in bad luck. Thirty thousand years ago, the gods were almost tricked to death by Shar, and now, 30,000 years later, the gods were tricked to death by Louis.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

Louis had already deceived the Silver Moon Goddess once when he hid Shar, but that time Louis had a private talk with her and the misunderstanding was resolved. But this time Louis deceived the Silver Moon Goddess again, and also deceived the gods by the way, which made Silver The Moon Goddess also began to wonder if the last time Louis discussed reconciliation with her in private was just a calculated move.

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

"Don't be too quick to talk, Su Lun! All the gods have surrendered to His Majesty Louis now, and even you don't dare to resist, so why are you laughing at me?"

Especially when they were in the Pantheon, Shar surrendered to Louis first, making all the gods think that Shar and Louis had planned this long ago, so Suellen was also afraid of any dangerous traps in front of him.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

"Don't be nervous, Su Lun! I'm just surprised that you would come to "Dragonbone Wilderness" at this time. I thought you had been disappointed with my Lord God. At this time, you were following his orders at your "Moon Gate" The army is getting ready for war."

"Hehehehe... Don't blame me for stopping you here, Su Lun... I just want to ask you clearly why you are here. If your purpose of coming here will make my Lord God unhappy, then as a god, I have no choice but to Work harder and keep you out."

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

"... But this time I am not here for my own personal affairs, but on behalf of the gods to ask His Majesty Louis what he thinks of the gods."

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

But even so, Louis has no regrets. Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. As long as he can become a god, the so-called trust and authority can be slowly regained with his invincible power and the passage of time. By then, the whole world will be How could Louis be afraid that he would lose a certain goddess when he was in control.

"Don't be nervous, Su Lun! I'm just surprised that you would come to "Dragonbone Wilderness" at this time. I thought you had been disappointed with my Lord God. At this time, you were following his orders at your "Moon Gate" The army is getting ready for war."

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

"Could it be that you and Shuni have been together for a long time and are really immersed in love and have unusual feelings for my Lord God?"

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

A mysterious lady hidden in the dark fog stepped out of the void. The sudden appearance of the lady was wearing a gauze scarf on her face, making it difficult to see her face. It was only felt that her face was shrouded in black fog. Her jade face is like a black hole, completely attracting people's attention. In the end, even the soul seems to be swallowed by this dark void.

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

"Don't be nervous, Su Lun! I'm just surprised that you would come to "Dragonbone Wilderness" at this time. I thought you had been disappointed with my Lord God. At this time, you were following his orders at your "Moon Gate" The army is getting ready for war."

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

A mysterious lady hidden in the dark fog stepped out of the void. The sudden appearance of the lady was wearing a gauze scarf on her face, making it difficult to see her face. It was only felt that her face was shrouded in black fog. Her jade face is like a black hole, completely attracting people's attention. In the end, even the soul seems to be swallowed by this dark void.

Shar's voice is mysterious and distant, as if coming from the void deep in the farthest universe. She giggles and her voice is charming, but the coldness and emptiness in it make all those who hear the goddess's words feel their souls. Tremble.

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

"Could it be that you and Shuni have been together for a long time and are really immersed in love and have unusual feelings for my Lord God?"

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

Especially now that Louis has become the only majesty among the gods. It is reasonable to give enough respect to this majesty before entering his kingdom, even the silver moon goddess Su Lun is no exception.

The cold face of Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun was wary. Although Shar in front of her was only a medium-level divine power and was now just an incarnation, Su Lun still did not dare to underestimate her.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

Shar actually knew why Suellen came. Because Suellen had the closest relationship with Louis, she became the representative of the gods. In addition to greeting His Majesty, she also wanted to test Louis' attitude towards God.

Shar's language was provocative and she kept calling Louis 'my Lord God'. It seemed that she and Louis had a very close relationship, so that Suellen misunderstood the true relationship between the two of them.

Shar's language was provocative and she kept calling Louis 'my Lord God'. It seemed that she and Louis had a very close relationship, so that Suellen misunderstood the true relationship between the two of them.

"Shar, what are you doing here?"

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

However, Suellen, as Shar's sister, has known her sister for a million years. She knows that Shar, like Louis, cannot believe a word of her words. No matter what Shar says, don't get angry and stay calm. .

But even so, Louis has no regrets. Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. As long as he can become a god, the so-called trust and authority can be slowly regained with his invincible power and the passage of time. By then, the whole world will be How could Louis be afraid that he would lose a certain goddess when he was in control.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

Shar actually knew why Suellen came. Because Suellen had the closest relationship with Louis, she became the representative of the gods. In addition to greeting His Majesty, she also wanted to test Louis' attitude towards God.

Sometimes Suellen has to admit that Shar and Louis are actually a perfect match. These two gods are mysterious. No one knows what secrets they hide. You can't believe a word these two gods say. You never know whether they are telling the truth or lies, or whether there is any conspiracy in their words.

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

Sometimes Suellen has to admit that Shar and Louis are actually a perfect match. These two gods are mysterious. No one knows what secrets they hide. You can't believe a word these two gods say. You never know whether they are telling the truth or lies, or whether there is any conspiracy in their words.

"Don't be too quick to talk, Su Lun! All the gods have surrendered to His Majesty Louis now, and even you don't dare to resist, so why are you laughing at me?"

Shar actually knew why Suellen came. Because Suellen had the closest relationship with Louis, she became the representative of the gods. In addition to greeting His Majesty, she also wanted to test Louis' attitude towards God.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

"Don't be nervous, Su Lun! I'm just surprised that you would come to "Dragonbone Wilderness" at this time. I thought you had been disappointed with my Lord God. At this time, you were following his orders at your "Moon Gate" The army is getting ready for war."

Just when the Silver Moon Goddess got Louis' permission and was about to step into the "Dragon Bone Wilderness", she stood still and looked sideways to her side.

Sometimes Suellen has to admit that Shar and Louis are actually a perfect match. These two gods are mysterious. No one knows what secrets they hide. You can't believe a word these two gods say. You never know whether they are telling the truth or lies, or whether there is any conspiracy in their words.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

The result of believing their words was that all the gods were in bad luck. Thirty thousand years ago, the gods were almost tricked to death by Shar, and now, 30,000 years later, the gods were tricked to death by Louis.

Although almost all gods’ kingdoms are open to the outside world, and anyone with the ability to travel across dimensions can go to the kingdom of gods to accumulate experience, but gods still need to report before entering the kingdom of another god to prevent themselves. The incarnation broke into the kingdom of other gods and was defined as an intruder by the owner of the kingdom of god.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

The incarnation of the Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun is a beautiful elf. She has moonlight-like silver hair hanging on her shoulders. She wears a floor-length skirt woven from moonlight. Her facial features are deep and cold, and her skirt is beautiful. |The legs are long and slender, and a pair of emerald green eyes are so captivating, just like the crescent moon high above, noble and elegant.

However, Suellen, as Shar's sister, has known her sister for a million years. She knows that Shar, like Louis, cannot believe a word of her words. No matter what Shar says, don't get angry and stay calm. .

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

Shar's voice is mysterious and distant, as if coming from the void deep in the farthest universe. She giggles and her voice is charming, but the coldness and emptiness in it make all those who hear the goddess's words feel their souls. Tremble.

Silver Moon Goddess' expression remained unchanged, and she said calmly: "... Shar, I also somewhat admit what you said. After being with His Majesty Louis for a long time, I have some true feelings for him, and I am even more grateful to him."

Shar's language was provocative and she kept calling Louis 'my Lord God'. It seemed that she and Louis had a very close relationship, so that Suellen misunderstood the true relationship between the two of them.

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

Shar's language was provocative and she kept calling Louis 'my Lord God'. It seemed that she and Louis had a very close relationship, so that Suellen misunderstood the true relationship between the two of them.

Especially when they were in the Pantheon, Shar surrendered to Louis first, making all the gods think that Shar and Louis had planned this long ago, so Suellen was also afraid of any dangerous traps in front of him.

Louis had already deceived the Silver Moon Goddess once when he hid Shar, but that time Louis had a private talk with her and the misunderstanding was resolved. But this time Louis deceived the Silver Moon Goddess again, and also deceived the gods by the way, which made Silver The Moon Goddess also began to wonder if the last time Louis discussed reconciliation with her in private was just a calculated move.

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

"... But this time I am not here for my own personal affairs, but on behalf of the gods to ask His Majesty Louis what he thinks of the gods."

Shar actually knew why Suellen came. Because Suellen had the closest relationship with Louis, she became the representative of the gods. In addition to greeting His Majesty, she also wanted to test Louis' attitude towards God.

"Shar, what are you doing here?"

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

But even so, Louis has no regrets. Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. As long as he can become a god, the so-called trust and authority can be slowly regained with his invincible power and the passage of time. By then, the whole world will be How could Louis be afraid that he would lose a certain goddess when he was in control.

"Hehehehe... Don't blame me for stopping you here, Su Lun... I just want to ask you clearly why you are here. If your purpose of coming here will make my Lord God unhappy, then as a god, I have no choice but to Work harder and keep you out."

Shar actually knew why Suellen came. Because Suellen had the closest relationship with Louis, she became the representative of the gods. In addition to greeting His Majesty, she also wanted to test Louis' attitude towards God.

"Don't be nervous, Su Lun! I'm just surprised that you would come to "Dragonbone Wilderness" at this time. I thought you had been disappointed with my Lord God. At this time, you were following his orders at your "Moon Gate" The army is getting ready for war."

Especially when they were in the Pantheon, Shar surrendered to Louis first, making all the gods think that Shar and Louis had planned this long ago, so Suellen was also afraid of any dangerous traps in front of him.

"Hehehehe... Don't blame me for stopping you here, Su Lun... I just want to ask you clearly why you are here. If your purpose of coming here will make my Lord God unhappy, then as a god, I have no choice but to Work harder and keep you out."

This is also what Su Lun wants to do. When his Majesty sits above the gods, the gods can no longer do whatever they want. They must consider Louis' thoughts and opinions before doing anything. Gods can do something only if it does not disobey him.

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

However, Suellen, as Shar's sister, has known her sister for a million years. She knows that Shar, like Louis, cannot believe a word of her words. No matter what Shar says, don't get angry and stay calm. .

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

Especially now that Louis has become the only majesty among the gods. It is reasonable to give enough respect to this majesty before entering his kingdom, even the silver moon goddess Su Lun is no exception.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

"Don't be nervous, Su Lun! I'm just surprised that you would come to "Dragonbone Wilderness" at this time. I thought you had been disappointed with my Lord God. At this time, you were following his orders at your "Moon Gate" The army is getting ready for war."

"Don't be too quick to talk, Su Lun! All the gods have surrendered to His Majesty Louis now, and even you don't dare to resist, so why are you laughing at me?"

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

Sometimes Suellen has to admit that Shar and Louis are actually a perfect match. These two gods are mysterious. No one knows what secrets they hide. You can't believe a word these two gods say. You never know whether they are telling the truth or lies, or whether there is any conspiracy in their words.

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

"Hehehehe... Don't blame me for stopping you here, Su Lun... I just want to ask you clearly why you are here. If your purpose of coming here will make my Lord God unhappy, then as a god, I have no choice but to Work harder and keep you out."

"... But this time I am not here for my own personal affairs, but on behalf of the gods to ask His Majesty Louis what he thinks of the gods."

The person who appeared next to the Silver Moon Goddess was the lady of the night, Shar. She was wearing clothes that looked like a dancer's, showing off her graceful body. Her dark jade skin, which was completely different from humans, was glowing, and there was only a trace of mist on her face. There is a pair of eyes as bright as stars.

The result of believing their words was that all the gods were in bad luck. Thirty thousand years ago, the gods were almost tricked to death by Shar, and now, 30,000 years later, the gods were tricked to death by Louis.

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

The existence of the "Slate of Destiny" is like the Sword of Damocles above the heads of the gods. Louis can kill any god as long as he is willing. Except now that the gods can join forces, they can defeat Louis after paying a huge price.

But the gods are all exquisite egoists. None of them are willing to pay the price, so they can only live under Louis' order and rules.

Just when the Silver Moon Goddess got Louis' permission and was about to step into the "Dragon Bone Wilderness", she stood still and looked sideways to her side.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

But even so, Louis has no regrets. Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. As long as he can become a god, the so-called trust and authority can be slowly regained with his invincible power and the passage of time. By then, the whole world will be How could Louis be afraid that he would lose a certain goddess when he was in control.

Louis had already deceived the Silver Moon Goddess once when he hid Shar, but that time Louis had a private talk with her and the misunderstanding was resolved. But this time Louis deceived the Silver Moon Goddess again, and also deceived the gods by the way, which made Silver The Moon Goddess also began to wonder if the last time Louis discussed reconciliation with her in private was just a calculated move.

Although almost all gods’ kingdoms are open to the outside world, and anyone with the ability to travel across dimensions can go to the kingdom of gods to accumulate experience, but gods still need to report before entering the kingdom of another god to prevent themselves. The incarnation broke into the kingdom of other gods and was defined as an intruder by the owner of the kingdom of god.

The Silver Moon Goddess Suellen glanced at Shar and mocked: "... When did the great Lady of the Night turn into a lackey of other gods? What you look like now is really despising."

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

The incarnation of this goddess will change with the waxing and waning of the moon. Sometimes she is a girl, sometimes she is a mature woman, sometimes she is a young girl, and even the moon that is always shrouded around her The flowers will also dim or shine with the changes of the moon.

"Don't be too quick to talk, Su Lun! All the gods have surrendered to His Majesty Louis now, and even you don't dare to resist, so why are you laughing at me?"

That lying dragon, that god of deceit and conspiracy, just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", Louis has exhausted all means to reach the top, so much so that even the Silver Moon Goddess, who has the closest relationship with him, also He doesn't trust anymore.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

The incarnation of the Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun is a beautiful elf. She has moonlight-like silver hair hanging on her shoulders. She wears a floor-length skirt woven from moonlight. Her facial features are deep and cold, and her skirt is beautiful. |The legs are long and slender, and a pair of emerald green eyes are so captivating, just like the crescent moon high above, noble and elegant.

Shar's starry eyes narrowed slightly, and her laughter seemed magical, lonely and distant, just like Louis' sincere guardian.

Shar seemed to be sarcastic indifferently, but she was actually feeling unhappy in her heart. Surrendering to another god in this way was difficult for the proud Shar to accept, but now the development of things has become irresistible. God is on the roof. Xia also had to bow her head, not to mention that the power of the "Slate of Destiny" controlled by Louis was also shackling her. Just because Shar was still under Louis' protection, she had to choose to surrender.

A mysterious lady hidden in the dark fog stepped out of the void. The sudden appearance of the lady was wearing a gauze scarf on her face, making it difficult to see her face. It was only felt that her face was shrouded in black fog. Her jade face is like a black hole, completely attracting people's attention. In the end, even the soul seems to be swallowed by this dark void.

Louis had already deceived the Silver Moon Goddess once when he hid Shar, but that time Louis had a private talk with her and the misunderstanding was resolved. But this time Louis deceived the Silver Moon Goddess again, and also deceived the gods by the way, which made Silver The Moon Goddess also began to wonder if the last time Louis discussed reconciliation with her in private was just a calculated move.

But even so, Louis has no regrets. Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. As long as he can become a god, the so-called trust and authority can be slowly regained with his invincible power and the passage of time. By then, the whole world will be How could Louis be afraid that he would lose a certain goddess when he was in control.

"Hehehehe... Don't blame me for stopping you here, Su Lun... I just want to ask you clearly why you are here. If your purpose of coming here will make my Lord God unhappy, then as a god, I have no choice but to Work harder and keep you out."

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

For a moment, the two sisters were silent, and the two of them teleported into the "Dragonbone Wilderness" silently. As the oldest gods born after the twin snakes of order and chaos, they now want to completely surrender to an adult. The new gods are less than five hundred years old, but they have no choice but to surrender, and they can only lament the impermanence of the world.

"Don't be too quick to talk, Su Lun! All the gods have surrendered to His Majesty Louis now, and even you don't dare to resist, so why are you laughing at me?"

Louis had already deceived the Silver Moon Goddess once when he hid Shar, but that time Louis had a private talk with her and the misunderstanding was resolved. But this time Louis deceived the Silver Moon Goddess again, and also deceived the gods by the way, which made Silver The Moon Goddess also began to wonder if the last time Louis discussed reconciliation with her in private was just a calculated move.

But even so, Louis has no regrets. Those who achieve great things should not stick to trivial matters. As long as he can become a god, the so-called trust and authority can be slowly regained with his invincible power and the passage of time. By then, the whole world will be How could Louis be afraid that he would lose a certain goddess when he was in control.