I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 799: The order of this world is declared



Su Lun, the goddess of the silver moon, didn't know if she understood the meaning in Louis' eyes. She met the emperor like a courtier, holding up the silver dress woven by moonlight, and gave Louis an elegant salute.

But no matter what, Louis would never let himself lose his majesty. He slowly opened his mouth and said condescendingly: "... Your Highness Su Lun, why did you come to my kingdom of God?"

Silver Moon Goddess Su Lun and Dark Night Goddess Shar walked into the "Dragon Bone Wilderness" silently. The two goddesses were silent along the way. After teleporting with a magical spell, they arrived at the center of the "Dragon Bone Wilderness" At the foot of that peak.

Louis spoke out to retain him. As for the meaning of his words, both the Silver Moon Goddess and the Dark Night Lady knew it in their hearts. The two oldest goddesses looked at each other. Silver Moon's face showed helplessness, while Dark Night's was half-smiling. , for Louis' ambition as a dragon, they couldn't resist even if they wanted to.

It's just that this time when they went to the "Longmian Temple" in the center again, the two goddesses' minds were a little confused.

Su Lun was quite dumbfounded for a moment. She just felt that His Majesty Louis was really thick-skinned, but thinking about it, he seemed to have always been like this in the past. Does this make her happy? It's obviously for your own happiness, and shouldn't it be said that he is worthy of being a giant dragon? I'm actually interested in that spider...

Even ordinary gods would choose to walk up here to show their respect for the master of the Kingdom of God. Now that Louis is your majesty, neither Shar nor Suellen are even more likely to disobey his will.

When they came to the temple floating in mid-air, occupying the vast sky and earth, a multi-winged angel flew out of the temple and saluted the two goddesses respectfully.

Louis spoke mockingly, mocking the gods for their timidity.

At this moment, Louis said again: "...The Spider God Queen once had a grudge against you, Your Highness Su Lun. Although she has been retaliated against, those small revenges may not be enough for you to vent your anger, Your Highness Su Lun. Why don't you let me Catch her here and let you have some fun."

"Your Highness Selun, Your Highness Shar, our Lord is already waiting for your arrival inside."

Seeing this angel, the Silver Moon Goddess just nodded lightly, while Shar didn't say anything more, but if the two gods can remember their names, we can see how famous Tanarola is, the Sword of the Dawn in the past. Today's Sword of Order is very famous among the ancient gods. As the messenger of the goddess of dawn, she has traveled to various major planes and met many gods.

The two goddesses have no interest in the beauty of this kingdom of God. Shar has always lived in the "Dragonbone Wilderness". Suellen has often had incarnations come here to meet Louis in the past. They are both familiar with the "Dragonbone Wilderness". Extremely familiar.

"Your Highness Su Lun, it would be best if you could understand my difficulties. Since your mission here has been completed, why not stay with Your Highness Shar."

"With your words, the gods must be satisfied. They will prepare everything in these three days for your order and break the last obstacle ahead for you."

As the God of Order, Louis should bring order to every world he rules. According to the needs of different worlds, the order decided by Louis will naturally be different.

In this hall, the God of Good Dragons, the God of Evil Dragons, and the Goddess of Wealth are also here. After several gods bowed to each other, they all looked at the man sitting on the throne, who was holding a hand with one hand. The silent god of order with his cheeks closed and eyes closed.

This is the power that the God of Order should have. What he has established is the ruling order of the entire universe, and this order will only surround him forever.

"This is the declaration of the God of Order, the absolute order established by me!"

The Silver Moon Goddess just pursed her lips and lowered her head without speaking, while Shar slightly raised the corner of her mouth, as if she was agreeing with Louis' words, and also seemed to be laughing at herself that she was actually one of the timid gods.

"...Then I am here to tell you clearly, Your Highness Su Lun, and also to tell the gods that I have no intention of putting the rule of the gods in crisis, because I am also a god myself, and the order of the gods will still continue. I am always supreme, and I am not a god with an absolute desire for power. As long as the gods do not violate my will or my words, then I will also agree to the gods, and this world will still be ruled by them!"

"This is my declaration, Your Highness Su Lun... As for whether the gods will believe it, that is not a question I need to consider."

Although teleportation and flight were prohibited in the core area of the Kingdom of God, the two goddesses moved extremely fast, and it didn't take long before they saw the magnificent hall.

Just like the earth has a constitutional monarchy, a democratic republic, a feudal monarchy, etc., Louis will also formulate his own order based on the needs of different worlds.

Just like the world of St. Sauron, because the gods have ruled for millions of years, Louis feels that it is necessary to delegate some power to these gods. He only needs to have the power to veto or decide with one vote, and it is like having Tai The earth plane of the Tyran civilization, then Louis will also define it as an empire based on the technological development and suitability of the Tyran civilization.

At this time, Louis sighed, his tone softened slightly, and he said to Su Lun: "... I also know the fear of the gods, know their helplessness, and are afraid that I will break the order of the supremacy of the gods in this world for millions of years."

Louis' majestic voice seemed to be announcing to the world. In an instant, the voice spread out from the "Dragon Bone Wilderness" and was passed to the upper plane, to the lower plane, to the elemental plane, to the kingdom of gods, and entered into the ears of God.

Suellen breathed softly, as if there was a scent of musk. Are Louis' words worthy of the gods' belief? No one can explain this clearly, but since God has received his guarantee, he can only believe it.

Louis' gods did not dare to say a word, and did not show any reaction to Louis's ridicule. Fortunately, this was not in the Pantheon, otherwise it is not known whether the gods would suddenly become commotion and the crowd would be excited.

Louis' voice gradually slowed down and he said to the Silver Moon Goddess.

The goddess raised her head and looked at Louis with her round and round eyes. Her beautiful and delicate facial features were like the bright moon in the sky. It was absolutely beautiful and refined. Su Lun maintained a certain degree of humility, but with a very serious expression. He said in a tone of voice: "...Your Majesty Louis, I am here on behalf of the gods."

"Ha... Of course I know that Your Highness Su Lun is here on behalf of the gods. Those gods did not dare to ask me more questions when they were in the Pantheon, so they had to ask you for my opinion at this time. I even know that the gods God’s eyes are focused on this right now, waiting for an answer.”

Finally, Louis set his sights on the Silver Moon Goddess. His dragon pupils were a bit complicated. To be honest, Louis was very satisfied to be able to get the love of this ancient god. Although he had tried everything, but in the end He is not a heartless person, but his humanity as a human being still has some influence on him, preventing him from completely turning into a monster without emotion.

Just to be able to reach the top, Louis could only bear the pain and make these disappointing and sad choices. As His Majesty, he could not say more about some words, so he could only convey them with his eyes, hoping that the child's mother could understand.

This is the declaration of the God of Order, the order of this world that he represents!

Anyway, for Louis, the so-called power is just an accessory of strength. As long as he has absolute power, he will have absolute power. The gods are just exercising power for him.

Under the guidance of the angel, Suellen and Shar walked into the main hall, crossed the white marble stairs suspended in the sky, and walked through the palace filled with endless gems, emeralds, agates, and precious metals, symbolizing the dragon's wealth. , and finally saw the only Majesty sitting high in the void in the main hall, overlooking all things and all gods.

Suddenly, Louis opened his eyes, and there seemed to be a giant snake entwining the universe in his inverted dragon eyes. He first glanced at the goddess of the night, Shar, and looked at this goddess who always found opportunities for him to seek benefits. , Louis didn't have much disgust at all, and even felt that her character was somewhat similar to his own.