I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 802: Gods representing world order


On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

"Then Your Highness Louis, since we all know that it is impossible to make the other party give up power, why are you here? Don't say that you are just bored and want to come over and chat with me."

Eight demon lords gathered in the wreckage to hold a meeting they didn't want.

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

Although no matter how many devils there are in hell or there is no devil at all, Asmodeus has a virtual godhead of up to 20, but for Louis, the power that can weaken Asmodeus is worth every point. , even if this can increase his winning rate by 1%, it is still worthwhile.

"This excessive caution is the reason for your failure, Asmodeus..."

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

"... If you really say that, I can waste some time chatting with you. You must know that I am very interested in your past, His Highness Louis. A dragon with great luck, because he got the previous Dragon God His legacy has become a powerful divine power in just a hundred years. This kind of thing has happened in the world of Saint Sauron for millions of years."

This time, in order to achieve its ambition, it cooperated with the gods. It had already planned to find an opportunity to sacrifice Queen Fierna and the Queen of Desire, the two most beautiful devils in hell, to the gods. Now all these plans have come to an end. It's shattered.

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

Eight demon lords gathered in the wreckage to hold a meeting they didn't want.

Louis' voice was decisive, and the majestic voice echoed repeatedly in the empty palace. It was the declaration of the king of the gods and the arrogance of the gods.

Just when the devil lords were worried about their future, Louis had arrived at the door of Nasus.

"... For the devils, breaking into the tenth level of the abyss is already a rare victory. We have gained enough benefits in this bloody battle. If we continue to invade like this, we will only get the most benefits." We were defeated in the struggle with the demons, so based on my personal opinion, we should retreat."

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

Mephistopheles, the lord of the eighth level of hell, mocked maliciously: "...Since this is the order of the Devil Emperor, we must abide by it!"

Asmodeus' cunning voice came again, and the devil's whisper of temptation rang in Louis' ears from time to time.

Asmodeus knew clearly that Louis could not give up his power, but he still used such words to squeeze Louis, hoping to destroy Louis' confidence as much as possible.

Mephistopheles, the lord of the eighth level of hell, mocked maliciously: "...Since this is the order of the Devil Emperor, we must abide by it!"

"... For the devils, breaking into the tenth level of the abyss is already a rare victory. We have gained enough benefits in this bloody battle. If we continue to invade like this, we will only get the most benefits." We were defeated in the struggle with the demons, so based on my personal opinion, we should retreat."

Mephistopheles, the lord of the eighth level of hell, mocked maliciously: "...Since this is the order of the Devil Emperor, we must abide by it!"

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

"Then Your Highness Louis, since we all know that it is impossible to make the other party give up power, why are you here? Don't say that you are just bored and want to come over and chat with me."

At this, Louis just smiled contemptuously and said to the empty hall: "...Asmodeus, you have been hiding in the deepest part of hell like a mouse for millions of years. To put it nicely, you are cautious enough. The worst thing to say is that you have lost your enterprising spirit."

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

Its ridicule resulted in the silence of many devil lords. Although everyone did not speak, they actually felt as powerless and angry as Mephistopheles in their hearts.

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

Louis' expression remained unchanged, he just raised his hand solemnly, and the moment he waved his arm downward, countless figures appeared behind Louis.

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

Just when the devil lords were worried about their future, Louis had arrived at the door of Nasus.

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

Louis' expression remained unchanged, he just raised his hand solemnly, and the moment he waved his arm downward, countless figures appeared behind Louis.

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

Louis' expression remained unchanged, he just raised his hand solemnly, and the moment he waved his arm downward, countless figures appeared behind Louis.

"Jiejiejiejie... Your Highness Louis, why did you come to my palace? Could it be that Your Highness Louis finally figured it out and decided to surrender to me?"

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

Eight demon lords gathered in the wreckage to hold a meeting they didn't want.

However, even if they dare not resist the King of Hell, every Hell Lord is still angry, especially Mephistophilis, who has been plotting for more than 30,000 years to win the throne, and even pretended to be peaceful for this purpose. The lord of the seventh floor, Flying Insect, is evil.

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

"Jiejiejiejie... Your Highness Louis, why did you come to my palace? Could it be that Your Highness Louis finally figured it out and decided to surrender to me?"

Eight demon lords gathered in the wreckage to hold a meeting they didn't want.

Mephistopheles, the lord of the eighth level of hell, mocked maliciously: "...Since this is the order of the Devil Emperor, we must abide by it!"

Asmodeus knew clearly that Louis could not give up his power, but he still used such words to squeeze Louis, hoping to destroy Louis' confidence as much as possible.

The hundreds of figures that appeared behind Louis were all incarnations of gods!

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

This time, in order to achieve its ambition, it cooperated with the gods. It had already planned to find an opportunity to sacrifice Queen Fierna and the Queen of Desire, the two most beautiful devils in hell, to the gods. Now all these plans have come to an end. It's shattered.

"This excessive caution is the reason for your failure, Asmodeus..."

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

After crossing the gate of Nessus, Louis once again arrived at the dark red floating continent that flowed like blood. This time he was familiar with the road and directly teleported through the axe-like canyons with divine magic, and finally saw him at the center of the continent. Arriving at the silent palace.

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

Louis' voice was decisive, and the majestic voice echoed repeatedly in the empty palace. It was the declaration of the king of the gods and the arrogance of the gods.

Asmodeus knew clearly that Louis could not give up his power, but he still used such words to squeeze Louis, hoping to destroy Louis' confidence as much as possible.

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

As long as the Lord of Nessus is still alive, no other devil will ever ascend the throne.

Louis murmured that Baator Hell is the home of devils. The more devils there are in Baator Hell, the stronger the blessings given to the major lords and even the King of Baator.

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

"... If you really say that, I can waste some time chatting with you. You must know that I am very interested in your past, His Highness Louis. A dragon with great luck, because he got the previous Dragon God His legacy has become a powerful divine power in just a hundred years. This kind of thing has happened in the world of Saint Sauron for millions of years."

However, even if they dare not resist the King of Hell, every Hell Lord is still angry, especially Mephistophilis, who has been plotting for more than 30,000 years to win the throne, and even pretended to be peaceful for this purpose. The lord of the seventh floor, Flying Insect, is evil.

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

Asmodeus' cunning voice came again, and the devil's whisper of temptation rang in Louis' ears from time to time.

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

Although no matter how many devils there are in hell or there is no devil at all, Asmodeus has a virtual godhead of up to 20, but for Louis, the power that can weaken Asmodeus is worth every point. , even if this can increase his winning rate by 1%, it is still worthwhile.

"Jiejiejiejie... Your Highness Louis, why did you come to my palace? Could it be that Your Highness Louis finally figured it out and decided to surrender to me?"

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

Just when the devil lords were worried about their future, Louis had arrived at the door of Nasus.

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

The hundreds of figures that appeared behind Louis were all incarnations of gods!

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

"Then Your Highness Louis, since we all know that it is impossible to make the other party give up power, why are you here? Don't say that you are just bored and want to come over and chat with me."

Louis' voice was decisive, and the majestic voice echoed repeatedly in the empty palace. It was the declaration of the king of the gods and the arrogance of the gods.

This time, in order to achieve its ambition, it cooperated with the gods. It had already planned to find an opportunity to sacrifice Queen Fierna and the Queen of Desire, the two most beautiful devils in hell, to the gods. Now all these plans have come to an end. It's shattered.

Louis murmured that Baator Hell is the home of devils. The more devils there are in Baator Hell, the stronger the blessings given to the major lords and even the King of Baator.

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

At this, Louis just smiled contemptuously and said to the empty hall: "...Asmodeus, you have been hiding in the deepest part of hell like a mouse for millions of years. To put it nicely, you are cautious enough. The worst thing to say is that you have lost your enterprising spirit."

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

"... If you are willing to give up the power of order, then I may be able to spare your life. You must know that the devil has always been reputable. Unlike those despicable devils, we will keep our promises... Of course, you must be careful with the devil. There are lies in the words, but I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to see through my conspiracy."

"Asmodeus, don't say any more useless words like this. You should know that the will I have will never be shaken by your words, just like I also know that it is impossible to use my own will. Words are like making you, the King of Demons, give up your power."

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

Although no matter how many devils there are in hell or there is no devil at all, Asmodeus has a virtual godhead of up to 20, but for Louis, the power that can weaken Asmodeus is worth every point. , even if this can increase his winning rate by 1%, it is still worthwhile.

Asmodeus' cunning voice came again, and the devil's whisper of temptation rang in Louis' ears from time to time.

"... For the devils, breaking into the tenth level of the abyss is already a rare victory. We have gained enough benefits in this bloody battle. If we continue to invade like this, we will only get the most benefits." We were defeated in the struggle with the demons, so based on my personal opinion, we should retreat."

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

"Asmodeus, don't say any more useless words like this. You should know that the will I have will never be shaken by your words, just like I also know that it is impossible to use my own will. Words are like making you, the King of Demons, give up your power."

However, even if they dare not resist the King of Hell, every Hell Lord is still angry, especially Mephistophilis, who has been plotting for more than 30,000 years to win the throne, and even pretended to be peaceful for this purpose. The lord of the seventh floor, Flying Insect, is evil.

As long as the Lord of Nessus is still alive, no other devil will ever ascend the throne.

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

After crossing the gate of Nessus, Louis once again arrived at the dark red floating continent that flowed like blood. This time he was familiar with the road and directly teleported through the axe-like canyons with divine magic, and finally saw him at the center of the continent. Arriving at the silent palace.

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

Asmodeus didn't trust anyone. On his journey to achieve virtual godhead 20, he was afraid that any devil would betray him and tell his secrets to the gods. Therefore, in Asmodeus's palace There has never been a devil in millions of years.

As long as the Lord of Nessus is still alive, no other devil will ever ascend the throne.

Louis murmured that Baator Hell is the home of devils. The more devils there are in Baator Hell, the stronger the blessings given to the major lords and even the King of Baator.

Asmodeus didn't trust anyone. On his journey to achieve virtual godhead 20, he was afraid that any devil would betray him and tell his secrets to the gods. Therefore, in Asmodeus's palace There has never been a devil in millions of years.

But as a god, Louis knew that this hall was not a living body. The blood did indeed exist, but it was indeed the Devil King's own blood. Because of the injuries caused to him by many ancient gods millions of years ago, it became more and more... He could not recover before becoming a god, so Asmodeus was in pain every moment for millions of years, and he also used his own blood to create a powerful demon army.

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

"... If you are willing to give up the power of order, then I may be able to spare your life. You must know that the devil has always been reputable. Unlike those despicable devils, we will keep our promises... Of course, you must be careful with the devil. There are lies in the words, but I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to see through my conspiracy."

Although no matter how many devils there are in hell or there is no devil at all, Asmodeus has a virtual godhead of up to 20, but for Louis, the power that can weaken Asmodeus is worth every point. , even if this can increase his winning rate by 1%, it is still worthwhile.

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

Asmodeus knew clearly that Louis could not give up his power, but he still used such words to squeeze Louis, hoping to destroy Louis' confidence as much as possible.

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

Asmodeus' cunning voice came again, and the devil's whisper of temptation rang in Louis' ears from time to time.

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

But as a god, Louis knew that this hall was not a living body. The blood did indeed exist, but it was indeed the Devil King's own blood. Because of the injuries caused to him by many ancient gods millions of years ago, it became more and more... He could not recover before becoming a god, so Asmodeus was in pain every moment for millions of years, and he also used his own blood to create a powerful demon army.

"This excessive caution is the reason for your failure, Asmodeus..."

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

"This excessive caution is the reason for your failure, Asmodeus..."

This time, in order to achieve its ambition, it cooperated with the gods. It had already planned to find an opportunity to sacrifice Queen Fierna and the Queen of Desire, the two most beautiful devils in hell, to the gods. Now all these plans have come to an end. It's shattered.

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

"But within a few hundred years, a god has been recognized by the Force of Order and obtained half of the power of the Serpent of Order. This is a unique fantasy. Your Highness Louis must be hiding some amazing secrets. I I am very curious about your secrets. If you are willing to share your secrets with me, I am also willing to share with you some secrets that you don’t know.”

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

"Jiejiejiejie... Your Highness Louis, why did you come to my palace? Could it be that Your Highness Louis finally figured it out and decided to surrender to me?"

Louis murmured that Baator Hell is the home of devils. The more devils there are in Baator Hell, the stronger the blessings given to the major lords and even the King of Baator.

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

After crossing the gate of Nessus, Louis once again arrived at the dark red floating continent that flowed like blood. This time he was familiar with the road and directly teleported through the axe-like canyons with divine magic, and finally saw him at the center of the continent. Arriving at the silent palace.

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

"... For the devils, breaking into the tenth level of the abyss is already a rare victory. We have gained enough benefits in this bloody battle. If we continue to invade like this, we will only get the most benefits." We were defeated in the struggle with the demons, so based on my personal opinion, we should retreat."

Its ridicule resulted in the silence of many devil lords. Although everyone did not speak, they actually felt as powerless and angry as Mephistopheles in their hearts.

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

"Jiejiejiejie... Your Highness Louis, why did you come to my palace? Could it be that Your Highness Louis finally figured it out and decided to surrender to me?"

"This excessive caution is the reason for your failure, Asmodeus..."

"... If you really say that, I can waste some time chatting with you. You must know that I am very interested in your past, His Highness Louis. A dragon with great luck, because he got the previous Dragon God His legacy has become a powerful divine power in just a hundred years. This kind of thing has happened in the world of Saint Sauron for millions of years."

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

Louis' expression remained unchanged, he just raised his hand solemnly, and the moment he waved his arm downward, countless figures appeared behind Louis.

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

"... If you are willing to give up the power of order, then I may be able to spare your life. You must know that the devil has always been reputable. Unlike those despicable devils, we will keep our promises... Of course, you must be careful with the devil. There are lies in the words, but I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to see through my conspiracy."

The hundreds of figures that appeared behind Louis were all incarnations of gods!

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

"... If you really say that, I can waste some time chatting with you. You must know that I am very interested in your past, His Highness Louis. A dragon with great luck, because he got the previous Dragon God His legacy has become a powerful divine power in just a hundred years. This kind of thing has happened in the world of Saint Sauron for millions of years."

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

Louis' expression remained unchanged, he just raised his hand solemnly, and the moment he waved his arm downward, countless figures appeared behind Louis.

This time, in order to achieve its ambition, it cooperated with the gods. It had already planned to find an opportunity to sacrifice Queen Fierna and the Queen of Desire, the two most beautiful devils in hell, to the gods. Now all these plans have come to an end. It's shattered.

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

Asmodeus knew clearly that Louis could not give up his power, but he still used such words to squeeze Louis, hoping to destroy Louis' confidence as much as possible.

"Jiejiejiejie... Your Highness Louis, why did you come to my palace? Could it be that Your Highness Louis finally figured it out and decided to surrender to me?"

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

The Palace of the Devil King is very spacious. The surrounding walls are covered with complex and evil patterns. The ground under your feet looks like marble bricks or made of steel. There seems to be blood flowing between the cracks in the walls, as if the entire space is empty. The boundless hall is like a living creature, and the place where Louis is located is exactly inside the body of a certain creature.

Asmodeus didn't trust anyone. On his journey to achieve virtual godhead 20, he was afraid that any devil would betray him and tell his secrets to the gods. Therefore, in Asmodeus's palace There has never been a devil in millions of years.

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

But as a god, Louis knew that this hall was not a living body. The blood did indeed exist, but it was indeed the Devil King's own blood. Because of the injuries caused to him by many ancient gods millions of years ago, it became more and more... He could not recover before becoming a god, so Asmodeus was in pain every moment for millions of years, and he also used his own blood to create a powerful demon army.

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

"Asmodeus, don't say any more useless words like this. You should know that the will I have will never be shaken by your words, just like I also know that it is impossible to use my own will. Words are like making you, the King of Demons, give up your power."

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

"... If you are willing to give up the power of order, then I may be able to spare your life. You must know that the devil has always been reputable. Unlike those despicable devils, we will keep our promises... Of course, you must be careful with the devil. There are lies in the words, but I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to see through my conspiracy."

The Palace of the Devil King is very spacious. The surrounding walls are covered with complex and evil patterns. The ground under your feet looks like marble bricks or made of steel. There seems to be blood flowing between the cracks in the walls, as if the entire space is empty. The boundless hall is like a living creature, and the place where Louis is located is exactly inside the body of a certain creature.

Asmodeus knew clearly that Louis could not give up his power, but he still used such words to squeeze Louis, hoping to destroy Louis' confidence as much as possible.

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

"This excessive caution is the reason for your failure, Asmodeus..."

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

But as a god, Louis knew that this hall was not a living body. The blood did indeed exist, but it was indeed the Devil King's own blood. Because of the injuries caused to him by many ancient gods millions of years ago, it became more and more... He could not recover before becoming a god, so Asmodeus was in pain every moment for millions of years, and he also used his own blood to create a powerful demon army.

At this, Louis just smiled contemptuously and said to the empty hall: "...Asmodeus, you have been hiding in the deepest part of hell like a mouse for millions of years. To put it nicely, you are cautious enough. The worst thing to say is that you have lost your enterprising spirit."

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again:

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

After crossing the gate of Nessus, Louis once again arrived at the dark red floating continent that flowed like blood. This time he was familiar with the road and directly teleported through the axe-like canyons with divine magic, and finally saw him at the center of the continent. Arriving at the silent palace.

Asmodeus didn't trust anyone. On his journey to achieve virtual godhead 20, he was afraid that any devil would betray him and tell his secrets to the gods. Therefore, in Asmodeus's palace There has never been a devil in millions of years.

"Then Your Highness Louis, since we all know that it is impossible to make the other party give up power, why are you here? Don't say that you are just bored and want to come over and chat with me."

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

Mephistopheles, the lord of the eighth level of hell, mocked maliciously: "...Since this is the order of the Devil Emperor, we must abide by it!"

Louis' voice was decisive, and the majestic voice echoed repeatedly in the empty palace. It was the declaration of the king of the gods and the arrogance of the gods.

"... If you really say that, I can waste some time chatting with you. You must know that I am very interested in your past, His Highness Louis. A dragon with great luck, because he got the previous Dragon God His legacy has become a powerful divine power in just a hundred years. This kind of thing has happened in the world of Saint Sauron for millions of years."

"... If you are willing to give up the power of order, then I may be able to spare your life. You must know that the devil has always been reputable. Unlike those despicable devils, we will keep our promises... Of course, you must be careful with the devil. There are lies in the words, but I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to see through my conspiracy."

"Asmodeus, don't say any more useless words like this. You should know that the will I have will never be shaken by your words, just like I also know that it is impossible to use my own will. Words are like making you, the King of Demons, give up your power."

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

"But within a few hundred years, a god has been recognized by the Force of Order and obtained half of the power of the Serpent of Order. This is a unique fantasy. Your Highness Louis must be hiding some amazing secrets. I I am very curious about your secrets. If you are willing to share your secrets with me, I am also willing to share with you some secrets that you don’t know.”

"The demon army is still in the abyss. Today's Baator Hell is the emptiest. It can be said to be an unprecedented good time."

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

Louis' voice was decisive, and the majestic voice echoed repeatedly in the empty palace. It was the declaration of the king of the gods and the arrogance of the gods.

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

Under this kind of pain, one can imagine Asmodeus' resentment towards the gods.

"Asmodeus, don't say any more useless words like this. You should know that the will I have will never be shaken by your words, just like I also know that it is impossible to use my own will. Words are like making you, the King of Demons, give up your power."

Asmodeus' cunning voice came again, and the devil's whisper of temptation rang in Louis' ears from time to time.

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

However, even if they dare not resist the King of Hell, every Hell Lord is still angry, especially Mephistophilis, who has been plotting for more than 30,000 years to win the throne, and even pretended to be peaceful for this purpose. The lord of the seventh floor, Flying Insect, is evil.

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

As long as the Lord of Nessus is still alive, no other devil will ever ascend the throne.

"But within a few hundred years, a god has been recognized by the Force of Order and obtained half of the power of the Serpent of Order. This is a unique fantasy. Your Highness Louis must be hiding some amazing secrets. I I am very curious about your secrets. If you are willing to share your secrets with me, I am also willing to share with you some secrets that you don’t know.”

At this, Louis just smiled contemptuously and said to the empty hall: "...Asmodeus, you have been hiding in the deepest part of hell like a mouse for millions of years. To put it nicely, you are cautious enough. The worst thing to say is that you have lost your enterprising spirit."

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

Even though He has now reached the end of the virtual godhood and is enough to deal with all gods, He is still careful not to expose himself too much.

Its ridicule resulted in the silence of many devil lords. Although everyone did not speak, they actually felt as powerless and angry as Mephistopheles in their hearts.

This time, in order to achieve its ambition, it cooperated with the gods. It had already planned to find an opportunity to sacrifice Queen Fierna and the Queen of Desire, the two most beautiful devils in hell, to the gods. Now all these plans have come to an end. It's shattered.

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

"... If you are willing to give up the power of order, then I may be able to spare your life. You must know that the devil has always been reputable. Unlike those despicable devils, we will keep our promises... Of course, you must be careful with the devil. There are lies in the words, but I believe that with your wisdom, you will be able to see through my conspiracy."

On the first level of the abyss, the "Plain of Ten Thousand Abyss," the palace that once belonged to Rosalind has been completely destroyed, leaving only a piece of debris.

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

"Then Your Highness Louis, since we all know that it is impossible to make the other party give up power, why are you here? Don't say that you are just bored and want to come over and chat with me."

Louis' voice was decisive, and the majestic voice echoed repeatedly in the empty palace. It was the declaration of the king of the gods and the arrogance of the gods.

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

"Hahahahaha!!! Are you making me laugh, His Highness Louis! As one of the two poles of order, you should know that it is impossible for order to resist order, so there is absolutely no way for us to fight, because order is impossible Destroy yourself!"

Louis whispered solemnly, then he took a deep breath and walked into the palace again.

As long as the Lord of Nessus is still alive, no other devil will ever ascend the throne.

Eight demon lords gathered in the wreckage to hold a meeting they didn't want.

Asmodeus laughed loudly, and his figure also appeared in this empty hall. He was several meters tall, wearing a dark red robe that looked like a mage, and holding a ruby-encrusted weapon. The dark red skin of the scepter was full of cracks, and blood kept flowing out from the cracks. The devil laughed wildly and mocked Louis' words.

Louis murmured that Baator Hell is the home of devils. The more devils there are in Baator Hell, the stronger the blessings given to the major lords and even the King of Baator.

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

"... If you really say that, I can waste some time chatting with you. You must know that I am very interested in your past, His Highness Louis. A dragon with great luck, because he got the previous Dragon God His legacy has become a powerful divine power in just a hundred years. This kind of thing has happened in the world of Saint Sauron for millions of years."

Louis murmured that Baator Hell is the home of devils. The more devils there are in Baator Hell, the stronger the blessings given to the major lords and even the King of Baator.

Louis' expression remained unchanged, he just raised his hand solemnly, and the moment he waved his arm downward, countless figures appeared behind Louis.

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

After crossing the gate of Nessus, Louis once again arrived at the dark red floating continent that flowed like blood. This time he was familiar with the road and directly teleported through the axe-like canyons with divine magic, and finally saw him at the center of the continent. Arriving at the silent palace.

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

Eight demon lords gathered in the wreckage to hold a meeting they didn't want.

Eight demon lords gathered in the wreckage to hold a meeting they didn't want.

Just when the devil lords were worried about their future, Louis had arrived at the door of Nasus.

"The one who is going to destroy you is not me, who represents all order, but the gods who represent the order of this world!"

"... For the devils, breaking into the tenth level of the abyss is already a rare victory. We have gained enough benefits in this bloody battle. If we continue to invade like this, we will only get the most benefits." We were defeated in the struggle with the demons, so based on my personal opinion, we should retreat."

Louis' expression remained unchanged, he just raised his hand solemnly, and the moment he waved his arm downward, countless figures appeared behind Louis.

"... I have only one purpose here, and that is to eliminate you here and seize all the order you control!"

Its ridicule resulted in the silence of many devil lords. Although everyone did not speak, they actually felt as powerless and angry as Mephistopheles in their hearts.

The hundreds of figures that appeared behind Louis were all incarnations of gods!

"... If you really say that, I can waste some time chatting with you. You must know that I am very interested in your past, His Highness Louis. A dragon with great luck, because he got the previous Dragon God His legacy has become a powerful divine power in just a hundred years. This kind of thing has happened in the world of Saint Sauron for millions of years."

But as a god, Louis knew that this hall was not a living body. The blood did indeed exist, but it was indeed the Devil King's own blood. Because of the injuries caused to him by many ancient gods millions of years ago, it became more and more... He could not recover before becoming a god, so Asmodeus was in pain every moment for millions of years, and he also used his own blood to create a powerful demon army.

In order to compete for the throne of the King of Hell, each of them spent 30,000 years calculating and accumulating each other. If the one who finally becomes the King of Hell is one of their eight lords, then this can be said to be their own skills. Not as good as human beings, but who would have thought that the ancient emperor was not dead. He had been watching the jokes of the eight of them in Nasus. This feeling of powerlessness of being played by others is the devil. They are the most disgusting and disgusting.

But despite this, no devil dared to resist the King of Hell. The strength shown by the Nessus Legion in this bloody battle had already frightened them. The power of this legion was even enough to Sweeping through the eight hells.

At this, Louis just smiled contemptuously and said to the empty hall: "...Asmodeus, you have been hiding in the deepest part of hell like a mouse for millions of years. To put it nicely, you are cautious enough. The worst thing to say is that you have lost your enterprising spirit."

Although the Queen of Desire is a Desire Demon, she is different from the Succubus. Although she looks enchanting, her temperament is as awe-inspiring as a resolute female warrior. She is sitting on a boulder in a broken palace. , looked around at the demons around him, and whispered in a deep voice: "...My father asked us to withdraw our troops!"

However, even if they dare not resist the King of Hell, every Hell Lord is still angry, especially Mephistophilis, who has been plotting for more than 30,000 years to win the throne, and even pretended to be peaceful for this purpose. The lord of the seventh floor, Flying Insect, is evil.

Without any hesitation, he walked directly to the deepest part of the palace. When he reached the center of the palace, Asmodeus's rather leisurely laughter came again: