I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 803: A king is born


Each god has half the number of incarnations of its own godhead. Although the most powerful ones appearing here are only the incarnations of the true god with powerful divine power and medium divine power. Each of these incarnations has the power of weak divine power. As for the others, The incarnation has only weak divine power at best.

But if they choose the second option, they at least still have hope of living.

According to Asmodeus's idea, Louis has mastered half of the Force of Order, and his godhood is as high as 20. It is absolutely impossible for him to tell this secret. Otherwise, if the gods know all this, then the first thing the gods will do is What they will do is definitely not to cause trouble for him, the devil, but to join forces to kill Louis first. After the most dangerous Louis is eliminated, they will start to cause trouble for him, the king of devils.

This will create the best opportunity for Him, the King of Devils, to use the opposition between good and evil to deprive the Dragon God of order in one fell swoop, thereby reaching the highest position.

"Asmodeus, it seems that you have understood your fate and ending. Are you ready?"

This is God, the most incredible immortality!

Asmodeus's smile froze. He felt unbelievable. With so many gods appearing in one place, I am afraid that such a spectacle could only appear in the 'Pantheon'.

Asmodeus thought he had heard wrong. He looked at Louis with his devil eyes widened in disbelief. He was very convinced that Louis was just an incarnation. The highest level of his body was only 20. Not becoming a god.

If this is the case, should you choose to die with Louis, and you will inevitably fall; or should you choose to let Louis become a god, so that they can maintain their power and still hold the throne high

Not to mention that he is only a virtual godhead of 20, he is just a devil himself, unable to master incarnation and extraordinary divine power. Even if he is a real god with a godhead of 20, he cannot be an opponent of the gods together.

There is the god of winter, there is the god of wizards, there is the god of misfortune and luck, there is the earth mother goddess, there is the god of literature, there is the god of peace, there is the god of war, there is also the dawn and dark night, the silver moon and magic.

Even if his virtual godhood is as high as 20, it is impossible not to be afraid of so many gods targeting him. If he can really fight against the gods with the power of one person, there is no need to plan for so long and he can just enter the Kingdom of God.

Don't the gods know what Louis has done? Of course they know, but just like Asmodeus believed that Louis would not choose to commit suicide, but would try to gamble their own fate with him, the devil, the gods all knew that if they dared to resist, then even if Kill Louis, and under the power of the "Slate of Destiny", the gods will also be buried with him.

Countless gods represent the highest order in the entire Saint-Sauron world, and represent the stars that watch the entire heaven and earth under the night sky.

Louis spoke slowly and expressionlessly, his inverted dragon eyes looking down at the people.

The gods who hold Louis together include the four main gods of the elements, earth, water, fire, and wind, as well as the main gods of races such as dwarves, orcs, and halflings.

This is a logical behavior, a logical approach, and a way that is consistent with the character of the Dragon God.

Among them are gods who are good at fighting, and gods who are not good at fighting, such as the Goddess of Joy, the God of Prophecy, and the God of Sprouts.

Asmodeus screamed, and he subconsciously stepped back. The devil with a virtual god level of 20 staggered, and almost lost his footing and fell to the ground.

Even the King of Baator had taken into account the arrogance of the gods, thinking that Louis would underestimate him, the devil king, and would definitely find a way to hide it from the gods and deal with him, the devil, secretly.

But when Asmodeus was sure that what he saw in front of him was not an illusion, he became even more unbelievable and shouted: "...How could this happen? Why do you true gods all appear here?! Could it be the dragon? God told you all the secrets? No, this is impossible, this is not logical!"

But Asmodeus's words did not cause a stir among the gods. Although the eyes of some gods flickered for a moment, the light soon dimmed. No gods spoke, and they were all silent.

Asmodeus had carefully analyzed Louis' character and knew that the dragon god was not crazy. He was quite insidious and cunning, and he was a man who would do whatever it took for his own benefit, so it was impossible for him to choose suicide.

But no matter what kind of gods they are, no matter what their priesthood symbolizes, they are still gods, the highest authority in the world that is absolutely insurmountable by mortals.

Countless shadows condensed into entities, and countless gods surrounded Louis in the center, just like loyal soldiers guarding their king and willing to dedicate themselves to this.

So everything that happened in front of him made Asmodeus feel puzzled, angry, frightened and panicked.

You must know that for the proud god, another god is much more dangerous than the devil, and if Louis did this, it would be tantamount to committing suicide and dying together with Asmodeus.

But soon he really couldn't laugh anymore. As the devil king with a virtual god level of 20 in Nasus, Asmodeus couldn't even distinguish the illusion. At most, he could only be The illusion of the god deceives him for a short period of time, and it is impossible to keep him hallucinating, even if that person is Louis, who also controls half of the power of the Serpent of Order.

Seeing the gods being silent, Asmodeus's heart gradually sank. The devil behind the scenes who had deceived the gods for millions of years and planned for millions of years, grinned and revealed a sad look. With a crazy smile.

The true God is the real ruler of this world, and the true God represents all the rules and order of this world!

"... At that time, the real God above God will be born, you will lose everything, and you will completely obey the orders of God above God. How dare you do this?!"

This is even a spectacle that has never been seen in the world of Saint Sauron since the creation of the twin snakes.

Just when the King of Baator was panicking, all the gods cooperated with Louis very well, bowed their heads slightly to him, and shouted the supreme title in unison.

"His Majesty?!"

Even a mere devil tries to resist the gods, which is really laughable.

Although Godhood 20 is already the highest point of a god, it is still a crucial step away from His Majesty's position. Why can he allow so many gods to use this title to describe him, and why can he make the gods surrender.

Could it be that the gods have become fools and madmen? !

Asmodeus knew that when so many gods appeared in front of him, he had no secrets left. He even knew that he might not survive today, so he directly chose to self-destruct, hoping to have a cushion before he died. Yes, let Louis die here with Him.

Because although there is only one level of difference between a God with a Godhead of 20 and a God above him, the distance between the two is completely unreasonable.

No, even in the Pantheon, the gods will at most only send one incarnation of themselves, or even just one divinity, to participate, instead of all the incarnations of gods gathering here like now.

The gods actually have no choice, because the first option is death. Even if they can drag Louis to die together, they have no other ending. Besides, no one knows whether there are two or five young people among the gods, and even Louis may not be able to do it. Can't be killed.

It seems that these incarnations are a little weak, but there are too many of them to withstand. Moreover, even the weakest gods are more powerful than mortals, possessing immortal power and extraordinary divine power.

The Devil King even subconsciously rubbed his eyes with his hands, thinking like a mortal that he was suffering from old eyesight, and even suspected that this was just an illusion brought about by some kind of priesthood of Louis.

"His Majesty!"

Then his own death is unavoidable, so he must let these gods lose something. Although Asmodeus also knows that even if all the incarnations of the gods here die, there will be no harm to the gods themselves. He cannot really The killing god.

The King of Bator, who had been hiding in Nessus for millions of years and was secretly rejoicing that he was about to ascend to the top, shouted angrily: "... Do you gods know that the Dragon God controls half of the force of order? , He is about to transform into the Serpent of Order, if you kill me here, all order will return to Him!"