I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 808: The end of the dragon song, the eternal dragon!


These secrets from the eyes of mortals cannot be hidden from the gods.

Louis did not wait for the gods to think. He gently raised his hand again, floating the stone slab of destiny on his palm. Countless divine patterns flashed on the stone slab. When the divine patterns blended together, a ray of majesty flashed in the stone slab of destiny. , fell into the bodies of the three people in front of them.

"A man's journey is the stars and the sea. For me, the supreme god, my journey is this endless multiverse!"

But no matter what, this ability alone is enough to make Louis worthy of the title of His Majesty!

The gods looked with twinkling eyes at the old man who was kneeling humbly on the ground with an excited expression. He was the one who truly reached the sky in one step, becoming a true god from an ordinary legendary mage!

As a dragon, she actually wanted to learn from other dragons and sleep for a hundred years, but because the country of dragons is very important to Louis, she has been suppressing the instinct of the dragon and working hard to govern the country, because only The Kingdom of Dragons was strong, and Louis, as the God of Dragons at that time, could be more powerful and stable.

Other gods remained silent. This was no ordinary act of conferring a god, it was simply forcibly conferring a god! !

Louis chuckled, and his figure gradually disappeared into the star realm.

But the last one—

He nodded with satisfaction, and then disappeared into the Pantheon.

Standing at the highest point of the boundless star realm, Louis' sight reflected the entire world of overlapping planes.

Although the gods above have incomparable power, why don't they know that the gods above have the ability to directly grant godhood and priesthood, allowing mortals to become gods in one step!

"Praise to you and thank you, your great Majesty Louis!"

A god's lips trembled slightly, and he read out this goal pursued by countless mortals in the language of heaven.

Except for some gods who have a 'knowledge' class and can perform partial 'omniscient' who know the identity of this old man, the other gods know nothing about this humble mage who is only a legendary level.

And this country is also a gift left to Alexia by Louis. As long as she operates well and has the blessing of the Dragon God, she can become a powerful god.

Finally, Louis set his sights on the Kingdom of Dragons, and his most beloved eldest daughter sat on the throne bored, leading the huge empire as the queen.

"Your Highnesses, I believe you already understand what I mean. When the world of Saint Sauron is in crisis again, when the gods are unable to make a decision, I will judge everything and bring order and chaos to all things!"

Alexia, who was in the palace of the City of Dragonsong, suddenly felt something in her heart. She saw a mysterious rune appear from the void, pour into her body, and then sleep in her soul.

Some wise and knowledgeable gods were thoughtful and felt that this was not the ability of ordinary gods, but because His Majesty Louis controlled the order of one of the two poles of the world. At the same time, he should also be blessed by the ability of the destiny stone. Knowing that the Stone of Destiny brings together the divinity and divinity of the gods, it is possible for His Majesty Louis, as the supreme god, to forge new divinity and divinity through the Stone of Destiny.

At the same time, Hisna, Andrea, and the old man named Machis who were in the Pantheon all had the aura of gods on their bodies!

Even if Louis has been honored as His Majesty, the gods also have their own pride and reserve. When they meet him, they will kneel down at most. But even if this old man is canonized as a god, even if he is already honored as a god, he is still like a slave, like a slave. Performing a great ceremony of bowing to the ground.

With Louis' breath, the universe on the earth plane seemed to come alive, the power symbolizing order began to expand, and the entire dark starry sky was breathing with him.

Louis raised the throne high and scanned the gods in the pantheon with his eyes. All the gods who looked at him bowed their heads humbly, expressing their reverence and humility.

Machis, on the other hand, looked shocked, even a little flustered and at a loss. He never thought that he could become a god!

Only the Serpent of Chaos is left in the world of Saint Sauron. Everything else in that world is no longer important to Louis. Of course, Louis will not abandon that world. It can be said that compared to the earth plane, Saint Sauron is The world of Er is more like his home planet, a place where he can go back to lick his wounds if he suffers setbacks in the future. Therefore, he must hide the world of Saint Solon and make it a place where only he knows the coordinates.

The gods were also thoughtful and understood the significance of this old man being named the 'Guardian God'.

But now that Louis has become a god, this country is no longer of much use to him. Alexia no longer has to tense up every day and can relax and do what she likes.

Andrea looked happy. If it weren't for the wrong place, she might have fallen into Louis' arms and let him enjoy his godly body.

Andrea once went to the 'Supreme Throne' with Louis and witnessed the death of the Prince of Lies. After the death of the Prince of Lies, Louis no longer hid this secret, and the priesthood of 'Lies' was directly left to Louis. Andrea.

At the same moment, all the gods felt the plane changes, and the divine kingdom of "Dragonbone Wilderness" was also hidden in the void. I am afraid that in thousands of years, the great god Louis will become a legend, a man who stands in the sky. Above the heads of the gods is the 'God of Creation' who watches the fate of the world.

"There is no eternal kingdom, and there is no eternal thing except me. All eternity comes at a huge price from the beginning... Alexia, my beloved daughter, when the empire is broken, I will give Your priesthood of 'Dragon God'!"

In the underworld, a lich is working hard to prepare for becoming a god, and a dragon egg with Louis' blood is exuding vigorous vitality. In Louis' kingdom of God, an angel is also taking care of another one. Dragon eggs, waiting for the birth of new life.

Louis' eyes were fixed on several locations.

The corners of the Elf Dragon's mouth are raised up by the girl who has gradually grown up. Her beautiful eyes contain a charming smile that captivates people's hearts. Her enchanting and graceful body is thrilling and makes people want to kiss her.

Staring at the three figures, the gods were slightly surprised. Some diligent gods who often pay attention to the main material world even recognized their identities.

Whether Andrea can successfully become a god is still unknown. No one can predict whether she will succeed or fail in the ceremony of becoming a god. However, His Majesty Louis, the supreme god of order, forced her to succeed in becoming a god. The possibility of failure becomes zero.

He had promised Hisna and the Silver Moon Goddess to give her a future, and Louis did this.

As the Lord of Civilization took his seat, the tens of millions of galaxies ruled by the entire Tyran civilization began to operate. The fire of civilization was burning, the heat of civilization was roaring, and a brand-new cosmic civilization was glowing with vitality.

If you want to completely erode this universe with the power of order and chaos and become the master of the universe, it may be very fast, or it may take millions or tens of millions of years, but for Louis now, the long river of time Already controlled by it, He no longer cares about the passage of time!

Xisna's expression was calm, but there was also some joy in her eyes. Being able to become a god without any risk was a matter of joy for everyone.

Gods cannot disobey Him, and gods cannot disobey Him. He is the King of Gods and His Majesty!

The three newly promoted gods knelt on the ground with blissful hearts, facing the highest throne and expressing their praise and surrender.

But no god dared to laugh at him, because His Majesty Louis was still watching the gods.

"I am Louis Galakrond Tyron!"

[Complete book]

I am afraid that he will become His Majesty Louis's domestic slave and his spokesperson among the gods. At the same time, this also means that His Majesty Louis has not broken his promise. I am afraid that he will not be too involved in the decisions and things of the gods, but will be like The emperor, who lives in seclusion behind the scenes, watches everything from above, allowing the order of the heavens to be gazed upon in his sight.

"Father God..."

As a demigod, Alexia knew that this was the duties of the 'God of Dragons', and at the same time, she also understood that when the dragon song entered its finale, it was the moment when she ascended the throne of God.

"I am the Supreme God of St. Sauron!"

The second daughter took the position of Queen of the Kingdom of Subilon and began to work hard to govern.

After learning about the future that Louis had given her, Alexia leaned lazily on the throne, stretched out in an indistinct manner and said: "...Ah, I can finally have a good sleep."

One is the Elf Ranger Hisna, who has been conquering cities and territories for the great empire from the Kingdom of Dragons and has been following the Dragon God a long time ago. This demigod is also the adopted daughter of the Silver Moon Goddess, and she once almost became the Silver Moon Goddess. The vessel for the resurrection of the Moon Goddess.

"I am the emperor of the Tyran civilization!"

In the earth plane universe, Louis' figure appeared on the home planet of the Tyran civilization. He entered the imaginary space and sat on a throne made of gold.

Because He is the eternal dragon!

This can be written into a legendary novel, and even novels dare not write it like this.

Only when something big happens in the world of Saint Sauron, he may suddenly come and either give blessings to the gods, or release his own anger and cause the gods to fall.

His third daughter is regrouping in the abyss, preparing to rely on the Succubus Queen to once again conquer the country and return to the throne of the Lord of the Abyss.


This made the gods happy and bitter at the same time. They were happy that His Majesty Louis did not forcibly enslave them and still gave the gods the greatest autonomy. What they were bitter about was that this freedom and autonomy had limits after all. If something big happens in the world of Saint Sauron, His Majesty will definitely dictate the world and let the world run according to his own will.

In addition to these two ladies, there is also a humble old man with a stooped body. If Andrea and Hisna can be regarded as legends in the main material world, and their names have long been written in the epic, then this The old man seemed very ordinary.

And this new goddess is also very smart, allowing herself to be named the God of Nobles and Lies, which is in line with the impression of a noble queen she left to the world in the mortal world.

"Become a god!"

Machis worked conscientiously for himself as a slave and contributed the rest of his life to the Kingdom of Dragons. Letting him become a god is also a reward for him. At the same time, as his own slave, Machis can also represent his own will and become a leader in the world. A thorn among the gods, the gods will not forget his majesty, and will be reminded of his greatness whenever they see Machis.

He once promised to help Andrea become a god and make her a true god, and He did it.

Immediately, the expressions of the gods changed drastically, and they saw that the main material world that was still in daytime suddenly turned into night. Among the stars looking down, three new stars rose up to the sky and landed among the stars. The bottom.

One is the former Queen of the Subilon Empire, Andrea Abel Subilon. This queen recently passed the throne to her daughter, her son with the Dragon God. He himself retreated behind the scenes and listened to politics behind the curtain.

The priesthood conferred by Hisna was also expected by everyone. It is the God of Forest and Ranger. These two priesthoods have high potential. After more than a thousand years of tempering and preaching, this newly promoted goddess has great potential. may be able to become a medium divine power.

The gods looked uncertain, but they were not surprised by Hisna's deification of the gods. This demigod ranger already had a great possibility of becoming a god, and the Silver Moon Goddess had already been paving the way for her. , just waiting for Xisna to be directly included in the divine system after becoming a god.

Maquis has no will, no freedom that other gods have, and he represents Louis.

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