I, The Dragon Overlord

Chapter 99: Improved version of modern military training


Therefore, Louis combined modern military training with the military training methods of this world and created a more comprehensive training method to test whether his idea was correct.

Orcs rarely have military training. For orcs, they prefer to face danger and use their own strength to solve problems. Gradually, their strength will improve. If they really encounter a war, the war chief will cheer up. , all the clans united together, and the A in one brain was that the fragile body of human beings could not withstand the power of an orc's axe.

Lisa Furr replied respectfully, with a slightly curious look on her face, but after opening her mouth, she remained silent and did not ask too many questions.

Just like a profession like a warrior, as long as you train strictly and exercise your strength, you will naturally become a first-level professional. As the training deepens, rising to the second and third levels will be a matter of course.

If his idea is correct, then this set of training methods is really worth tens of thousands of dollars, equivalent to the world's 'peerless secret book'! !

She didn't ask the lord if he was asleep, she just waited quietly.

The wonderful characteristics of the world, Louis thought, should be related to the energy fluctuations mentioned by "Zhi Nao" that are only found in the world of Saint-Soren. That mysterious energy is probably the power of rules that constitute this world. !

The method that Your Majesty taught me to train the soldiers was a bit strange.

At the same time, Louis also discovered the blind spots of human thinking in this world. Because cold weapon warfare cares most about strength, people here only train strength and do very little endurance training.

This is sailing against the current. If you don't advance, you will retreat.

Lisa Furr was thinking like this. At first, she thought this was a human training method. However, as the former heir of the Blood Blade Clan, Lisa Furr knew a lot about human beings. She knew clearly that humans would never This is how soldiers are trained.

Therefore, although Lisafur felt that His Majesty's training methods were not in line with the fighting and training methods of the orcs, she did not dare to say more, because in this city, His Majesty's orders cannot be questioned.

For example, all soldiers are required to get up on time at 5:30 in the morning. Lisa Furr can understand this, but there are many training methods that make her a little confused.

For example, those neat and uniform walking methods have no effect in Lisafur's opinion. They are just as fancy as those elves. His great majesty even asked the soldiers to stand in military postures and other strange things. training, are these things really necessary? Isn't the so-called battle and war just about raising an ax and fighting to see who has greater strength

As a college student taught by modern civilization, Louis can still make good use of the logical and organized thinking methods taught by his teacher.

And one can completely perceive which stage a person has reached. In Louis' opinion, this characteristic is very similar to online games. In fact, it is a kind of upgrading that relies on combat experience and exercise, but because this is reality, in On the edge of life and death, if you are not careful, you will die, and there is no chance to come back.

"Your Majesty, I have kept this in mind and will definitely train those soldiers according to your requirements."

There is no such thing as a so-called cheat book in this world. If you don't have a cheat book, you won't be able to practice fighting spirit, and you won't be able to advance to the third and fourth levels. This simply doesn't exist in the world of St. Sauron.

Therefore, if there are really stupid time-travelers who go back to ancient times and use all modern training methods in ancient times, the soldiers you train will not only escape faster and run farther, but also when the soldiers come into close contact, the difference will be reflected. This Soldiers who train their endurance in this way are definitely not as good as those who practice waving their arms and swords every day.

But in Louis' view, those powerful professionals are not only powerful, but their endurance, agility, etc. are also far beyond ordinary people. Therefore, he doubts that if more balanced and comprehensive training is carried out, their growth in the low career stage will be It will change very quickly. This will not allow people to easily break through the third level and reach the fourth level with a small qualitative change, but it will allow people to speed up the training progress from the first to the third level.

It is not a good habit to seek secrets from great beings. It is likely to attract too much attention, which is not very reassuring.

Louis specifically asked that there are no legendary secrets in this world. After practicing, you will feel Qi, and then you can quickly level up.

Modern warfare is a war of hot weapons, and there are few opportunities for close combat. As long as a soldier still has a little strength to pull the trigger, it is enough to destroy the enemy. Therefore, modern military training mainly trains the endurance of soldiers.

This starts with the professional system of this world.

This is the basic power source and system of this world summarized by Louis.

Louis is not one of those time-travelers who doesn't think at all. He doesn't understand what it means to adapt to local conditions. He always feels that everything in modern civilization is good.

After a long time, Louis opened his eyes and looked at her, and slowly said: "... Do you remember what I taught you?"

The so-called secrets of some of the great nobles in the human military field are just training methods summarized and compiled by their ancestors passed down from generation to generation. In this world where information circulation is not smooth, the level of civilization is very low, and civilians cannot read a few big characters. , those summarizing methods naturally become secrets.

But it is different in the cold weapon war stage. In the cold weapon war stage, the most stringent requirement for soldiers is not endurance but strength. Therefore, ancient military training was set up to improve the strength of soldiers.

Therefore, people who want to go all the way on the road of being a professional cannot train themselves while farming. The only way they can support themselves is to fight with various monsters and beasts. Be strong and at the same time get enough resources to support yourself and prevent yourself from starving to death.

The elves moved away the recording paper, while Lisafur continued to kneel on the ground, waiting for the great lord's speech.

Under this rule, warriors, mages, and even priests, druids, and other professions existed, and after generations of people sorted them out, it became the current nine-level professional system.

Every mage knows the meditation method of exercising mental power, and the method of exercising the body is not a secret. There is no distinction between superior and inferior.

In addition to magicians and other spellcasting professions that require learning and accumulating magic power to be promoted, the basis for promotion of those melee professions is the increase in combat experience.

Of course, pure self-training can only be done at a low level at best. Once you reach the third level and want to advance to the fourth level, it can no longer be solved by pure training. After that, what is needed is to fight and kill, and gain more knowledge on the edge of life and death. Strong strength, thus gaining advancement.

The training methods and procedures he taught Lisa Furr were actually modern military training, but in preparation, it was an improved version of modern military training.

Louis just lay on his golden mountain with half-closed eyes, seemingly asleep and yet awake. Lisapher raised her head to glance at him curiously, and quickly lowered her head again.

Becoming a professional is as simple as that. Except for the spellcasting profession, you can become a professional by exercising every day. But the main reason why not everyone in this world is a professional is the lack of supplies. It doesn’t matter who you are. As a professional, you always have to eat, and becoming a professional is like building muscles. If you don't exercise for a long time, the muscles will atrophy and your strength as a professional will be degraded.

For example, in terms of military training, modern military training does have more scientific basis and standards, but it must be linked to the war methods at that time.

In fact, this idea is completely wrong.

Louis looked at Lisapher's hesitant expression. In fact, he had already guessed what the wolf girl was thinking.

Unlike people's impression of orcs being irritable, Lisafur is extremely patient. Perhaps this is related to her calmness as a high-level warrior.

This is why there are many adventurers in this world. If they don't become adventurers, they can't support themselves. They can only go home and farm and then slowly lose their power. In the adventures of adventurers, more and more people die. There are countless.

The reason why orcs have many powerful warriors is due to their culture. These orcs are born to fight against various powerful beasts and even monsters. When the mortality rate is extremely high, more powerful warriors will be born. .

However, Louis also discovered some misunderstandings in these training methods.

Every time you advance to a level, you will feel that you have gained quantitative changes and gained new abilities. When you reach the ninth level and gain enough 'Legendary Degree' to be promoted to the legendary realm, you will go from quantitative changes to qualitative changes, and you will become completely transcendent and holy.