I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Chapter 2: Rebirth


Gu Yan slowly opened her eyes, her head was buzzing, and she couldn't get used to the cicada sound in her ears.

The one after another annoying sound made Gu Yan feel extremely friendly at this time.

I rubbed my eyes. It was too dark inside the room and I couldn't see anything clearly.

Only sporadic moonlight came in through the leaky window and scattered on the ground, giving off a faint silver light.

She moved her nose slightly and found that the air was no longer the rotten stench of the prison, but there was a familiar smell of overnight meals.

This is where

Just as Gu Yan was about to move, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her left leg, and large beads of sweat flowed down her forehead.

"Uh..." She couldn't help but cry out in pain.

"What's the ghost's name? Isn't it annoying? Why don't you let me sleep? I just fell down and broke my leg!"

In the darkness, from the other end of the Tukang, a girl's dissatisfied voice came.

It seemed like he turned over and the other person fell asleep again.

The sound immediately stunned Gu Yan, and she even forgot about the pain in her legs!

This is Gu Moli's voice!

That Gu Moli joined the army in her place, went to the army, and robbed Lu Ye from her, and later teamed up with Bai Weiyang to kill her!

Gu Yan pinched her leg hard and grimaced in pain.

Only then was it finally confirmed that she was really reborn!

She was reborn three days before she broke her leg and Gu Moli joined the army in her place!

And Gu Yan clearly remembered that just one day later, she went to the back mountain to pick mushrooms and rescued Lu Ye!

That was her first meeting with Lu Ye!

And it was at that time that Lu Ye fell in love with her at first sight!

Everything is back to where it started!

Gu Yan's heart was beating wildly, and she was so excited that she couldn't contain her excitement!

Taking a few deep breaths, Gu Yan tried to calm herself down.

Gu Yan remembered how the leg injury came about.

That day she and Gu Moli walked across the bridge together. Although it had just rained, the bridge was very spacious, but Gu Moli suddenly lost her balance and bumped into Gu Yan.

In the end, Gu Moli was fine, but Gu Yan fell directly from the bridge and hit her knee on a big rock. Although her leg was not broken, it was difficult to even walk in a short period of time.

Later, the root cause of the disease came down. Whenever it was cloudy and rainy, her legs would be extremely sore.

Gu Yan realized that she was really stupid. She didn't realize that Gu Moli did it on purpose.

Because Gu Yan's leg was injured, Gu Moli later took her place and enlisted in the army!

A year later, Zhang Lan used Gu Yan to marry her silly son.

Marry Gu Yan to that violent blacksmith Wang who lost two of his wives!

It was precisely because of this stain that Gu Yan believed that she was no longer worthy of Lu Ye. Later, when Lu Ye was drunk and Gu Moli climbed into bed, Gu Yan kept avoiding Lu Ye's feelings.

Whenever Gu Yan thinks of the tragic turning point in her life, her heart becomes cold.

Clutching the thin mattress on the kang tightly, my whole body was dripping with cold sweat, as if I had just been fished out of the water.

Gu Yan closed her eyes. No, she couldn't sit still and wait for death like she did in her previous life!

Everything Zhang Lan and her daughter owe her, she will get it back bit by bit from the moment she is reborn!

There are less than three days left before she enlists in the army, and her leg is indeed injured. Will the person in charge of recruiting students give up on her because of this

However, no matter what, she would not let Gu Moli enlist in the army for her!

Gu Yan took a deep breath and tried to calm down. Her brain quickly calculated the feasibility of various methods and closed her eyes slightly.

So she didn't notice that there was a flash of green light from the jade pendant on her chest.

The green light snaked around the injured area of her leg, circled a few times, and then disappeared.

(End of chapter)