I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Chapter 251: Bai Weiyang actually helped Gu Moli fake it


Sun Xingyu ignored Bai Weiyang.

Bai Weiyang gritted her teeth and glared at Gu Yan, "Gu Yan, why do you say that I want to steal your test papers? What does it have to do with me whether you pass the Imperial First Academy or not?!"

"Oh, so you didn't plan to steal my test papers, but you just wanted to steal Teacher Sun's things? Tsk, that mental illness?" Gu Yan looked at Bai Weiyang gently, but what he said almost made Bai Weiyang mad. .

This is not sophistry, but from the front, Gu Yan deliberately guided the words here, allowing Bai Weiyang to walk in step by step.

It’s either option A or option B.

If Bai Weiyang denies which one, then he affirms the other one.

Around... She couldn't explain herself today.

Sun Xingyu's face was so ugly that he couldn't bear to look at it. Bai Weiyang took a few deep breaths and stared at Gu Yan, not hiding the hatred in her eyes.

"Gu Yan, you are deliberately targeting me, right?!"

"Bai Weiyang, it's useless to beat him up. After all, the facts are here, and any excuses are pale." Gu Yan raised her chin slightly, and she looked at Bai Weiyang, the hatred in her eyes even more intense. Cold to the heart.

Bai Weiyang, you felt embarrassed today, then you got angry, and then you became angry from embarrassment

No, no, no, where is this

This incident today is just to avenge you for stealing the test paper.

And you stole my life's revenge... Let's settle it slowly, slowly.

Bai Weiyang looked into Gu Yan's eyes. She was originally very irritable by today's incident, but the next moment, she was shocked by the chill in Gu Yan's eyes.

Goosebumps appeared on my back.

Bai Weiyang blinked and regained her composure. When he looked at Gu Yan again, he found that her eyes had returned to the same annoying look that looked like a smile but not a smile!

Was it just her hallucination

Although Bai Weiyang didn't want to admit it, at this moment, she felt a little scared.

She turned around and saw Sun Xingyu looking at her with disappointment and indifference...

It's over.

If Gu Yan hadn't made such a fuss, she could have found some reasons and excuses to get over the matter of digging into the drawers.

But now, there is absolutely no other way.

But this Sun Xingyu is just a teacher at Planet Junior College.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Weiyang adjusted her mood, picked up her things and said, "Teacher Sun, I have something to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying this, she immediately turned around and left without waiting for Sun Xingyu's reaction.

After Bai Weiyang left, Sun Xingyu opened the lock, took out the two morning test papers, and then said to Gu Yan, "Several teachers will come together to review in my office later. Do you have any objections?"

"Thank you, Teacher Sun." Gu Yan saluted all the teachers and never mentioned what happened just now.

This Sun Xingyu is a smart person, and her attitude just now showed everything.

She had nothing to do with her here. Gu Yan turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly she stepped on two pieces of paper.

It turned out that when Bai Weiyang was rummaging around in the office looking for something, she accidentally dropped the paper on the desk of Teacher Li, the second-year group teacher, and she didn't pay attention.

These two pieces of paper...are the ones with Gu Moli's results written on them.

Gu Yan knelt down and picked up the paper. Her eyes fell on it and she scanned it quickly, then she was very surprised.

Sun Xingyu saw her pause, and then said, "It probably fell from Teacher Li's desk. Just put it on her desk."

"Well, okay. I'll go now. See you, Teacher Sun."

Gu Yan calmly put the two pieces of paper back on Teacher Li's desk, then opened the door and walked out.

A sudden gust of wind blew in front of her, and Gu Yan's face suddenly darkened.

The corners of her mouth curved in an indifferent arc.

Bai Weiyang actually helped Gu Moli fake it!

Gu Yan is most familiar with the level of Gu Moli's studies!

Although Gu Moli attended Planet Junior College, she originally wanted to take advantage of it and wanted to replace Gu Yan in the special training team, and then use the special training team as a springboard.

The main reason is that Gu Moli's grades are too average, that is, above the passing line. It is really difficult to study in a key planetary junior college on the main planet.

In this life, Gu Yan didn't let Gu Moli replace her in the special training team, but Gu Moli still wanted to join, so she probably asked Bai Weiyang to help.

A cold light flashed across Gu Yan's eyes.

Lu Ye: My wife is going to cause trouble! Doting~~ Whatever my wife wants to do, I will support her unconditionally! Be it heaven, earth or air, I will be there to assist you!

(End of chapter)