I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Chapter 4: Ask your sister to go for you


"Hahaha, I scared you, hahaha, you coward!" Gu Qiang clapped his hands and smiled happily, cracking his big yellow teeth.

Gu Yan felt relieved when she saw it was Gu Qiang.

Based on your past life experience, the more you care about Gu Qiang's teasing, the more enthusiastic he will be.

That is the word that came later, naughty kid.

Gu Qiang is Zhang Lan's eldest son. He fell ill when he was a child and burned out his brain. As a result, he is in his twenties and has an IQ as high as that of a four or five-year-old child.

However, Gu Qiang is the only person in this family who does not have evil intentions, because he is a very simple person.

Gu Yan was not angry, but she ignored Gu Qiang and continued to light the fire. She threw two potato eggs into the pit and flicked the fire stick for a while.

Gu Qiang felt bored and didn't want to leave, so he squatted aside and watched.

After he saw that the potatoes were cooked, he immediately reached out and grabbed one. He screamed when it was burned, but he did not let go.

Finally he jumped and ran out.

After Gu Yan looked at it, he smiled helplessly, then pulled out the remaining potato and wrapped it in newspaper.

She remembers when she was a child, not having enough to eat at every meal.

Although she had to cook three meals a day, Gu Yan was the last one to come to the table.

If you are lucky, you can eat at the table and be half full.

When you are unlucky... you can only drink two sips of vegetable soup.

As a result, although Gu Yan is now eighteen, she is still slim. Her height has grown to 1.65 meters, but she only weighs more than 70 kilograms.

Because I have been working in the fields, I am dark and skinny.

But his eyes are very bright.

Gu Yan prepared the meal and went to feed the pigs and chickens. After she finished all the work, the whole family finally got up and started eating slowly.

During this period, Zhang Lan also persuaded Gu Moli to eat more, as she was growing taller.

Gu Moli is seventeen years old, 1.6 meters tall, with a well-developed body, very plump, and has a tendency to develop horizontally.

After a while, it was estimated that the whole family had finished their meal, so Zhang Lan called Gu Yan to come in.

Of the two large bowls of vegetables, only the shallow bottoms were left, and the rice was all eaten up. Gu Yan reluctantly took some rice with crispy rice from the pot and ate the vegetables at the bottom of the bowls.

Zhang Lan broke off a thin rice stick next to her and picked her teeth. She seemed to say unintentionally, "Girl, your leg is also injured. It won't heal in a while. Someone from the army will come the day after tomorrow, so let's just let it go." Your sister is going to enlist in the army for you.”

Gu Yan's hand holding the bowl paused.

Gu Dagang, who was smoking a cigarette next to him, had never had any ideas. He had been tightly controlled by his wife Zhang Lan all his life.

He looked at his wife's face, then helped him and said, "Yan, you are the elder sister, and your leg is injured, so you will definitely not be able to go. Why not give this place to your sister, so that the wealth does not go to outsiders?" no?"

In the previous life, the couple Zhang Lan and Gu Dagang also sang like this, one soft and the other hard.

Gu Yan remembered that at that time, although she was full of reluctance, she still gave up the spot to her sister Gu Moli.

On the same day, when someone came from the army admissions office, she watched Gu Moli happily follow the person away. She hid in the room and cried for a long time.

Thinking of the monsters Gu Moli had done in her previous life, it was considered a mercy for Gu Yan not to deal with her now.

And let her join the army on his behalf

Let her sister, let her!

Anyway, her legs are now healed, and by joining the army a year earlier, she can change many things and avoid many detours.

It would be better to be with Lu Ye earlier!

How difficult it was to leave here in my previous life! How to enter the National Defense University with difficulty! How come I missed Lu Ye again and again!

Those memories full of pain and hardship made Gu Yan even more confident!

However, we can't force ourselves against Zhang Lan's family now.

Gu Yan just lowered her eyes and ate with her rice bowl without saying a word.

As soon as Zhang Lan saw her languid and waiting look, he became angry and threw the thin rice stick in his hand directly on Gu Yan.

"You are such a bear. Even if you go to the army, you will be chased back sooner or later. Anyway, this matter has been settled like this. When the person who handles the matter comes the day after tomorrow, take your sister away directly!"

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(End of chapter)