I, The Female Protagonist With Superpower, Am Super Fierce

Chapter 7: Ginseng that can run


Gu Yan couldn't laugh or cry.

But I was very moved in my heart.

In her previous life, from childhood to adulthood, there were not many people who were really kind to her, but Aunt Sun was one of them.

Gu Yan still remembered that when she returned to the village for the last time in her previous life, she heard that Aunt Sun was ill. She was suffering from diabetes and was in an advanced stage. She was suffering terribly.

Gu Yan missed Aunt Sun's kindness to her.

She persuaded Aunt Sun that her legs were fine and she could go pick mushrooms.

Then, Gu Yan said seriously, "Auntie, you have to change your eating habits. You can't always eat greasy meat and sweets. You need to combine them. In addition, you need to exercise more. This way you will lose weight."

Aunt Sun's diabetes is not hereditary, so changing her living and eating habits at the earliest stage can, to a certain extent, reduce her chances of developing diabetes as she gets older.

"What are eating habits?"

"It's about what you eat for each meal. By the way, don't always use meat and oil to stir-fry vegetables. For some vegetables, boil them in water and sprinkle with some salt. If you can't, you can also add some soy sauce. Also, don't always eat them with rice mixed with sugar."

At this time, most of the cooking in rural areas of Northeast China used meat oil, that is, animal oil, which is refined from fat meat and condensed into a large white mass.

Every time you cook, dig in a little.

But this is not very good for patients with high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

Later, Gu Yan told Aunt Sun how to eat healthier, and how to combine it with exercise. You can also dance Yangko if you have nothing to do.

Aunt Sun was amazed by what she heard and sighed, "Girl Yan, how come you know everything? You're so awesome!"

Gu Yan was so embarrassed that she couldn't say she was reborn. She smiled and said, "I read about it in a book."

"You girl, you were very smart when you were in school. You always ranked first in the exams. Hey, the college entrance examination has been resumed for several years now. If you can continue to study, it would be great if you were admitted to a university. Your mother would definitely not dare to do that. Too partial!"

Gu Yan smiled slightly, but she was talking in her heart.

I was a top student at the National Defense University in my previous life, so I will naturally not miss college in this life.

And learn better!

Enlisting in the army is only the first step. If you perform well, you can apply to the leader to apply to the National Defense University, and you will have fewer detours than in your previous life!

There are still many things to do in the future, but Gu Yan is full of confidence!

After bidding farewell to Aunt Sun, Gu Yan climbed up the mountain and saw no more people, so she started walking with brisk steps.

Gu Yan looked for mushrooms while calculating, where did Lu Ye appear in the first place

Before you know it, you have gone far.

Of course, Gu Yan didn't pick too many mushrooms. After all, her leg was "injured." If she picked too many mushrooms and went back, Zhang Lan and the others would definitely become suspicious.

However, Gu Yan saw a wild ginseng.

Ginseng is one of the Three Treasures of the Northeast, and the one in front of Gu Yan turned out to be a seven-leaf ginseng. It was a century-old ginseng!

Gu Yan remembered that when she was a child, she heard the old people in the village say that ginseng would become fine as it gets older, and would run away on its own when people came.

Of course, no one has ever seen a ginseng that can run.

Gu Yan, who studied medicine in her previous life, knew the value of this ginseng.

And if Aunt Sun can use this ginseng soup and porridge to drink, her high blood pressure and fatty liver can be relieved!

This ginseng tree was an unexpected harvest. Gu Yan remembered that she had never encountered it at this time in her previous life.

Now that I have met him, I definitely can’t miss it like this.

Gu Yan grabbed the vine next to her and climbed to the top of the hill.

Although it is not high, looking down, it is more than two meters high.

There is a ditch next to it, which is blocked by grass. I don't know how deep it is. When the wind blows, it makes a rustling sound.

Gu Yan stood on a protruding stone, steadied her body, held the vine seedling with one hand, and then stretched out her hand towards the ginseng plant.

As a result, just when her fingertips touched the ginseng plant, a golden light flashed through. Gu Yan took a closer look, where was the century-old wild ginseng plant in its original place? !

Gu Yan, who was shaken, lost his balance and fell directly into the grass ditch!

In an instant, Gu Yan only had one thought that made her laugh or cry.

It turns out that the legends told by the old man are not necessarily lies!

There really is a ginseng that can run...

(End of chapter)