I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 111: Section 111


Beside him, Zhao Xuanding of Dingding Gorge Pass said, "Brother Jing! Now that things have come to this, why don't you let them fight it out? Young people are full of energy and blood. If they want to fight, it's useless to stop them."

The old village chief Jing said helplessly: "In this case, I hope you two will stop at this point and not risk your lives for a momentary dispute." He did not want the disciple of the Hanyang Gang leader to die here, nor did he want the death of this young Taoist to block the opportunity for cooperation with Jiuzhai.

Li Yan snorted coldly, murderous intent flashing in his eyes.

The two men stood facing each other in the open space. Li Yan tightly grasped the sword at his waist, revealing his murderous intent.

This was the first time in his life that he was looked down upon like this.

Despite this, Li Yan did not act rashly.

As the saying goes, "A skilled person is daring." The other party must have something to rely on if he dares to challenge him like this.

Although Li Yan believed that the other party was arrogant, he was also worried that the other party really had an amazing killer move, so he dared to make this "three-move agreement."

This also made Li Yan make up his mind to use defense as offense. Although he had murderous intentions in his heart, he focused on stability.

Li Yan's sword was still sheathed and his energy was restrained, which made Gong Muhong and Chuan Daoren even more worried.

Li Yan's ability could not be weak. Even though he was enraged at the moment, he remained rational and took a defensive stance. What could Shi Chongyun do to him

After all, it was Shi Chongyun who took the initiative to provoke, and it was also Shi Chongyun who said the limit was three moves. If the two sides continue to be deadlocked, it is obvious that Shi Chongyun, who boasted, would be the one who suffered the most.

Du Yuejiao and Xu Xiaoyan stood aside, both calm and without any sign of worry.

More and more warriors gathered around, and everyone was discussing quietly. Although they also hoped that this Taoist could teach Li Yan a lesson for threatening their old village chief, deep down they still found it hard to believe that Shi Chongyun could really defeat him within three moves.

In everyone's eyes, Shi Zhongyun stood still like a mountain, unmoved. He even stared at Li Yan and smiled: "Since we are going to fight, why not raise the stakes? If I can't win within three moves, I will give up my martial arts. If I win, do you have the courage to answer me a question?"

Li Yan snorted coldly: "Why not?"

Shi Hao said: "Okay! Pay attention!" and took a step forward.

As he took this step forward, everyone felt that his figure suddenly became taller at this moment.

It was a strange feeling. Just now the young man was like a towering mountain, but suddenly he turned into a rising sun.

At this moment, he was so dazzling, so eye-catching. Before the sword was drawn, it seemed as if an astonishing sword energy was whistling towards Li Yan like a tidal wave.

Li Yan's expression began to change!

In the eyes of others, the young Taoist suddenly became domineering and dazzling.

From his side, the feeling became stronger and stronger, as if half of the world was being drawn towards him by the other party.

Seeing the opponent approaching him step by step, with the tsunami-like sword energy overwhelming him, he felt himself becoming smaller and smaller under the opponent's overwhelming momentum, as small as an ant under Mount Tai.

—step, another step!

Even though the opponent didn't make any move, his momentum was already taken away.

Li Yan was getting more and more horrified. He didn't believe in evil, he was convinced that the other party must have used some mysterious and terrifying mental method.

But he was helpless. He had a feeling that if he continued like this, he would collapse without a fight.

Suddenly, Li Yan shouted!

The precious sword on his waist was quickly unsheathed, turned into a shocking rainbow, and slashed straight towards the opponent.

There was a faint black light on the blade. As long as the blade cut a wound, even if it was just a small one, the poison would flow into the opponent's body along with the blade energy, burning the meridians and severing the blood vessels, and killing the person with a single blow.

An expert can tell whether something is good or not with just one look.

Just now when Master Chongyun stepped forward, everyone felt that his momentum was like a rising tide, and his whole body, along with this rising momentum, turned into a scorching sun hanging in the sky.

At this moment, as soon as Li Yan drew his knife, Gong Muhong and Chuan Daoren's expressions changed again.

Before the blade was unsheathed, Li Yan's figure was still in their eyes.

After the blade was unsheathed, they only saw a slanting blade light covered with a terrifying black aura, tearing through the space, turning into a black thunderbolt, and slashing towards Shi Chongyun.

Essence, energy and spirit are integrated into one, unstoppable!

Li Yan's strength is even more amazing than they expected.

When everyone saw only the sharp black light that streaked across the sky, Shi Chongyun's momentum was already reversed.

At this moment, everyone began to worry about the young Taoist.

What they were worried about was not whether he could win within three moves, but whether he could dodge this earth-shattering attack.

Shi Hao's heart is as clear as a mirror, without any ripples!

This Li Yan was truly amazing. His sword wielding power was so astonishing and the blade was so sharp that the overwhelming momentum he had just accumulated was quickly dissipated by the opponent's thunderous blow.

But Shi Hao also achieved his goal... Just relying on the momentum of taking the lead, he forced Li Yan to attack with all his strength.

If Li Yan always takes a defensive stance, Shi Hao really won't be able to do anything to him within three moves.

Facing Li Yan's amazing killing move, Shi Hao's mysterious energy spread out, and he grasped every move of the opponent clearly.

He sensed the strength of Li Yan's hand holding the knife, and even noticed the subtle adjustments of each finger.

The opponent's fierce and powerful attack, as if pouring out all his strength, actually concealed a more secret trick.

In Yuanshi Cave Heaven, Shi Hao once followed Fairy Shengxuan into the "Heavenly Realm."

At that time, their bodies were actually still in Yuanshi Cave Heaven, and only their spirits entered the heaven.

It was a mysterious mental image. In that mental image, Shi Hao learned many sword techniques and practiced sword techniques for a year under the guidance of Fairy Shengxuan.

Although it was only a mental image, during that "year", Shi Hao continued to summarize sword styles and hone his sword skills.

Fairy Shengxuan suppressed her own skills to the same level as his, and then fought with him.

Although he still couldn't understand the "sword intent" that Fairy Shengxuan mentioned, his understanding of martial arts reached a new level during the sword fight with Fairy Shengxuan.

Seeing Li Yan's knife coming like thunder.

Shi Hao started to draw his sword!

The moment he drew his sword, everyone suddenly saw the stars in the sky moving rapidly.

Li Yan's ferocious attack was like splitting into the vast star disk.

His sword energy was like a drop in the ocean, and was completely dissipated in an instant.

At this moment, Li Yan was shocked in his heart, but he could not stop.

He moved his body to the side, turned his knife slightly, and after deviating a little, he began to launch his follow-up move.

At this moment, Li Yan's spirit was already weak.

He knew very well that the other party had completely seen through the true and false of his move.

If the opponent's sword force is strong enough, he will be deflected by his hidden means and then killed by his follow-up move. If the opponent's strength is not enough, he will suddenly burst out with poisonous force and attack the opponent.

It just so happened that the opponent used his strength just right, and the sword tip happened to be stuck in the most uncomfortable position for him.

Although he launched a follow-up move, it was already extremely reluctant.

At this moment, the opponent's sky full of stars suddenly turned into a sword: "First move!"

With a loud bang and in the burst of light, Li Yan's blood churned and he was thrown backwards.

"Second move!" Shi Hao pointed his sword, creating a strong wind. The strong wind spun in the air, and the sword light came down in an instant.

Li Yan cut the blade with a loud bang, blood spurted out of his mouth, the blade broke and the man was injured.

"Li Yan!" Shi Hao followed him like a shadow, approaching Li Yan with a shocking momentum, staring at him, "Hong Leichi's 'Four Wonders Turning the Underworld' Cui Qiang, who are you?"

At this moment, Li Yan's sword broke, his lungs were shaken, his mind was exhausted, and he was intimidated by the powerful momentum of Shi Hao, who attacked with the Sacred Heart Mirror Technique.

Shi Hao used the hypnotic method recorded in Yin Mei Jiubian again, his eyes were like lightning, staring directly into Li Yan's eyes. Li Yan felt as if his mind was torn apart, without any resistance, he blurted out: "Uncle Master?"

Shi Hao laughed and said, "So it's your uncle!" Swish!

The sword flashed: "Third move!"

Li Yan threw away the broken knife, covered his throat, and retreated in fear.

He took three steps back, blood spurted out from between his fingers, his head tilted, and a column of blood rushed up.

Under everyone's gaze, he fell to the ground with a thud, his eyes wide open, and hot water gushed out all over the floor.

Shi Hao put away his sword and bowed to the old leader of Jing Village, saying, "Old man! Huang Facai, the leader of Hanyang Clan, is the junior brother of Cui Qiang, the 'Four Wonders of the Underworld' in Lingnan. Cui Qiang is a general under Hong Leichi. Huang Facai is clearly following Hong Leichi's orders and intends to get involved in Bashu.

"What kind of person is Hong Leichi? If Bashu falls into his hands, he will definitely cause

The people were devastated and the scene was horrible. Old village chief, if you don't make a decision, you will suffer the consequences. Either Shennong Village surrenders to the Hanyang Gang, seeks the skin of a tiger, and is willing to be cursed for eternity, and become a vanguard of evildoers like Hong Leichi.

"Either we unite with the Eight Villages, or we cooperate with the Nine Villages in Bashan to fight the enemy together, protect the people of the Nine Villages in troubled times, and save the people of Bashan from disaster.

"Please make a decision soon, old village chief!"

Chapter 154 The Situation Changes Suddenly

Hong Leichi, a top-grade master, number one on the blacklist, has done almost all kinds of evil in his life.

In this world, there are indeed some people who have committed many evils and are hated by countless people, but they just cannot die.

Good people don't live long, but evil deeds last for thousands of years... Such sentences are fully reflected in this kind of people.

Lian Manting could only allow Hong Leichi to occupy the land and rule Lingnan as a king, and was unwilling to interfere with Hong Leichi's rule over Lingnan.

The people living under Hong Leichi's rule were actually no longer considered common people, but serfs.

Huang Facai, the new leader of the Hanyang Gang, clearly has a fifth-grade cultivation level, but his origins are unknown, which has aroused speculation among many people.

Some people with more knowledge have begun to attribute his origins to the Demonic Sect.

After all, generally speaking, only the Demonic Sect is so mysterious and weird.

But no one expected that he was actually the man of Hong Lei Chi, the number one expert on the black list!

Such news made everyone change color.

At this moment, Shi Hao, with the might of having killed Li Yan with three swords, confronted the old village leader Jing in front of everyone and revealed the truth.

Everyone was shocked and looked at Village Master Jing, waiting for him to make a decision.

The old face of the old village chief Jing turned red and white. He stood up resolutely, took a step forward, and said, "Good! Good! The nine villages united to fight against the powerful enemy. This is exactly what I want. The Hanyang gang is cruel and violent. It is intolerable. It turns out that they are traitors planted in Bashu by Hong Leichi. Now he intends to get involved in Bashan. If we don't resist with all our strength, the disaster of extermination of the clan is imminent."

When the old village chief spoke, everyone around him became excited.

Gong Muhong and Chuan Daoren also breathed a sigh of relief. Shennong Village had finally made up its mind to stand with them, which made them feel completely at ease.

"Dingdingxiaguan" Zhao Xuanding stood up and said, "Brother Jing, if you are determined, I will help you! I ask again, do you want to be an enemy of the Hanyang Gang?"

The old village chief Jing said loudly: "Yes, I, Shennong Village, swear to..."

Bang! Zhao Xuanding's palms instantly landed on the body of the old village chief Jing.

"You..." The old village chief Jing was thrown into the air with blood spurting out, and his entire body rushed towards Shi Hao.

Shi Hao subconsciously went to meet him and support the old village chief Jing. Suddenly his face changed, his body shrank, he rolled on the ground, turned around and shouted, "Don't touch him!"

Gong Muhong and Chuan Dao Ren, who also subconsciously wanted to catch the old leader of Jing Village, were startled by his loud shout.

During this hesitation, the old village chief Jing had already been thrown into the crowd in the distance.

“Master Chongyun!” Zhao Xuanding killed the old village chief Jing with one move. He fled away without stopping. “I wonder how long you can hold off my Hanyang Gang. Hahahaha, hahahahaha.”

Bang bang bang bang. There were warriors along the way who wanted to intercept him, but he broke through them all the way, leaving behind many corpses.

"Ah--" followed by screams. They came from the people who caught the body of the old village leader Jing. Their palms turned black and the black quickly spread to their entire bodies.

They looked as if they had seen a ghost, their eyes were bloodshot, their hands were on their own throats, and they staggered, looking horrible.

"Don't touch them!" Shi Hao shouted again.

There were still some people around who were hesitant, wanting to help but not daring to. After being frightened by Shi Hao's shout, they all retreated.

"Dad!" Jing Zhenliang retreated further away, looked at the old village chief's body on the ground, and shouted in grief.

Shi Hao looked outside and saw Zhao Xuanding had already jumped onto the village wall, knocked down two people, and flew away.

At this moment, Shi Hao's face looked extremely ugly, and he was at a loss for a moment.

"Go and inform the young master!" someone shouted.

"Dad—" Jing Zhenliang screamed and wailed at the old village chief's corpse from a distance of three meters. At the same time, he looked around, not knowing what to do.

Shi Hao frowned, rushed to Gong Muhong's side, and whispered: "What kind of person is the eldest son of the old Jingzhai master?"

Gong Muhong was about to answer when he heard a commotion in the distance.