I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 118: Section 118


Are there any major flaws in the personnel arrangements and troop movements you made

These thoughts that should never have appeared at this time just gripped his heart tightly, causing him to feel all kinds of fear.

And if he thought about the various arrangements over and over again, he would find that... there were really many mistakes and omissions.

Many places cannot stand up to scrutiny... If the enemy does this, his route will immediately be in trouble; if the enemy does that, his other route will be wasted.

The other party will definitely not follow his plan completely, and variables always exist.

He could only keep comforting himself that although there were various problems, this was the most thoughtful arrangement he could make with the current manpower.

At the same time, tell yourself that if you insist on being picky with this kind of perfect, error-tolerant mentality, then the other party must also have many mistakes... A perfect layout is impossible to exist.

And if the layouts of both sides are perfect, then when the two perfect layouts collide with each other, there will definitely be all kinds of chaos.

There is no regret in making a move. What I should do most at this moment is to sit here quietly and not think too much.

"Master Brother!" A young girl's voice came from outside the door. The red light from the lantern was first blocked by the oil umbrella, and the hand holding the oil umbrella loosened.

The umbrella fell down, and the hand grasped the upper end of the umbrella handle and folded the umbrella. The other hand moved in with a hot bowl.

Du Yuejiao placed the oil umbrella at the door, held the soup in both hands, and went inside.

"This is the venison soup that I asked my subordinates to prepare specially. Try it!" Du Yuejiao floated in and placed the bowl of soup in front of Shi Hao.

Shi Hao picked up the soup spoon, took a few bites, looked up and said, "Would you like to eat some too?"

Du Yuejiao shook her head: "There's more in the kitchen... Oops!"

Shi Hao held her in his arms.

The girl's voice was a little uneasy: "Now is the busiest time, am I disturbing you?"

Shi Hao smiled and said, "It's okay!" In fact, for him, now is the least busy time.

He has been busy these past few days, but only at this moment, when everyone started to move, he was the most idle, so much so that he felt that he could not adapt to this leisure at all.

"Stay here with me!" he whispered.

The girl naturally would not refuse. She didn't know what she could do for him, but as long as he needed her, she felt happy and at ease.

Shi Hao held her in his arms and bullied her for a while. The rain outside seemed to be much heavier, dripping and endless.

The idle young man tied up the girl with ropes and played with her for a while.

Time, which originally seemed to pass extremely slowly every moment, finally sped up at this moment, and before I knew it, it was already the second half of the night.

At this moment, a sharp sound of arrows was heard in the distance, followed by a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and several screams.

"Finally here!" Shi Hao breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that his biggest threat was approaching. He also knew that the battle situation outside was generally favorable to his side.

"Master Brother!" Du Yuejiao broke free from the ropes that tied her and straightened her clothes.

Shi Hao looked sharp as he stepped out of the house and stood under the eaves. He tilted his head and looked to the other side, where a figure turned and fled in the darkness.

Du Yuejiao asked: "Who is that person?"

Shi Hao said calmly: "The servant here is an insider who has long been bribed by the Hanyang Gang."

After a few explosions, four people came out of the rain and stood four feet away from them. One of them was wearing a fur coat and looked quite fat. His eyes were like sharp arrows, and they had already landed on Shi Hao from a distance. He flew all the way over with a shocking murderous intent, making Shi Hao feel that his whole body was tightly pressed by his eyes and it was difficult to break free.

Shi Hao said in a clear voice: "Boss Huang has come in person. I am sorry for not welcoming you in person. Please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

The person who came was Huang Facai, the leader of the Hanyang Gang!

Along with Huang Facai came Zhao Xuanding of "Dingdingxia Pass", a tall and thin man with a tumor on his forehead wielding a stick, and a man of medium build and well-trained body wielding a knife.

The man with the stick and the man with the knife had never appeared in the information Shi Hao had obtained, but they were able to come with Zhao Xuanding, and it was obvious that they both had the strength of the sixth rank.

Many warriors from the villa rushed over and surrounded the four men, but the four men were not afraid at all. They looked at Shi Hao as if he was a dying man.

The leader of the Hanyang Gang was so fat that he didn't look like a fifth-rank master. Instead, he looked like a businessman who ate and drank lavishly.

He looked at Shi Hao with his hands behind his back and said with a smile, "It seems that you have already guessed that I would be here tonight?"

Shi Hao sighed, "Boss Huang's life is in danger, so he will drag anyone down with him before he dies. Boss Huang came here in person to kill me, it seems that he has determined that I am a thorn in your side. Although I feel that I have no merit or ability to be valued by the boss, I still feel honored."

Huang Facai stared at him and said, "You are indeed amazing. It seems that if we can't kill you, you will become a great disaster for us sooner or later."

Shi Hao said, "Same here!" Then he suddenly shouted, "Shoot!"

Human figures appeared on the high buildings around, and with the sound of whizzing through the air, rows of sharp arrows were shot out by powerful crossbows.

—A sharp arrow broke through the rain and spun in the air. The arrow body made a buzzing sound and shook violently.

The sword flashed down, the arrow tips flew away, and the arrow bodies shattered. The strong sword energy swept up a large number of arrows.

The flashes of swords and shadows came rolling in, and with a disdainful sneer, bang bang bang, the palm power burst out, and several figures flew away as soon as they approached.

Bang! Another figure flew out, and that person fell into the rain, shaking constantly. His chest was shattered, and his whole body was black.

"Dingdingxia Pass" Zhao Xuanding killed two people in a row, his figure flashed, approached Shi Hao, and hit him with a palm.

A shadow appeared from high above, breaking through the air and leaving behind a series of tricky tracks.

Zhao Xuanding snorted and was forced to step back.

What jumped down from the eaves was the mushroom.

This was the third time the two met. Although they fought each other the first two times, they separated in a split second.

Despite this, Zhao Xuanding still tried to find out the background of this thin woman, but he could not find out anything.

Normally, a martial artist who has cultivated to the middle level will have some reputation in the martial arts world, and it is impossible for him to appear out of nowhere.

But he still couldn't find out the woman's origins.

Zhao Xuanding was well-informed and found that this woman's movements were strange, the iron hook in her hand was even more demonic, and it was difficult to tell which school or sect her martial arts moves belonged to.

Only the skill is continuous, pure and not overbearing, it should be the Taoist skill.

Zhao Xuanding's palm power flew, blocking the mushroom, but he couldn't defeat it for a long time.

The tall and thin stick-wielding man with a tumor on his forehead and the medium-built, well-trained knife-wielding man were both not less powerful than Zhao Xuanding.

The surrounding warriors tried to surround and kill them, but were beaten back step by step by the two of them.

Huang Facai also took action at this time. He pushed with both palms, and the powerful palm force pushed towards Shi Hao and Du Yuejiao like a wall.

The warriors along the way were thrown into the air like porcelain figures, their bones cracked, and they died tragically on the spot.

Shi Hao shouted loudly, a divine light flashed in his hand, and his whole body became huge.

This is the magical power brought by the "Earth Brave Tiger".

At the same time, there was a shattering sound, and clear air leaked out... This magic weapon finally exhausted its number of uses and shattered on the spot.

Shi Hao threw a powerful punch, and after a loud bang, his body flew backwards and crashed into the house, causing most of the house to collapse.

Even under the effect of the magic weapon "Earth Brave Star", he was still unable to withstand the opponent's powerful attack.

Bricks and tiles flew everywhere, and he jumped up with great force. Huang Facai followed him like a shadow, slashing and chopping with his palm and knife, and the divine body given by Shi Hao's magical power was quickly dissipating.

Du Yuejiao brought some good fighters to try to besiege Huang Facai and stop him from attacking Shi Hao.

However, the black gas rising around Huang Facai was like a swaying poisonous python, which would roll out from time to time and kill the people who were caught in it instantly.

The thrown corpse was like a weapon. Once hit, the person would immediately twitch and fall to the ground, foaming at the mouth. After a while, he would be motionless with eyes wide open and a face full of fear.

Amid screams, one person's legs were wrapped around him, and his body was like a wind wheel, being thrown away by the black shadow. Two people were hit hard and flew far away, falling to the ground and unable to get up.

Du Yuejiao jumped up quickly to avoid the attack, and used the Phantom Moon Body Technique. The moonlight flashed, and the sharp sword light pierced Huang Facai's back.

Chapter 163: Death, Hand and Life

At the same time that Du Yuejiao stabbed Huang Facai in the back with his sword, Shi Hao flew into the air and stabbed Huang Facai with his sword.

With the help of the Three Yuan Flowing Pearl Technique and the True Water Technique, the surrounding rainwater was rolled into a water dragon, and with this sword, it stabbed towards Huang Facai.

The timing of his sword choice was quite accurate. Huang Facai's skill defeated the divine body given by his magic weapon, and at this moment his strength was contracting and new strength had not yet been released.

Du Yuejiao had sharp eyes and seized the opportunity to strike with his sword. The Yinxie sword technique was swift and fast, with a rapid sound of breaking through the air, and a sharp light struck Huang Facai's back.

The two of them attacked from both inside and outside, cooperating extremely well.

Among them, although Shi Hao's foundation was much worse than Huang Facai, he also reached the middle level. The Three Yuan Flowing Pearl Technique was magical and mysterious. His sword drove the diffuse raindrops, as if every raindrop had become his sword.

Huang Facai then retracted his power, clasped his palms together, and fell on his back, with a black shadow on his back.

This Huang Facai is the junior fellow of "Four Wonders Fanming" under Lingnan Hong Leichi.

But he didn't have the "four unique" abilities of his senior brother, and could only achieve "three unique."

This move is exactly "destroying one's body"!

Du Yuejiao stabbed him in the back with a sword, and defeated him.

She was shocked and flew backwards, her blood churning and she spurted out a mouthful of blood.

It was obvious that she had stabbed the opponent's vitals with the sword, but it seemed as if she was hit by the opponent's palm power.

Fortunately, she used a sword. If she had used her palm or fingers directly, she would have been poisoned and died by now.

Huang Facai pushed his palms forward, and the black force gathered behind him moved forward and out in front of him, blocking all the rain of swords coming towards him.

The palm force was released outwards, continuously approaching Shi Hao.

This is his "unique palm"!

Shi Hao changes his moves in mid-air!

In his mental imagery, he followed Fairy Shengxuan to learn swordsmanship for "a year."

He has great attainments in swordsmanship!

With a swish, the sword energy broke through the black palm force and actually cut Huang Facai's wrist.

But there was no joy in his heart... This sword was successful too easily.

Ming! The brilliant light shone apart, and Huang Facai's sleeves were torn apart, revealing a piece of fine steel.

He actually had steel gauntlets hidden in his hands.

—The sword was in hand, but not in hand, and this was the most fatal moment.

At the moment when the sword in his hand was shaken away, Huang Facai slapped Shi Hao's chest with another palm.

"Master Brother—" Du Yuejiao was so horrified that she screamed.

Suddenly, Huang Facai snorted, turned his palm power, and with a snap, a black shadow was knocked away.

What was blown away in the rain was actually a dragonfly... a living dragonfly.

There was a flash of blood, and the dragonfly exploded in the air... A dragonfly was blown up and covered in blood.

At the same time, a figure flew out from the darkness and joined forces with Shi Hao to attack Huang Facai.

The one who came was the witch leader of the witch village, Yan Zhuxia.

Yan Zhuxia originally wanted to choose a better time to make a move, or at least choose an opportunity that would severely damage Huang Facai.

However, Shi Hao's situation just now was too dangerous, and she didn't dare to gamble.

Yan Zhuxia, like Shi Hao, has a sixth-grade foundation, and is also inferior to Huang Facai.

She held a scimitar in her hand, and there were many tiny black shadows around her, coordinating with her attacks and making buzzing sounds from time to time.

There are a few others that make no sound, hiding in the dark and attacking occasionally, but they are even more deadly.

Shi Hao and Yan Zhuxia attacked Huang Facai at the same time, but Huang Facai showed his great power.

The black energy rising from his body was like a ghost, which made the poisonous insects dare not approach.

On the other side, the knife-wielding man of medium build and well-trained body rushed out, leaving many corpses behind him.

Yan Zhuxia had no choice but to pull away and stop him.

Shi Hao faces Huang Facai alone and is in danger again.

He began to fight and retreat at the same time, integrating the True Water Art, Mysterious Wind Art, Immortal Ice Art and Three Element Flowing Pearl Art together.

Sometimes the rain was like swords and the ice was whistling, and sometimes he would rise up and the strong wind would carry him around.

Huang Facai's moves were ruthless, and although he had all the advantages, he was never able to kill him.

This made Huang Facai quite moved... This kid is indeed not a simple guy!