I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 14: Section 14


With a snap, the branch broke.

The young man moved behind the girl like lightning, grabbed the kitchen knife whose momentum was blocked by the branch, and slashed with another series of blows.

The girl arched her back, dodged the blow, and tapped the stone with her toes, sending it flying.

Her delicate body was also spinning, and she swung her arm, with the sword tip drawing another circle and piercing the young man's chest, trying to rip him open.

Bang! The rocks hit the trees and they split apart.

A bright light also burst out at this moment, suppressing the sword-like blade of the kitchen knife and lifting the young man's figure.

The next moment, the blade of the kitchen knife kept circling above Du Yuejiao's head, suppressing her and making her lose her composure.

The blade chopped down, lifting up a few strands of black hair.

Her hair flew up, shining white in the sunlight that filtered through the leaves, followed by a piece of clothing.

Amid the crackling sound of tearing cloth, Du Yuejiao and the sword rolled over, looking much more miserable.

The moment she jumped, the blade cut a rip at the hem of her skirt, revealing her gray jacket and trousers.

"Girl, be careful!" The young man with the hooked nose laughed darkly and maliciously, "If you get cut, you won't be able to get married."

As he spoke, the kitchen knife did not stop, it danced with magic flames, quickly approached the girl, and ran around in front of and behind her.

The girl couldn't use her sword, which was extremely dangerous.

The young man's tone sounded obscene, but in fact he was deliberately trying to disrupt her mind and interfere with her thoughts.

This then led to the situation and constantly put her into a disadvantageous position.

So far, he has been successful. If this continues, the girl will inevitably fall into his hands and there will be no escape.

However, at this moment, Du Yuejiao snorted disdainfully, revealing an arrogant look as if he had won the victory.

She reached into her sleeve with her left hand and pulled out a ring-shaped jade pendant, which spun around and emitted a divine light.

The next moment, Shi Hao saw only her phantom everywhere, and he couldn't tell which one was real and which one was fake.

No, every illusion is real.

Shi Hao could clearly sense that her energy was everywhere.

The space became fragmented, piece by piece, and combined around him.

He seemed to be trapped in a mysterious glass, with the girl's beautiful figure attacking him from every angle.

Shi Hao was forced to roll on the ground holding the kitchen knife.

The sword lights that attacked from all directions simultaneously crossed above him.

He was stabbed in the back with a sword, his clothes were torn and blood splattered.

The girl's triumphant laughter seemed to echo around him: "You better be careful, if you get cut too deep, you'll be dead."

Shi Hao rolled under the tree, and his body suddenly became bigger.

More sword blades brushed against his body, but he acted as if nothing had happened. Instead, he pulled up the tree with great force and threw it away.

—Magic weapon: Earth Brave Tiger.

—Effect of use: In a short period of time, you will gain a divine body and divine power, and your physical strength and power will increase exponentially. It can only be used once a day.

Shi Hao became as tall as two people as usual, and his entire body was protected by the divine body.

Although the sword light that slashed at him cut off part of his body, it was far from enough to hurt him.

Shi Hao used a big tree as a weapon. The flames ran along the bark, and the blazing fire swept in all directions.

He saw trees and flames, reflected in the fragmented space, everywhere.

With the protection of his divine body, he only attacked and did not defend. With the powerful strength brought to him by the divine power, he pulled up trees one by one and smashed them into dust.

The girl's figure appeared everywhere in the broken space, but she looked quite embarrassed.

Suddenly, the phantom girl's sword light burst out and became extremely sharp, like lightning, and it actually cut the attacking tree trunks into pieces.

Each of these sword strikes was like a thunderbolt, and carried a silver, cold moon-like glow. It was obviously her hidden sword technique that was supposed to bring victory at the critical moment.

Beads of sweat appeared on her forehead, and it was obvious that she had consumed a lot of energy.

Shi Hao used his unusually burly body to pull out another tree. This time, he identified a direction and rushed forward like a bull.

Although it was heading in one direction, the tree trunk in the front was refracting in all directions in the broken space, rushing towards the girl who was emitting phantoms.

Pah! The panting girl slashed at the tree trunk with her sword. The tip of the sword was embedded in the trunk, but this time, she was unable to cut it in half.

The tree trunk threw away her green sword, and the huge body of the god pressed down on her like a mountain.

The loud bang of the fist smashed down with a fierce gust of wind.

The girl was hit in the chest and abdomen. She arched her body and flew up like a shrimp.

Her eyes showed fear, and she endured the pain and tried to turn around and run away.

The fingertips touched her body instantly, and she felt the hot breath flowing along her veins, sealing her acupuncture points.

She stumbled, and the bear-like body unceremoniously picked her up in its arms and ran away in the forest.

"Let me go!" The girl pounded twice in anger, panic and helplessness, but the man's strong arms strangled her very tightly.

The scorching devilish energy blocked her meridians inch by inch.

Gradually, she got lost in the unbearable heat and passed out in the tyrannical shackles that showed no mercy to her.

Just half an hour later, an ox cart loaded with charcoal slowly drove into the city through the gate of Jin County.

The soldier guarding the gate recognized the old man selling charcoal who passed by every day, so he simply checked the ox cart and let it in.

In the hard-to-find dark box beneath the charcoal, the soft body sways gently as the wheels roll forward.

"Yue Jiao? Yue Jiao?" Zhuo Mulan rushed into the valley, calling out to his disciple.

It is already evening. There are mountains on all sides here. The rays of setting sun shine obliquely from the western hilltops and onto the opposite hillside.

The valley was covered with shadows.

Zhuo Mulan knew that his apprentice would come here early in the morning to practice sword skills, and would usually return to the temple at noon.

She always completed her daily schedule meticulously, practicing sword skills diligently and completing her homework every day, never relaxing for a single day.

But this afternoon, Du Yuejiao did not go back at noon, and did not even show up for the entire afternoon.

This gave Zhuo Mulan a bad feeling, so he rushed here.

Immediately afterwards, he narrowed his eyes and his figure flashed.

Zhuo Mulan saw that in one of the forests, the branches and leaves had fallen and the trees were burning.

Many tree trunks were uprooted, some were scorched by fire, and some were broken into several pieces.

The broken part of the tree was smooth and neat, which was exactly the secret killing move "Moon Wheel Slash" practiced by her apprentice.

She even found her apprentice's blue-bladed sword on a broken log, embedded in the trunk and split in half.

She flew back and forth but did not find her apprentice's body.

After calling a few times, she became anxious and hurriedly left the forest.

Not long after, many Taoists poured into this quiet forest, and under Zhuo Mulan's arrangement, they searched the whole mountain.

"This place is so secluded, who can find such a place to deal with Junior Brother Yue Jiao?" A Taoist held a whisk in his hand and frowned.

This person was none other than the abbot of Mingkun Temple, Taoist Songcui. He was tall and thin, with a high forehead and a narrow face, and therefore, looked like a bamboo pole.

"Yue Jiao doesn't have any enemies, so why would someone come to trouble her?" Zhuo Mulan showed a worried look on her face. "Besides, her strength is better than many martial artists in the martial arts world, and she also has the magic weapon 'Yuecuohuan'. The one who can capture her is definitely not an ordinary person."

"The other party is at least an eighth-rank... or even a seventh-rank warrior!" Taoist Song Cui looked at the charred ground and sensed the remaining energy around him. "This person must be a demon, with the miraculous ability to transform mysterious energy into fire. Look at these trees that were uprooted, with such great force, it's extraordinary. This person is either a supernatural being, or has a magic weapon, and most likely it's a magic weapon of the earth that is possessed by divine power."

Zhuo Mulan said anxiously: "Brother, send someone to inform the county marquis and the Six Gates immediately. No matter what, Yue Jiao must be rescued. She is a girl, and if she falls into the hands of the enemy, if it is delayed any longer, I am afraid, I am afraid..."

Taoist Song Cui said in a deep voice: "No!"

Zhuo Mulan said angrily: "Why not? Saving people is the most important thing now..."

Taoist Song Cui shook his head and said, "The last time a large amount of information was stolen, it has not been resolved yet, and now another female disciple in the temple has been kidnapped. If this gets out, it will damage the reputation of our Mingkun Temple.

"Besides, since the criminals dared to kidnap people, I'm afraid we won't be able to find them even with the help of those people from the Six Gates."

Zhuo Mulan scolded: "Are you not going to do anything?"

Taoist Song Cui whispered, "Junior Sister Zhuo, it's useless to be anxious now. Think about it, the other party is not killing people, but kidnapping people directly. He may want to make some kind of deal with us.

"If you notify the Six Gates and search the whole county, what if you force them to kill the victim..."

Zhuo Mulan's face changed.

Taoist Song Cui paced in the forest with his hands behind his back for two steps: "As for the person that Junior Sister Yue Jiao offended recently... I heard that after she returned yesterday, she had a deep prejudice against the young city lord of Xiaohan Mountain City..."

Zhuo Mulan shook her head and said, "It can't be that Shi Hao. I've seen him take action. It's pure Taoist internal strength, and his internal strength carries the aura of mysterious ice. The thugs who appeared here are obviously practicing magic skills, and their internal strength contains fire. This is a completely different way of cultivation. Since ancient times, no one has been able to practice both magic and Taoism.

"Besides, he risked his life to save Li Tong the day before yesterday, and at the same time showed goodwill to the Marquisate and Mingkun Temple. There is no reason for him to come against Yue Jiao today?"

Taoist Song Cui thought what she said made sense, so he put Shi Hao behind his mind and frowned, saying, "In this case... the other party is probably here for the Conferred God Experiment as well."

Zhuo Mulan raised her head and said, "But the contents of the experiment have been leaked..."

Taoist Songcui said coldly: "We overlooked this because it had already been leaked. The thug today is from the same group as those who appeared on Hongshan the day before yesterday, but they are not from the same group as the female thief who stole the information."

Zhuo Mulan's face changed: "Li Tong didn't know about the Conferred God Experiment, but Yue Jiao did."

Taoist Song Cui sighed, "We can only secretly send our own people to investigate and keep it a secret for the time being. We should not even tell Lady Li Tong. As for Senior Brother Lan Ke, he will go to report to the Yue Ketai family. Since he is not in the mountains, there is no need to send anyone to inform him. We can wait until he comes back in a few days.

"If Yue Jiao is smart and would rather die than surrender, she might be able to survive. The criminals won't be able to torture her to extract details, so she might be able to contact us.

"If she is forced to confess everything, she will no longer be of any use to the other party. I'm afraid..."

When Zhuo Mulan thought about the misfortune that was about to happen to her beautiful apprentice, she clenched her trembling fists, but she was at a loss as to what to do.

She couldn't imagine what those evil people would do to her female apprentice.

Thinking of the terrible fate that her female disciple might encounter, she felt extremely uncomfortable.

Chapter 17 Don't Let Me Down

—Magic weapon “Earth Brave Tiger”.

—Divine Crystal: Earth Brave Star.

—Effect of use: In a short period of time, you will gain a divine body and divine power, and your physical strength and power will increase exponentially. It can only be used once a day.

—Number of uses remaining: Four.

Shi Hao re-studied the "Earth Brave Tiger" in his own house, and found that the remaining number of times was indeed reduced by one.

Fortunately, I was able to use this magic weapon to overcome clever tactics with force, otherwise, it would have been difficult to capture Du Yuejiao.

After putting away the "Earth Brave Tiger", he took out the jade pendant he had taken from Du Yuejiao's wrist.

The ring-shaped jade pendant is crystal clear, with mysterious water patterns inside, which intertwine with each other to form special runes.

He used his spiritual sense to investigate.

—Magic weapon “Moon Ring”.

—Divine Crystal: Yincha Star.

—Effect of use: Distort space in a short period of time, forming multi-level diamond-shaped space fragments.

—Number of uses remaining: six.

Shi Hao thought to himself, "Can these magical weapons made of divine crystals even distort space?"

He was secretly amazed at the magical powers brought by these magic weapons. If he didn't have a magic weapon himself, even if he had advanced to the seventh level and his strength had increased, he would be caught off guard and would probably die on the spot if he suddenly encountered such magical powers.

Look up and look at the sky outside the window.

At this moment, it was already dark, and no one came to disturb him this afternoon.

Shi Hao didn't think that Ming Kun Temple would link Du Yuejiao's disappearance to himself.

After all, from the traces of fighting now, it is easy to judge that the person who attacked is a demon who uses fire, which is completely different from the one who attacked on Red Mountain.

The day before yesterday, someone tried to kidnap Princess Li Tong, and today a criminal kidnapped Du Yuejiao.