I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 27: Section 27


Then it quickly condenses and compresses to form a translucent elixir.

Shi Hao turned off the fire and used his true energy to protect the elixir. After a while, he opened the furnace again and stretched out his hand.

The elixir flew into his hand, but it was cold to the touch.

Although it was as cold as water, it was glowing with light and there was a faint flame surging inside.

Shi Hao felt joy and pride in his heart... He actually succeeded in refining the ninth-grade immortality recipe for the first time.

Shi Hao was not in a hurry to take it and advance to the seventh level.

Although the dual cultivation of Taoism and magic brought him great benefits, it was also dangerous. If he could not ensure that his magic skills could be advanced as soon as possible, he could not take this seventh-grade elixir.

However, this kind of elixir actually has a "shelf life" and cannot be stored for too long. Once stored for too long, the medicinal effect will gradually dissipate, making it impossible for him to break through.

Therefore, he must ensure that the other side's plan can also succeed.

He wrapped the elixir in a handkerchief and put it carefully in his arms.

I opened the stone door and walked out of the alchemy room, and unexpectedly saw a beautiful figure sitting on a low rock on the other side.

"Yue Jiao, it's so late, why haven't you slept yet?" Shi Hao smiled slightly and asked.

At this moment, the night was deep, the almost full moon moved to the horizon, and was covered by dark clouds. The courtyard was dark, and no lanterns were lit.

Du Yuejiao sat there alone, quietly, her whole body seemed to blend into the night, as quiet as an orchid in a valley.

Seeing him coming out of the alchemy room, Du Yuejiao stood up gently and whispered, "I just came here from the main hall with my uncle. I wanted to see you, but when I saw that there was no one in your room, but there was a fire in the alchemy room, I guessed that you were practicing alchemy in it, so I waited here."

Shi Hao stood in front of her and asked softly, "What happened?"

Du Yuejiao shook her head and said, "The Immortal Sect sent someone to ask Master Uncle to go into the belly and continue the experiment. But for some reason, Master Uncle refused to go. The abbot called me and Master to persuade Master Uncle, but Master Uncle had made up his mind and we couldn't persuade him. The abbot couldn't do anything about it either."

She sighed softly, raised her head and looked at Shi Hao: "Brother Shi, you spent most of the night refining the elixir this time. I guess you are not refining the Qingxin Pill or something like that. Could it be..."

Shi Hao said: "Well, I was just refining the immortal recipe."

Du Yuejiao opened her eyes wide: "Brother Shi, did you succeed?"

Shi Hao smiled and said, "It worked!"

Du Yuejiao sighed softly, and then clasped his hands together in front of his chest, with a look of admiration on his face: "I have never seen anyone who dares to practice the immortality recipe after learning alchemy for a few days, and can succeed.

"In the history of the Immortal Sect, I'm afraid no one has ever done something like this. Even my uncle, who is known as a genius in the art of elixir and stone, has never done something like this."

Shi Hao said: "Really? Actually it's not that amazing. I just tried it and succeeded by luck."

"How can such a thing be lucky? Refining a ninth-grade immortality recipe is a matter of one wrong step, and all the steps are wrong. My ninth-grade and eighth-grade immortality recipes were also made by my master. Although I have been exposed to alchemy since I was a child, I don't have that ability!" The girl hugged his waist, put her face on his chest, and said happily, "Master, you are really amazing."

Shi Hao hugged her gently and said, "Oh, there is one more thing. I wanted to tell you tomorrow morning. After the immortal recipe is made, it cannot be kept for too long, so I plan to leave Mingkun Temple tomorrow. After helping Yueyaer rescue those children, I will find a deep mountain and retreat alone to break through."

The girl raised her head, reluctant to leave: "Won't that mean I won't be able to see you for many days?"

Shi Hao smiled and said, "It won't be too long. I'll be back in a few days!" He felt somewhat guilty... because he didn't plan to return to Mingkun Temple.

In the final analysis, from the very beginning, he wanted to use her to find out the truth of the "God-making Experiment", and now he has got what he wanted. From this point of view, the girl in his arms is no longer of any value to be used.

Especially after knowing the truth about the Conferred God Experiment, he could not accept that these people in Mingkun Temple would actually conduct such an experiment and then hand over its results to the Man Court as a matter of course.

As a member of the Huaxia ethnic group, he could not forgive either Lan Ke Taoist who came up with the idea of this experiment or Du Yuejiao who knew the inside story.

Shi Hao gently hugged the girl in his arms, stroked her hair, and whispered: "It's already the middle of the night, why don't you go to bed early?"

But for the girl, they had just fallen in love and secretly decided to fall in love yesterday evening, and now that she saw that he was about to leave for many days, how could she bear to let him go

She buried her head in his arms shyly and whispered, "Master... are you going to my room? Otherwise, I'll rest here with you..."

When she said this, her cheeks became hot and even her neck turned red.

Chapter 31 The Strange Stone that Seals the Divine Crystal

Seeing that she was unwilling to leave, Shi Hao smiled slightly, picked up the girl by the waist, stepped into his room, and put the girl on the bed.

"Then let's chat here!" He lifted the quilt and covered the girl with it. He didn't do anything else to her. He just talked to her like this.

The light pink glow of the early morning climbed up to the windowsill, making the room brighter.

Leaving the girl, who had fallen asleep in his arms, on the bed, Shi Hao quietly got up, went outside and washed his face.

On the other side of the courtyard, Lan Ke Taoist also slowly walked over, glanced at him, and suddenly asked, "Is Yue Jiao in your room?"

Shi Hao knew he couldn't hide it, so he nodded slightly.

In fact, he didn't do anything, but Taoist Lan Ke didn't know it.

Taoist Lan Ke sighed, "This child has lived in Chongxian Sect since she was a child. She doesn't know much about the world. She is actually quite simple. You should be nice to her."

Shi Hao nodded slowly: "Don't worry, senior!"

Not long after, Du Yuejiao, who heard the noise outside in her sleep, woke up and got up in a hurry.

At about three quarters past three in the morning, Shi Hao finished packing and left the Taoist temple with Du Yuejiao's reluctant farewell.

After walking for several miles, Shi Hao smiled and said, "If I continue to walk you, you will have to follow me. Go back first. Don't worry, I will be back soon."

Du Yuejiao looked up at him and said softly, "Then, Master Brother, you should come back soon."

Shi Hao nodded, waved goodbye, and continued walking forward.

After walking for a while, I turned around the foot of a mountain and walked forward.

Suddenly, a young girl's voice came from the back: "Brother Shi, please come back soon. I'll be waiting for you."

Shi Hao turned around and saw that she had climbed to a high place without him noticing, and was waving at him from the hillside.

Shi Hao also waved to her, and the girl on the high ground smiled happily in the sunshine.

Shi Hao turned around and walked towards Jinjun with a determined look.

After entering the county town, he used the Evil Shadow Disguise Technique to change his appearance on the way and arrived at the secluded house to meet Mr. Qiu and Lu Tong.

Qiu Laodao: "Master Hao, we have tracked down the base of the Shuhu Gang in the northwest mountains."

Lu Tong took out a map and pointed to a cross on it, saying, "As Brother Hao expected, the sudden raid last night disrupted the Shuhu Gang's plan. Some children were sent here, but many were left behind. Tonight, the Shuhu Gang will send all the children over here and then send them away together."

Shi Hao asked: "Where is the direction of the vast sea?"

Lu Tong pointed to the northwest corner of the map and said, "In this direction, but the journey is longer. This is a big deal for the Shuhu Gang, so they will definitely send a lot of people. In addition to the leader Cheng Kun, the Shuhu Gang also has two eighth-rank warriors, one named Hong Youyi and the other named Yuan Gang. If Cheng Kun didn't go in person, then these two people would definitely lead the team.

"These two are quite powerful, and with the addition of many ninth-rank warriors, it is not an easy task to save all those children."

Shi Hao said calmly: "Don't worry, we don't need to do too much. We just need to provide some information. Thank you for your help. You don't need to worry about this matter anymore. Let's talk about another matter first."

Mr. Qiu and Lu Tong looked at him together.

Shi Hao said in a deep voice: "I have found out what the Conferred God Experiment is."

Qiu Lao and Lu Tong looked at each other. Qiu Lao said, "Master Hao, please speak."

Shi Hao took two steps with his hands behind his back. "The cause of the incident was that Lan Ke Zhenren. You also know that this person is one of the twelve Quanzhen of Chongxian Sect. He is very good at elixir and refining, and is also proficient in the art of casting treasures. And any magic weapon must use divine crystals.

"The divine crystal itself cannot be used directly. To use it, one must either absorb it into the human body to become a divine power user, or forge it into a magic weapon. When a divine power user dies, or the magic weapon is used up, a clear air will overflow.

"Afterwards, the disappeared divine crystal would often appear within a hundred miles. However, although it is a hundred miles, it may be hidden in the mountains or deep underground, and the divine crystal itself is not big. If you want to find this divine crystal again in the soil and rocks within a hundred miles, it is like looking for a needle in a haystack. It is a rare opportunity.

"And we also know that in history, there has never been a magical power with the same function. The disappeared divine crystal will definitely appear, it's just a matter of whether it can be found in a short time."

Mr. Qiu and Lu Tong nodded together... These are things that everyone knows.

Shi Hao continued, "And this Lan Ke Taoist is truly an extraordinary person. He does not like power, does not get involved in worldly affairs, and is only obsessed with research. He believes that the disappearing divine crystal could not have appeared out of thin air somewhere, but must have something to rely on.

"So, he studied the geographical locations and soil and stone characteristics of the places where the divine crystals appeared in the past, using various methods such as feng shui and strange numbers. He thought, if he could find these peculiarities and simulate them through some methods, would it be possible for the disappeared divine crystal to be reborn in the designated place?"

Both Mr. Qiu and Lu Tong were moved.

Lu Tong was surprised and asked, "He succeeded?"

Shi Hao said: "The master of Mingkun Temple, Taoist Songcui, is also very interested in this. Since this process requires a lot of information, and many materials that are difficult to find even in Mingkun Temple, they also approached Yue Ketai.

"Finally, after various studies and attempts, they created something called the 'Stone of the Gods'. Then, they deliberately exhausted the divine power of a magic weapon near the Stone of the Gods."

He looked around and said in a deep voice: "After the magic weapon was destroyed, the disappeared divine crystal appeared in the 'God Sealing Stone' three days later."

Mr. Qiu and Lu Tong both changed color.

Shi Hao continued: "Not only that, for further experiments, the Yue Ketai family also sent a death row prisoner named Meng Zhen..."

Lu Tong asked in surprise: "Third Brother Meng?"

Shi Hao looked at her and whispered, "Miss Lu, do you know this person?"

Lu Tong said in a trembling voice: "Brother Meng San is one of ours. He killed a thousand households in Chang County who killed innocent people and massacred the people of two villages as bandits. He was hunted down by the barbarian court and failed to escape. Although he is a supernatural being, the divine crystal in his body is the 'Moon Breaking Star', which can only take effect on nights with a moon, and has great limitations.

"So, what did those people do to him?"

Shi Hao whispered, "They killed him in the Trial Hall of Mingkun Temple. Three days later, the divine crystals that overflowed from his body also appeared in the Sealing God Stone."

Lu Tong held her face in her hands, tears streaming down her face: "Brother Meng San..."

Old Qiu sighed, "As long as we fail to drive out the barbarians, there will be countless righteous warriors and innocent people who will be harmed by the barbarian court."

Then, he frowned again: "In this case, the Barbarian Court and Chongxian Sect have mastered the means to collect divine crystals, right?"

Shi Hao said: "Mingkun Temple has created a total of three Sealing God Stones. The reason why they are named 'Sealing God' is that they mean 'sealing the divine crystal'. What I know is that this Sealing God Stone currently has limitations. One is that the magic weapon must be destroyed within ten feet of it, or the divine power holder must die within ten feet of it, and the disappeared divine crystal will reappear in the Sealing God Stone.

"After many experiments, Mingkun Temple found that the divine crystal would appear within this range. As long as the divine power holder was within ten feet of it when he died, it would not matter if the Divine Sealing Stone was moved far away afterwards. The divine crystal would definitely appear in the Divine Sealing Stone.

"The second reason is that the three Conferred God Stones are too big, as big as millstones, and difficult to carry around. However, at present, the three Conferred God Stones are only prototypes. According to Lan Ke Zhenren's research, they can be miniaturized in the future."

Lu Tong said in a lost voice: "If the Barbarian Court produced a large number of Sealing God Stones and defeated and massacred the supernatural powers in the martial arts world one by one, wouldn't they be able to control a large number of God Crystals?"

Elder Qiu frowned: "If this happens, the Chinese martial arts world will probably never recover from this."

Shi Hao sighed, "Once a large number of Sealing God Stones are manufactured, with the cruelty of the Barbarian Court, they will definitely hunt down the martial arts masters with magical powers and martial arts masters who possess magic weapons. They can even use this to build an army full of magical masters. I'm afraid that the Chinese martial arts world will no longer have a chance to resist."

Elder Qiu said in a deep voice: "I must inform the headquarters as soon as possible about this matter. If the headquarters sends out experts to kill Lan Ke Taoist..."

Shi Hao shook his head and said, "It's useless! In fact, I have had this idea before, but it's probably too late to kill Lan Ke Taoist now.

"At the beginning, even Lan Ke Taoist didn't seem to think that it could really succeed. He just thought there was such a possibility, and then tried it. Later, I don't know how the news leaked out, and thieves came to the Assay Hall and stole a lot of relevant information."

Lu Tong asked, "Is that the female thief that the Man Court was chasing a few days ago?"

Shi Hao nodded and said, "That's right! The female thief was either a supernatural being or possessed a special magic weapon. Although Mingkun Temple was well guarded, it was unable to stop her from stealing. Yue Ketai and the head of Mingkun Temple realized that the matter could no longer be concealed, and were forced to report it to the court and the top leaders of Chongxian Sect respectively.

"Yesterday evening, the Barbarian Court sent out a team with many experts and flying cavalry. They transported the three Sealing God Stones away overnight, probably to the capital. The Yue Ketai family, Taoist Song Cui, Zhuo Mulan and others all participated in this experiment, and the three Sealing God Stones were also there. In addition, the Barbarian Court and Chongxian Sect already knew that the experiment was successful.

"Even if we kill Lan Ke Taoist now, I'm afraid we won't be able to stop this catastrophe in the martial arts world."

Elder Qiu stood up and said, “I must inform the headquarters as soon as possible. With our information transmission and the seriousness of the matter, the headquarters will certainly respond with all their strength. We may be able to gather experts and intercept the team transporting the Sealing Stone before they leave Xishu and enter the abdomen.

"No matter what, we cannot let these three God-sealing Stones be sent to the capital."

Shi Hao said in a deep voice: "Do you have enough people?"

Old Qiu smiled bitterly and said, "To be honest, the Dark Thunder Society was established by our chief leader who contacted the heroes from all over the country who were resisting the Barbarian Court. The chief leader has always believed that China is a land of talents and has produced many heroes. Why is it that we are oppressed by the Barbarian Court? In the final analysis, it is because the martial arts circles in various places have been fighting for themselves in the past.

"Although we have gathered a lot of people in secret, we have only been established for a short time. The chief leader arranged for everyone to disperse and develop quietly in various places, gather strength, and wait for the opportunity. Once the opportunity comes, all places will respond and start the uprising at the same time.

"Logically speaking, we should not expose the strength of our Dark Thunder Society in front of the Barbarian Court at this time. But this matter is of great importance. If we don't respond, we will regret it. Now that things have come to this, we can't care even if it is exposed."

Shi Hao nodded and said in a deep voice, "I understand! Tonight, I will deal with the issue of the kidnapped children first. You should try to notify your headquarters first. You can leave your contact information. When I finish dealing with this matter, I will rush to meet you. Count me in for the task of seizing the God-conferring Stone."

Mr. Qiu looked at him gratefully: "Mr. Hao..."

"My surname is Hao, and my name is Xinghua!" Shi Hao looked at him, his words as strong as steel, "As long as you are willing to drive out the barbarians and restore China, I will be one of yours!"

Shi Hao left the city, taking the map provided by the Dark Thunder Society, and headed northwest.

He kept walking and kept on walking until the sun passed the zenith and he finally arrived at the place marked on the map.

Shi Hao hid in the dark and saw a small hidden village in the deep mountains. There were warriors stationed at the gate, guarding the surroundings.

Shi Hao didn't dare to get too close for fear of alerting the enemy. After circling here for a long time, he ignored this small mountain village and continued to look at the map and ran westward.

He came to a high place and observed the surrounding mountains and terrain.

He drew several circles on the map, checked them one by one, and then crossed them out one by one.

Until they came to a gorge, he stood on the hilltop on the north side of the gorge and looked down.