I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 31: Section 31


The young man sneered with his hands behind his back: "Yes! So what?"

Qiu Jiangping gritted his teeth and said no more. He swung his sword and the blade light was like a whirlwind, whistling towards the young man.

Cheng Kun also knew that this was a life-and-death battle, so he took out an iron hammer and swung it with a huge force, smashing it at the young man.

The young man with the hooked nose was not afraid at all. He drew the iron sword from his waist. The iron sword shook and the sword body flashed with fire.

With bangs and clangs, the three men fought in a group. For a moment, only the flashing of swords and the rush of energy could be seen. Their figures were intertwined in this fierce murderous intent, and it was difficult to distinguish one from another.

The remaining Shuhu Gang member was holding the iron hook, and for a moment, he was unable to get involved.

Seeing that the gang leader and the chief constable were giving it their all, the young man was in danger under their wave after wave of fierce attacks, but he relied on his stealthy steps to sway left and right, always flashing to an unexpected corner at the critical moment.

On both sides were hillsides extending upwards. More than a hundred corpses were scattered at the bottom of the valley. The smell of blood mixed with the smell of rotten leaves and mud was so nauseating.

He gripped the cold iron hook tightly, and sweat began to appear on his palms.

The gang leader who used his unique skills was unexpectedly powerful, with domineering energy and magical powers that could be used at any time. He was like a tiger coming down the mountain, ferocious and unmatched.

Chief Constable Qiu Jiangping's knife skills were unexpectedly vicious and tricky. Together with Gang Leader Cheng, they were like venomous snakes that could retract freely. They would lunge forward from time to time, take a bite, and then quickly shrink into the darkness, waiting for their chance.

He just felt that if he were under such an attack, he would not be able to withstand even one move. He would either be chopped into meat paste by the gang leader's magical powers, or be killed by the sudden and venomous blade of Captain Qiu.

However, the young man seemed calm and relaxed.

In the eyes of this Shuhu Gang expert, the young man was still calm and composed.

Qiu Jiangping has slowly mastered his tricky steps.

The steps made no sense, the trajectory made no sense, but if you think about it carefully, you will find that every time this young man moved against common sense, he was moving behind or to the side of himself and Boss Cheng.

The reason why it seems counterintuitive is that he moves so fast and with almost no warning. Sometimes he is "pulled" over just by standing there.

It was as if there was a magnet attached to both himself and Boss Cheng, creating some kind of invisible suction force.

Once we find the pattern behind such a strange situation, we can simply regard this bizarre martial art as a specific magical power.

Qiu Jiangping used all his strength to attack the young man, one knife after another. Suddenly, he pulled him back, and the knife light from high above fell. Cheng Kun jumped up to a high place, used his magical power, and smashed towards the young man with overwhelming force.

Qiu Jiangping retreated without even looking at the young man, nor did he chase him. Instead, he swung a circle of fierce knife flowers around himself.

With a bang, the single blade was blocked by the sword, and the young man lost his balance and was knocked back.

This was the first time Qiu Jiangping had successfully disrupted the opponent's position. He succeeded in one strike and rushed forward with the flash of his knife.

At the same time, seeing Qiu Jiangping succeed, Cheng Kun flipped in the air and landed beside the young man. He raised his hand, displayed his magical powers again, and launched a knife flash behind the young man.

Qiu Jiangping's knife flashed, and he wanted to take advantage of the young man's imbalance to kill him. Even if the knife was intercepted by the opponent, the opponent's body would inevitably continue to be shocked back and fall into the "knife anvil" set up by Cheng Gang Leader in advance. In this situation, he would have no chance of escaping.

Suddenly, a divine light flashed in the young man's arms, and his body began to grow.

With a swish, Qiu Jiangping's knife slashed at the opponent, but his eyes were already filled with despair.

Completely ignoring Qiu Jiangping's blow, the young man, whose body suddenly doubled in height, swung out with a sword, sparkling with fire.

Qiu Jiangping found the right moment to strike with all his strength, determined to win, so he didn't leave any strength for himself.

This knife cut off a piece of flesh from the young man's body, but the flesh quickly disappeared.

The flaming sword also slashed at Qiu Jiangping's body. Qiu Jiangping's half body tilted to the right. In his sight, the tall young man, along with the hazy earth and the surrounding hillsides, leaned to the left.

The young man killed Qiu Jiangping with one sword, then stepped back with his left foot, creating a deep pit in the earth.

The anvil behind him fell down with a loud noise, but he stopped in front of the anvil in time.

The next moment, the young man threw away the iron sword, relying solely on the divine body and power brought to him by the "Earth Brave Tiger", and advanced towards Cheng Kun like a chariot.

Even Cheng Kun, who was of burly stature, seemed insignificant in front of him at this moment.

Cheng Kun was terrified, caught in a dilemma, and kept retreating, trying to keep his footing.

With a bang, the iron hammer shattered and a fist as big as a sand spatula pierced Cheng Kun's chest.

There was a cracking sound from his sternum, and the fist sank into his body, grabbed his heart, and pulled it out with blood.

The leader of a gang suddenly tilted his body and collapsed.

The young man threw the beating heart on the ground and took a big step towards the last man holding the iron hook.

The man holding the hook felt his legs go limp, and he fell to his knees with a thud, kowtowing vigorously: "Master, spare me! Master, spare me..."

His forehead hit the stone and blood was dripping.

The bloody fist smashed down on his head without hesitation... He was a scum of the underworld, and his death was not a pity.

The head exploded like a cantaloupe—

The morning light draws a gorgeous curtain of light in the eastern sky.

The dark clouds that covered the sky for most of the night last night finally dispersed at this moment because there was no rain.

The young man's clothes were torn. He squatted beside a winding stream, drinking the cool stream water, washed his hands, and then scooped up the water to pour it on his face.

He looked down at his tattered clothes, feeling helpless.

The magic weapon "Earth Brave Tiger" is indeed useful, but it is a bit wasteful of clothes.

At this moment, the number of times the two magic weapons, Earth Brave Tiger and Moon Coward Ring, have been used has decreased by one. However, magic weapons should be used when necessary.

It is better to use up the number of times a magic weapon can be used than to gamble with your own life.

Moreover, if he did not have a magic weapon like the "Yuecuo Ring" in his hand, he would never dare to challenge them like that.

Although Yuan Jia's own strength was only at the ninth level, the magical powers brought to him by the "Earth Dog Star" made him almost invincible.

If he didn't have the Yuecuo Ring in his hand, Shi Hao didn't think he would have a chance to win the battle against these people at the same time by taking them out quickly by surprise.

Shi Hao quickly summed up this battle and realized that he still lacked experience in the martial arts world.

The Soul-Chasing and Soul-Locking Step was indeed very strange, but after using it many times in a row, Qiu Jiangping still saw through its mystery.

From this we can see the importance of underworld experience.

Shi Hao knew that he was a little proud because he was able to suppress Du Yuejiao and capture her relatively easily last time.

However, although Du Yuejiao is basically at the top of the eighth rank and has mastered extraordinary martial arts, he cannot be compared with people like Qiu Jiangping in terms of experience in the martial arts world.

Fortunately, he was carrying both the Moon Ring and the Earth Brave Tiger, which further confirmed the importance of magic weapons in battle.

Whether or not one has a magic weapon is, in many cases, indeed a decisive factor.

Shi Hao thought to himself, "If I carry two pieces of Sealing God Stone with me at this time, wouldn't I be able to keep the divine crystals of Cheng Kun and Yuan Jia after their death? In that case, I can find someone to make them into magic weapons as well.

“Even if the Moon Ring and Earth Brave Tiger have run out of uses, don’t worry. As long as you carry the God Sealing Stone with you, after the magic weapon is used up, the disappeared divine crystal will reappear in the God Sealing Stone.”

Thinking of this, he realized more and more clearly how the creation of the "Stone of the Gods" by Taoist Lan Ke would change the situation in the martial arts world.

Shi Hao stood up... He had to meet up with the people from the Dark Thunder Society as soon as possible and snatch the Divine Stone.

Shi Hao rushed to the southeast in this desolate mountain and wilderness.

On the way, he lifted the evil shadow disguise and rubbed his face hard.

The Evil Shadow Disguise Technique is indeed easy to use. It does not require any tools or time to prepare, and one can easily change one's appearance.

But after a long time, I always feel that my face is getting stiff.

In addition, after using the Evil Shadow Disguise Technique, he cannot have too many expressions. For this reason, it is not that he wants to make himself "cold" or "gloomy" after changing his appearance, but that he maintains this style so that he can be "serious" and not easily exposed.

Sometimes it is necessary to change your appearance.

For example, in this battle, although he was certain that he could kill all of them, if he showed up in his true form, one of them would escape.

That would be really bad. He could flee to the ends of the earth, but Xiaohanshan City would inevitably be implicated by him.

On the way, he entered a village, sneaked into a family's backyard, left some money, stole a robe that was drying in the yard, left the village, and continued on his way.

Just like that, at noon, they arrived at a stone town. Before entering the stone town, they used the evil shadow disguise technique again and transformed themselves into the appearance of "Hao Xinghua".

Soon, someone came up to him and whispered, "Master Hao, please follow me."

Shi Hao followed the man to an inn in the town, but entered through the back door.

As soon as Fang Zi entered the door, he saw Lu Tong approaching: "Brother Hao!"

Shi Hao nodded slightly and whispered, "When are we leaving?"

Lu Tong said, "Time is running out, let's hurry over now." Someone had already brought two fast horses over for them.

When they got outside, they mounted their horses one after another, left Shizhen, and galloped eastward.

After two days of traveling, Shi Hao and Lu Tong arrived at the border of Western Shu and entered the mountains.

There were towering ancient trees ahead. Someone jumped down from a tree and called out, "Miss Lu!" He then looked at the young man with a hooked nose next to Lu Tong.

Lu Tong whispered: "This Brother Hao is one of our own."

The man made way and said, "Master Zhao is inside."

Shi Hao followed Lu Tong and walked forward, only to see many people hiding in the forest.

It was afternoon at this time. Shi Hao looked up and saw that the sunlight was blocked by the fluffy leaves, and the forest was dark.

Many people knew Lu Tong. From time to time, they would call her and look at Shi Hao.

Shi Hao had a stern face and an expressionless look, which made these people afraid to approach him easily.

There are many tents in the forest, and many warriors have also hurried here and are now resting.

When we got to the depths, we saw a middle-aged man in front of us. He was wearing a grey robe, had a high forehead and a thin face, and had an extraordinary demeanor.

Lu Tong stepped forward and said, "Master!"

The man was looking at a map with the other two people. He turned around and looked at Lu Tong: "Niece Tong, you are here?"

Lu Tong said to Shi Hao, "This is Master Zhao of our Kanshui Hall!" Then he said to the middle-aged man, "Master, this is Brother Hao Xinghuahao!"

Hall Master Zhao held the young man's hand and said, "I am Zhao Leitong. Elder Qiu has already written to inform me of Brother Hao's situation. Brother Hao avenged our brothers who died on Luanqi Mountain, and we are grateful to him. This time, we were able to find out the conspiracy of the Man Court in time and respond to it, thanks to Brother Hao."

Shi Hao said in a deep voice: "Master, you are too serious. It is the duty of us Chinese children to be enemies with the Barbarian Court and its lackeys."

Zhao Leitong sighed, "It's a pity that even in the Chinese martial arts world, there are many scums who covet power and wealth, become running dogs of the barbarian court, and oppress the people. If everyone in our Chinese martial arts world was like you, brother Hao, we wouldn't be oppressed by the barbarians to this extent."

Lu Tong whispered, "Master, isn't the chief leader here?"

Zhao Leitong let go of Shi Hao's hand and said helplessly: "The incident happened suddenly. The chief leader went to Lingnan for some business a few days ago. Although he should be on his way back now, I'm afraid he won't be able to catch up. If we let these barbarians enter our belly, we will have no chance.

"Even in our Kanshui Hall, there are still many good players who have not been able to catch up. We can only invite the chivalrous men who are willing to fight against the barbarians nearby to help. In addition, the brothers from the Lihuo Hall are also rushing here and should arrive before dark.

"Those barbarian troops travel day and night. We have already found out that they should cross the Minwu Ridge in the second half of tonight. If the brothers from Lihuo Hall can make it, we will be able to set up an ambush and intercept them in time. Otherwise, we may not have enough manpower to do it alone."

At this point, he looked at the sky and said, "Niece Tong, Brother Hao, I'm afraid you must have consumed a lot of energy on the way here. Go and rest first, I'm afraid you will be busy tonight."

Lu Tong said, "Yes." Then he and Shi Hao walked away, ate something, and then each found an empty tent to rest.

Zhao Leitong turned around and looked at the map again. Next to him, someone turned around and said, "This brother Hao seems to be difficult to get along with. He looks gloomy and cold, with a blank expression, and he doesn't even smile."

Zhao Leitong continued to look at the map and said indifferently: "Everyone in the martial arts world has their own temperament. As long as they are willing to drive out the barbarians and restore China, they are our people. Why should we care about other things?"

On the other side, Shi Hao entered the tent and seeing that there was no one else in the tent, he sat on the ground and rubbed his face hard.

His face was almost frozen. If he didn't cancel the Evil Shadow Disguise Spell and let himself recover, his face would probably become paralyzed.

By the way, tonight is the night of the full moon...

Chapter 36 Return to Yuanshi Cave Heaven

There was a blanket next to him, and Shi Hao covered his face with it while lying down to rest.

It would be troublesome if someone accidentally came in and saw his "strange" face.

Although these were all heroes fighting against the barbarians, he inevitably aroused suspicion by sneaking in by disguising himself.

By the evening, the noises outside became chaotic again.

Shi Hao listened attentively and thought that the "Lihuo Hall" they mentioned earlier should have arrived as well.

Shi Hao exhaled and used the Evil Shadow Disguise Technique to change his appearance again.

After leaving the tent, the setting sun fell on the mountains in the west. The new arrivals were holding various weapons. Some of them were greeting each other, while some others were standing alone and looked out of place.

It seems that Mr. Qiu and Lu Tong did not lie to him. The time when this Dark Mine Society was established was indeed not very long.

Many of those who came to join the battle this time were not even members of the Dark Thunder Society, but were invited to come and "help".