I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 32: Section 32


Of course, in the martial arts world, there are all kinds of personal connections, which are intertwined and complicated.

It was just that he had not been a martial artist before, so he didn't know much about these talents.

He saw a man in tight clothes whispering with Zhao Leitong, the head of Kanshui Hall.

Someone nearby whispered, "Isn't that Hero Fu?"

Someone else whispered, "I didn't expect that Master Fu had already joined the Dark Thunder Society."

Someone else laughed quietly and said, "So you didn't know yet? Hero Fu is the head of my guild's Lihuo Hall... although I only found out about it yesterday."

Shi Hao thought to himself, "It seems that this Lihuo Hall Master is really famous in the martial arts world."

Lu Tong came to his side at some point and whispered, "That is the 'Iron Eagle' Fu Shiyuan. He has always been a chivalrous man and is well-respected in the martial arts world. Half a year ago, the chief leader personally approached him and asked him to join our club.

"In fact, given his status, he shouldn't have let outsiders know that he joined our club so early. But this time the matter is so serious that we have no choice."

Shi Hao whispered, "There are many people here who are not even from your Dark Thunder Society. Wouldn't it be a problem if we hastily brought them here?"

He thought of the word "mob".

Lu Tong said, "Brother Hao, don't worry. The Barbarian Court is full of evil, and there are many righteous men in the martial arts world who are willing to resist, both openly and secretly. Many of them are on the list we want to recruit. Although the incident happened in a hurry, everyone who appears here is trustworthy."

On the other side, the two hall masters, Zhao Leitong and Fu Shiyuan, and several people around them who seemed to be their think tanks, finished their discussion.

The two hall masters turned around and came among the crowd. Everyone saw that they had something to say, so they gathered around them.

Fu Shiyuan said loudly: "Everyone, there will be a fierce battle against the barbarian army tonight. Fu is here to thank you for coming to help. There are many brothers here, even those who are not members of our association, who came to help without hesitation after being invited. Fu is very grateful."

Someone shouted, "Master Fu, there's no need to say more. If you want to kill the barbarians, just call us. We will sacrifice our lives and shed our blood without even frowning."

Others followed suit and shouted, "That's right!" "Don't even mention killing barbarians. As long as you, Master Fu, say something, we will obey you, even if it means fighting through fire and sword."

Fu Shiyuan put his hands together, asking everyone to be quiet, and continued: "Thank you very much. I know that many brothers got the message and came here with passion, but they didn't know what happened.

"We will not hide it from you. What happened tonight is extremely serious. It involves an important conspiracy of the Barbarian Court..."

He actually told everyone in front of everyone about the deification experiments conducted by the Man Court and the Chongxian Sect.

At first, Shi Hao was a little surprised. How could he say such an important thing in public

But after a quick calculation in his mind, Shi Hao knew that An Lei had made the right choice... Regardless of whether tonight's action was successful or not, everything related to the "Stone of the Gods" must be spread so that those with supernatural powers in the martial arts world can prepare for it as soon as possible.

Since things like the Sealing God Stone have already been created, even if they are all destroyed, there is no guarantee that new ones will not appear.

And if we fail to prevent the Stone of the Gods from being sent to Kyoto tonight, then within three to five months, mass-produced, miniaturized Stone of the Gods will appear, and then there will be a hunt down on all the powerful people in the world.

Informing the martial arts world of this matter would not only save these people with supernatural powers and allow them to escape in advance, but would also allow them to unite and stand against the Barbarian Court.

After hearing Fu Shiyuan's words, everyone was shocked.

Among these people, there were also several people with supernatural powers, and their faces changed drastically.

Zhao Leitong stepped forward and said, "The God-conferring Stone must not be sent to the capital by the barbarian army. My friends, in recent years, the barbarian court has been doing evil things. The so-called royal family has occupied land everywhere, and the people are living in misery. They are either forced to flee from famine or become slaves.

"In order to build the canal, the treacherous minister of the Barbarian Court has done a lot of construction work, which has cost the people a lot of money and labor. Nowadays, the Barbarian Court is corrupt, and most of the Barbarian nobles are greedy and hopeless.

"Although the Barbarian King Liezun is invincible in the world, he is ultimately a spent force. I, the Anlei Society, have been secretly contacting righteous men in the martial arts world, just for the day when we can gather an army and eliminate the barbarians.

“But if the Barbarian Court is allowed to manufacture the God-sealing Stones and collect all the God Crystals, then the rebellion against the Barbarians will become much more difficult. Therefore, we must not fail in tonight’s action.”

Everyone responded.

Zhao Leitong took out the map and said, "In the second half of tonight, this group of barbarian soldiers will pass through Minwu Ridge, and that is where we will take action.

"We have found out that there are at least two generals with fifth-grade martial arts foundation in the Barbarian Army, one is Qi Yanbao and the other is Ke Liexiong. Both of them are powerful masters in the Barbarian Army and should not be underestimated. In addition, there are at least ten thousand households and more than a thousand elite soldiers in the Manchu Army, which is far more than our number.

"In this regard, we can only adopt a surprise attack. When the battle starts, Master Fu and I will each take action and try our best to resist Qi Yanbao and Ke Liexiong. One group of people will attack the middle of the barbarian army and cut the barbarian army in half. Then arrange a few more people to quickly hijack the carriage carrying the three Sealing Stones. Another group of people will stay in the mountains to cover the hijackers.

"Brother Wu Liang..."

A thin man of medium build responded, "I'm here!"

Zhao Leitong said: "Your magical power is most suitable for carjacking. I'll have to trouble you, Brother Wu, for the carjacking. If you need help, please let Brother Wu name anyone."

Wu Liang smiled and said, "I don't want anyone else, I just want Brother He Ling and Brother Qian Fei. They have been working with me for a long time. With them around, I feel relieved..."

Someone nearby laughed and said, "So-called cooperation is actually just wandering around and robbing people, right?"

The others also laughed. Wu Liang blushed and said, "What's wrong with robbing houses? What's wrong? We have always only robbed the wealth of those unscrupulous merchants and the houses of those corrupt officials. We are also robbing the rich to help the poor."

Someone else laughed and said, "Robbing the rich is fine, but helping the poor is not. You robbed so much, but you didn't use the money to help us poor brothers."

Seeing everyone making a fuss, Wu Liang wanted to argue again. Fu Shiyuan smiled and said, "Everyone, everyone, please listen to what Master Zhao has to say..."

Everyone fell silent. Zhao Leitong continued, "Brother Mu Yanmu, you lead a group of brothers to attack the barbarian army with us..."

Zhao Leitong was assigned to the tasks one by one, while Shi Hao was arranged into the receiving team together with Lu Tong and others.

In fact, every group of people is dangerous. The two hall masters are facing the main force of the other side. Qi Yanbao and Ke Liexiong are fifth-rank masters, and they are also surrounded by many personal soldiers. Zhao Leitong and Fu Shiyuan have to hold them back on the battlefield. They are undoubtedly the most dangerous people.

And they are indeed the two strongest players on the field. If it were someone else, it would be impossible to do it.

A warrior named Mu Yan, together with the two hall masters, attacked the barbarian army, intending to cut them in half from the waist, so heavy casualties were inevitable.

Although after Wu Liang and the other three successfully robbed the Stone of the Gods, they could leave in another direction and scatter quickly, making it impossible for the barbarian army to pursue them, but it was hard to say how many people could successfully escape.

When the barbarian army found out that the God-conferring Stone had been stolen, they would certainly chase after it with their elite troops. The group of people who were left behind had to ensure that the carriages could successfully go far away, making it difficult for the barbarian army to pursue them, before they could leave. This was also a fierce battle.

After Zhao Leitong finished speaking, Fu Shiyuan continued, "Because the barbarian army will not pass until the second half of the night, everyone should stay here before the first hour of the night, and after the first hour, everyone can move according to their respective positions.

"The leaders who are assigned tasks can gather their subordinates and get to know each other. Besides, it's not that I don't trust you. I know that those who are here tonight are brothers who are willing to fight against the barbarians. But just in case, no one is allowed to leave before the action. You must work in groups of five and look after each other. Please understand this."

Someone laughed and said, "This is what we should do. Mr. Fu, don't worry about it." Everyone else agreed.

After all, there were many people in the field who didn't know each other and came only to resist the barbarians. Appropriate precautions should always be taken. The more righteous people are, the less they will care about such things.

Shi Hao, Lu Tong and three other people were put into a group. Among the three, there was a woman who was already acquainted with Lu Tong. The two of them started chatting under the rising moon.

The other two warriors also spoke to Shi Hao at the beginning, wanting to get to know each other.

As a result, Shi Hao had a blank expression on his face and didn't say much, which they found boring, so they moved a little further away from this "righteous man Hao" and started chatting on their own.

But it wasn't because Shi Hao didn't want to show his good intentions. It was actually the side effects of the Evil Shadow Disguise Technique that made it difficult for him to even smile at this moment.

We have been using the art of disguise for the past two or three days. Although there is one person in the tent at the front, which has alleviated the situation a little, it is obviously not enough.

Looking up, the full moon slowly rose to the sky, and the bright moonlight shone through the branches like spread mercury.

Shi Hao took a small tent from the other side, set it up, and then went into the tent alone. He covered himself with a blanket and fell asleep.

At this point, everyone knew that this man had a sinister face, was eccentric, and difficult to get along with, so no one cared about him.

Inside the tent, Shi Hao quietly took out the Jade Purity Pearl and put his spiritual consciousness into it.

The Jade Clear Pearl flashed a cold light quietly, and the next moment, his body seemed to fall into a bottomless abyss.

In the darkness, first there appeared a blue or purple halo that changed constantly.

Each halo is in the shape of a snowflake, colorful but as thin as a cicada's wing.

Darkness pressed down from above his head in waves, and soon after, two gusts of wind came, half cold and half warm.

Unlike the last time, Shi Hao now also had the foundation of the seventh rank. With the help of the two gusts of wind, he gently spun and floated down.

"Huh?" A pleasant female voice sounded.

Falling into this mysterious cave filled with precious and fairy spirits, but with everything in a dilapidated state, Shi Hao saw Fairy Sheng Xuan and the Fire Charm Girl again.

Fairy Shengxuan was still dressed in white, her skin was as white as snow, and her figure was slender.

She stood there, like a pure white snow lotus, except for the last time when she was accidentally stained with a little dirt by the young man in front of her, everything else was so otherworldly and flawless.

The Fire Charm Girl was sitting on a piece of jade that was mostly missing. It could be seen that what originally seemed to be a beast statue was now only half of a stone base left, which was turned over with the flat side facing upwards.

She was wearing a long gown with narrow sleeves and a collar embroidered with peach blossoms. She had a slender waist, a beautiful flying bun, and was petite and lovely, as charming as a willow or a flower.

The one who uttered "Eh!" was the Fire Charm Girl.

Fairy Shengxuan looked at him with the same surprised expression.

The Fire Charm Girl looked at him and asked in surprise, "Could it be that our calculations are wrong? Half a year has passed in the human world outside, or even longer?"

Fairy Shengxuan pondered and said, "If that's the case, we may have to recalculate how the distorted time in this cave works."

At this time, Shi Hao had already lifted the evil shadow disguise technique and restored his appearance. He said: "Two husbands... Two ladies, no, only a month has passed outside."

He wasn't sure if they would be offended if he called them "ladies".

The next moment, ice and fire came at the same time, and two beautiful figures approached him at an incredible speed, which scared him.

They got angry when he just called her "husband" even though they hadn't called her "Madam" yet

Before he could react, his wrists were grabbed at the same time... Even with a seventh-grade foundation, his strength was still no different from that of an ordinary person in their eyes.

Despite this, their expressions were surprised.

Even the cold and snowy Saint Xuan Fairy Ye Ziyin's beautiful face was moved.

"Yes, your magic foundation has indeed broken through to the seventh level, and there is no sign of going astray!" The fire charmer Su Xi spoke as sweetly as a nightingale, and was particularly pleasant to the ear. "This proves that you have successfully cultivated the Xuanmei Art to its peak, and completed the ritual of advancing to the seventh level, and obtained the Qingyan Magic Source. But in just one month, this... How is this possible?"

Ye Ziyin was also surprised: "Your Taoist foundation has reached the seventh level? This, this is indeed the purest Xuanbing Zhenqi. You have practiced the Xuanbing Jue to the top and taken the seventh-level immortal recipe, but it took only one month?"

The two women looked in disbelief at this man who had defiled them both even though they had only met for the first time.

Chapter 37 Madams, please spare my life.

The Holy Fairy Ye Ziyin and the Fire Charm Girl Su Xi each held one of Shi Hao's wrists and checked the breath in his body.

There was surprise on their faces.

The two of them, one was a Taoist fairy who led the white martial arts world, and the other was a demon woman who commanded the underworld. They were rare geniuses in Taoism and the demon world, and nothing should have surprised them so much.

But now, they seemed to have seen some incomprehensible miracle, and they stood there, one on each side.

Shi Hao didn't know what he should do at this moment.

To be fair, both Fairy Shengxuan and Fire Charm Girl are beauties rarely seen in the world.

As soon as he appeared, they rushed over and each held one of his hands, making him feel as if he really had an extra pair of wings.

But he didn't dare to be disrespectful to them. He whispered: "Two girls..."

Su Xi raised her head and gave him a charming look: "Last time you called me Madam, but now you've turned me into a girl. Are you also the kind of shameless man who abandons you after having fun with you?" She raised her lips, looking quite dissatisfied.

Shi Hao quickly said: "Madam..."

Fairy Shengxuan glanced at him, her face cold and calm: "Even if we have had physical contact, you and I have never been married, so how can you be my wife?"

Shi Hao quickly shut up... whatever he said was wrong.

Su Xi said mischievously: "We have had physical contact, but we are not husband and wife... Oh, then the three of us are adulterers, right?"

She was originally a demon girl, and she didn't seek a good reputation, she just wanted to disgust Fairy Shengxuan.

Ye Ziyin said expressionlessly, "We haven't been married yet, but we are actually husband and wife. He is unmarried and we are unmarried, so how can we be adulterers? At most, we are just lovers who have crossed the line."

The little vixen is not afraid of being called a whore, she doesn't want to bear this name.

Then he said doubtfully, "I thought that if his foundation had made such a rapid progress, it must be because he had gone astray, or because the two energies had mixed and turned into uncontrolled turbid energy, strong but not refined, and impure but not pure. I didn't expect that the two foundations of Taoism and demonism in his body were so distinct. His foundation of Taoism is pure and flawless, and his foundation is extremely solid."

Su Xi was also surprised and said, "Although we built the magic and Tao foundations for him last time, it was not something he cultivated on his own. It's like building a house on sand, the foundation is not solid.

“I originally thought that it would take him at least seven or eight months to fully cultivate the Mysterious Charm Art and reach the requirements for advancing to the seventh level. I didn’t expect that in just one month, he would cultivate the inner strength of the Mysterious Charm Art to such perfection.

"Even for me, it took me four months to cultivate the Xuan Mei Gong to the top and enter the seventh level. Even so, I was still considered a genius among my teachers at that time. Moreover, when he left, the full moon in the human world had already passed. In fact, it has been less than a month since then."

At this point, she raised her head and looked at Shi Hao: "In these twenty days, even if you practiced Xuan Mei Gong every day, it would be difficult to complete it, not to mention that you have to set aside time to practice Xuan Bing Jue. Add to that the time for breathing and sleeping... How did you practice it?"

Shi Hao said: "After I left here last time, I tried to practice and discovered the Immortal Ice Art and the Mysterious Charm Art..."

Su Xi raised his eyebrows: "Mysterious Charm Skill and Immortal Ice Skill!"

Shi Hao said: "I tried to practice and found that Xuan Mei Gong and Xian Bing Jue..."

Ye Ziyin said coldly: "Immortal Ice Art and Mysterious Charm Art!"

Shi Hao paused for a moment and whispered, "Two ladies, two ladies... spare my life!"

Su Xi chuckled, floated away, and said with a smile: "I'm just teasing you, don't take it seriously! Keep talking!"

"Wait a minute!" Ye Ziyin continued to hold Shi Hao's wrist, her face was cold, and her beautiful eyes were even a little cold. "As far as I know, in the ceremony of the Xie Lian Sect's promotion from the eighth rank to the seventh rank, more than a hundred people need to be killed temporarily. How did you do it?"

Shi Hao stood there and said proudly: "Although I also used more than a hundred souls, those people all deserved to die. They were villains who kidnapped children and destroyed countless families. They were scums who harmed the world and did not deserve to die."