I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 53: Section 53


The two of them separated the large number of small elixirs in the box and packed them into book boxes and medicine boxes. As for the box, they destroyed it. Shi Hao set it on fire to avoid leaving any traces.

Shi Hao inserted the sharp sword borrowed from Taoist Tieyu into the bookcase.

Because when he was choosing the sword, he picked one that was relatively short and narrow, so it wasn't a big problem to hide it in the bookcase.

The Fantasy Sea Spirit Fruit was placed in his bookcase, while the Blue Frost Moonlight Bamboo Shoots and the Fire Sky Leaf were placed in the medicine box that Xu Xiaoyan was carrying.

The medicine box was square, with the edges covered with cowhide and two cowhide belts leading out. She carried the whole box on her back.

After all, she had a seventh-grade foundation, so the box full of pills was actually quite heavy, but she carried it on her back with ease.

This time when she entered the town, she changed into a cloth skirt. At this moment, she looked like the daughter of a small town doctor, picking herbs in the mountains on behalf of her father.

The book box that Shi Hao carried on his back was a common book box used by traditional scholars. He carried it on his back, and there were two upright bamboo poles behind him, extending the roof forward to cover his head, which could be used to block the sunlight or rain.

Shi Hao used to be a scholar in Xiaohanshan City. Although he has entered the martial arts world now and practices Taoist and Demonic martial arts, he does not look like a warrior at all on the surface.

At this moment, carrying a book box on his back, he looks like a scholar traveling far away from home.

The Barbarian Court has an imperial examination system. Although scholars don't play a big role in this world of martial arts and magical powers, no matter what, scholars with knowledge will always receive some respect.

After all, if you really want to govern a place or give advice, you always need scholars. Even the Shuhu Gang, a gang at the bottom of the underworld, has to hire a educated chief bookkeeper.

The two men placed the rag doll on the grass.

They retreated to a distance, discussed with each other, and suddenly separated, each choosing a path and running for their lives.

The exquisite, beautiful and strange rag doll was still sitting quietly on the grass, motionless.

Shi Hao ran more than ten miles with his book box on his back.

During this period, he even used his own lightness skills and stepped on the Flowing Pearl Seven Star Steps to directly cross a river.

Entering a forest, he rubbed his face and returned to his original appearance.

If he doesn't remove the evil shadow disguise technique, his face will probably become stiff.

He ran a few more miles in a hurry, looked back, and saw nothing.

He pondered for a while, then took down the bookcase on his back and was about to open it to take a look.

Then I saw the rag doll sitting quietly on the roof of the bookcase.

A lifelike face, eyes inlaid with black gems, a pink and white silk feather dress, and embroidered shoes with white base and pink surface.

"She" just stretched out her legs, with her two little hands folded on her legs, like a quiet little lady.

Shi Hao thought, it seems that “she” is following me.

At this moment, Shi Hao had an impulse. He really wanted to find some melodramatic drama and pour it over "her" head to see if anything would happen.

But he finally sighed, obediently picked up the bookcase again, and walked forward step by step.

—Straight to the foot of a high mountain, the mountain was shaped like a drum.

After walking around the mountain for a while, they saw an octagonal stone pavilion located on the mountainside. This was the place where Xu Xiaoyan proposed to meet him.

He carried the book box on his back and walked toward the mountainside. The cobblestone mountain road under his feet meandered upward.

After passing by a bamboo forest, he saw a stone pavilion. On the stone pavilion, he saw Xu Xiaoyan, whose appearance had also been restored, sitting there, with her legs crossed and dangling, and a square wooden box beside her.

Seeing the stuffed doll sitting on the roof above his head, the girl laughed and said, "I checked halfway and didn't see it, so I knew it must have followed you. Haha!"

She sounded relieved.

Shi Hao sighed.

The girl picked up the medicine box and jumped down lightly. Her true energy was as fast as water, and she stirred up a gust of wind and landed gracefully on the ground.

When she landed on the ground, her skirt fluttered up, revealing a piece of gray-white jacket and trousers.

Xu Xiaoyan said, "It's a long way from here to Changbai Mountain. The two of us, a scholar and a herbalist, don't look like a good match."

Shi Hao nodded: "That's right!"

Xu Xiaoyan said: "In fact, it would be better for us to go separately. If one of us gets intercepted, the other can still succeed."

Shi Hao said: "That's right!"

Xu Xiaoyan said: "In this case, let's separate here, shall we?"

Shi Hao said: "Okay!"

Xu Xiaoyan put the medicine box on his back, turned around and floated down the mountain.

After floating for more than ten feet, she stopped again.

Shi Hao asked: "What's wrong?"

Xu Xiaoyan turned around. She looked a little angry, and it was unclear whether she was angry with herself or with others.

"Since we came here together, we should leave together!" Xu Xiaoyan said with a stern face, "Let's go!"

Shi Hao said: "But..."

Xu Xiaoyan came over, took his hand and said, "Let's go! Let's go!" and pulled him down the mountain.

Shi Hao followed her down the mountain. They took a different road, not the cobblestone road they had just taken.

Xu Xiaoyan led the way, carrying the medicine box on her back, walking in front, saying as she walked: "Think about it carefully, maybe it's not an evil thing, it really is the Emerald Beauty, but I don't know why it has become like this?"

"If we take it with us, maybe we can really find the treasure of the Charming Emperor, or get some martial arts secret book, and then make a fortune and become a peerless master?"

"Or maybe, although it is not the legendary pearl of the Charm Emperor, it has another secret. Maybe it is a clue of martial arts left by a senior master... Don't you think so?"

When Xu Xiaoyan turned around, she saw the rag doll swaying in front of her.

She screamed, dodged, then turned around and kicked Shi Hao hard: "I'm worried about you and want to give you some comfort, but you actually use it to scare me? You actually use it to scare me?" She kicked very hard.

Shi Hao took back the puppet and smiled as he hid, "It's a blessing, not a disaster. If it's a disaster, you can't avoid it. There are so many mysterious things in the world, and this one is not bad. If it wants to follow, let it follow. There's nothing to worry about."

Shi Hao knew that he was still a time traveler in essence, and was not that worried about the so-called "dolls".

After all, Xu Xiaoyan is a person of this era. The culture she has been exposed to since childhood is that puppets like this are evil and ominous things, so she is more worried and afraid.

In order to prevent her from being too scared, he used this beautiful rag doll to scare her and change her mood.

As expected, the girl's mood changed... She became very angry.

His feet were swollen...

Shi Hao and Xu Xiaoyan headed eastward, and nothing unusual happened along the way.

Along the way, one can clearly feel the changes in the entire society.

From the news heard from various places, it can be confirmed that the waves of resistance against the Barbarian Court are one after another. People in Liaoyang Province, Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province, and Chuyin Province all responded to Fu Shiyuan's call and rose up one after another to resist the Barbarian Court.

Although these resistance forces are currently fighting on their own, facing the still powerful barbarian army, they are like ants trying to shake a tree, but they are rising one after another, wave after wave.

In this atmosphere, the Barbarian Court's suppression of local people became increasingly severe. In some towns, people even needed written documents to go out and chop firewood.

Some of the royal families became more and more rampant, taking advantage of the Barbarian Court's suppression of the people to make war profits in various ways. Although the Barbarian Court's Prime Minister also issued some decrees to suppress this situation, the fact is that this kind of thing is not only repeatedly banned, but even more excessive.

The suppression of the royal family and wealthy families had no effect at all. Instead, various decrees to restrict the people were collusion between officials and businessmen, who used the power of others to bully the people and turned them into new mountains to weigh down the people.

Along the way, there are more and more checkpoints and inspections of various kinds.

Shi Hao and Xu Xiaoyan could only cross mountains and rivers. After all, the small Huandan they were carrying could not withstand inspection.

All kinds of medicinal materials, even the most common herbs, are prohibited from being sent to Changbai Mountain.

Fortunately, they already knew martial arts and had a seventh-grade foundation, so crossing mountains and rivers was not a big deal for them.

That night, they rested in an abandoned small mountain village. It seemed that this small mountain village was originally used by a wealthy family to escape the heat in the summer, but now it was abandoned because it was too far from the city and was not safe in this world.

All the maids and servants in the manor were evacuated, all the belongings were moved out, and some buildings were burned down.

It is estimated that it won’t be long before this place becomes a place where thieves occupy their positions.

Shi Hao picked one of the rooms at random and stayed there for the time being.

Xu Xiaoyan was quite skillful, and she used the rice she bought along the way, the animals she caught on the way, and borrowed the stove in the small village to prepare a sumptuous meal.

At midnight, Shi Hao lay on the empty rosewood bed in the room.

Turning my head, night fell, it was dark outside the window, and there was no candle in the room, so it was dim.

The rag doll placed on the bookcase had black eyes, but in the darkness, they seemed to be glowing.

Shi Hao felt that "she" was always staring at him, which made him feel uneasy.

Shi Hao kept comforting himself that it was just a psychological effect... or maybe it really was a psychological effect.

Shi Hao made up his mind and stopped looking at "her". He lay straight on the bed, looking at the sea of algae above, adjusted his breathing, and gradually fell asleep.

He didn't want to be exhausted and depressed by such a strange thing.

The night was dark, and the rag doll's gaze towards him became increasingly fierce.

Faintly, it seemed as if a dark shadow overflowed from her eyes and flowed into the young man's dream...

Chapter 65: They Are All Female Hooligans

Shi Hao had a dream.

He actually dreamed that he passed through the stone wall and made love with Xu Xiaoyan who lived next door.

He knew he was dreaming, but he couldn't control himself.

He knew he shouldn't have such a risqué dream. Xiaoyan was more like a friend, a fellow traveler, or a comrade-in-arms, but they were not lovers.

But in this dream, he still couldn't control himself and bullied and abused her.

The dream began to lead to a deeper state again, and Du Yuejiao appeared in his dream.

Du Yuejiao rushed over and joined them, and the three of them pressed and twisted together.

The scene in the dream became chaotic and out of control, like a rolling snowball, which then stirred up a storm and rolled deeper into his consciousness.

Immediately afterwards, a clear air flashed across his dream.

Shi Hao turned over and sat up, gasping for breath on the wooden bed.

In his body, the Jujing Liuzhu Jue and Moxiao Wuji Gong were in an unbalanced state.

The Jujing Liuzhu Jue seemed to be stimulated by something unknown, and its true energy was spinning rapidly and becoming unusually active.

The two kinds of internal forces, Tao and Demon, in Shi Hao's body were always running, even in his dreams.

This is the reason why his skills can continue to improve.

Precisely because these two kinds of internal forces are completely different, yet stimulate and oppose each other, and maintain a delicate balance, they are able to always keep flowing like an entangled yin and yang fish.

However, just now, for a moment, it seemed that demonic energy from the outside world had joined in, stimulating the true qi of the Jujing Liuzhu Jue that was originally balanced with the Moxiao Wuji Gong.

This evil energy is invisible and colorless, and its origin is unknown. If he had not been able to keep the Taoist Qi flowing in his sleep, he would have been inevitably affected further.

Shi Hao turned his head and looked at the rag doll.

The rag doll was still sitting quietly on the bookcase, not moving.

The pair of "eyes" inlaid with black gemstones also looked dull.

Shi Hao let out a long sigh, put on his clothes, and left the house.

There is an abandoned garden inside the small villa, and a stream is diverted from the garden to form a stone pool.

The moon in the sky was getting thinner every night. At this moment, it was just a crescent moon hanging in the night sky.

The stars were also quite dim, and although the dark clouds had dispersed, they were still hanging in wisps everywhere, blocking the stars and the moon. This made people know that the weather would probably not be very good in the next few days.

Shi Hao took off his clothes, jumped into the clear pool, and took a cold shower in the pool.

The cool water flooded over his body, making him calmer.

Shi Hao tried hard to recall the dream he had just had. At first, he dreamed that he "passed through the wall" to enter the next room. Although the action of "passing through the wall" was obviously not in line with reality, the whole scene was exactly the same as the real thing.

The process after that gradually became confusing. He did many things to Xiaoyan that he shouldn't have done in reality, and then Yuejiao, who shouldn't have been here at all, also appeared in his dream.

Later, this chaos was like a snowball, growing bigger and bigger, and it was about to form an uncontrollable storm in his mind, rolling up every wave of his consciousness... Then it was forcibly interrupted because it stimulated the Taoist true qi that was circulating in his body.

Shi Hao felt more and more that it must be the puppet that was causing trouble.

Could it be that "she" is spying on his mind in this way