I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 71: Section 71


But on the other hand, this is also equivalent to the formation of two completely opposite protective energies in his body.

The enemy's energy needs to penetrate two completely different internal forces, belonging to Taoism and demons, at the same time in order to hurt him.

You must know that at that time, he quickly switched between the two internal forces, successfully pretended to be injured in front of Zhuo Mulan, and then captured Zhuo Mulan unexpectedly.

And now, the two kinds of energy are running at the same time, and the protective energy formed is equivalent to taking it to a higher level.

There was nothing he could do about it. Shi Hao knew he couldn't escape. He had to withstand Jiao Han's fatal blow to have a chance to escape.

Therefore, before enduring that blow, he made sufficient preparations and pushed these two techniques to the extreme.

Even so, Jiao Han's attack directly destroyed his two layers of protective energy.

But just as he thought, one kind of energy trying to penetrate two completely opposite internal forces at the same time, even if it succeeded, it would just be a spent force.

Facts have proved that although Jiao Han's attack defeated his double internal strength, there was not a single bit of strength left to penetrate into his lungs.

The internal injuries he suffered were merely the vibrations in his lungs caused by the collision of the strong energy. For a warrior, they were not worth mentioning.

But at that moment, he was already out of breath and his steps were unsteady. If Xu Xiaoyan hadn't caught him, he would have fallen down immediately.

Shi Hao designed a plan to let Xu Xiaoyan take "him" out, but in fact they stayed behind. It was a "quick thinking" under desperate circumstances.

Although he had no injuries inside, his internal energy was exhausted in order to take Jiao Han's attack head-on, and for a short period of time he was almost no different from an ordinary person.

Although the "Void Brick" is good, it has a distance limit. Jiao Han knew that he was "seriously injured", so he would definitely let the Leopard Gate Gang disperse and search everywhere. When he ran out of internal strength, he would only drag Xu Xiaoyan down.

Xu Xiaoyan didn't need to take him with her and could escape calmly. With her abilities and without any burden, the Leopard Gate couldn't catch up with her at all.

On the other hand, Jiao Han would never have thought that he, who was "seriously injured", did not escape but stayed instead.

This really can't be blamed on Jiao Han. It's impossible for Jiao Han to think that he was not injured at all, but just ran out of energy, and yet he still wanted to stay and continue.

I would never have thought that he was so courageous. He was only as brave as a bear or a leopard.

At this moment, when the temple collapsed, Shi Hao relied on the mysterious energy and the Sacred Heart Mirror Method. At the last moment, with his last bit of strength, he avoided the collapsed brick and tile rubble and lay in a small space.

The crooked beams and the half-collapsed stone walls formed a long and narrow triangular space. Shi Hao lay here, closed his eyes, and even slept for a while.

If Jiao Han was really that smart, instead of sending his men out to search, he would gather a large number of men and women to dig up the broken tiles and ruins here and look for him by digging deep into the ground. He would accept it.

Fortunately, Jiao Han’s IQ could never be that monstrous, so he slept soundly.

He slept for more than half an hour, and the internal energy in his body began to slowly recover.

After the true Qi circulated in his body for two major cycles, even the minor shock injuries were completely healed.

—A seventh-rank warrior took a killing move from a fifth-rank demon master with all his strength, but it only took him more than half an hour, and he was like nothing happened.

If you tell others about this kind of thing, no one will believe it.

Although Shi Hao himself did not want there to be a "next time", after all, in the situation just now, if Xiaoyan had not been there, he would still be dead.

Shi Hao first listened attentively to make sure there was no movement outside, then he quietly stepped back the bricks and tiles above his head and slowly crawled out.

When I got outside, it was dark, with only pillars of fire burning in a few corners.

For the Leopard Gate, this place is an important place. The main protection is only at the entrances and exits, and there are not many people here.

Shi Hao calculated in his mind: "Jiao Han will never believe that I am not injured. They will disperse their forces and search with all their strength within a ten-mile radius. If they don't find anyone, they will definitely think that Xiaoyan took me to find a place to hide nearby, and they will search more thoroughly.

"In fact, Xiaoyan escaped easily by herself, but I am still here. They have been busy for most of the night and had to give up at dawn. By then, they must be exhausted. As for me, I have plenty of time to search here carefully."

It was originally just a quick-thinking idea that I didn't have much time to consider, but now that I think about it carefully, it has become the best choice after considering many factors.

Shi Hao tiptoed quietly into the darkness...

Chapter 92 Death Under the Peony Flower

This time, Shi Hao learned from experience and lessons.

He was in the dark, walking slowly.

With every step he took, he used the Mo Xiao Wuji Gong to control the radiating energy without making any sound.

While tracking Jiao Han, he took a deep breath quietly without making any sound.

However, in the process of walking with a breath, the slight energy emitted by the slight contact between his feet and the ground had already made Jiao Han alert.

This is the true strength of masters above the fifth rank. Shi Hao had never tracked such masters before, so he did not notice this possibility at all.

And now, as he tiptoed, he slowly practiced the Magic Wuji Gong, binding all the energy in his body without letting even a single bit leak out.

He leaned against a wall and looked over quietly, and saw two warriors walking out while talking.

After they left, it was late at night and no one else was seen.

Continuing to go deeper, they came to a library. Shi Hao listened at the door, but there was no breathing sound or any other movement inside.

Shi Hao quietly opened the door, sneaked in, and checked inside.

The Leopard Palace is originally located in a crater, and this place is in a cave formed by the concave wall of the crater, so there is no moonlight at all.

Although there were a few places outside with lanterns hung or fires burning, it was generally dark, and it was difficult to see your fingers in here.

Shi Hao clasped his hands together, palms facing outwards, and used the Xuan Mei Gong to create a little dark fire.

In fact, at this moment, he wanted the "flashlight" made of jade slips and Ye Xin grass that Xiao Yan was carrying more.

A beam of fire emanated from between the clasped hands, shooting back and forth.

There are many calligraphy and paintings hanging on the wall, each of which is from a famous artist and is worth a fortune.

Shi Hao really wanted to steal a few to sell... Considering that among the four main immortal materials needed to advance to the next level, he only has one Fantasy Sea Spirit Fruit so far.

In fact, he is quite short of money.

Against the wall, there is a long table made of rosewood, on which are placed many antiques.

Shi Hao squatted down and carefully opened a drawer. There were quite a few valuable things in there, but not much valuable intelligence.

I searched everywhere in the building and found almost the same thing.

With no other options, Shi Hao had to sneak out quietly.

Further inside, there is a small martial arts arena.

There is a big house next to it with a locked door.

Shi Hao looked inside from the window sealed with iron bars and saw many weapons hanging on the weapon rack.

Looks like an arsenal! He thought to himself.

Passing the small martial arts field, there is the black-painted pavilion. At that time, Jiao Han wanted to trick him into going in and make him fall into the trap.

At this moment, he naturally avoided it and searched the rooms nearby carefully one by one.

Time passed by little by little, and it would soon be the Yin hour.

It won't be long before Yueyaer will come with her troops to search the Leopard Palace. And he must take advantage of this chaos to leave here... Without Xiaoyan's hollow bricks, it would be impossible for him to break through the outer defense line alone.

Shi Hao stood in front of a pavilion and looked up at it.

The two-story pavilion has flying eaves on all four corners, and there are two fire-eating beasts on the left and right sides of the roof.

It is located in the most secluded place, some distance away from other buildings.

Because the area was so dark and there were not even any lanterns around, Shi Hao didn't even notice its existence at first.

Shi Hao walked around and looked up at the side of the second floor.

He flipped lightly, floated up, and landed on the windowsill.

He waited quietly for a while, then stretched out his hand, and released his true energy through the gap between the windowsill with his fingers.

There was a soft, clicking sound from inside.

He unfastened the window pane and climbed inside.

After entering here, he made a little light and looked around, and found that this was actually a bedroom.

There was a wardrobe and a bed next to it, with exquisite silk spread out neatly on the bed.

There was another square table with pens and ink on it, and next to it were a few books and a blue-covered account book.

Shi Hao was delighted and looked in the light of the fire.

After a quick look, I found that this account book recorded the important expenses and income of the Leopard Palace in recent period.

After closing it and putting it away again, he searched everywhere again... He hoped to find the main account book of the entire Leopard Gate for the past few months.

But he didn't find it, so it was very likely that the thing was not in the Leopard Palace.

Suddenly, he put out the fire, ran to the window and looked out.

He saw waiters coming and hanging lanterns around.

In the distance, two people were walking towards here while talking. One of them was Jiao Han, the leader of the Leopard Sect, and the other was a woman.

Shi Hao thought to himself that this was not good. He did not expect Jiao Han to come back here, and to come to this pavilion.

He had a feeling that he was finished!

He turned quickly, pulled out Yingye's murderous knife, and crawled under the bed.

He held his breath and quietly circulated the Magic Wuji Gong in his body at an extremely slow speed, while at the same time covering his skin with a layer of Immortal Ice Jue.

He used the Immortal Ice Art to cover his body temperature, and at the same time allowed the Mo Xiao Wuji Art to absorb all of his vitality and adjust the power of the Immortal Ice Art.

- An extremely thin layer of Xianbing Jue's internal force wrapped around his body, allowing him to maintain a body temperature completely consistent with the surrounding temperature. At the same time, he used the Mo Xiao Wuji Gong to prevent the Xianbing Jue's energy from dissipating.

Facing a fifth-rank master like Jiao Han, he no longer dared to be careless in the slightest.

Moreover, this moment is different from the previous ones.

In the previous tracking, he relied on the Soul-Chasing Soul-Locking Step to sense Jiao Han's energy, and he himself was at a relatively far distance... However, even so, he was still discovered.

At this moment, seeing that Jiao Han and the woman were about to enter the attic, it was too late to leave.

He placed Yingye's murderous knife against his chest, so that if he was discovered, he might be able to block one or two blows before dying.

With a creaking sound, the door hinges turned and the door on the first floor opened.

Then candlelight came from the staircase connecting the first and second floors.

The bed was covered with gorgeous brocade that hung down from the edge. Even if someone looked over here while going upstairs, Shi Hao would not have to worry about being discovered.

"You guys leave, don't let anyone get close to here!" Jiao Han's voice came from downstairs.

Then, there were the footsteps of the servants leaving.

"Master, there was such a big commotion outside just now, who are you looking for?" An enchanting female voice sounded.

"Two guys seeking their own death!" Jiao Han snorted, extremely dissatisfied, "I don't know how that girl hid. She was clearly carrying a seriously injured and dying person, and there were traces of blood along the way, but she disappeared while we were searching."

After a pause, he said, "Why are you coming here if you're not going to look after that brat Zong Haixiu?"

The woman smiled softly and said, "What's so good about that guy? I don't know if I acted too well, but he really treated me as a saint. He made love to me all day long, but never touched me. He insisted on divorcing his fiancée and marrying me in a formal ceremony.

"I've been following him for these days and I'm tired of him. If he wasn't a direct descendant of the Zong Hai family and still had some use, I'd have run away long ago. How stupid is he? He didn't even think about where he met me? In that kind of place, are there really people who sell their art instead of their bodies?"

Jiao Han said in a deep voice: "It is because he has not seen much of the world and is truly moved that he is more useful to us."

The woman said, "Master, it's not that I'm worried. These days, the ancestral temple has captured several sisters and brothers. Those who are captured by the ancestral temple have no chance of survival. I stayed there and found all kinds of excuses to prevent Zong Haixiu from revealing my affairs. If the ancestral temple finds me, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape."

"Master, the situation is so dangerous now, do I have to go back?"

Jiao Han said: "Zong Haixiu must be under control, don't worry. You are different from other 'female ghosts'. You were not trained with them, and your identity and background are impeccable. You were originally a 'royal' woman. Your ancestors committed crimes and became a slave. Your origin is clear."

"Coothe Zong Haixiu. For a while, they won't be able to find you. We will find a way to deal with the other things."

The woman said, "I can coax that silly boy Zong Haixiu. But it's not a good idea to keep going like this. Zong Haixiu was too serious about the matter of 'divorcing his wife'. I tried to appease him several times in a roundabout way, for fear that he would get impulsive and really make a big fuss and expose me. Alas, it was also my fault that I insisted on making myself sound so pure and innocent at that time, and he really believed it and insisted on giving me a status."

"Master, this is not a solution. Can you let me return to the sect?"

Jiao Han said, "If we can endure for another half a month, the situation will be different. Unfortunately, Xue An failed to kill Yue Ya'er in broad daylight. Otherwise, the ancestral altar would be in disarray and would not have time to take care of other things for the time being."

The woman whispered, "I have heard about this as well. I never thought that with the strength of Xue An Undead Child, he would fail. Does the daughter of Yue Ketai family have such strength?"

Jiao Han said: "It was just an accident. Yueyaer was not a virtuous daughter. She fell in love with a pretty boy and brought him to her boudoir to fool around. But the pretty boy was quite capable and saved her. Ha, now that I think about it, Xue An was too hasty.

"He should have hidden himself first, waited for that girl and her gigolo to fool around in bed together, and then suddenly attacked them when they were at their most excited. I don't believe they can get away with it."

The woman laughed sweetly and said, "Master, you are so mean. You want them to die under the peony flowers. Even as ghosts, they can still be romantic!"

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of clothes rubbing against each other, and at the same time the charming voice of the woman was heard: "Master...Master..."