I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 74: Section 74


Then he stopped talking.

The woman in black slowly retreated.

Shi Hao sat in the carriage, he stuck his head out of the window and looked back.

Just now in the palace, for a moment, he felt as if someone was looking at him.

It was a very wonderful feeling, as if an invisible eye appeared in the sky.

If he had not been practicing the Sacred Heart Mirror Technique at the time, there would have been almost no possibility of discovery.

He remembered that subtle feeling and looked back at it now.

Faintly, he seemed to see mysterious clouds rising from the depths of the palace, covering the entire Longshou Mountain.

Looking up at Longshou Mountain, the wisps of white clouds are floating gently in the sky.

If you just look at it, you won’t think there is anything wrong.

At this moment, with a determined mind, he looked towards Longshou Mountain and saw the wisps of white clouds, looming, outlining a pair of huge eyes.

That eye was monitoring the entire Longshou Mountain?! He couldn't be sure if this was true or if he was just illusory.

After returning to the Qionghuayuan Palace, Yueyaer was busy the whole afternoon.

She sent her subordinates out to gather intelligence in the martial arts world.

Then all kinds of information came together and were stacked up on her desk.

"Help me take a look!" Yueyaer sat at the table, tilting her head in boredom, looking at the piles of reports.

Many things seem impressive, but in fact, most of the time, they are extremely boring to do.

The collection and organization of intelligence alone was a headache, and Yueyaer was clearly lacking in this type of talent.

Shi Hao really wanted her to invite Xiaoyan, but after thinking about it, he didn't say anything.

He had a strange feeling that it would be useless to say anything.

Judging from various intelligence, their judgment was correct.

Without them taking any action, the Leopard Clan would have basically collapsed and been destroyed.

As soon as the news of Jiao Han's death spread, within just one day, all the strongholds of Leopard Sect were uprooted, with countless casualties.

At the same time, many gang members began to flee before the enemy attacked, while some talented ones were recruited and absorbed by other gangs.

"Is this the martial arts world?" Yueyaer was stunned. "This is really too fast. I have seen many struggles between famous families. When something happens to a family, the others will start to test, plot, intrigue, and weigh the pros and cons. Before I knew it, half a month had passed. Some people couldn't help but take action. It didn't take long before the upper echelons couldn't stand it anymore and suppressed it. Soon, everything was calm again.

“Why is it that the world seems to have changed completely before I even reacted to the fighting in the martial arts world

Shi Hao shook his head and said, "This is the martial arts world. Everyone lives a life of licking blood in the martial arts world. On the one hand, there are not so many concerns like the famous families. Everyone in the martial arts world is barefoot. There is nothing else but life. Either you lose your life or you make a name for yourself.

"Also, the fact that Leopard Sect itself has a weak foundation is a major reason. Everyone guessed that others would also take action, so they all rushed forward frantically, wanting to bite off the biggest piece of meat. Ghost Extreme Sect did not dare to take the lead, so Leopard Sect naturally collapsed in an instant."

Yueyaer leaned back and stretched her waist. "Oh, grandma asked me to destroy the Leopard Sect and cut off the evil hand of the Ghost Sect. I haven't even made a move yet and it's gone. I feel like I'll have nothing to do in the next few days."

She was wearing a beautiful woolen dress with pleated flowers and a flower whip tied around her waist, wrapping around her slender waist.

She stretched out her hands and leaned back, her pink collar straightened, outlining a not-too-obvious curve.

Shi Hao also breathed a sigh of relief. With the destruction of the Leopard Clan, he and Xiaoyan were much safer in Daxing City.

Yueyaer fell over and called two maids: "Please prepare a hot water bucket for me on the first floor. I'm going to take a bath."

The two maids responded, "Yes!" After a while, they came back and said, "Miss, everything is ready!"

Shi Hao stood up and said, "I'm going to take a walk in the garden!"

"Wait a minute!" Yueyaer put her hands on her hips, "If you leave, what if an assassin takes the opportunity to assassinate me while I'm taking a shower?"

Shi Hao said: "This..."

Yueyaer said, "Hmph, stay here! I paid you to be my bodyguard, not to let you go strolling in the garden."

Shi Hao: “…”

—A screen was placed in the room, and Shi Hao sat on this side of the screen.

There are two lamp posts on the other side of the screen, and the light is shining onto the screen.

Shi Hao looked at it and felt that the screen was solid enough to allow no light to pass through.

Now, it is dark on one side and bright on the other. From here, Yueyaer is taking off her clothes with the help of two maids, and her curvy curves are completely exposed.

He saw, under the light, a slender yet beautiful girl stepping up the three-step wooden platform step by step, stretching out her thin legs and stepping into the water.

He hurriedly calmed himself down, but for a moment he couldn't look away.

Two maids helped Yueyaer put away her clothes, walked around the screen, looked at him, and giggled.

"Don't peek!" A girl's giggling voice came from the other side of the screen.

Shi Hao sighed... If I don't watch you, how can I protect you? If I don't protect you, what am I doing here

There was a sound of water splashing over there, and Yueyaer said with a sweet smile: "Tell me the truth, why don't you want to go see Sister Yuejiao? She's obviously so good to you."

Shi Hao said: "Didn't I tell you? There are still some things to do."

Yueyaer turned around and lay on the bathtub, her face facing the screen, the light outlining her bun. "But it's still strange. How does your going to see her conflict with what you are going to do? Or... humph, are you doing something to let her down behind her back?"

Shi Hao said: "No... don't think about it!"

Yueyaer was taking a bath in the tub and giggled, "By the way, don't peek. If you dare to peek, I'll tell Sister Yuejiao."

In fact, Shi Hao didn’t really want to watch it.

But she kept saying "don't peek" all the time, as if she was persuading him to take a look, which was really making people feel itchy.

The two chatted behind the screen. After a while, Yueyaer stepped out of the water.

With the help of the firelight from the other side of the screen, Shi Hao could see her standing on the wooden steps beside the barrel, bending over and wiping her body with a dry cloth.

The hazy light and shadow outline her silhouette, and when viewed from the side, she has a beautiful feeling of a young girl just beginning to mature.

"Young lady!" A maid came in and said, "Young lady Du Yuejiao from Chongxian Sect wants to see you."

Yue Jiao is here? Shi Hao turned his head in surprise.

But then I heard a "ah" sound from the other side of the screen.

Shi Hao looked back and saw Yueyaer fell into the bathtub with a thud. She struggled frantically for a while, then poked her head out again and said nervously and surprisedly, "Sister Yuejiao is here?"

Shi Hao thought... Why is she more nervous than me

Yueyaer said, "It's so late, and she comes to see me at this time. Does she, does she know something?"

The maid said, "This..." She didn't understand what the young lady wanted to ask about: "What did you know?"

Yueyaer asked again: "She came alone?"

The maid said, "There is also a Madam Wan, who is said to be her aunt and the acting leader of Huajin Sword Pavilion."

Yueyaer said doubtfully, "Oh..." and hurriedly climbed out of the bathtub and stood on the steps again, but her footing slipped again and she fell from the steps, falling to the ground along with the screen.

Shi Hao jumped away in a hurry, and looked again, only to see Yueyaer lying naked on the screen, her whole body wet.

Shi Hao lowered his head to look at her smooth back, her raised parts, and some of the scenery that he would inevitably see as she raised her head… She also subconsciously raised her head and looked at Shi Hao, followed by another scream.

The maid hurriedly took a towel and covered her up...

After being busy for a while, Yueyaer went upstairs to put on her clothes and came down again.

Her slightly dry hair fell down and draped behind her head, and her delicate little face was flushed.

She changed into a goose yellow silk pleated skirt with a halter collar and small crescent moons embroidered on it.

After leaving the pavilion, she took a few deep breaths, suddenly turned around, looked up at Shi Hao like a tigress, clenched her fists, and threatened fiercely: "You didn't see anything just now!"

Shi Hao had a blank expression on his face: "I didn't see anything just now."

Yueyaer turned around and faced away from him. Her little chest rose and fell a few times before she slowly let out a sigh of relief... He didn't see anything, it was so great!

Then she shook her waist, letting her pleated goose yellow skirt embroidered with crescent moons flutter, and then she walked out with light steps.

It seemed that after she was sure that he "really didn't see it", she felt much better.

Arriving at the side hall of the main hall, Yueyaer whispered, "Wait for me here."

She walked towards the main hall and said with a smile, "Hey, Sister Yuejiao, it's so late, how come you have time to come here to see me?"

A girl's voice sounded apologetically in the main hall: "I'm sorry to bother you at this time. I really need your help with something."

Yueyaer smiled and said, "It's nothing, Sister Yuejiao, your business is my business. Please sit down! Please sit down... Oh, Sister Yuejiao, you really like this rag doll. The last time I saw you, you were holding it.

Chapter 97: Plea

Shi Hao's heart moved, and he leaned against the wall and quietly looked into the main hall.

He saw Du Yuejiao sitting on a large chair at the side, wearing a beautiful Taoist dress embroidered with green bamboo flowers. She was holding a beautiful rag doll on her lap.

The pink and white feathered dress, the horizontal wooden hairpin, the embroidered shoes with white base and pink surface... what else could it be but an emerald beauty.

He even felt that when he looked at the rag doll held by Du Yuejiao, the doll's black eyes were emitting a devilish glow and looking towards him.

Shi Hao just felt his scalp tingling!

At that time, the rag doll suddenly disappeared, and he felt fortunate.

But I didn't expect that it actually followed Yue Jiao

Shi Hao had a bad feeling.

And the look that the emerald beauty gave him also made him feel full of malice.

At this moment, he even realized that this strange puppet had no intention of leaving him.

"She" just took a roundabout way and wanted to deal with him through the people around him.

"Sister Yuejiao!" Yueyaer sat on the main seat beside the rosewood square table with her back to him, looking at Du Yuejiao on the side, "What do you want me to do for you?"

Du Yuejiao said softly: "I want to ask you for someone?"

Yueyaer said, "Ah? You want someone?" She looked back subconsciously.

Du Yuejiao introduced Yueyaer, "This is my aunt, the acting leader of Huajin Sword Pavilion. She has a son, who is also my cousin. His name is Fang Yu. I heard that he was captured by your people last night."

There was a woman next to him, dressed in gorgeous clothes, who stepped forward and bowed, saying, "My son is really useless. I will discipline him well when I return. Please show some mercy, young lady."

Yueyaer was a little confused and looked at Du Yuejiao: "Fang Yu? Your cousin? Was he captured by my people?"

Du Yuejiao leaned towards her with some embarrassment and whispered, "My aunt said that he was captured in a place called Leopard Palace. I don't know what Leopard Palace is, but the followers he brought with him didn't dare to come back and tell my aunt at first."

"They only knew that they were arrested by the government, so they went to find some of my cousin's friends, but they couldn't get him released. They were scared, so they just told my aunt. My aunt hurriedly looked for people, but no matter whether it was the connections of Chongxian Sect or the people she knew in the government, they all said that they couldn't help with this matter."

"Later, my aunt found out that she was captured by your people, Sister Yue, and no one in the Daxing City government dared to speak out. She heard that I knew you, so she hurried to find me. I just found out about this, so I quickly brought my aunt here."

Yueyaer said, "Ah... So that's it!" She jumped up, walked outside with her hands behind her back, stretched out her hand, and snapped her fingers.

Two warriors of the Golden Clan came over, bowed before her and said, "Miss!"

Yueyaer asked, "Did we arrest anyone last night?"

The two men said, "We caught a few arrogant ones!"

Yueyaer asked, "Is there someone named Fang Yu from... what pavilion?" He turned around and looked.

Madam Wan hurriedly said, "Huajin Sword Pavilion!"

Yueyaer looked at the two again: "Is there anyone with the surname Fang from Huajin Sword Pavilion?"

One of them said, "There was indeed such a guy. He was drunk and very arrogant. He said he was the young master of Huajin Sword Pavilion and that he had connections in Chongxian Sect and in the government. He also said that if we dared to touch him, he would make us suffer."

"That guy was so arrogant and wanted to take action. We beat him up and arrested him. He is now in a heavy cell!"

Yueyaer said, "Bring him here!" and turned back to the hall.

Sitting back in her seat, Yueyaer whispered to Du Yuejiao, "Do you know where the Leopard Palace is?"

Du Yuejiao said: "This..." She had never heard of this place before, but after what happened, she knew that it might not be a good place.

Yueyaer leaned towards Du Yuejiao and whispered something in her ear. Du Yuejiao opened her eyes wide.

After a while, two Jin tribe warriors brought a young man to the front of the hall.

Du Yuejiao looked at the young man and whispered, "Cousin..."