I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 83: Section 83


She shook the thing gently, a divine light flashed, and a jade pipa appeared in her hand.

She placed the jade pipa on her legs, held the top of the pipa with her left hand, hugged the pipa with her right hand, pressed her fingers on the strings, and took a deep breath.

Behind her, Kelian quietly tore off two pieces of cloth and stuffed them into her ears. She looked down at the arrow tower again, looking at the warriors hiding in the dark, wondering whether she should remind them.

Fu Xiongtu looked up and saw the girl in flowery clothes sitting on the arrow tower.

It was actually quite difficult not to notice her. After all, on such a battlefield, a beautiful, charming girl, like a flower, was sitting high up, holding a beautiful jade pipa, ready to play a song.

This feeling is really like a fragrant and beautiful ephemeral flower suddenly blooming in the bloody storm.

Following his gaze, Jing Wuxia also looked back and saw the crescent moon high in the sky.

Suddenly she screamed, turned around and ran away, covering her ears as she ran... As a fifth-rank master, she didn't run so fast when she was defeated just now.

The large number of Shark Dragon Gang warriors that rushed over also subconsciously looked at the smiling girl in flowery clothes with confused eyes.

As everyone's gazes crossed, Yueyaer lightly stroked with her right finger.

The sound of the pipa started, and everyone fell in love with it.

Chapter 109 The Sound of Pipa on the Battlefield

The moment the sound of the pipa rang out, "Hundred Poisonous Insect" Yang Ji and "Whirlwind Wolf Fang" Fu Xiongtu only felt the noise rolling in madly, and the whole space seemed to be unable to bear the noise, and layers of wrinkles appeared.

The warriors around them held their heads and screamed. The giant python under Yang Ji's feet foamed at the mouth and rolled continuously, making it impossible for Yang Ji to stand on the python's back and forced to jump up.

In the darkness, there were poisonous snakes that crawled out of the gutters, peeled off the walls, squirmed, twisted, and died with a hissing sound.

Groups of warriors were wailing and screaming, as if they were in a miserable hell, even if they were being burned by fire.

Yang Ji and Fu Xiongtu are both mid-level masters who are used to the underworld and have been on the verge of life and death countless times.

At this moment, they were shaking their heads, feeling as if countless poisonous needles were drilling into their heads.

They were seeing stars and feeling dizzy.

The front of the pipa was facing them, and the sound waves seemed to have become substantial, spreading out in a fan shape and rolling towards them.

The girl in flowery clothes was not actually within the attack range of the pipa, but the noise still caused the soldiers behind her to suffer terrible torture.

The sound of a knife scraping against stone broke into their eardrums frantically. They felt as if their heads were swelling outwards and were about to explode at any time.

The girl in flowery clothes played the pipa in her arms with great enthusiasm, her fingers moving non-stop but without any sense of rhythm... She was not good at music to begin with.

Even so, at this moment, she was like a musician who was the center of public attention. Under the expectation of the crowd, she madly exerted her musical ability, but she could not make any music or tune.

Thus, the completely out-of-tune music was sent madly into everyone's brain by the distorted pipa.

The members of the Shark Dragon Gang, who were under the direct attack of Pipa, rolled on the ground.

Fu Xiongtu roared and tried to jump up to attack her, but when he jumped halfway, he couldn't bear the splitting pain anymore and fell to the ground, screaming in pain.

The giant python that Yangji had carefully trained rammed its head against the wall, causing blood to flow out. The python swung its tail and died instantly.

Some warriors found that this was a way to escape from this horrific sight, and they also banged their heads against the wall. Bang, bang, bang, their heads exploded like melons.

Boom! The solid stone wall was knocked down by them.

The fan-shaped sound waves plunged the entire area into a terrifying madness.

The soldiers outside the sound waves were also stumbling. It was true that this song should only exist in purgatory. How many times could it be heard in the world

—At that time, the Shark Dragon Gang was in a terrible state. The soldiers on the girl's side also had no intention of fighting and wanted to escape from the battlefield immediately and find a place to wash their ears.

At least hundreds of Shark Dragon Gang members were involved in the fan-shaped attack of the sound waves. As the night gradually fell, hell seemed to have arrived on earth ahead of time.

—Magic weapon: Pipa Lock!

—Built-in top-grade divine crystal: Dhritarashtra!

What's that sound? Shi Hao turned his head and looked far away on the other side.

It was already very strange to hear the sound of a pipa on the bloody battlefield. What was more important was that he had never heard such an unpleasant tune.

Although he didn't know who was playing the pipa, he didn't want to know him at all!

With a loud bang, there was another loud noise coming from the direction of Longshou Mountain.

The sound was like thunder.

It felt like a volcano erupted underground and a bolt of lightning struck the sky at the same time.

The two air waves collided with each other on the top of Longshou Mountain, and with a shocking sound, Longshou Mountain was actually split apart.

The mountain, like a flying dragon with its head held high, was shrouded in the mysterious light and split to the left and right, leaving a crack.

The two warring parties stopped at the same time and looked at this spectacular scene together.

On the arrow tower, the girl in flowery clothes subconsciously stopped plucking the strings and turned to look towards Longshou Mountain.

As Longshou Mountain cracked, the surrounding buildings seemed to be squeezed, and one after another they deformed and collapsed.

"What is this?" The girl in flowery clothes opened her eyes wide.

She only knew that she had to defend Longshou Mountain tonight at all costs, but she didn't know the specific reasons.

Suddenly, someone shouted in the distance: "There is a treasure in Longshou Mountain. The leader has ordered that whoever grabs it will own it. Everyone, come on!"

For people in the underworld, the word "treasure" is always the most exciting and irresistible word.

This also explains why the gang leader was desperate to let them capture Longshou Mountain... There is treasure in the mountain!

The members of the Shark Dragon Gang were once again inspired to fight, and with blood-thirsty eyes, they rushed madly towards the crack of Longshou Mountain.

"Haha, treasure? How stupid!" At the top of Longshou Mountain, Grandma Ba was holding a staff, hunching her back, looking at the cracked abyss, and laughing.

There is no treasure here, but there are things more important than treasure.

"Let's go down!" She got on the bamboo sedan.

Four women carried the bamboo sedan chair, leaped up and fell down.

Another woman in black followed the bamboo sedan and slowly floated down.

Shi Hao looked up at Longshou Mountain, stunned.

Although I had guessed that something big would happen in Longshou Mountain tonight, isn’t this really too exaggerated

An entire mountain was split in half like this? Was this a bit too much

He saw that the circles of colorful clouds in the sky above Longshou Mountain seemed to be attracted by a powerful suction force and were rolling madly towards the cracked abyss.

The mysterious light that originally enveloped the entire Longshou Mountain also shrank into the abyss.

Such a scene made more people believe that there was indeed a treasure inside Longshou Mountain. For a time, the warriors from other martial arts sects who had been hiding in the dark to watch the excitement also rushed to Longshou Mountain frantically, wanting to get a piece of the pie.

Shi Haoyi lowered his head, retracted his gaze, and saw the emerald beauty again.

The Emerald Beauty landed on a tree, facing him.

Her petite body and back slowly fell into darkness as the divine light of Longshou Mountain faded.

Suddenly, she turned around and jumped into a well.

Shi Hao rushed over, grabbed the wellhead and looked inside.

It was dark in the well.

Looking around, I found that this place was in ruins. The well was also a dry well, surrounded by weeds, and I don’t know how long no one had taken care of it.

Shi Hao gritted his teeth and jumped into the well... He couldn't believe that this jade beauty had gone to such great lengths just to make him commit suicide.

Falling to the bottom of the well, he waved his hand, activated the Xuanmei skill, and the magic fire shone.

He discovered that there was a secret passage at the bottom of the well, which actually led to Longshou Mountain.

He stretched out his hand and touched the edge of the entrance to the secret passage. The broken edge was uneven. Originally there was a stone wall blocking this place, but it was broken by someone recently.

Shi Hao chased into the secret passage. Logically speaking, the changes in Longshou Mountain would inevitably have an impact on the surrounding terrain.

But the secret passage is still intact, as if such changes had been taken into account in its design.

After going around in circles, we came to a deep place and suddenly the view ahead opened up.

Shi Hao saw that he had come to a mysterious hall, with hideous demonic shadows on the walls.

Kerosene was burning on the lampstands at the four corners, and the flames were rising, emitting different lights.

The four colors of fire intertwined with each other, making the numerous demonic shadows on the wall flicker, as if they would jump out of the painting at any time.

Shi Hao calculated the direction and distance of the secret passage in his mind... He should have reached the bottom of Longshou Mountain.

If those people who tried their best to break into Longshou Mountain but lost their lives in vain knew that there was such a secret passage, would they be so angry that they would crawl up from the ground again

Shi Hao ran forward all the way and passed through several magic palaces in succession until he came to a stone bridge.

There are open cliffs on both sides and rolling lava under the bridge. Golden light overflows from high above. A mysterious aura mixed with the golden light forms a rolling vortex around.

Shi Hao felt that the Tao and devil auras in his body were affected by this golden wave and were rising wildly.

At the other end of the bridge, he saw Du Yuejiao holding a sword and standing there quietly.

On the wooden frame that extended diagonally next to her, Xu Xiaoyan was tied up and hanging there.

Shi Hao walked slowly, and opposite him, Du Yuejiao came towards him. Shi Hao said in a deep voice: "Yuejiao, let her go, it's none of her business."

Du Yuejiao looked at him, smiled sadly, and said, "Brother Shi, I originally thought that you liked an ugly girl, but it seems that I was wrong. Did you like her because she is prettier than me?"

Shi Hao shook his head: "No, you are also very beautiful!" He paused and said: "You two are both very beautiful!"

Du Yuejiao lowered her head and said, "Really? So I am also beautiful in your eyes? Then why did you bully me like that at that time?"

Shi Hao looked at her. The golden waves that surged in here were like a violent storm, being swept up by the mysterious vortex and pouring madly into her body.

Astonishing demonic energy mixed with murderous intent emanated from her delicate body, causing Shi Hao to frown.

She is a Taoist and should not have such a strong demonic aura.

Shi Hao asked, "Where is the Jade Beauty?"

"Brother Shi, I had a dream!" The girl was filled with evil spirit and murderous intent, but her tone was so desolate and sad. "I dreamed that the one who imprisoned me at that time was you, Brother Shi. You poured groups of snakes on me, tortured me with those strange little props, clamped them on my body, and tied me up, tied me to the racks used to torture women."

She slowly raised her head, blood dripping from the corners of her eyes. "I told myself that it was just a dream. The evil villain who bullied me couldn't be the senior brother who saved me. The thug who imprisoned me in the cell under the brothel couldn't be the senior brother who was so gentle and kind to me!"

At this moment, those eyes that were filled with blood and tears showed a trace of tenderness. The sudden smile also dissipated a lot of the murderous intent, and the whole person became adorable because of this: "Brother Shi, tell me... he is really not you!"

Chapter 110: The gates of hell are wide open, parading through the streets

Shi Hao looked at her intently.

Du Yuejiao's eyes were still full of hope: "Brother Shi, as long as you tell me that you are not the murderer, I will believe you. I believe you in everything, Brother Shi..."

Shi Hao thought for a moment, continued to look at her, and said, "Yes, I was the one who imprisoned you, and I was also the one who saved you." He simply used the Evil Shadow Disguise Technique to transform himself into a "young man with a hooked nose" in front of Du Yuejiao, and then asked her seriously, "What's wrong?"

The girl's delicate body began to tremble, and her hand tightly grasped the hilt of the sword, even the hand holding the sword was shaking.

Suddenly, she screamed, "Bastard!" With a swish, the sword light was fierce, like a blood rainbow cutting through the night sky, carrying with it rolling, overwhelming demonic energy, and swept towards the young man like a tidal wave.

On the other side, at the bottom of the chasm, there was a hidden altar.

The altar is arranged according to the eight trigrams, with a six-foot-tall dragon-whisker candle standing in each of the eight corners.

Although there was a strong wind blowing in from outside the mountain, the candle flame was swaying, but it became brighter and brighter.

Eight blazing candles illuminated the entire altar. Granny Ba sat cross-legged on the altar with her hands clasped together, motionless.

In front of her, there was a large bead on top of a square jade stone. The bead was about one foot in diameter and was originally crystal clear, but now it was gradually emitting golden light.

This split chasm seemed to have a mysterious power that bound the golden aura that penetrated heaven and earth.

The golden aura swirled wildly in the abyss, and a large amount of vital energy was continuously absorbed into the round bead.

"Grandma!" The woman in black floated to Grandma Ba and whispered, "Most of the members of the Shark Dragon Gang are dead, the four Dragon and Snake generals are either dead or injured, and our troops have also suffered serious damage."

Grandma Ba closed her eyes and said slowly, "Is that so? Let Yueyaer, Kelian and the others retreat to the back. The next enemy is not something they can handle. Summon all the experts you brought here. The next focus is to protect this altar."

The woman in black floated away.