I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 88: Section 88


Although the change in his state of mind was a bit too fast, at this moment he truly felt that he was still on the Taoist side.

Following Ye Ziyin forward, we found many peony flowers around us. These peonies were surprisingly large.

The light from the dongming grass on the mountain wall fell on the peonies. These peonies, which were taller than humans, were colorful, with magical light and shadow, making them feel like they were in a fairyland.

Passing through the peony bushes, Shi Hao thought for a moment and asked in a low voice, "Sister Ziyin, you were actually waiting for me to ask you, right?"

Ye Ziyin smiled and said, "Really?"

Shi Hao said: "You know I can't help but care about what you think, but you just won't tell me. Are you waiting for me to ask myself?"

Ye Ziyin took his hand and said with a smile, "Don't worry about such a small matter." Then she jumped up.

Shi Hao felt that a mysterious and clear energy was supporting him, allowing him to rise quickly along with Ye Ziyin.

There is a big red peony in front, but it is much taller than the other peonies, like a tall building.

Ye Ziyin took him and landed among the stamens of the big red peony.

Surrounding it are swaying stamens and outside are unfolding large red petals.

"Sit down!" Ye Ziyan faced him.

The two of them held their hands together, facing each other, and sat together.

Ye Ziyin said: "Close your eyes, relax your mind, and don't think too much."

Entering into a state of meditation is a normal state during the practice, and Shi Hao quickly relaxed his body and mind as she said.

He felt a stream of clear air slowly coming towards him like a tide, flooding his entire body.

Just like a fetus immersed in the mother's amniotic fluid, he did not feel any discomfort.

Maintaining his wholehearted trust in Ye Ziyin, he relaxed himself without any guard.

In fact, there is no point in being on guard. Be it Ye Ziyin or Su Xi, it would be too easy for either of these two "ladies" to harm him.

Shi Hao felt that mysterious pure air was gently pulled.

The next moment, he felt himself flying up along with Ye Ziyin.

It was an incredible and wonderful feeling. He could feel the big red lotus below and see the two of them still sitting in the heart of the lotus.

At the same time, he was being carried by Ye Ziyin, flying towards an unknown height as if he was "ascending to heaven".

He felt that they were leaving this world, and suddenly, they arrived in a mysterious and unknown world.

Clouds floated around, and colorful lines outlined all kinds of incredible creatures in this vast sky and earth, flying back and forth among the clouds.

"Where is this place?" Shi Hao looked down in disbelief.

Under their feet was a floating auspicious cloud. Looking further down, they could not see the big red lotus, nor could they see themselves sitting opposite each other in the big red lotus.

Ye Ziyin said softly: "Heaven!"

Shi Hao raised his head and asked in shock: "Heaven?"

He never imagined that Ye Ziyin could bring him to such a place so easily and simply.

Ye Ziyin said calmly: "Don't be so surprised. The people in the Demon Sect can obtain the magic source from the Demon Realm. My Taisu Immortal Pavilion also has a way to connect to the heaven. In a sense, the heaven is much safer than the Demon Realm. Most of the Yin demons in the Demon Realm are cruel and terrifying. They are always thinking about interfering with and invading the mortal world. To some extent, the people in the Demon Sect who trade with them are tantamount to seeking the skin of a tiger."

Holding Shi Hao's hand, he flew away: "As for the heavens, most of the lights and shadows that you see that look like living things are actually just the afterimages of history. They did exist before the ancient times, but now, what we see are just the images they left in the past history.

"Of course, there are some dangerous things in the heavens, but generally speaking, as long as we are careful to avoid them, there won't be too much danger. And we will not easily set foot in those unknown areas that have not yet been confirmed to be safe."

At this point, Ye Ziyin looked back at him and smiled softly: "In fact, under normal circumstances, even in Taisu Xian Pavilion, only the best people have the ability to fly into the fairyland. It is even more difficult to bring someone in. It just so happens that Yuanshi Cave Heaven is the place closest to the heaven. In a sense, its existence is even higher than the heaven.

"Only in Yuanshi Cave Heaven can I bring you here."

Shi Hao said: "I just saw that our bodies are still in the same place. What flew here is our soul?"

Ye Ziyin smiled and said, "You can think so, but it's actually more complicated. The body you are using right now is a body I created for you using the pure energy here and your own image. But I can only do this because you have absolute trust in me."

Shi Hao asked, "Sister Zi Yin, what are we doing in the heaven?"

Ye Ziyin said: "Practice swordplay!"

Shi Hao asked: "Practicing swordplay?"

Ye Ziyin said: "Not bad... practice sword!"

Suddenly, the surrounding scene changed.

Shi Hao looked back and saw that they were now on a huge, floating white jade platform without anyone noticing.

There are white jade pillars standing around, with dragons and phoenixes circling around them, and swords flying around the pillars.

Ye Ziyin said: "Use your profound energy to observe these swords."

Shi Hao closed his eyes and released his Xuan Qi... In fact, he was not quite sure whether the Xuan Qi in his body remained in his body or followed him.

However, when he began to use the "Xuan Qi", its effects were generated naturally.

His mind was as clear as a mirror, observing the swords one by one. Opposite him, Ye Ziyin waved his sword lightly, and all the swords moved.

Shi Hao sensed them, and they seemed to be responding to him. At that moment, he felt that they were dancing in the lake of his heart, and he began to understand... They were not swords, but sword manuals.

Each of these flying swords is a sword manual.

Each sword, after demonstrating its corresponding full set of sword techniques, would disappear. Just like this, after a long time, Shi Hao slowly opened his eyes. His gaze was so sharp, and his expression was so joyful.

He looked at the Fairy Shengxuan opposite him: "Sister Ziyin, I have learned a lot of swordsmanship... a lot!"

Fairy Shengxuan had no expression on her face, but her eyes were full of smiles: "Use it!"

Shi Hao stood solemnly, holding a sword.

What he was holding was the sword forged for him by Taoist Tieyu. In fact, the sword was still in Xu Xiaoyan's hands. Only the hilt was brought in by him.

But at this moment, as his thoughts turned, it fell into his hands naturally, which was incredibly magical.

Opposite him, Fairy Shengxuan held a long sword upside down, her clothes fluttering in the wind. She was truly a beauty with a stunning appearance and a stunning beauty.

"I will keep my skills at the same level as yours!" Fairy Shengxuan said of course, "Let's see how far your sword skills can go."

Shi Hao pointed his sword diagonally, and suddenly turned his body, swung the sword, and the sword energy flew diagonally from left to upper right, like lightning, and turned quickly at the end, and slashed towards three more sword energies. It was exactly the unique move he had just learned, "Twists and Turns" in Canglan swordsmanship.

He clearly only knew of this sword technique from his previous image, but now his body moved as he thought and he quickly performed it.

"That's right!" Fairy Shengxuan shook her sword and cut it off with one sword. With almost no tricks, she cut off all his sword light in the middle.

The two swords collided, and with equal power, they were both knocked away at the same time. However, Fairy Shengxuan's sword used the force of the shock to turn around and stab back at Shi Hao, which immediately made Shi Hao flustered.

Shi Hao gritted his teeth and used various sword techniques one after another.

During this process, Fairy Shengxuan continued to instruct him on swordsmanship.

Shi Hao had no idea how long he had stayed in this place. He had mastered various sword techniques and constantly selected the moves that suited him in battle, eliminating the dross and retaining the essence.

He was tireless and felt that he had been here for at least one month, two months, or three months... But Fairy Shengxuan never let him stop.

"Actual combat is always the best way to hone your swordsmanship," Fairy Shengxuan said, "Compared to those truly advanced swordsmen, your biggest shortcoming is that you have too little time to practice martial arts, and you don't know much about the moves of various schools. Some things must be honed over time, and what you lack is enough time."

As she spoke, she swung her sword, time and again, defeating Shi Hao's attacks and forcing him to retreat continuously, gasping for breath.

"In the way of the sword, everyone's understanding is different. Only what suits oneself is the most useful," she continued. "Every powerful swordsman has been immersed in sword moves for more than ten years or even decades, and then formed his own understanding. The same killing move, in the hands of different people, often carries different sword meanings."

"If you can use a killing move with 100% of its power to achieve 80% of its effect, that's an average talent. If you can use it to achieve 100% of its power, that's a genius. If you can rely on your own understanding, add your own unique sword intent, and increase the power to more than 120%, then you can be considered a genius.

"But even a genius needs time to grow. I'm giving you time now. How much you can achieve depends on yourself."

Chapter 118: Learn dragon-slaying skills and save the world

Shi Hao suddenly opened his eyes and found that he and Ye Ziyin had returned to the pistil of the big red lotus.

At this moment, he was so exhausted that he could hardly maintain a sitting posture. His body tilted and he almost collapsed to the ground.

Opposite him, Ye Ziyin was still sitting upright, like a jade sculpture, not moving at all.

"Sister Ziyin!" Shi Hao asked, "How long have we been in the heaven?"

Ye Ziyin said softly: "If we calculate it based on the time spent in the heaven, it would be about a year, but here, it actually only took a moment."

Shi Hao was shocked: "A moment?"

Ye Ziyin said: "You can regard that place as an image of your mind. From the beginning to the end, you have not moved. What you practiced sword in the heaven is just your thoughts.

"The reason you feel exhausted now is not because your body is tired. It is because in your mind's vision, you have practiced swordplay endlessly for a year. During this 'year', your energy, spirit, and mind have never relaxed.

"Mental fatigue will also be reflected in the body, just as when a person is in a good mood, the body will feel relaxed, and when the mood is tired, the body will also feel tired. It is almost the same situation."

Shi Hao was secretly amazed, feeling that the universe was so vast that it was indeed filled with all kinds of wonders.

This situation is simply like cheating.

But then again, people like Ye Ziyin and Su Xi had already become leaders of the righteous and evil sects respectively before they reached their twenties and were famous throughout the world. It would have been impossible for them to achieve this without a certain degree of "cheating".

Shi Hao said somewhat frustratedly: "I feel that during this year in the heaven, I have learned a lot of sword techniques and mastered various sword moves, but I still cannot understand what is 'sword intent'."

Ye Ziyin smiled slightly and said, "If it were so simple, wouldn't everyone in this world be able to become a top swordsman? This year in heaven has only helped you to fill in a lot of sword techniques and sword moves, making up for the lack of time you spent practicing swordsmanship."

"As for developing a sword skill that is truly suitable for you, that is not something that can be achieved by sparring with me. The fact that you can follow me and enter the heavens means that you trust me deep in your heart."

"But because of this trust, you didn't feel the sense of urgency of life and death when fighting with me. In my opinion, you have been able to integrate many sword moves together, and even create new moves based on them. But if you want to sublimate further, you need a truly powerful opponent who can force you into a desperate situation."

"Only when you are faced with a life-or-death situation and a deadly sense of oppression can you transcend your sexuality and find the true meaning of the sword that no one can teach you. And that is only the first step on the path to becoming a sword god."

At this point, she glanced at Shi Hao with her beautiful eyes and encouraged him softly, "Don't be discouraged! In fact, I have set high standards for you. At this moment, you are only at the seventh rank. Under normal circumstances, you don't need to understand what sword intent is before the fifth rank."

"Even if you reach the fifth rank or even the fourth rank, not everyone can develop their own unique sword intent. Although you cannot understand the 'sword intent' at this moment, learning a lot of sword techniques and the process of practicing swordsmanship is also very helpful to you."

He added: "You should get some sleep first, but don't underestimate this trip to the heavens. Although reality is only a moment, the consumption of your energy and spirit will also cause serious consequences if you cannot adjust to it."

Shi Hao tried hard to sit cross-legged, preparing to regulate his breathing and close his eyes to rest.

He couldn't help but look at Ye Ziyin again and said, "Sister Ziyin, I wonder what the realm of the Sword God is like?"

Ye Ziyin whispered: "When you reach the realm of Sword God, there are no moves or styles. A random sword strike can be a killing move!" She flicked her hand lightly.

The next moment, the sword energy was like a raging tide, and above them it was like a violent storm. The violent storm quickly condensed, and suddenly it turned into a ray of sword light. With a loud bang, the sword light pierced down like a thunderbolt, as if to shake a crack in the void.

The turbulent weather made Shi Hao's scalp tingle.

The same Blue Sky Immortal Thunder Art did not require any preparation and could be unleashed in the blink of an eye, yet its power was infinitely stronger than what he used.

Is this the realm of the Sword God

Shi Hao was dumbfounded... How on earth did he manage to sleep with her at that time

Shi Hao closed his eyes and regulated his breathing for three hours before he recovered somewhat.

During the remaining time, Ye Ziyin did not teach him any more martial arts, but continued to teach him various kinds of knowledge such as Zhouyi and Guiguzi in depth.

Especially "Guigu". Before this, Shi Hao didn't know much about it. He just felt that it sounded like an extremely profound and mysterious knowledge, just like the legendary Qimen Dunjia.

It was not until Ye Ziyin explained it to him in detail that he realized that this was actually a kind of rhetoric.

Through various details, you can observe what kind of person the other person is, and then induce him in a targeted manner. Unconsciously, you can guide his thoughts and make him follow your intentions... The so-called Guiguzi technique is actually such a science.

This was exactly what Dachu Shihao had expected.

Ye Ziyin said, "Don't underestimate this technique. You know, the evil sects have endless means and are unscrupulous, but the righteous sects always have various constraints. Just like the evil sects can hold the people hostage without considering the consequences, the righteous sects cannot ignore the public opinion and the survival of the people. The so-called "the higher the Tao, the higher the devil", this is it."

"But why is it that most of the time, the Taoist sect suppresses the Demon sect?"

Shi Hao thought, could it be that the Demonic Sect is cunning, and the Taoist Sect is even more cunning than the Demonic Sect

But after thinking about it, this is not a question of being cunning or not, but a bottom line.

If the righteous path and the evil path have no bottom line, then what is the difference between the righteous path and the evil path

Ye Ziyin said: "The Demon Sect is too selfish and unscrupulous, and the consequence is that the Demon Sect fights internally, which is endless. However, at the critical moment, my Taisu Immortal Pavilion was able to unite the forces of various sects in the righteous path and form a joint force to divide and rule the Demon Sect."

"The Demon Sect's lack of bottom line may seem like an advantage, but it is actually a disadvantage. When everyone can do whatever it takes, the result is that everyone fights on their own and there is no trust at all. From this point of view, Su Xi is indeed an anomaly in the Demon Sect. Throughout history, countless demons have wanted to unify the Demon Sect like her, but most of the time, the Demon Sect is a mess."

"The Taisu Immortal Pavilion actually has a small number of people, but it can always lead the martial arts world, relying on the reputation accumulated over a long period of time and the art of forming alliances. Therefore, never underestimate this art of forming alliances. No matter how strong a single person is, at most he can dominate the world. Only when you can gather the strength of everyone can you become the leader of the crowd."

At this point, Ye Ziyin said solemnly: "If you just want to become one of the best masters in the world, then just concentrate on the skills and martial arts, that's enough. But if you want to make a difference in troubled times, learn dragon-slaying skills, and save the world, then you must learn the Guigu technique of forming alliances and the Yin Fu technique of winning by military strategists."

Shi Hao bowed and said, "Sister Ziyin, teach me!"

Shi Hao passed through the waterfall, flew out of the lake, and walked among the ruins.