I, The Man Who’ll Conquer Both the Immortal Venerable and the Demon Empress

Chapter 92: Section 92


The corpse soldiers gathered, and there were heavy shadows of people. The bodies of those who died in the battle outside the mountain were densely pouring into the bottom of the abyss.

Among these dead, some were members of the Shark Dragon Gang, some were soldiers and generals who died in battle, and there were also many warriors who heard the word "treasure" and wanted to fish in troubled waters but were dragged into the war.

They got up from the ground, staggered, let out sharp roars, and rushed forward.

The Guiji Sect came out in full force and attacked towards the altar in front with all their might. There were also elite soldiers who had been lurking for a long time and attacked from behind, making the battlefield even more chaotic.

The priestesses who were kneeling in front of the stone pile around the altar turned a deaf ear to the noise overflowing from the abyss. They chanted in low voices, and the unique witch language of the Jin tribe overlapped with each other. Green smoke floated from the stone pile, and the green smoke transformed into shape and killed the corpse soldiers and generals.

The masters of both sides were also fighting. From time to time, there were roars, and amid the sounds of fighting, brilliant lights exploded everywhere.

Grandma Ba was still sitting cross-legged on the altar, and the golden airflow was like a raging tide, sucking towards the gem in front of her.

The black carriage moved to the place where the golden energy was strongest, and the black coffin stood up with a loud bang.

The golden energy was like a tsunami, rolling towards the coffin, being sucked into the coffin, and then a terrifying black tide broke out.

With a loud bang, the coffin lid flew up, and an old man stood in the coffin.

The leader of Guiji Sect—Peng Tianwang, the "Tianwang Guichou".

He had a long white beard and was dressed in a white robe. The strange thing was that behind him was an endless black space.

It was clearly just a black coffin, but the old man standing in the black coffin seemed to be standing on the dividing line between two worlds.

Behind him, there was a dark and vast area, with ghostly shadows surging in dense numbers.

"Grandma Ba!" Peng Tianwang shouted, "The gates of hell have been opened. If you don't give in, don't blame the ghosts for being ruthless, devouring your blood and flesh, and killing you all on the spot."

Grandma Ba looked at the round bead in front of her. As a large amount of golden energy was absorbed, the round bead became brighter and brighter.

She said slowly: "The gate of hell opened, connecting the Yin and Yang worlds. The first thing to be destroyed was this famous Chinese city, and millions of people in this city and its surroundings died, and most of these people were Chinese.

"You Chinese people don't care, so why should an old woman like me care? China is in chaos, the world is in a ghost land, and we, the Jin people, can only go back to where we came from. Although the northern frontier is bitter and cold, it is not impossible to survive. As for wanting to leave my life here, haha, your great master couldn't do it back then, so you, a younger generation, are too arrogant."

Peng Tianwang was over a hundred years old, but Grandma Ba called him "the younger generation" because she was from the same generation as Peng Tianwang's master.

Peng Tianwang snorted: "If that's the case, there's nothing more to say!" He said loudly: "People in the world are ignorant, always looking at others based on wealth, nationality, power, bloodline, etc., but they don't know that whether rich or poor, Chinese or foreign, as well as the so-called powerful gentry, the poor and the weak, etc., after death, they are nothing but a pile of debris, which can't be brought with them when they are born, and can't be taken with them when they die.

"The Taoists always talk about the world being one, but they don't know that only in the world after death can all beings be equal. Tonight, I will bring this ghost realm to the human world. Only the kingdom of death is the kingdom of all beings."

The coffin behind him exploded, creating a huge black arch. A golden liquid surged in like a tidal wave, forming a golden bridge under his feet.

The bridge connected the two worlds, and a large number of ghosts whizzed out from behind him. They flew everywhere, and before the barbarians who rushed in from behind could react, their flesh and blood peeled off piece by piece.

Those barbarians screamed and shook, and soon, only a pile of white bones were left. They fell to the ground with a thud and shattered into a pile of bones.

The witches at the ancestral altar were terrified. The woman in black shouted at the altar, "Keep chanting! Don't stop!"

They continued to chant in a hurry. The green smoke rising from the pile of stones surrounded them, constantly changing, blocking the ghostly shadows outside.

Grandma Ba finally slowly opened her eyes, her gaze fell on the top of the black arch, where four black beads were floating. She murmured, "The Four Beads of the Hell Palace, I didn't expect you to really practice this thing, no wonder, no wonder! The Yellow Springs are formed, the ghost realm has been revealed, it seems that this Daxing City is doomed."

She looked down at the orb in front of her, raised her right hand, placed her palm towards the orb, and gently cast a spell. The orb shone, and more golden energy flowed towards it.

Peng Tianwang sneered and said, "It seems that you really don't want to give up. You want to seize more of the true dragon energy in this last chance. What a pity, what a pity... No one can leave Daxing City today!"

But a woman's voice came from high in the sky: "That may not be the case!"

The woman's voice was soft and erratic, not loud, but it reached everyone's ears at once. Both Grandma Ba and Peng Tianwang knew that a powerful enemy had come, and they subconsciously raised their heads and looked up.

In the sky, auspicious clouds seemed to fly in from the sky, forming a colorful cloud platform. A stunning woman stepped on the clouds and came down, chanting in a gentle voice: "I leisurely watch the blue sky singing, and sometimes travel in the blue sky and spread the fragrance of the world; and let the famous mountain take the moon rabbit, and cleverly take the universe to illuminate the Taiqing!"

Chapter 124 The Immortal Pavilion's Successor Reappears in the Martial Arts World

Everyone in the field looked up and saw that the woman was about 29 years old, wearing a long white dress, with a beauty so beautiful that she could make fish sink to the bottom of the water, geese fall to the ground, and the moon hide in shame on the flowers.

Auspicious clouds swept in, and she stepped on the clouds, floating in the air, like a fairy descending from heaven, otherworldly and unbelievable.

In the rift, the Zutan and Guiji Sect fought fiercely. Many Guiji Sect masters died, but the appearance of corpses all over the ground brought a strong sense of oppression to the Zutan.

At this moment, everyone subconsciously stopped fighting and looked up at the stunning woman who was falling.

Outside the mountain, there are many warriors hiding. Everyone in Daxing City knows that a fierce battle took place in Longshou Mountain. Many officers and soldiers were killed or wounded, and the Shark Dragon Gang was almost wiped out, except for the gang leader Bei Tonghui who disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown.

Not many people knew the cause of this fierce battle, but the entire Longshou Mountain cracked apart, and golden light emanated from it. Such a sudden change made everyone know that something big was going to happen.

When the ghost gate opened and the ghost domain spread, the people who were secretly watching outside the mountain became even more terrified.

At this moment, auspicious clouds suddenly appeared and a beautiful woman flew in, like a bright moon in the sky, so beautiful that they were stunned. They felt that the "fairy from the sky" in legends and strange stories was no more than this.

"Who are you?" A shocking roar rang out, shaking the mountains and the earth.

The one who asked the question was none other than Guiji Sect's leader, Peng Tianwang, also known as "Tianwang Guichou".

But the woman on the cloud said in a gentle voice: "I am Yun Caiyao from Taisu Immortal Pavilion. I am honored to meet Master Peng of Guiji Sect and Grandma Ba of Zutan!"

The voice was clearly soft and gentle, far less domineering and loud than Peng Tianwang's shout.

It was heard from afar, near and far, by everyone.

At this moment, all the warriors in the city were shocked... Taisu Immortal Pavilion!

The legend of martial arts, Taisu Xian Pavilion... is finally born!

Even though the martial arts world is so dark, even though China has fallen to this point, such a legend is still circulating in the martial arts world.

On the day when the fairies from Taisu Fairy Pavilion reappear in the martial arts world, the world will surely be bright again.

And now, at this critical moment, the martial arts fairy from Taisu Fairy Pavilion finally reappears in the world.

In the abyss, Peng Tianwang was moved and Grandma Ba narrowed her eyes.

Auspicious clouds floated above the vast golden fluid, and the majestic golden fluid began to rotate.

The golden airflow that was originally pulling to both sides was completely interrupted. Peng Tianwang and Grandma Ba's faces changed at the same time.

The two of them used their skills together, trying to draw the true dragon energy again, but a large amount of golden energy was spinning like the sun and the moon under the rolling auspicious clouds.

The fairy from Taisu Fairy Pavilion was above the golden sphere. In full view of everyone, she seemed to be walking on the sun and the moon, and she was rising into the sky with the vast and magnificent golden sphere.

"Master Peng, humans and ghosts have different paths. The human world is the human world, and the ghost realm is the ghost realm. Even though the human world has various problems, how can we know that once it turns into the ghost realm, all ghosts will be equal? For the belief of your Ghost Extreme Sect, you want to sacrifice the whole city with blood. Such behavior is probably intolerable to heaven."

"Grandma Ba! Our ancestors came from the outer frontier, and have enjoyed a lot of wealth and splendor over the past three hundred years. Everything that prospers must decline, and everything that reaches its extreme must turn around. Your tribe has become corrupt, like a dying tree sitting on a flaming rock that is about to erupt. If you don't return to the outer frontier soon, you will inevitably destroy yourself."

A golden sphere rose from the abyss and hung in the sky above Daxing City. Countless people took to the streets and looked up at this wonderful sight.

Today is a full moon night, and the full moon in the sky is like a silver plate, bright and beautiful.

At this moment, the golden sphere and the full moon shine together, just like the sun and the moon competing for brilliance.

The beautiful figure between the "sun" and the "moon", between the bright golden light and the silver moonlight, is as beautiful as Chang'e, incredibly beautiful.

This scene was truly dreamy. It was reflected in everyone's eyes, making everyone who witnessed this magical sight know clearly that they would never forget the wonder before their eyes for the rest of their lives.

“As for the true dragon energy, it came in response to the situation back then, and now it’s time to go in response to the situation!” The stunning woman turned lightly, and with a loud bang, a golden sphere exploded in the air, dispersing into countless starlight and flying in all directions.

It felt like the stars were falling and dancing in the night, which was stunning to watch.

As the golden sphere exploded and scattered, the scattered starlight in the sky disappeared like shooting stars.

Above Peng Tianwang's head, the four beads of the Yama Palace exploded with a bang, and he suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood.

The black arch turned back into a black coffin and exploded again. The surrounding corpses fell to the ground one after another. Peng Tianwang, who was spurting blood, fell down dejectedly and hit the ground. The remaining members of the Guiji Sect rushed over, supported their leader, and retreated hastily.

Granny Ba was looking at the round bead in front of her. There was golden light rolling inside the bead. Her eyes were solemn. Then she sighed slowly and looked at the stunning woman in the sky again.

In her eyes, the stunning woman had turned into a colorful rainbow, floating away with the scattered stars in the sky as the background.

If Shi Hao was here, he would definitely say... Pretend to be cool!

And she really got it!

The fierce battle in Longshou Mountain ended unexpectedly, but the city of Daxing was destined to have a sleepless night.

The Shark Dragon Gang, like a moth to a flame, gained almost no benefit in this dispute, but suffered heavy casualties because they attacked Longshou Mountain head-on from the very beginning.

But after the chaos in Longshou Mountain ended, other gangs immediately swarmed in like sharks seeing blood, dividing up the power of the Shark Dragon Gang and seizing its territory.

The remaining members of the Shark Dragon Gang tried their best to find their leader, but their leader was nowhere to be found.

Smart people have long been guessing what kind of benefits Guiji Sect gave Bei Tonghui that would cause Bei Tonghui to suddenly give away the foundation he had worked so hard to build

The ancestral altar represents the Barbarian Court, and the Shark Dragon Gang's actions tonight are like rebellion. Even if they still retain their strength, it will be difficult for them to gain a foothold in Daxing City in the future.

What's more, the Shark Dragon Gang lost so miserably tonight. The so-called "treasure" that did not exist at all caused a large number of Shark Dragon Gang members to attack Longshou Mountain without hesitation, and thus became cannon fodder.

As for the Guiji Sect, after everyone began to understand their real purpose tonight, they all started cursing.

Although everyone knew that the Demon Sect was vicious, no one could have imagined that the purpose of the Guiji Sect was to sacrifice the entire Daxing City and turn Daxing City into a complete "ghost zone".

In fact, before this, almost everyone believed in their hearts that the treasure really existed, otherwise, what were the Shark Dragon Gang, the Ghost Sect, and the Zutan fighting for

Many gangs have tried to take advantage of the situation and try to get a piece of the treasure in Longshou Mountain, but it turns out there is no treasure at all. The Guiji Sect just wants to create a catastrophe on earth.

The Demon Sect... This mysterious existence, which was not well-received by the people in the martial arts world, has once again been proven to be a group of unreasonable lunatics.

The remaining masters of Guiji Sect, along with their leader who suffered backlash due to the destruction of the Four Pearls of Yama Palace, fled out of Daxing City with all their might.

The people in the underworld regarded them as crazy, but they knew that was not the case. According to their original plan, once Daxing City and its surrounding areas became a "ghost area", they would be able to completely control Daxing City, and then sweep westward to annex Western Shu.

By then, the Barbarian Court will be forced to recognize their land seizure, and the Guiji Sect will move from darkness to light, establishing their own ghost kingdom.

However, he did not expect that the successor of Taisu Xian Pavilion would appear in the martial arts world at this time. He easily dispersed all the true dragon energy, and in the process of dispersing, he used the remaining power of the true dragon energy to destroy the four beads of Yan Palace and defeat the ghost coffin.

And just as they were trying to escape, the Three Evil Lotus Sects took action.

The three evil lotus sects, which had been separated for more than two hundred years, joined hands at this time and hunted them down desperately.

During the escape, the casualties of Guiji Sect increased further. Later, the remaining masters of Guiji Sect began to discover that the real target of the three evil lotus sects was Xue'an Undead Child.

As a last resort, they could only abandon the Blood-Dark Undead Boy and escape when the three evil lotus sects were besieging and trying to kill the Blood-Dark Undead Boy.

After this battle, more than half of the masters of Guiji Sect, which was originally the largest sect in the Demon Sect, were killed or wounded. Although it has not been expelled from the Demon Sect, it will inevitably decline.

Chapter 125: The Three Sects Unite as One, the True Teachings of the Evil Lotus

"Let me go!" The girl was casually wrapped in a colorful Taoist skirt. In the dark and deserted place, she pounded the young man's chest hard.

"Yue Jiao, be obedient. The Taoist and demonic energies in your body are not yet completely balanced. Let me help you adjust them!" The young man's hand reached into her clothes.

The girl was angry and annoyed at the moment. She was angry that she couldn't stand his touch just now, and she was annoyed that she should have punched him to death with her little fist, but why was she so powerless

"Are you still angry?" Shi Hao laughed softly, "What happened in the past is in the past. When you become more popular, you become less beautiful."

The girl angrily said: "If I'm not pretty anymore, you don't want me anymore, right?" After thinking about it, she got angry with herself again... Is this the point

The point is obviously that this hateful guy captured her, imprisoned her, tortured her, left her with a terrible trauma, then changed his identity to save her, used gentleness and consideration to attract her, and when she was about to give herself to him, he left her and fooled around with other girls.

When she was exposed, he caught her again and used some strange tricks to make her want to...

The girl snuggled in his arms, gritting her teeth in anger... Mainly angry at herself for being useless.

“No, don’t touch me… You, you…” The girl tried to make herself stronger and resist, at least to let him know that this time, he would not let her sink so easily, and she would never compromise.

After a while, the young man stopped and asked in a low voice: "Do you want more?"

“… Yeah!” The girl answered in an embarrassed tone.

She thought to herself, just this once, just enjoy it this once... tomorrow she would take revenge.

She wouldn't forgive her so easily!

Before I knew it, the temperature rose and the dark room was filled with fragrance.

Half an hour later, Shi Hao walked out holding Du Yuejiao, who was sleeping happily in his arms.

Shi Hao certainly knew that he was being a scumbag by doing this.

But to be fair, he could neither kill Du Yuejiao nor let Du Yuejiao turn into a female devil and become his enemy and go against him from then on.

It is actually quite normal to have come to this point.

After all, he couldn't think of any other solution.

On the way, he changed his appearance with the Evil Shadow Disguise Technique. When he got outside, there was a carriage waiting for him. He got on the carriage and saw Xu Xiaoyan, who had put her clothes back on. She stared at him with a vicious look like a tigress.

Shi Hao said with a headache: "Don't look at me like that. If I don't do that, both of you might die."

The vehicle moved forward slowly, and the ones helping them as coachmen outside were Zhu Ping, the "Red Lotus Fiery Beauty", and Huan Tingting, the "Black Core Mysterious Charm", from Yuelian Tower.

Xu Xiaoyan drew aside the curtain and looked out.