I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me

Chapter 11: Justice is never absent


After "God's own son" left, Gu Ye took out his small bottle and released the ghostly young lady and her murderous big-headed son.

"Tsk, it's so cute." Gu Ye couldn't help but slapped the kid on the head.

After staying by Gu Ye's side for nearly a month, Wang Qianqian and her ghost son had a lot less suffocation, and they were able to keep their senses, especially the little one, who seemed to have a little sense of people, and would bite if they didn't see anyone. Being led by his mother seems to be quite good. Gu Ye put Wang Qianqian's ghost through the window, and the kid grinned happily, revealing a row of small fangs.

Gu Ye slapped him on the head again, so cute! If you don't eat people, you are a good boy!

In order to protect the mother and son from being hurt by the yang qi, Gu Ye wanted to give each other a free talisman, but the young lady rejected Gu Ye's kindness and led her big son to bow deeply to Gu Ye, It was gone in the blink of an eye.

Gu Ye sighed: "These sisters are cruel."

Gu Yang was curious. After hearing the tragic state of the female ghost, he dared not look at the female ghost. He covered his eyes and squinted, and asked curiously, "What do you mean?"

"It means that she wants to reunite the family of three and doesn't want to be reborn." Gu Yedan laughed and pulled Gu Yang up, "Justice may be late, but it will never be absent, you have to remember, don't die, the sky is always I didn't close my eyes."

Gu Yang listened obediently, and at this moment he suddenly felt that his brother is so immortal! Especially when his brother said something he didn't understand, he was so arrogant!

The concert has been going on for an hour. Li Rui went to the bathroom while changing clothes. When he came out to wash his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror and was wearing heavy makeup. Up close, he still couldn't hide the thick black. Eye circles, he couldn't help pinching his forehead, letting himself relax as soon as possible and adjust his state.

At this moment, a dark shadow flashed past him, and Li Rui frowned and looked back, thinking which paparazzi or illegitimate meal was this incompetent, even taking pictures in the toilet? Not seeing anyone, Li Rui cursed in his heart, turned his head with a sullen face, and when he saw the scene in the mirror, his pupils shrank in fright, and he took two steps back in horror. On his own shoulders, there was a small black shadow, which seemed to be a villain, smiling at him with a big mouth.

Li Rui looked at his shoulder in horror, but there was nothing. Look in the mirror again, the villain is still there.

Li Rui sucked in a breath of cold air, and ran out of his legs in fright, what a ghost! Unfortunately, before he ran out, he stumbled under his feet, and a big horse fell to the ground fiercely. Li Rui's aching facial features were about to deform, and he fell to death!

At this moment, Li Rui suddenly felt that his ear was bitten by something. He touched his ear, but there was nothing, but it felt more and more pain, as if he wanted to tear his ear off. Li Rui was in pain. His face was pale, and when he thought that the black ghost was sitting on his shoulder, he was so frightened that he felt cold all over. He covered his ears in horror and looked into his glasses. Sure enough, the black shadow was gnawing at his ears.

Li Rui's voice was trembling, and his voice changed when he was frightened, "Little Ancestor, we have no injustice in the past and no enmity in recent days. What are you doing with me? I'll burn it for you what you want!"

"No grievances in the past, no enmity in the past?" A long-haired ghost quietly appeared in the mirror, with a deep irony in his icy voice, "Li Rui, don't you know our mother and son?"

Hearing the familiar voice, Li Rui stared stiffly at this corroded face whose facial features were indistinguishable. This face appeared in his dreams countless times, causing him to wake up at midnight.

"Qianqian, are you... Qianqian?" Li Rui reacted and screamed and rushed to the door, "There is a ghost! There is a ghost!!!"

A gust of gloomy wind blew, and the toilet door slammed shut at this time. The agent and assistant who followed over almost got slapped on the face by the closed door, "Brother Rui has diarrhea, why does it take so long to go to the toilet? ? You have finished singing a song for the guests."

"Li Rui, open the door, why did you close the door when you went to the toilet?"

Li Rui heard the sound outside and slapped the door desperately, but the people outside didn't seem to hear his cry at all. Gritting his teeth, he leaned over and hugged him "hee hee hee", "Dad, hug him."

Li Rui looked at his big mouth and hugged his head in fright, "Don't come here! Don't come here! Qianqian! I'm sorry for you! I didn't mean to kill you! Forgive me!" Li Rui was so frightened that he almost collapsed , said incoherently: "I also regret these years, please forgive me! It's not easy for me to get to where I am today, it's not easy! I burn paper for you every year, burn a lot of things for you, you should have received it, right? , you know that I love you, right? I love you! If you love me so much, you will definitely let me go, right?"

Wang Qianqian looked at the man she loved deeply in her lifetime with disgust. At this point, she kept saying the word "love". She couldn't help but sneer, "What you love is just your fame. Don't worry, our mothers will always be there. With you, even if you lose your reputation and fall into the abyss."

Li Rui's agent found out that it had been ten minutes, and the other party hadn't come out of the toilet yet, so he didn't respond to his calls. Fearing that something would happen to him, he had no choice but to find a security guard and opened the door. At this time, Li Rui was lying on the floor, motionless, and the agent rushed over, touched Li Rui's breath, and breathed a sigh of relief, "I just fainted."

The assistant quickly carried the person out and let the doctor treat him.

This kind of thing happened before the concert was halfway through. The manager also had a headache. Looking at Li Rui who was unconscious, he thought about what to do next. At this moment, Li Rui suddenly opened his eyes. , sat up upright, startling the people around him.

"Are you alright, are you too tired?" The agent asked with concern: "Can you hold on? Hold on for another two hours, and I'll give you a day off tomorrow and have a good rest."

Li Ruimu stared blankly at the agent and nodded mechanically.

The agent frowned, although he was worried, but there were so many fans outside that he couldn't stay here. He encouraged Li Rui to pat Li Rui's shoulder and asked him to change his clothes and play, "If you can't bear it, just talk, I'll find a way. ."

After taking the stage, everything was normal. Li Rui sang another song, which mobilized the enthusiasm of the fans. The screams wished they could overturn the ceiling of the kick. The agent breathed a sigh of relief, and just sat down to take a breath, at this moment, Li Rui on the stage suddenly knelt on the ground.

The manager's heart sank for a while, and he stood up nervously, and the whole audience went quiet. He didn't understand why Li Rui suddenly knelt down.

"I'm guilty," Li Rui said firmly in his magnetic voice, "I killed my fiancee, and my son, and I surrendered."

Fans in the audience: "… "

The agent scolded the mother fiercely, and directed the dumbfounded assistant to rush up: "Drag him down for me! Crazy him!!"

The audience was silent, and after the fans were shocked, they cried like crazy, "Impossible!" The scene was chaotic for a while, and the security couldn't stop it. The reporter hiding in the fans also reacted, took the video of the previous paragraph, and excitedly posted it on the Internet: Big news! Singer Li Rui actually confessed that he was a murderer at the concert! !

For a while, all the news like this made headlines. In a few minutes, the entire network was blown up, and the Weibo server crashed. You must know that Li Rui has done a lot of good things in recent years. Every year, he goes to welfare institutions. Donate money, and he is kind and good to fans. He is an absolute gentleman and a warm man. How can such a person kill someone

Many fans on the Internet don't believe it, even if they see the video, they don't believe it's true, and the brain-dead fans even think it's being pranked by someone, or that it's a game. Even if Li Rui really killed someone, it's that person who deserves to die. There's absolutely nothing wrong with them being such a good person like Brother Rui!

After Gu Ye and Gu Yang returned home, they were trained by Mrs. Gu's ears, and then the brothers were locked in a small restaurant, and they were asked to reflect while eating!

The brothers ate the four dishes and one soup left by their mother, closed the door, and happily started Weibo.

Gu Yang couldn't understand the behavior of some fans, "I'm afraid these fans are not crazy. Those killed are damned. Li Rui is not wrong at all."

Gu Ye sneered, "The more this is the case, the more angry Wang Qianqian will be, and Li Rui is the one who suffers. Moreover, he himself said that he murdered, and the police will not ignore it."

Sure enough, early the next morning, it was revealed on Weibo that Li Rui was arrested. He confessed to the murder in front of so many people, and he had to be interrogated according to law.

However, things didn't go as smoothly as expected. Li Rui suddenly went against his normal behavior and said that he was talking nonsense, and he didn't kill anyone at all. His agent is also helping him clean up, saying that Li Rui is too tired recently, and he has severe depression. When he is stressed, he often has fantasies, and he is so in a trance that he does not know what he has done. Proof of depression All have. Coupled with the manipulation of speech by the entertainment company, the police who took Li Rui away in accordance with the law became the target of attack, and netizens shouted to let him go. Gu Ye looked at these remarks on the Internet, and was very happy. He took out scissors from the drawer, took out a piece of talisman paper, and cut out the shape of a villain with a few strokes.

That night, the police received a special call. Someone reported that there was a female corpse at No. 5 Middle School, the wife and child of Li Rui killed seven years ago. He could even explain the process of the crime in detail. .

How could a stranger know so clearly? The police immediately found the phone booth where the report was made, but unfortunately only found a small paper figure with a red dot on the forehead on the ground.

"Let me show you something." Li team showed the villain to a friend who studied mysticism, "Why do I feel like someone in your industry did it? Can you find out who this person is? He is very important to this case. ."

There are always some things that cannot be done by human beings, so there is an underground department that Huaxia does not recognize - the Xuanshu Institute. This department has strict regulations and will help people solve some supernatural incidents, and sometimes help investigate cases. , to provide some evidence that cannot be found with high-tech means, because they do not do bad things, so the relevant departments also acquiesce to their existence. This friend of Team Li is the one who learned the metaphysics.

The other party took the villain and studied it carefully, "The technique is very similar to that of a person. He is the only one who can control the talisman to such a degree."


The middle-aged man said regretfully: "Genius spell master, he became famous as a teenager, but unfortunately he is too self-willed, as long as he thinks it is right, he dares to do anything, even dare to use forbidden spells, it has become a taboo in the circle at a young age. ."

Team Li pointed at the little paper figure, "Is this what he did?"

The middle-aged man shook his head, "Impossible, that person is already dead and died young."

Team Li was puzzled, "Taboo still died young? Is this a compliment or a derogation? What did he do?"