I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me

Chapter 112: Everyone is a murderer


Gu Ye and Xie Cheng followed Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang upstairs to the house where the fire broke out. The scene was sealed off, and the police were investigating the scene. After going in, they found that the scene was not as messy as expected. In the picture, only the balcony area was burned, which has now been extinguished, there is still water on the ground, and the body is no longer there.

Gu Ye stood on the balcony, "It seems to be intentional to let people know that this house is on fire."

Xiao Zhang said in a puzzled way: "It's strange to be able to burn a person to death without burning the surrounding things. Everything in the house is arranged normally."

Gu Ye let out a "tsk", shook his head, and said in his heart that this was not done by humans.

Xie Cheng walked around the house and walked to the balcony, "Where's the corpse?"

"The corpse has been brought back for autopsy," Xiao Wang told them in a low voice, seeing that the other police officers were busy with their own affairs: "The autopsy before was burned alive, or choked to death by smoke, such a small fire How can you burn someone to death or choke to death? Do you two think this case is abnormal when you come here?"

Gu Ye smiled, "We're still investigating, and we're not sure. We suspect that ghosts are involved at the moment."

At this time, the others had already checked, and Xiao Wang went to inquire, "It was indeed a fifty-year-old woman who died, and the method of death was quite tragic. She wrapped her body with garbage bags and poured half a bucket of cooking oil on her head. , and then set herself on fire. The most bizarre thing is that after such a painful death, she did not struggle and lay motionless on the ground. "

Xie Cheng listened to his scalp tingling, "Then she was still alive when she was burned to death?"

"The autopsy report has not come out yet, and the specific circumstances are unknown. However, according to the previous autopsy reports, he should be still alive."

Gu Ye looked at Xie Cheng speechlessly, "The other party is obviously retaliating. How can she be burned after her death? She must be burned alive."

Xie Cheng rubbed his arms, this method of death made people shudder.

When the others left, Xiao Wang suggested, "Do you want to use a special method to check?"

Gu Ye shook his head, "It's useless, the soul has been eaten."

"Who ate it?"

Gu Ye smiled, "It's hard to say for the time being. You check yours, we check ours. In the end, we will find a pair of clues on both sides. There may be unexpected gains. I can't say it to death."

"Yes, you are thoughtful."

Xie Cheng asked, "Do you have any doubts?"

Xiao Zhang said: "We identified the male owner of the first house as one of the suspects from the beginning, but we just got the news that he has been in the hospital and has no time to commit the crime."

Xie Cheng was surprised, "We heard that he disappeared."

Xiao Wang said helplessly: "Who did you listen to? He is not missing, he is in the hospital, after all, he was hit so hard that he was taken away by relatives for treatment and has not come back. Up to now, the bodies of the mother and son are still at the police station. , no one claimed."

Xie Cheng nodded, "We also feel that the first case is different from the others."

Xie Cheng and Gu Yehe looked at each other, and had an idea in their hearts. If the man didn't have time to commit the crime, then the accomplices of human and ghost were ruled out, and the ghost was probably the first woman to be burned to death. But now I can't find her, so I can't be sure.

Just as he was talking, Xiao Wang's phone rang, and his expression suddenly changed after he answered, "What? Fucking again!"

This sentence pulled everyone present, "Okay, I understand, we'll go over immediately to maintain order and protect the scene." Xiao Wang hung up the phone and said with an ugly face, "Hurry up and go underground. garage."

Xiao Wang ran in front, and everyone behind him chased after him. After running into the elevator, Xiao Wang said with an ugly face: "In the underground garage of the opposite community, someone was in the car."


"Yes, this community is connected to the underground of the opposite community, not only has a garage, but also a haunted house. The crime scene is next to the haunted house."

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng looked at each other, their faces were not good-looking, the hexagram showed that at least two people would die, this was the first one, and there was another.

When a few people arrived at the scene, the scene was out of control, and there were too many onlookers. This was originally a time for square dancing. When I heard that there was a car on fire below, they all came to watch the fun. Now that the fire has been put out, the body is in the car.

People from the community property have also rushed here and are maintaining order. Xiao Wang went up to inquire about the situation, and learned that the security guard found the car on fire when he was patrolling. After taking a fire extinguisher in the corridor to extinguish it, he found that there was someone inside, so he hurriedly called the police. As for how these onlookers knew, they didn't know either.

The investigation and monitoring found that there was no second person at the scene, and Xiao Zhang and Xiao Wang both scratched their heads, which seemed to be another suicide case.

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng searched around, but couldn't find the soul of this person. Like before, it was eaten. The two of them sensed the ghost again, and Xie Cheng said in surprise: "It seems to be a little stronger than before. Could it be that as the murder devours the soul, the baby can't hold back the breath?"

Gu Ye let out the dog's teeth and let it look around here, as long as the other party still wanted to kill, he had to come back.

Looking at the crime scene again, Gu Ye has a headache, there are so many people!

Xiao Zhang shouted with a cold face: "Don't go in, don't destroy the scene."

Some people ignored the obstruction and looked over curiously, and then screamed in fear, Gu Ye frowned, and watched even if he was afraid. What's so good about this liveliness, aren't you afraid of having nightmares

Among this group of people, Gu Ye found an acquaintance, the aunt who told them about the situation at the gate. Gu Ye walked over and asked helplessly, "Auntie, are you here to join in the liveliness of the neighborhood next door?"

"Hey! It's okay to be idle anyway, just take a look at it." The aunt didn't care, and whispered to Gu Ye: "It's too bad! I just took a look, and the people inside couldn't see what they were burning. . Boys, why are you here? Are you the police?"

Gu Ye smiled, "Underground police."

Auntie didn't react, she was very curious, "What kind of police?"

Xie Cheng glared at Gu Ye and told him not to follow his aunt to talk nonsense, this aunt might spread the word in a while, and the two of them were involved in an underground organization. There were too many onlookers, and Xie Cheng threatened: "You all hurry up, the car just turned off, and it might explode in a while."

Most of the people around were uncles and aunts. When I heard this, I was really afraid of death, and some took a few steps back. Some were amused, "Don't scare people, young man, the fire in this car has been extinguished, how could it explode?"

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and said seriously: "It might explode. The engine is still smoking now. If it explodes, you will die."

Having said that, these uncles and aunts were all scared. Many people left while watching the excitement, and the surroundings suddenly became more empty.

However, the crime scene has been destroyed. If the ground is soil, even if the murderer leaves a large footprint, it cannot be picked out.

At this time, Xiao Zhang had already copied the surveillance video, Xiao Wang called Gu Ye and Xie Cheng, and the four gathered to watch it together.

In the picture, the car drove gently to this parking space as usual. After stopping the car, he opened the door to get out of the car, but in the next second, as if being controlled by something, he stepped down his leg again. He took it back and closed the door by the way.

Because of the angle of view, the car was right under the camera, and it was clear what was happening in the car.

The man struggled in the car for a while, then he ignited his clothes with a lighter, and then he struggled in pain in the car. With his actions, the car was quickly ignited.

"This... is suicide again? What's the reason?"

Gu Ye looked at the confused state of the two policemen, and wanted to say to the two eldest brothers, you don't have to work hard, you don't need to think about any scientific basis for this, this thing is not done by humans.

A lot of onlookers at the scene had already left. Gu Ye looked around and found that the aunt hadn't left yet. She was chatting with people, and she was so excited about it, as if there was nothing in the world that she didn't know.

Seeing her face, Gu Ye frowned. It was fine just now, but now he sees a bit of death on this auntie's face. Gu Yezheng wanted to go over to see clearly, when he heard a female voice coldly ask: "What are you doing all around here? Do you know the crime scene? Those who affect the handling of the case will be arrested, and leave quickly."

Hearing this, all the onlookers ran away, and before Gu Ye had time to stop the aunt, the other party ran faster than him, and his legs were super neat.

Mu Jingfei walked over with a frosty face, and when she saw Gu Ye, her face softened, "Why did you all come here?"

Gu Ye said helplessly: "Actually, I don't want to come."

Mu Jingfei patted him on the shoulder, "I was busy in a meeting when you called me, and I arrived here before I had time to call you back. Is this what you asked me about?"

Gu Ye nodded, "Almost."

Mu Jingfei looked at the car, "The first crime scene?"

Xiao Wang said quickly, "Yes."

Mu Jingfei walked to the car and glanced at the charred body, "Is it so tragic? What happened recently? I can't think about it, I can't think about it." She took the video handed over by Xiao Zhang, "The case happened. Under the camera, on the surface, it was another suicide."

Gu Ye reminded: "Sister, it's not suicide, it's murder."

"I know, it's a serial murder case."

"I calculated a hexagram. This is a mortal situation, and the hexagram shows that there will be another death."

Mu Jingfei's eyes widened, "Still dead? Brother, are you Conan? Wherever you go, people die."

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "It must be... Xie Cheng is poisonous!"

At this time, after the aunt returned home, she excitedly told her wife and children what she had seen, "The man died so tragically, he was burnt in the car, and he could smell it from a distance. The smell of burnt meat, I don't think it's like suicide, is it homicide? In the future, you should be careful when going out, serial killers, the murderer is too brutal, the police don't know what to eat, so far they haven't caught the murderer To, oops, it's horrible."

Her daughter-in-law was frightened and said helplessly: "Mom, you don't go to join in this kind of fun in the future, what's so beautiful?"

"Looking at the play, it's free to be idle at home, or you have a baby and let me take it."

The daughter-in-law stopped talking. She had been married for three years and had no children. The old man kept urging her, but she just didn't have it. There was nothing she could do.

The old man saw that his daughter-in-law's face was wrong, and said angrily: "You talk less, say a few words less."

Auntie didn't care, "What's wrong with my mouth? I was like this when I was young, why didn't you dislike me?"

"You... you are making a lot of trouble." The old man couldn't tell her. He picked up a cigarette and a lighter and wanted to smoke one.

The aunt grabbed it and said, "Don't smoke. When my daughter-in-law is preparing for pregnancy, you can't smell the smoke."

When the daughter-in-law heard this, she went back to her room with a pale face. The aunt also realized that she had said it, and threw the cigarette on the table with an ugly face. The old man picked up the lighter and glanced at her helplessly, "Alas!"

He still took out a cigarette and touched the lighter, but no one saw that, in the dark corner of the balcony, a young woman looked at them resentfully.

At the moment when the lighter was lit, with a bang, the lighter exploded in the hands of the old man, a set of ghosts swept over, and the flames suddenly became countless times larger and attached to the two people, and the fire suddenly changed. The old couple was covered in fire, screaming and rolling in the living room.

After hearing the movement, the daughter-in-law hurried out to take a look. She was so frightened that she screamed. She hurriedly ran to the bathroom, took out a bucket of water, and poured it on the father-in-law who rolled at her feet. Look, her mother-in-law has already run to the balcony, holding the railing, turned into a burning man. The weird thing is that she can't move like she is being held down.

The daughter-in-law cried out in fright, and hurriedly called the police. When Mu Jingfei and the others arrived, when they saw the scene in front of them, they looked at Ye silently. It was too accurate. He is a little fairy.

Gu Ye spread his hands and said helplessly, "The second one is dead."

Mu Jingfei was desperate, "The time is too fast. You just finished telling me that there is no chance for protection, and people are gone."

Gu Ye was helpless, "I have no choice, this is my life."

Xie Cheng went to check, "The old man can still be saved, hurry to the hospital, the old lady... the soul is gone."

Seeing the family portrait on the table, Gu Ye sighed, and it really was this aunt. When she was leaving, her face was dead. This ghost only found her temporarily. If she didn't watch the fun, she might not have this disaster. So, everything is destiny.

Dog Tooth smelled the smell and whimpered a few times, Gu Ye looked down at it, "Go after it, we'll be there later."

At this time, in the haunted house, the woman held a new soul in her hand and said viciously: "If you guys don't block there, the fire truck will come in, and my child and I will not die. My child, a Five years old, one two years old, they all died because you blocked the fire truck! You all have to pay for it!"

No matter how the new soul struggled, the woman tore the soul apart and ate it one by one. Her eyes were flushed, and her whole body was filled with ghostly aura. After eating this soul, her complexion was much better, and her neck was burnt. The traces disappeared, and the soul power increased a lot.

The ferocious breath rushed over from behind, the woman turned her head back vigilantly, a three-headed dog bared its teeth and looked at her, the woman took a few steps back defensively, "Three-headed dog? Are you here to catch me and go to hell? I can't go now, I want revenge, and I want to find my child, have you seen my child?" She gestured with red eyes, "A five-year-old, so tall, a boy, a two-year-old It's only so tall, girl. Did you see them?"

Gouya looked at her solemnly, and took two steps back vigilantly, staring at her closely, for fear that she would run away in the next second.

"You don't understand me? Forget it, I'm going to find the child." The woman stood up, and the surrounding soul was like a burning flame. follow her.

The woman sneered, "Follow me again, and I'll eat you."


From Gu Ye's side, "Gouya found his breath and went after him. Now I want the information on the first family, especially the woman's information."

Mu Jingfei retrieved the information and showed it to him. Gu Ye pointed at the first dead person, "Lu Qian, it should be her who has been killing people."

After reading the report, Xie Cheng said regretfully: "This mother is young enough, these two children are even more pitiful, and they suffer from such crimes at such a young age."

Gu Ye nodded, "Combined with the previous clues, she is taking revenge on those who blocked the fire rescue because of watching the fun."

Xiao Zhang found another video, "This is the video of the rescue, taken at the door."

The video was played again, and everyone sat down and watched it together. Usually, there was no fire in this place, so at first, everyone had no awareness of rescue, nor did they see how fire trucks put out fires, so they all regarded it as a lively scene. Not only were there many people watching at the gate, but also private cars stopped to watch the excitement, and some deliberately slowed down to shoot video, which also blocked the passage of fire trucks. The fire truck finally came in, and there was something downstairs blocking the fire exit, and the people watching the lively became an obstacle, blocking the rescue.

Seeing this, several people were speechless, and Xie Chengqi was very happy, "There are also people who applaud the firefighters, who think that their consciousness is quite high, they shouldn't hide away at this time, so as not to delay the firefighters' work. Is it the best match?"

Gu Ye wondered: "This aunt is just watching the fun, and she doesn't seem to be the most prominent. Why did she die?"

"I have a clue," Xiao Wang said, "I just found out that the deceased and her wife walked home after buying vegetables that day, and the fire truck sirens kept sounding behind, and I don't know who pushed them and loaded the vegetables. The bag was torn and the vegetables were scattered all over the ground. They wanted to pick up the vegetables and stopped the fire truck from leaving, which was delayed for half a minute."

Several people didn't know what to say, especially Gu Ye and Xie Cheng, who had heard from her before that the car would not delay the rescue of the fire truck, and maybe the mother and son would not die, so why not herself? Everyone feels that it is none of their business and that what they do is not a big deal. In fact, a few seconds of unintentional delay are life.

From the standpoint of the old couple, food is bought with money, which is very important. Standing on the side waiting for rescue, let alone half a minute, waiting for an extra second is a torment. Who can say that without the delay of half a minute, the mother and son will be rescued? If there is no ghost revenge, can this incident be regarded as never happened

The atmosphere was a bit depressing. After reading it, everyone had their own thoughts and no one spoke.

Mu Jingfei drew six circles on the pause screen at the end of the screen, "These six people are already dead. Everyone has hindered the rescue more or less, but the law does not blame the public, there are so many people, not all of them. Take them away. But each of them indirectly led to the death of the mother and child."

Gu Ye stood up and said indifferently: "Then you can't watch so many people die, everything these people do will get karma, but if she kills, she will also get karma, and reincarnation is impossible. If she doesn't stop her, once the thing that protects her fails, she will lose her mind and become a murderer. At that time..."

Xie Cheng also stood up and added: "Everyone on this screen will die."

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes, let's go to her, you can go back to sleep, and we'll deal with it tomorrow."

Mu Jingfei said worriedly: "You all pay attention to safety."

Gu Ye smiled, "Don't worry, sister, we are professional."

Gu Ye followed Gouya's breath and chased him all the way for more than 50 kilometers. Xie Cheng complained: "This sister can run. Are you sure that Gouya is not going to play, is she really chasing this sister?"

Gu Ye said firmly: "Dog tooth is not the kind of mad dog that runs around, it is very sensible."

"Okay," Xie Cheng yawned, looked at his watch, it was past three o'clock, he found a bottle of Red Bull from the car, "The last bottle, do you want to drink it?"

Gu Ye shook his head, just as there were several old ghosts passing by on the side of the road, Gu Ye stopped the car and asked them, "Master! Have you seen this woman? A dog with three heads is chasing behind her?"

Several old ghosts looked at Gu Ye and asked in disbelief, "Where are you talking to us?"

"Yes," Gu Ye stuffed a few coins and took out Lu Qian's photo, "Have you seen this woman?"

Several ghosts said happily: "I have seen it, she often wanders around here, and I saw her just now, she is looking for a child."

"Looking for a child?"

"Yes, she asks anyone she sees, have you seen my child."

Gu Ye and Xie Cheng looked at each other, her child was not with her

At this moment, I saw a woman in the distance, hurriedly ran to a tree, raised her head and asked the hanged ghost hanging on the branch of the tree, with gestures like she was looking for a child.

"Sure enough, it's Lu Qian." Gu Ye drove after him. From a distance, the woman turned her head and glanced. Seeing Gu Ye's car approaching in the distance, she was frightened. It turned into a plume of black smoke and fled quickly. .

Xie Cheng asked in surprise: "Fuck! What is she running for?"

Gu Ye was also puzzled, "Why did you run away when you saw the car?"

Xie Cheng said firmly: "Gu Ye, she definitely knows you! It was intentional to bump into your hexagram. She even knows your car, so how can she know what you are doing? Remember to wear a mask next time you go out, no matter if you catch it. People still catch ghosts! Otherwise, we will break up with you!"

Gu Ye was speechless and didn't know how to justify, "...Okay."

The two chased for two hours, but they didn't catch up with the ghost who was running and hiding his breath. Seeing that the sky was getting brighter, Xie Chengqi patted Gu Ye, "You scared me away!"

Gu Ye's heart was tired, he really didn't know how he became popular in the world of ghosts and humans.

There is no way to chase it any longer, Gu Ye lowered his face, "Go back to sleep and stop chasing."

Xie Cheng frowned, "Are you serious? What if she kills again?"

Gu Ye said seriously: "Then let her come to us by herself, I just thought of a way."

When Xie Cheng heard this, he fell into the car and fell asleep.

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and pondered for a while, then turned the car back to the police station, found a hotel next to the police station and just fell asleep when he heard cries outside.

Gu Ye closed his eyes and asked irritably, "What's going on?"

Ye Li stood by the window, "I heard that the ghost's husband came back to pick up the corpse. The scene was a little out of control."

Gu Ye sat up with dark circles under his eyes, "Before I let him take it away, I have to take a look at the corpse to verify my thoughts."