I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me

Chapter 120: Let Gu Ye seduce her


A corpse more than 500 years ago, after killing people, went away. Such a scene of anti-humanity and anti-science happened right before our eyes. Xiao Wang and the others were all stunned, took a few deep breaths, and after reacting, they suddenly realized that this was a murderer, and immediately went after him. However, the corpse ran so fast that it disappeared after a few shakes in the night.

Xiao Wang came back to pick up Fu Yonggen's body with a bewildered face. For the first time, he was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold. After recovering, he called Mu Jingfei, "Team Mu, something big happened here."

In the middle of the night, Mu Jingfei had already fallen asleep, and when she was shouted, she said helplessly: "With Gu Ye helping you, things haven't been done yet?"

Xiao Wang scratched his head anxiously, "Now there is something anti-human, and the corpse left by itself."

Mu Jingfei was amused, "How many years have the corpses had feet?"

"500 years."

"Then she's great."

Xiao Wang stomped his feet anxiously, "I'm not kidding, so many brothers are watching. After the body was killed, it ran away. The body has been transported back, and the head was screwed off. Now it's in the forensic room."

Only then did Mu Jingfei realize the seriousness of the problem, "Hurry up and find it over there, I'll be back in the team tomorrow."

"Team Mu, shall we report it?"

"How to report?"

"Let's just say that five hundred years of corpses have survived, ran away, and killed people. It's extremely dangerous. I ask the superiors to use guns and cannons to destroy them." fool.

"Calm down," Mu Jingfei said calmly: "It's not that time yet, don't cause panic, ask Gu Ye what's going on."

Xiao Wang hung up the phone and immediately called Gu Ye to tell the story, "We really need your help this time, and we watched the princess run away."

Gu Ye was woken up as soon as he fell asleep. He was very angry when he got up, and immediately became irritable, "I said half-baked not to practice casually. What if I don't obey the command? Kill him!"

Xiao Wang hurriedly said, "He's already dead, his head was screwed off by the princess, and the body was divided."

Gu Ye paused, "So fast?"


Gu Ye sneered, "If you call the soul, you should beat him up!"

Xiao Wang laughed dryly, seeing that Gu Ye had a good temper, but he didn't expect to be so ruthless when he lost his temper.

In the middle of the night, Gu Ye had to go to the police station to help. When he saw the dead body, Gu Ye grinned in disgust. It was ugly when he was alive, and even worse when he died, with no eyes. close. Gu Ye scolded in disgust, "I said don't mess around, don't listen, and make trouble! That's not it! He has a life on his back, and he will die."

Gu Ye covered the white cloth and instructed: "The body should be disposed of as soon as possible, preferably cremated, don't keep it."

Xiao Wang asked worriedly, "Will he turn into a zombie and jump up?" After speaking, he was amused by himself, "How can a zombie without a head bite?"

Gu Ye thought about the scene for a while, and said with a smile, "Don't be amused, hurry up and find someone."

"Our people have gone, and the police dog has also been dispatched, but this princess is too good at hiding, and there is no trace at all."

Gu Ye was also worried. He didn't know when the princess was born or died, and after so many years, the fortune-telling might not be accurate. How to find it? In desperation, Gu Ye called Xie Cheng. Xie Cheng was sleeping soundly. When Gu Ye called out, he asked confusedly, "What happened? Earthquake? Zombie siege?"

Gu Ye said seriously: "If this matter is not handled properly, there is a real possibility that zombies will besiege the city."

Xie Cheng was immediately frightened by Gu Ye's tone, "What's the situation?"

Gu Ye briefly explained the matter, and Xie Cheng immediately became excited, "Damn it! Is it so exciting? When did it happen?"

"It just happened, don't ask anymore, just find someone quickly."

"What nonsense are you talking about, just go to the group and call people. There are more than 200 people. We are more powerful."

Gu Ye said helplessly: "I can't call anyone, and no one will listen to me."

Xie Cheng smiled, "How can you be such a bad person? Only those old guys have opinions on you. Young people like you very much. Many young people regard your brother as an idol, don't you know?"

Gu Ye really didn't know.

Xie Cheng encouraged: "You go and call someone, I'll get dressed and look for them together."

Gu Ye opened the group. Although it was midnight, the group of night owls who often acted at night still hadn't slept. Some are idle and bored on the way to perform tasks, some are habitually waking up at night, and some are cooking in the middle of the night, asking what is the difference between monosodium glutamate and chicken essence.

Gu Ye hesitated for a while, and sent a message: Hello everyone, I'm Gu Ye, I need everyone's help.

Gu Ye didn't expect that as soon as he asked, someone answered him: Where are you? what help? What type of person is needed

Gu Ye suddenly breathed a sigh of relief, the corners of his mouth curled up, and his face returned softly: A mentally retarded Taoist priest turned a corpse five hundred years ago into a zombie. Lost control after a large amount of blood and is now wandering outside. I can't find her alone.

The group was cold for a few seconds, and then it exploded!

"Fuck! I've never seen a zombie in my life! Is it the same as on TV?"

"Does it look good? Is it big buck teeth?"

"I've already got up, brother wait for me! Take me with you! I want to bring my DSLR!"

"Is it so awesome? Come on, brothers, where are you now, Gu Ye? Let's find you!"

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops meet, catch zombies! Brothers, get up and catch zombies!"

Gu Ye looked at the group of people in the group dumbfounded, holding his forehead dumbfounded. He never thought that one day his character would be so good, and so many colleagues would come to help him in a word, but, should this group of people do this? Lively

Some people saw that they were talking too much, so Gu Ye couldn't even interrupt, and shouted: "Shut your mouth! Let Gu Ye speak! Where are you now? Send me the address, we will be there as soon as possible."

Gu Ye replied: I am at the police station, in this place.

At this time, Xie Cheng also went online and told him: We will be there soon, wait for us.

Not long after, more than a dozen people came to the door, all carrying equipment, and some with nets, all with excited expressions. When Xiao Wang learned that they were all Gu Ye's colleagues, he was immediately relieved. Non-human things depended on them.

Unexpectedly, dozens of people came one after another in a short time. Some were riding electric vehicles, some were riding small motorcycles, and some were driving. All of them were carrying bags and equipment. After seeing the corpse of Tominaga, they used their own methods to write down the breath above and prepare to find the hiding place of the princess.

Xie Cheng came on his motorcycle and threw a helmet to Gu Ye, "There are still two hours before dawn, even if she can't be found, she can't be allowed to kill. Connect in the group."

After assigning the tasks, all the masters in the city were dispatched.

Xiao Wang exclaimed: "I didn't expect that there are so many people in your industry, and they are all of high quality. They all come to help."

Gu Ye was also more emotional. To be honest, he didn't expect so many people to help.

The masters searched excitedly for two hours, it was almost dawn, and still no trace of the princess was found. This is also reasonable. I found that so many people are looking for it. As long as this princess is not a fool, she will definitely hide. However, when there were few people, they buried everything that was searching for the breath. As long as the princess showed up here, they would be able to detect it.

After dawn, everyone went back to sleep. This time, they didn't need anyone to urge them. They all wanted to recharge their batteries and come out at night to catch zombies.

In the evening, the portrait of the princess was passed on to the group. After seeing the princess's appearance, many single men felt that the princess was too beautiful. Maybe it's because I've been single for a long time, and I think it's beautiful when I see a corpse.

Gu Ye said helplessly: Stop making trouble, this princess drinks human blood. She drank it once yesterday, and she will definitely hurt people and drink blood on the third day, so she must be found today. She sleeps during the day and is active at night. We only have one night, so be serious!

Someone joked with Gu Ye: Why are you like a little old man? Everyone already knows the seriousness of the matter, no need to remind us any more, we will definitely catch her, and whoever catches it belongs to her!

Gu Ye helped his forehead helplessly. No wonder Xie Cheng is a funny guy. He hangs out with this group of funny boys every day. All of them have the same style of painting, and they are all funny guys.

Gu Ye reminded: This is looking for a zombie, not a daughter-in-law!

The following reply is a string: Oh!

Gu Ye was taken, everyone said he was skinny. When he encountered serious things, he was actually quite serious. He was usually skinny.


As night fell, the first half of the imperial capital was full of people, even more lively than during the day. More than a hundred masters of mystic arts hid in the crowd, looking for zombie princesses everywhere. The first half of the night just passed without a trace.

In the second half of the night, the city that had been noisy for a day finally quieted down. Now that the autumn is cool, it is easy to get foggy in the second half of the night. The fog carries dew, and the smog makes the night look white and the atmosphere suddenly becomes weird.

A young man sitting on the side of the road eating supper suddenly stopped what he was doing and looked vigilantly in the direction of the city, "I feel her breath."

With this short sentence, everyone present became vigilant, "Where?"

"In the city."

"The former imperial city! Isn't she going home?"

"It wasn't her home five hundred years ago. It should be sensed that there was a royal presence there."

As soon as the news was announced in the group, all the masters gathered in the center of the city. At this time, the princess, who was wearing tattered clothes and could barely recognize a woman from the outside, was standing on the avenue, looking around at a loss, but did not find any familiar aura. However, after all, many people died in this place, and almost every inch of the ground under her feet was stained with blood. The suffocating aura left after the killing made her feel comfortable. The princess raised her feet excitedly and walked forward, her body was still a little stiff, but it was almost the same as a normal person.

However, just as she was about to approach the square, a burst of righteousness suddenly fell from the top of her head. She raised her head and saw a red flag fluttering in the square in the distance. At such a distance, the feeling of oppression became stronger and stronger. The more intense, the fear from the soul made her take a few steps back, not daring to go forward. Intuition told her that she would die if she went any further.

The princess hesitated for a while, but had no choice but to give up the evil spirits, turned her head and walked away.

Before the masters arrived, the young man said in the group: "The magic talisman I hid nearby sensed that she had left there, and went north. The brothers in the north should pay attention and stop her."

"Don't worry, I've already let the dog go out to find it." This man's sect has raised many dogs, each of which has been specially trained and is particularly sensitive to corpses. As long as there is a zombie princess, the dog can detect it.

After a while, the man said in the group: "My dog has found her figure, and the speed is quite fast."

Everyone advised him not to hurry, just follow. They are all young people, no one has ever seen such a thing as a zombie, and no one knows what it is. It's a joke, and no one wants to die.

The zombie princess also noticed that many people were looking for her, and smelling them, she was already thirsty. Blood with righteousness has a restraining effect on her, and she doesn't like it. However, some of those chasing her have spiritual energy in their bodies, and you can see how delicious that kind of blood is when you think about it.

The zombie princess felt that someone was very close to her. She deliberately slowed down her steps. After a short pause, the two dogs rushed up first. The blue ghost face of the zombie princess was full of disgust. She hated this kind of scumbag. biology!

After the dog rushed over, she lifted her foot and kicked directly on the dog's spine. With a click, the dog let out a scream, the spine was directly kicked off, and flew upside down for more than three meters, her head slammed into the wall. On, the dog whimpered and lost his breath.

The other dog saw that his friend he had grown up with had been killed, and jumped on it frantically, and was immediately pinched by an iron claw-like hand, with another click, and before the dog could bark, he was caught Choked the neck.

The zombie princess threw the dog's body out in disgust, and smashed it at the feet of the dog owner who was chasing after him. The dog owner saw that the two pet dogs that had been raised for more than five years had been killed, and the eyes were red, so he picked up the peach wood sword. dash forward.

Generally, evil spirits are afraid of the peach wood sword. I didn't expect that the zombie princess would not hide when he slashed with this sword.

The young man was also nimble, and he looked at the princess after dodging back, and was almost blinded by ugliness. There was a circle of white hair on her face, but her face was cyan, her eyes were white, but her pupils were red, and her body was tattered.

The young man reported in the group vigilantly: "I fought against this princess, the peach wood sword does not work against her, and her strength is very strong, her two dogs were killed by her, and she also wanted to kill me. "

As soon as these words fell, the zombie princess rushed over. The young man immediately raised the mahogany sword to block it. Unexpectedly, he was caught by the zombie princess with both hands in the next second and folded in half without a pause.

When the young man didn't see it well, he picked up the dog's body and ran away. Unfortunately, the two dogs were also quite heavy. He held the dog and ran slowly, and was overtaken by the zombie in the blink of an eye. The long fingernails grabbed the back of his neck, and a gust of cold wind passed, and the young man felt a sudden pain in the back of his neck. His heart sank, and when he was in despair, a large net fell from the sky, and the helper finally arrived. The net looked unremarkable, and as soon as it covered the zombie, it emitted a dazzling white light.

The zombie princess finally felt pain. A few wisps of white smoke came out of her body. She cried out in pain. The voice seemed to be squeezed out of her throat. It was not like the sound that a human voice could make. Chilling.

The long nails leaked out of the hole in the net, and with a violent tear, the entire net was torn in half. Seeing so many people, the zombie princess couldn't beat herself, so she turned her head and ran away.

The crowd separated a few and hurried to chase, and the rest helped the young man up. The back of the young man's neck was covered in blood, and a piece of flesh was caught. Everyone hurriedly treated the young man's wound. After removing the corpse poison, the teammates said: "Go to the hospital. This must be anti-inflammatory and sterilized, otherwise it will be easily infected."

Tears fell as the young man held the bodies of the two dogs, "But they... they're like my brothers."

Everyone patted him on the shoulder, not knowing how to persuade him. If you look at it this way, this princess is extremely dangerous and will kill people in order to drink blood.

"She wants to kill me, she just wants my blood." The young man wiped his face, rubbed his face, and stood up with an ugly face, "Our blood contains spiritual energy, this princess is picky about her taste, she is sure I want high-quality blood. I haven't found any shortcomings in her for the time being. I stabbed her with a sword just now, and her body was so hard that she couldn't stab her."

At this time, there was a young man in his 20s. He also had red lips and white teeth and a very handsome face. This young man's name was Fan Xiao. He was confused and lost where he went.

This time he came out with everyone, got lost again, and lost his teammates. He didn't know where he was. When he was looking for someone, he found a shadow rushing towards him.

Fan Xiao sensed the death energy on the other party's body, and his spirit shook. He picked up the copper coin sword and resisted it. With a thud, the two sides were paired. .

The two of them each took a few steps back and looked at each other. Fan Xiao stomped his feet angrily and scolded: "Gu Ye is a big liar? What kind of beauty is that? It's so ugly!"

The red eyes of the zombie princess flickered, and she rushed to catch him. The young man was so frightened that he screamed and ran away, knowing that he could not beat him. The zombie princess caught up with him in a few steps, pinched Fan Xiao by the neck and pressed him against the wall, hitting his head against the wall. , At the same time as the pain, feel the power in the body disappear little by little. Fan Xiao's heart was completely cold, he turned his head and called out with difficulty: "Sister, don't kill me, I'm still a child."

As they got closer, Fan Xiao's face was in front of his eyes. He was white and clean, and he was not very old. The zombie princess narrowed her eyes, stopped drinking blood, looked at him for a while, and picked up Fan Xiao's clothes, as if she was carrying an object, and ran out of the city quickly.

Fan Xiao felt nauseous when he was being carried. He didn't know where he was going to be carried, so he cried out for help in the group in a daze: "Help, I was taken away by a zombie."

Everyone in the group was taken aback, "Why did you get caught by her, are you still alive?"

Fan Xiao clutched his neck, blood was sticky in one hand, and laboriously sent the location to the group, his eyes started to glow with gold stars.

Fortunately, there were people nearby, and everyone followed the location. The zombie princess was stopped after a short distance, and everyone pulled away to see that Fan Xiao had fainted, and he didn't know if he was alive or dead.

Everyone rushed up anxiously and had another conflict with the zombie princess. As a result, two people were injured, the zombie princess escaped, and Fan Xiao was finally snatched back. Everyone checked it out, and they were very fortunate. "Don't worry, you are still alive."

After everyone woke him up, Fan Xiao's first sentence was: "Scared Daddy to death."

Everyone wanted to beat their children, "You fucking scared the dads to death!"

Fan Xiao said weakly: "Where's Gu Ye? You dare to say that she is a great beauty, but is that ugly?"

As soon as Gu Ye heard that he still had the strength to think about whether she was a beauty or not, he let go and said helplessly: "She was like this when she was alive, who can guarantee that she will be the same after her death, are you all alright? I will reconcile with Xie Cheng soon. can get there."

Everyone present wanted to beat Fan Xiao, "Don't be poor, it's good for you to be alive."

"She seems to be taking me somewhere. Maybe she thinks it's too difficult to find blood, so grab one back and raise it."

Someone in the group said helplessly: "Don't make a fuss, could it be that this princess still picks people after drinking blood, so she picks good-looking, thin skin and tender meat."

After saying this, someone suddenly reacted, "I suddenly remembered something, it may not be an accident to arrest him! I have contacted the museum and found information about this princess. This princess has a rich history. After the death of the consort, she gave up on herself. She has a lot of lovers, all of them are beautiful men. Her hobby is to look good, and she is not very old. If she retains her hobbies before her death, she may drink blood now and choose good-looking ones. Be careful if you look good, don't get caught by the princess."

The group suddenly became lively, as if they had caught the only weakness of the zombie princess: "If this is the case, it will be easy. We can lead her to a place and catch her together."

"How to lead? Who to send? That's the question."

Soon everyone unanimously recommended: "Let Gu Ye seduce her. Gu Ye's face is no problem to seduce the emperor. She is just a widow princess. We can catch her soon."

Gu Ye said angrily: "You guys! Are you still human? Why don't you go?!"

Xie Cheng said with a serious face: "This is really a good way, Gu Ye, don't you think about it? She will kill people, and she has already drank the blood of the occult master, and it may become more and more powerful. For the sake of the people, you Sacrifice it."

"Go away!" Gu Ye had the urge to beat them to death with copper coins, "I have a crush on me, can I go home in the future?"

Xie admitted that he really told the friends in the group: "Gu Ye said yes, but everyone has to keep it a secret for him, so you can't tell President Yu."

Gu Ye:! ! !