I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me

Chapter 95: Who is in the body


Not only did Yu Ze come by himself, but he also brought a serious-looking young man with glasses. With the folder in his hand, Mrs. Gu couldn't blame him for taking him here to raise his hukou.

As soon as Yu Ze entered the door, he found that the people in the Gu family, except Gu Ye and Gu Yang, were all waiting for him on the first floor, and everyone looked at him defensively.

The corners of Yu Ze's mouth twitched slightly, and he said politely, "Uncle and auntie, I'm here."

Gu Decheng's face was cold, his eyes fell on the folder in his hand, and there was some inquiry in his eyes.

Yu Ze smiled slightly, "Uncle Gu, my dad urged me to come over early in the morning to ask, does what you said last night count?"

Gu Decheng froze, coughed in embarrassment, his face flushed slightly, "I drank too much last night, and my memory is not very good."

Yu Ze said seriously: "I know, but Auntie didn't drink. Auntie should remember what you said."

Looking at the faces of Gu Decheng and his wife, Yu Ze chuckled and put the two folders on the table, "Just kidding, my main issue today is not the hukou issue, I bring two contracts, this one It was prepared by my father for Gu Ye, take a look."

This contract is the old house of the Yu family that Mr. Yu gave to Gu Ye. His yard is so large that it is worth billions of dollars, let alone those antiques. This guarantee proves Yu Lao's attitude, no license, no marriage, no children, it doesn't matter! As long as Yu Ze dares to cheat in the future, Gu Ye will make him unable to return home. This contract shows the sincerity of Mr. Yu. The Gu family does not lack tens of billions of dollars, but this is the ancestral house of the Yu family. The fact that Mr. Yu can give the house handed down from his ancestors to Gu Ye is enough to show that the family members of the Yu family care about Gu Ye. Yeh's sincerity and respect.

Yu Ze said seriously: "This is my dad's attitude. He has already signed it. This is lawyer Zhang. As long as Gu Ye signs it, it will take effect immediately."

This sincerity and respect made Gu's family not say a word of rebuttal. Gu Decheng's face was solemn, and he was unhappy in his heart, but last night he let his son out, and now Yu Lao did not ask him for a household registration, and Given such a big gift, he didn't think of a reason for refusing for a while.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Ze took out another contract, "This is what I prepared for Gu Ye. I will transfer 70% of the group shares in my name to Gu Ye as a guarantee for his future life. If I It's not good for him, he can leave me with these shares and make me bankrupt."

When talking about the house, the brothers Gu Sen and Gu Lin didn't speak, although they were moved, until Yu Ze took out the contract, the two brothers changed their faces just like their parents.

Gu Lin's face was cold, "Yu Ze, you must think clearly, if my brother leaves you immediately after signing, you will become a homeless pauper."

"I know exactly what I'm doing. The drink last night was just to let Uncle Gu suppress his temper today, sit down rationally and listen to what I have to say, please don't embarrass Gu Ye, if you want to fight, fight Me, it was me who led him today, and it was my fault if it was wrong." Yu Ze stood up and bent down to his two parents, "I am willing to study for the rest of my life, devoting everything I can, begging him to be pampered for the rest of my life, and begging my uncle. Auntie is all right."

Gu Decheng took a deep breath, looked at this proud young man with a sullen face, bent down deeply in front of him, and then looked at the two contracts, he was speechless for a while. It would be a lie to say that he was not moved. Yu Ze had already thought through all future options for Gu Ye, and he was promising that he would try his best to be kind to Gu Ye in his whole life. If not, the worst is himself. However, as a father, he was still angry and wanted to beat him out. Parents don't want their children to go down this path.

Mrs. Gu persuaded her with a complicated expression: "Emotions are like drinking water, and you know how warm and cold you are. Why don't you call the third child down and listen to the third child's opinion."

Gu Decheng still had a cold face. At this moment, he heard footsteps. Gu Ye came downstairs himself, followed by Gu Yang who had been trained with his head drooping. "I heard what you said just now." Gu Ye walked to Yu Ze's side and pulled him. Seeing the seriousness in the other party's eyes, Gu Ye hooked the corner of his mouth, picked up the pen, and signed the contract with Elder Yu. Then he picked up Yu Ze's contract and tore it up, "I want the seat of the head of the family, I don't need this, I can support myself, you give me so much, but I don't have the same value. It's not fair to give you something."

Gu Ye threw the waste paper into the trash can and said slowly: "In this life, I will give myself to you, and you will give yourself to me. If you can live well, you can live well, and if you can't, you will separate. I don't need these things, money Can't keep me."

Yu Ze grabbed Gu Ye's hand and said seriously, "The only thing that can keep you is your sincerity."

Gu Ye smiled, he knew what he wanted, and that was enough.

Gu Ye turned around, faced his parents, and said seriously: "Dad and Mom, they all said that there are three things to be unfilial, and having no descendants is a great thing. I want to be sorry for the Gu family and you two. I just fell in love with him. Getting married and not having children is useless. You can take this life back, but the heart I gave it will never be taken back."

Gu Decheng's face was cold, and his heart was pounding with anger, "You! You! You two!" Gu Decheng couldn't say it himself, and glared at Gu Sen and Gu Lin, "You two take care of him!"

Gu Lin spread his hands, "It doesn't work for you, can we both work? Just his arrogant temper, can he handle it? Even if you break his leg, he can climb out. This is the path he decides. He thinks that he can be happy in this way, even if you stop him and marry him a daughter-in-law, he will not be happy all his life, can you rest assured? Worthy of other girls? Don't stop it, let him be."

Gu Sen added solemnly: "You can't stop it."

Gu Decheng looked at his wife again, and his wife was completely moved by Yu Ze's sincerity. Looking at Gu Ye again, holding hands with Yu Ze, if there is a big disagreement, he dares to run away from home. Gu Decheng stood up angrily, "I can't control you anymore! Don't regret it in the future! Anyway, I was already dead at that time, and I couldn't see it, and I couldn't see you even if you suffered!"

After speaking, he turned his head and left, not wanting to see them again.

Gu Lin added in a slow manner: "He is doing well, maybe he will conjure you and show off."

Gu's father stopped for a while, and with a sigh of relief, he was stabbed by Gu Lin's words, and it broke out on the spot. The conditioned reflex looked for the guy who was in the right hand, and wanted to hit his son.

Gu Ye couldn't help but feel happy. Dad, after all, is at this age, so he can't hold back his anger, he can just let it out.

Mrs. Gu said helplessly: "Thanks to the drink yesterday, otherwise, he has accumulated a violent temper for several days, and he really can't hold back." Mrs. Gu arranged for Gu Ye's clothes, and she felt the sadness of marrying her daughter. , "In the future, someone will protect you, and your dad won't be able to beat you anymore."

Gu Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "My dad may be able to beat his son with a cane when he is eighty."

Gu Sen only came over at this time, looked at them both with complex eyes, and patted Yu Ze's shoulder hard, "Remember what you said today." He also didn't want Yu Ze's promise, and he was cold after speaking. face gone.

Gu Yang saw it, and followed suit, he walked over and patted Yu Ze's shoulder, his face was rarely serious, "I'm many years younger than you, I'm younger than you, if you dare to bully my brother, I'll beat you up. ."

Yu Ze's mouth twitched, "Okay, I'll take it down."

Gu Ye touched his brother's head with a smile, his eyes were a little warm, "Silly boy, does your brother still need your protection?"

Mrs. Gu sighed, "Okay, you guys won! You even talked to your eldest brother and second brother in advance. You are quite conscientious, or else the house will be overturned today." Mrs. Gu also understands, but doesn't really care. , how can it take so much effort, this silly child can't be pulled back, she comforted: "If your eldest brother and second brother persuade again, it will be almost the same. I won't say anything, you can decide for yourself, just don't regret it. "

Gu Ye thought for a while, then asked with a smile, "Mom, I did this for you, too. I'll find you a son-in-law, and you won't have to take care of me in the future. Are you happy? Are you happy? Are you beautiful?"

Madam Gu pinched him angrily, "Beauty!"

Gu Ye smiled and suddenly became serious, "Mom!"

Mrs. Gu tilted her head in doubt, and Gu Ye suddenly hugged her, startling Mrs. Gu, "What's wrong with this child?"

"Mom, thank you for helping me like this." Gu Ye suddenly thought of what Qiaoqiao said about the woman who was sitting in front of his tombstone who was very similar to him, and suddenly felt uncomfortable, "Mom, one day I'll be disobedient, please don't. Don't leave me."

"What kind of nonsense are you talking about?" Madam Gu was overwhelmed by the last sentence, her nose sour, "Why did you suddenly think of this?"

Gu Ye smiled, "I just thought of it."

"No seriousness!" Mrs. Gu slapped Gu Ye, "I don't want you, who will give me the pension? I'll go see your father, and Gu Yang will follow me."

For a while, there were only Gu Ye and Yu Ze left in the hall. Gu Ye looked at Yu Ze happily, "It's great, what I didn't dare to think about before is now available."

Yu Ze looked at his wet eyes in distress, and pulled Gu Ye into his arms, hugging him tightly.

After these two days of tossing, the Gu family recognized this relationship, although everyone except Gu Ye was reluctant. But the boat is done, and if you can't control it, you can only watch it first.

The father who was thinking about it was uncomfortable, and it was unrealistic to keep Yu Ze at home, so Gu Ye followed Yu Ze to the other party's company and accompanies the other party to work. Yu Ze didn't come for two days, and many reports were waiting for him to sign. The only thing Gu Ye could do was to accompany him without disturbing him. Yu Ze read the report, he read the electronic textbook.

Yu Ze was tired and stood up to take a rest. Gu Ye only asked an idea in his heart, "You said, I'm taking a leave of absence from school now, how about going back only when I take the exam?" , "I feel like being in school influences me to save the world."

Yu Ze pointed out his true thoughts bluntly, "Do you feel that you are not free in school?"

Gu Ye raised his foot in dissatisfaction, kicked Yu Ze's trousers, and said dissatisfiedly, "Just know in your heart, and you are not allowed to demolish my platform in the future."

Yu Ze's addiction to cleanliness was serious, but he didn't care when he was kicked by Gu Ye, he put one hand on his seat, bent over, and approached Gu Ye with a smile, and said indulgently, "You are a family. Lord, I will listen to you from now on."

Gu Ye pursed his lips and said happily: "I can handle my dad, I haven't been beaten, it's really not easy. I've been mentally prepared, I may have to kneel in the ancestral hall, close a small dark room, get a stick, hold My mother's tablet is facing the wall and thinking about it, and I will suffer all the sins you have suffered in Elder Yu."

Yu Ze's face darkened, "You all know?"

Gu Ye smiled and said, "I knew it long ago, otherwise, how could I be moved by your sincerity? Before I promised you, you paved the way for me. I thought at the time, thinking about me like that. If I don't catch him, what else can I find in the future?"

The two looked at each other, and Yu Ze also raised the corners of his mouth, brought him close to Gu Ye's mouth, and kissed each other gently.

Secretary Liu came back with two cups of coffee, looked at the two looking at each other with a confused expression, and said embarrassingly, "Mr. Yu, I want to apply for a separate office, and I have to install a doorbell on the door."

Yu Ze said cheerfully, "That's right."

Secretary Liu moved the table away in the afternoon in excitement. The single dog said that he ate too much dog food and choked.


When Yu Ze was done, the two went to the hospital together to see Xie Cheng.

Gu Ye was startled when he saw him, "Damn it! Why did you gain weight?"

Just as Jiang Xu was there, he said with disgust, "I have eaten meat for the past two days."

When Xie Cheng heard that he was going to be hospitalized at the beginning, it was painful, but now that he was about to be discharged, he also felt pain, "The doctor said that my wound is recovering faster than normal people, I can be discharged early, and I can no longer enjoy confinement. normal treatment."

Gu Ye comforted him: "It doesn't matter, I can't say one day I will conceive an egg, and I can still confinement."

In the face of this kind of bad friend, Xie Cheng just wanted to jump up with his slippers and shoot him, anyway, he quarreled with Gu Ye and never won. He sat up and asked Gu Ye seriously, "Seriously, this year's Mid-Autumn Festival, the gate of hell is open, will you guard the gate with us?"

Gu Ye didn't hesitate at all, "Keep it, or should we keep one?"

Xie Cheng said happily: "Yes, then I will reject other people's team application."

In this way, Gu Ye found a job for himself in advance.

In the days that followed, Gu Ye ran between the two families. At the beginning, Gu Decheng had some opinions. He knew he couldn't handle it, so he didn't bother to pay attention to him. The twins from the third sister's family were so familiar with Gu Ye that they were called uncle for a while and aunt for a while, and they followed Gu Ye like two little scumbags.

One evening, when Gu Ye was walking the dog with his dog, Ling Zihao called him, "Uncle, my parents have gone abroad, my grandparents went to my aunt's house, and my aunt gave birth to a baby."

Gu Ye also recently learned that the third sister is a jewelry designer, and her brother-in-law is with her. The two are very famous in that industry and often travel around the world. Following the child's tone, Gu Ye said in surprise, "Wow! Isn't that the only two of you left at home?"

"We are at Grandpa's house."

Gu Ye heard that the child's tone was wrong, and said softly, "Do you want me to go over now?"

Ling Zihao said aggrievedly: "We will have a performance tomorrow. Grandpa is very old, and we are afraid that he will go out to experience heatstroke. But uncle doesn't have time to watch, he is always busy. Uncle, can you go?"

It turned out to be the case, Gu Ye happily said: "I can, I'm not busy, and I'm not afraid of heat stroke. Where are you performing? What time? I'll pick you up tomorrow morning."

The mood of the child on the other side was obviously much higher. Ling Zihao said with a small mouth: "Tomorrow morning we will go to school normally. The teacher and the make-up artist will put on our makeup and change our clothes. We will be at the Children's Palace at ten o'clock for the performance."

Gu Ye thought about it, it seemed that the journey from their school to the Children's Palace was only a few minutes, and the time was completely in time, "Then I will pick you up before eight in the morning."

The next morning, Gu Ye arrived at Yu's house at 7:30. The two children had just had enough to eat, and they were dressed handsomely, carrying the costumes in their hands. As soon as Gu Ye came, the two children happily ran to him. Elder Yu asked with concern: "Have you eaten breakfast?"

Gu Ye said with a smile: "Eat, our family eats early."

Yu Ze usually doesn't come back to live, and without him at home, Gu Ye still feels uncomfortable. The two children were ready, and he didn't stay too long. Holding one in each hand, Gu Ye smiled and said, "Then I'll take them away. If the lunch ends late, we'll eat outside."

After getting into the car, Ling Zihao climbed over and hugged Gu Ye's neck, happily kissed him on the face: "Uncle, I love you, I love you~"

Gu Ye was amused by the child's innocent expression, "You little flatterer, sit down."

Ling Zihao crawled back in delight, stretching his arms and legs like an ADHD person, but Ling Zijun, on the other hand, quietly looked out of the car, too lazy to pay attention to him.

On the way, Gu Ye asked curiously, "What show are you going to perform?"

Ling Zihao said happily, "I play the drum, and my brother performs Tai Chi."

Gu Ye was delighted, "You two have different hobbies."

Ling Ziyun said solemnly, "The teacher said the same thing."

Half an hour later, Gu Ye took the children to the kindergarten. The principal and the teacher were waiting for the children at the door. When they saw him leading the children out of the car, they were all pleasantly greeted, "Mr. Gu is here."

Ling Zihao said happily, "Teacher, it's my uncle taking us to the show today."

"It's so good, so happy, right?" Mr. Wang bent down and gently touched the child's head, "Then we're going to show my uncle a great performance today, shall we?"

After greeting the two children, Teacher Wang said politely, "The children who are going to the show are already wearing makeup, you can just take them there."

An older girl beckoned to Gu Ye, "Uncle, I'll show you the way."

Gu Ye led the two children to follow. There were already more than a dozen parents accompanying the children to do makeup. The professional makeup artist hired by the kindergarten saw the twins coming, and the teacher walked over with a smile, "Are you theirs?"

Lin Zijun introduced seriously: "Our little uncle's surname is Gu."

"Mr. Gu, wait here for a while, let the children change their clothes first and come back to put on makeup."

Gu Ye nodded. At this time, a little boy in a tutu ran out of the boys' locker room, followed by a teacher, who chased and called him, "Nian Nian! Zou Nian! Don't run away, come back soon!"

Gu Ye's eyes sank slightly when he saw this child.

The child ran towards his mother, raised his face and asked innocently, "Mom, do I look good in this dress?"

His mother looked at the clothes he was wearing, and his body swayed obviously, his face was pale, his lips were trembling, and he was speechless.

The child asked reluctantly, "Mom, doesn't I look good in this little skirt?"

The teacher chased after him at this time, and said helplessly: "This is what a little girl wears. Where did you get the clothes? Take it off."

Zou Nian hugged his mother's leg, pouted, and said aggrievedly: "I brought it myself."

The teacher patiently coaxed, "You can't wear this, you're going to perform jazz drums with Ling Zihao from the first class today, not ballet."

"No, I won't fight that, I'm going to dance ballet." The child was also very stubborn, pouting like a little girl, quite capricious. This obvious lie made the teacher frown, "We'll go to the show in a while, and now is not the time to be angry." The teacher looked at the child's mother, hoping that the child's mother could help stop it. Unexpectedly, she saw the child's mother's face was very special. Ugly, the teacher asked worriedly, "Mother Zou, are you alright?"

Mother Zou squatted down, held her son tightly in her arms, and asked apologetically, "Teacher, can we change the program?"

At this time, the teacher suddenly said to change the program, and the teacher was also embarrassed, "I can't change it, there is no such thing."

Seeing the embarrassed expression on the teacher's face, Mama Zou's face was pale and coaxed in a low voice, "Stop making trouble, change back quickly."

"I don't change! I don't want to wear boys' clothes!"

Seeing this, Gu Ye's face became more and more ugly. At this time, Ling Zihao showed a small head from the dressing room, "Uncle, I don't wear well."

Gu Ye glanced at Zou Nian and walked to the little boy's dressing room. The drum kit was cool, but there were a few small pendants that the child couldn't wear by himself. Gu Ye hung up all the pendants, and took the opportunity to touch the little belly of the child, it was really fleshy.

Ling Zihao was teased and jumped on the spot twice, and asked, "Uncle, am I handsome?"


"Can you take a picture of me?"

Gu Ye took out his mobile phone, and the child asked a lot, "Uncle, you squat down and take a picture, it looks like my legs are long."

Gu Ye looked at his three-headed body and was amused. He was too embarrassed to say something, but it also seemed that you had a big belly. Seeing that he had finished filming, Ling Zihao happily ran over to take a look, and then gave a thumbs up, "It looks better than my uncle's filming. My uncle filmed me like this."

Gu Ye was amused when he saw the movement he had learned, this is looking down.

Ling Zihao asked concernedly, "Uncle, have you posted on your Moments?"

Gu Ye didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'll send it to you in a while."

Ling Zijun had already put on his clothes by himself. He was wearing trousers and a coat, a bit like a Tang suit, but for the convenience of movement, there was a belt around his waist. The child is not good at tying, and after two steps, it falls off by itself.

Ling Zijun walked over and said embarrassedly, "Uncle, this is always going to go away."

Gu Ye squinted his eyes and teased him, "Isn't it possible that I can't be tied?"

Ling Zijun pursed her lips and nodded, Gu Ye crouched down and fastened the child, "You, you should learn from your brother. If you have any requirements, you should ask them. You son of a bitch, kick it if you should, and you should have tied it up earlier?"

Ling Zijun made a flying kick, "Kick!"

Gu Ye nodded, "Yes, kick fly, you can't wrong yourself."

Ling Zijun smiled and rolled his eyes, "I know, if someone provokes me in the future, I'll just say, get out!"

Gu Ye: "...Actually, there is no need to be so straightforward in this regard."

When Gu Ye came out with the two children, the little boy named Zou Nian had finished his make-up, and he was wearing ballet makeup. Gu Ye heard a parent talking about it. The teacher didn't believe that he would dance just now. The child danced for a while on the spot, and he danced very well. But the program list has been reported, and the child should not be able to go on stage. Even so, the child insists on wearing makeup. Parents don't know what to think, they don't care.

Zou Nian was wearing a small skirt, took the schoolbag from his mother's hand like a little girl, took out a pair of little red shoes from it, and put them on.

The white ballet skirt and red sackcloth dancing shoes, this nondescript dress, made the teacher's face not good-looking, his mother did not stop the child's absurd behavior at all, Gu Ye looked at Zou's mother again, and frowned again. His mother saw the pair of shoes, collapsed against the wall, trembling all over, obviously in a wrong state. Some teachers were worried and called the school doctor.

A teacher walked to Gu Ye's side and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, it was originally arranged for Ling Zihao and Zou Nian to come on stage together, but now Zou Nian doesn't want to play the drums, so Ling Zihao can only come on by himself."

Gu Ye looked down at Ling Zihao, "Can you do it yourself?"

Ling Zihao shrugged his shoulders, fearless.

Gu Ye smiled, "If he said there is no problem, it must be no problem. If my brother can come to power alone, so can my younger brother."

Hearing Gu Ye's affirmation of himself, Ling Zihao jumped up happily, writing all over his body: "I can do it!"

After the examination, Zou Nian's mother's body was not in serious condition. In addition, Zou Nian wanted to go to the scene to see it. His mother also insisted on following everyone to the Children's Palace. The parents were all sitting in the front row. When the teacher arranged the seats, Gu Ye deliberately walked over to Zou Nian's mother, so they were arranged together. Judging by the appearance of the other party, he is also in his forties. At this age, there are too few children who are only four or five years old, not many. Gu Ye looked at the mother whose face was still in shock, and asked tentatively, "Are you alright?"

Zou Nian's mother pulled out a far-fetched smile, "It's okay, thank you for your concern."

Gu Ye smiled, "It's hot now, it's easy to get heatstroke, adults should also pay attention."

Zou Nian's mother nodded, "That's what happened."

Not long after, the children were ready to play, and the lively atmosphere had to be created from the very beginning. Everyone thought that the first one to play would have to be a big class child. solo. The parents applauded one after another. Ling Zihao was crazy. He was happy when someone held it. He held the drum stick in his hand, just like a little adult, every cell in his body was acting handsome.

Gu Ye smiled and picked up his mobile phone to videotape him, and after recording it, he sent it to the circle of friends. At this time, a pair of young parents next to Gu Ye saw that he had finished recording and asked in a low voice, "Excuse me, are you Master Gu Ye?"

Gu Ye's eyes widened in surprise, is there anyone here who can recognize him

"It turns out that it's really Master Gu. I looked at you so familiarly that I didn't dare to recognize it. Is this child who just ended up being your child?"

Gu Ye smiled, "My nephew."

The couple complimented Gu Ye and Ling Zihao, and wanted to contact Gu Ye for contact information. They hoped that the children could ask Gu Ye to figure it out after the performance. Zou Nian's mother listened to their flattery of Gu Ye, she hesitated to say, "Are you a master?"

Gu Ye whispered: "Yes, exorcising evil spirits, catching ghosts, fortune-telling, reading Feng Shui, breaking the five elements, measuring gossip... I can read all of this."

Zou Nian's mother stopped talking, kept her head down, and held the phone tightly with her fingers, and the strong knuckles on her fingers turned white. Gu Ye smiled and asked, "Would you like to add me on WeChat? If you have any questions, you can chat with me privately, especially about your daughter."

Zou Nian's mother raised her head in horror, "My daughter?"

At this time, another child came on stage, Gu Ye didn't say more, and concentrated on watching the performance. Zou Nian's mother didn't ask any more. It wasn't until the show was about to end that she asked in a low voice, "Can I add you as a friend."

Gu Ye smiled and opened the QR code on his mobile phone. He still looked up at the stand. The final show, Ling Zijun, was another solo show.

Gu Ye saw that the other party was swiping, and immediately turned on the video. As soon as Ling Zijun came on stage, the audience was curious, "Why did that kid playing drums come up again? He is very talented."

"Not very similar, twins, there is a word in the name that is different."

"Pfft! This one is thin, the first one is a bit fleshy."

The corner of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, and when it was over, this sentence was also recorded. After a while, Ling Zihao would be anxious when he got down. Ling Zijun's Taijiquan was learned from Lao Lao Yu, his posture was very handsome, and he played well. With a sullen face, Xiaojun was very serious, and finally ushered in a warm applause. In order to be treated equally, Gu Ye also posted this video to his circle of friends.

Zhao Pengyu was upset and sent a message to Gu Ye: Hahaha, I finally don't have to take care of my children! Auntie, hard work!

Gu Ye rudely replied to him: Get out!

It was after eleven o'clock when the performance ended. Gu Ye took the two children out, just in time to catch up with Zou Nian and follow his mother into the car. Now, Zou Nian has already put on a boy's clothes, obviously just crying, with a look of disapproval. Happy. Seeing Ling Zihao, a look of envy appeared in the child's eyes.

Gu Ye didn't say much, and led the child to dinner. It was the other party's freedom to find him or not, and the other party decided his fate.


After one o'clock in the morning, in a small villa, Zou Nian's mother heard movement in the dressing room. After realizing what it was, she didn't dare to make a sound. She walked quietly to the dressing room, and saw a small figure through the crack of the door, dressed in red. A small skirt, a pair of small red shoes on her feet, sitting in front of the dressing table, holding a lipstick in her hand, painted her little mouth a weird blood color. Feeling that someone was looking at him, the child turned back, his usual pair of clear pupils were eerily pink, and he sweetly called: "Mummy~"

Zou Nian's mother trembled, and tears overflowed her eyes instantly. Her son never called Mommy. Only his daughter, who had been dead for many years, could do so. The child jumped off the chair and ran to his mother happily, the corners of his mouth curled up, but inexplicably a bit evil, "Mummy, how am I doing today?"

"Okay, very good." The mother collapsed all of a sudden, holding the child and crying.

The next day, Gu Ye received a message from Zou Nian's mother: Master Gu, I want a son and a daughter, please, save us.