I Trick Even the Lames to Stand Up for Me

Chapter 99: That's horrible


The ghosts that come out of the gate of hell come in all kinds of strange shapes, some walking, some floating, some missing arms and legs, those without noses, eyes, long tongues, and even those who die. Others don't wear clothes of this era, and there are even ghosts with long braids on their foreheads.

They came out in a mighty way, some ghosts came to the world to hang out, some had family members, and wanted to take advantage of this time to go home and have a look.

Seeing so many ghosts, Xie Cheng subconsciously held the whip in his hand, "There are too many ghosts. Sure enough, the gate of ghosts in the cemetery is not an ordinary gate, can we guard it?"

"If you can't keep up, just call a helper," Gu Ye continued shouting while squatting on the seeds, "Doudizhu is missing three, is there anyone here? Three are missing and one!"

Xie Cheng kicked him angrily, "Stop shouting! Don't be ashamed!"

"What's so shameful about it, who's playing differently?"

Gu Ye shouted, and there were quite a few ghosts looking at them, looking at them more like they had seen ghosts. Some old ghosts would also come back to the world for a stroll in the past years, and they have also encountered the master guarding the gate. They fought the landlord together.

An old ghost in a Qing Dynasty official robe came over curiously, looking at the things they put up, eager to try, Xie Cheng was speechless, "Can you do it?"

The old ghost bared his teeth happily, "What do we have in hell, everyone is Lamborghini, who can't fight the landlord?"

Gu Ye spit out: "What kind of inflation does your currency have?"

Xie Cheng was curious, "There really is an underworld, what does an underworld look like?"

Gu Ye interrupted him with a kick, "Don't ask about things after death, don't ask too much."

Xie Cheng immediately gave up, "Then I won't ask, let's play cards, I'll sue you, the loser will have to punch his forehead."

"No," the old ghost said with disgust: "It's boring to play forehead, just play with money."

Gu Ye waved his hand, "We don't play with gamblers."

The old ghost gave them a contemptuous look, "Poor!" He threw his sleeves and left.

The corners of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "Now that you are too brave, you are not afraid that I will accept him?"

Xie Cheng also sighed: "In this world, ghosts are no longer afraid of masters."

Gu Ye helplessly continued to shout: "Fighting Landlords are missing three, are there any ghosts coming?"

At this time, they felt a trace of evil spirit coming from the ghost gate. The two raised their eyebrows and Xie Cheng stood up immediately, holding the whip and looking at the door. He ran out of the door, still wearing a chain, and it looked like he had escaped when the ghost door was wide open and all the ghosts were running out. The evil ghost just took half a step out of the ghost door, and then there was a sole on the front. Xie Cheng kicked him back with a kick, "Go back you!"

Gu Ye applauded from behind, "Great!"

Immediately afterwards, two more evil spirits rushed out together, Xie Cheng swung his whip, and the air he was pumping made a smashing sound, "Don't look! Help!"

Gu Ye said with a smile: "No, I just want to fight the landlord."

Xie Chengqi smiled, "Do you owe anything?!"

There are really ghosts who don't go home. Those who want to play cards with Gu Ye, followed Gu Ye flutteringly to the place where they laid the tablecloth, Xie Cheng kicked the two evil ghosts back, and ran back quickly, Gu Ye was already crowded with ghosts. With ghosts, surrounded by a large circle.

The two of them drew one that was pleasing to the eye. As soon as the three of them finished drawing the cards, they felt another suffocation, and Xie Cheng wanted to scold the street, "Will you let people have fun?"

Gu Ye played the card with a smile, "Yeli, you go to guard for a while, and then let Tsing Yi change the guard with you."

Ye Li floated out of Gu Ye's bag, stood flutteringly in the air, with a small body, standing straight, with the bow and arrow in his hand drawn, his eyes were cold and aimed in the direction of the ghost gate. It flew out and almost hit the evil ghost in the eye. The evil ghost was so frightened that he shrank his head back and never dared to show his head again.

Xie Cheng looked at him with envy, jealousy and hatred, "I want to raise it too."

Gu Ye persuaded him: "Forget it, you can just take care of yourself."

The longer the ghost gate was opened, the more evil spirits came out. No matter what kind of evil ghost came out, Ye Li would always persuade him to retreat with one arrow, but if he did not retreat, the next arrow would shoot directly in the forehead. Either go back, or get lost, children are so domineering.

At about five o'clock, the sky will break, and gradually no ghosts dare to come out of the ghost gate. Those ghosts who accompanied Gu Ye and the others to play cards also found a place to hide. The two of them yawned, they finished eating the melon seeds, and ran out of drinks. They collected the rubbish on the ground and prepared to rest.

Xie Cheng asked Gu Ye: "Where are you going? I'll take you back first, and we'll gather here at night."

Gu Ye spread out his hands, "What are you going to do when you go back? Find a shady place to sleep, it's not likely that this ghost gate will be fine during the day, so you should look at it with peace of mind."

Don't worry about the two of them who are guarding the ghost gate in the cemetery. They will come to see them after dawn. I didn't expect the two of them to hang two hammocks on a tree not far away, just like an outing, quite pleasant.

The eyes of the peers looking at Gu Ye are extremely complicated. No matter what, Gu Ye has always been there. Whoever said that Gu Ye is not good must have a hole in his head. This young master spontaneously stood guard with them, and he did not have a bad temper. To discredit him

Seeing that they were all right, a few young people left. Gu Ye lay in the hammock, enjoying the cool air from Lingling's body, took out his mobile phone, called an errand boy, and bought him two KFC family buckets for delivery. come over. No matter where you are, enjoy life.

The two of them ate for a while, played for a while, and slept for a while. They felt like they were enjoying life, but the people who came to visit the graves thought they were sick, and looked at them like little fools. Finally, when it was getting dark, the ghost gate became lively again, and as soon as some ghosts came out, they came to the place where they played cards yesterday. Gu Ye saw it from a distance and asked inexplicably, "What are they doing?"

"Shit! Shame! They are holding playing cards and grabbing our territory!" Xie Cheng had good balance and stood directly on the hammock. Stand tall and see far away, jump down after seeing it clearly, run over and shout, "I occupied that grave!"

Gu Ye held his forehead, so naive!

An old man said dissatisfiedly: "What do you account for? This is my house, and my son bought it for me."

Xie Cheng I glanced at the photo on the tombstone and ran back aggrieved, "That site is indeed the old man's."

Gu Ye said slowly: "Then you don't want to rob others. Isn't it bad to sit here and eat snacks? I asked my errand brother to bring popcorn and jelly. Which one do you want?"

Xie Cheng was about to take a bucket of popcorn and stared at the ghost gate while eating. At this time, he heard Gu Ye say: "Am I guarding the gate for you? Did I solve the big trouble for you? Do you have to thank you? Me? Do you have to bless me in the future?"

Xie Cheng turned his head and saw that Gu Ye had a picture of Lord Yama on his mobile phone, and was cheating on him. Xie Cheng frowned, "We all worship the Old Lord Taishang, how do you worship the Lord of Hell?"

Gu Ye chewed on the jelly and said with a smile: "There is a god in your heart, and everything can become a god. Looking up, you have to raise your head to make offerings, it's too tiring. It's better to accompany Lord Yan to guard hell and judge thousands of evil ghosts. He is yin or yang, isn't that the case?"

Xie Cheng thought about these words carefully, and immediately gave Gu Ye a thumbs up, which made sense.

The darker it gets, the more yin qi in the ghost gate, and the more evil ghosts want to escape back to the world. Ye Li and Tsing Yi stood on the left and right of the door, one came out and stared at the other, and saw the evil ghost fight directly back, without Gu Ye and Xie Cheng taking action.

It wasn't until the second half of the night, when the gate of hell was closed, that the two of them were completely relieved. Gu Ye took a taxi and went directly to Yu Ze's place. He was so sleepy that he took a shower and fell asleep on the sofa.

Yu Ze carried him to the bed, looked at Gu Ye's sleeping face, and felt distressed, but he couldn't stop it.

If you love him, why would you want to break his wings

Next, Gu Ye stopped worrying about Yu Ze, rested at home for a few days, brought out the study materials again, and taught himself. During this period, Xie Cheng also asked about the male ghost, and Gu Ye told the other party: "I'm still raising the soul, and now the soul is too weak. If he didn't finish asking him in two sentences, he might have left by himself."

Xie Cheng instructed him: "After raising it, don't act alone, call me."

Gu Ye teased him with a wicked smile: "Don't worry, we bumped into him because you were poisonous, and we couldn't run away from you."

Xie Cheng scolded "poison and poison" and hung up the phone in disgust.

The corner of Gu Ye's mouth twitched, who is the poisonous beast? What kind of gods, he has never heard of it.

It wasn't until a few days before the start of school that Gu Ye took care of that person's soul. He made a contract with Xie Cheng, and in the evening, he went to get to know the Cheng family and released the soul.

Before, the soul was unstable and couldn't see clearly, but now the facial features are clear, Gu Ye sympathized with each other, a typical miserable life, not a day of good life.

Xie Cheng didn't know how to look, and he also felt that this person was unlucky because of his appearance. Everyone looked at him with a bitter face, "Tell me, what's your name, how old are you, and how did you die?"

When Xie Cheng asked in this tone, the man was taken aback, thinking that Xie Cheng was the legendary underworld judge, so scared that he almost explained the eight generations of his ancestors. "My name is Li Shan, I am thirty-five years old this year, and I live in Lizi Village, Dafu Town, City A. My parents divorced when I was young, and I grew up with my grandmother, but my grandmother was gone a few years ago. When I was a child, my injections failed and my legs fell. There's something wrong, I don't have a daughter-in-law, I'm a bachelor."

Gu Ye's mouth twitched, "If you say something useful, you should have been wronged."

As soon as he said this, Li Shan's eyes turned red, "I hate his grandmother! Mr. Judge, they are too human! Animals! They are all animals!"

"Judge..." Gu Ye was speechless, "Okay, you speak first."

"A year ago, I came here to work with a junior from our village and three people from the neighboring village. We are casual workers, that is, the kind that pays wages on the same day. Working at heights is dangerous work. Normally, seat belts should be fastened around the waist, and nets should be laid between each floor below, so that even if someone falls, they will be blocked by the net and will not die.”

Speaking of this, Li Shan's face was a bit hostile. "After I climbed up, I accidentally stepped on the air. The rope on my body didn't pull me. That chain is only as thick as my little finger!" Li Shan gave them two After making a gesture, he said resentfully: "Can you pull an adult? What's more, the nets below didn't stop me! They are all cheap goods bought by cutting corners! I fell from the 20th floor to the first floor. Floor!"

Xie Cheng got angry when he heard it, "Isn't this a joke about the fate of the migrant worker brothers? It would be fine if nothing happened. If it really falls, one will die."

Li Shan sneered, "The most hateful thing is that work was stopped that day because of lack of materials. In the entire construction site, there were only five of us and a person who brought us here. If the outside world knew about this, the house would definitely not be It’s easy to sell. It’s almost time for delivery. If the real estate developer has to lose money to everyone, the builder must be responsible. In order not to affect the construction period, in order not to let the death of the people spread out, it will affect the construction of the building. And sales, and in order not to spread the word about cutting corners, they threw me into the cement and smashed it, and used it as a material!"

Xie Cheng asked with an ugly face: "What about your co-worker and Fa Xiao?"

Li Shan's face darkened, "Those co-workers and Fa Xiao, each received 200,000 hush money, and they all went home. I am a person who has no relatives and no relationship, neither my parents nor my parents, and I am still a bachelor at the foot of the slope. Son, who can find me?"