I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 11


As soon as these words came out, all the people in the safe house immediately cast their gazes over.

Su An was not in a hurry, and he didn't panic at all when his identity was exposed.

"Why, so this game still pays attention to casual biting? Ah, if that's the case, I have a good idea. Or if we each point out a demon king, there are such a large group of people here, and they will always point out the real demon king. here, right?"

When he said this, Su An stared at Fatty with a half-smile but not a smile. Needless to say, everyone else understood the meaning.

If these words were said by a person who was similar to that fat man and had a nervous expression, it was hard to guarantee that others would not doubt this person while pointing out everyone along his words.

However, this was what Su An said.

In the eyes of the others, the speaker was calm and unaffected by their environment at all, as if everyone was just throwing a party on his site.

Such a style unknowingly affected everyone.

No one expected that such a character would be a sinister and cunning devil who liked to eat people, and he didn't like the fat man who casually slandered others.

"Okay, if you have time to bite others here, why not organize your supplies and see if there is anything you can use." A man in his thirties waved his hand impatiently at the fat man, "Also, you have to adjust your emotions quickly, you won't survive long after entering the checkpoint in this state."

The woman dressed as a white-collar worker also gave the fat man a sideways look: "Don't be a rookie who just passed the novice level, are you? Are you too nervous? Don't hold us back when the time comes."

The fat man immediately nodded a few times, shrank back, and stopped talking.

The moment before he lowered his head, he did not forget to stare at Su An who caused him to be set on fire.

"You wait… "

No one cares about fat people anymore.

Su An took a few steps to the side, and sat down on the only wooden chair in the room. Erlang raised his legs, hugged his chest and closed his eyes to rest his mind.

It's obvious that he doesn't intend to say or do anything.

Seeing this, the others didn't bother, and went to find someone who was pleasing to the eye and reported their names to each other.

This kind of team level, unless you are very confident in your own strength, fighting alone is the easiest way to become cannon fodder.

The one who leaned towards the white-collar woman was the only girl in the group.

The reason why she is called a girl is because this person looks to be only ten years old, with a low ponytail and obvious nervousness in his expression.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Tianxin. I just passed the newcomer level. I don't understand a lot. Could you please explain it to me?"

The white-collar woman took a look at Zhou Tianxin and sighed: "If you have any questions, please ask quickly. Let's talk about it first. I don't have time to take care of you after the safe house disappears."

Zhou Tianxin expressed gratitude: "Thank you sister, I will try my best to take care of myself. I just heard you talking, why did no one agree with the method that the elder brother said over there? I wonder if this would work." Does it work?"

"You can just call me Sister Tao. This method is only taken seriously by you newcomers." The woman who claimed to be Sister Tao sneered, "Why do you think everyone didn't speak? Why did that person say that to that fat man? No? Because it doesn't work at all?"

"In this game, the task of 'finding out' requires definite evidence. Even if you find something that is suspected to be evidence to identify, the game will not give you any response. Let alone such empty words There is no evidence. Otherwise, there is such a simple method, I am afraid that we will be able to find the devil without even leaving the safe house."

Zhou Tianxin nodded in a sudden realization.

No wonder Sister Tao said that the fat man was a newcomer, so it was based on this.

"Then what will happen if the level fails? In the novice level, I just passed the level with the good luck of finding a dead corner and hiding. Didn't I hear that the death in the game is not real death?"

"It's not really death, it's just for you to experience death 100%. I don't think many people are willing to try that kind of feeling a few times." Sister Tao is also a person who has 'died' before. Hearing this, her expression was not very good It looks good.

"Death is just the simplest punishment for failure to clear the level. After failure, it is not just death. Otherwise, everyone will try their best to clear the level."

"Then what else?"

Following Sister Tao's explanation, the punishment rules of the resource game were revealed to everyone.

Why do so many people want to clear the game levels crazily? Naturally, just like the name of the game, they are eager for [resources] and want to live a better life for themselves. And why some people are unwilling to enter the game beyond the most basic number of levels, but would rather break the law and rob other people's resources in the real world

Naturally, it was because they couldn't bear the punishment of the game.

Some people cannot bear the pain of death.

This is a death imposed on the soul that you can feel 100% clearly. It might be better if it's a death that you didn't even react to in an instant, but most of the deaths in the level have a process.

No one likes to experience being burned to death, drowned in water, hit by a car, dismembered alive and so on.

Of course, maybe there are people who can bear this point, then in addition to death, one-half of the resources in the book will be randomly deducted if the customs clearance fails.

This is a big deal.

This is for resources, who is willing to lose half of the resources by a failed customs clearance? And it's still random, how can people bear it.

It would be better if you are a newcomer. After all, there are not many things in the book, and it is not much if you lose half of it. But for those old players, those who are at the level of a master, if they fail once, they really dare not even think about it.

If your mind is firm and you can even bear the loss of half of your resources, then there is one last point.

— Punishment levels.

Yes, those who have not cleared the level will enter the penalty level without any preparation time after death. The difficulty of the punishment level is not great, but it is a level specially established for the fear and loopholes in people's hearts. There is no such thing as clearing or not clearing the level, only the punishment time.

Anyone who has gone through the penalty level, no one wants to go to the second time.

Of course, I heard that there will also be treasure chests in the penalty level, the only one that contains the treasure chest that can exempt the penalty of "randomly losing half of the resources".

Needless to say, if you want to overcome your biggest fear, it is very difficult to find the only treasure box in that kind of level. Anyway, the only ones who have been able to get that treasure box so far are those few people with surnames. It's just a god.

"All in all, try your best to pass the level." Sister Tao looked at Zhou Tianxin, who had no real sense of punishment for failure, and summed it up in this sentence.

The timing was just right, and as soon as the words fell, the safe house slowly disappeared.

The game begins.

The tense atmosphere could not stop in front of the seven people. Except for Su An who was still lying on the chair with his eyes half closed, the seven of them stood together.

Only then did Su An slowly stand up from the chair, his slightly red eyes flicked across several people, he sneered, and strode out.

Tsk tsk, crowded together? Is it because you are afraid that the group will not be destroyed fast enough when the danger comes

Su An originally thought that there seemed to be a few of the seven people who were interesting, they should be the so-called old players. He also wanted to see what these old players could do to pass the game and bring him some fun, but he didn't expect Even before their opponents showed up, they got nervous.

Even if he is not as nervous as a newcomer, he is still nervous.

It's boring to laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps.

"What does he mean?!"

Su An's sneer was undisguised, almost no one didn't hear it. Everyone was already very nervous, and their emotions were suppressed in their hearts. When they were scoffed at so suspiciously provocatively, some people couldn't help their anger immediately.

Seeing that this person seemed to want to rush to Su An to ask for an explanation, the temporary teammate next to him stopped him.

"Forget it, now is not the time to worry about these things, and we don't know what we are facing in this hurdle, it is coming soon."

Persuading this person is not completely angry with Su An, after frowning and looking at Su An, this person shifted his gaze again.

It is a person who knows the priorities.

A few people were also provoked by Su An's sneer, they all took a deep breath after hearing this, and forced themselves to shift their target.

Under the eyes of everyone who didn't know if they were looking forward to it, there was something rustling.

Now let's introduce the environment in which Su An and the others live.

After an hour in the safe house, there were no other buildings on the spot. It was a bare area, except for the sparse shrubs around and a few big trees that were not very luxuriant, there was nothing in sight.

The place where the eight people including Su An were standing was the only rock dam in this seemingly wild place.

There is not even a road around the stone dam, and there is no direction at all. Even if people want to leave, they have no direction at all.

But now, right in front of them, the rustling was getting louder.

After a while, five people(?) appeared in front of them.

The reason why this person put a question mark is that the image of the person who appeared in front of them made people doubt the other party's species.

Skinny, with lush hair, unusually long arms, a colorful feather hat on his head, and a hard animal skin around his waist.

... This looks exactly like the primitive people in their books!

"Will there be ape-men in this game?!" Among the people who were being gesticulated by the five primitive people and then walked behind each other, the obviously lively young man couldn't help muttering softly.

Sister Tao who heard his words gave him a blank look: "You should know this when you hear that there is an angel in the name of the game."

"This game is not limited to human beings. If you play it a few times, you can see all kinds of weird things."

"... I thought the angel it said was just an adjective." The young Hou Letian smiled and lowered his voice.

He wasn't the only one who thought this way, the fat man and Zhou Tianxin, who were obviously newcomers, seemed to have finally come to their senses, and their faces became paler and paler.

"If angels are real, would there still be demons?! That's right! Didn't the devil say he wanted to eat angels? He cannibalize? My God! I don't want to be eaten!" The fat man endured and endured, Still not holding back the fear, he cried out with a crying voice.

The movement here finally caught the attention of the primitive man leading the way, who stopped and looked over.

The author has something to say: completion.

The promised double change is owed... Little angels help me remember, I will make it up after next Thursday!

[Life without love jg]