I Turned Into a Little White Face After I Returned From the Apocalypse

Chapter 18


When Su An and the others discussed the incidents related to the checkpoint, from the perspective of the primitive people, they just didn't know what messenger language they were talking about.

Leader Hillary waited patiently for the envoys to finish chatting, and then let everyone continue to eat with a smile.

No one dared to touch a knife and fork.

Except threonine.

Immediately, all eyes watched Su An fork a piece of lettuce, a piece of bacon, another piece of meat from an unknown creature, and another...


Someone swallowed.

Hou Letian was the second to attack, he followed Su An very cunningly, he would eat whatever the latter ate, completely ignoring the recommendation of the Baibao Honey Chicken by the leader of the primitive people above him, Ji Li Gua La.

Seeing this, the others followed suit.

Suddenly, a strange scene formed on the dining table.

However, no matter how much you don't look at the honeydew chicken in the middle, the fragrance follows you into your nostrils and into every pore on your body.

More and more fragrant, more and more irresistible.

Everyone's faces became grim.

The hands with weak willpower have already stretched towards the middle tremblingly, and they are about to touch them. The fear of cannibalism wakes him up, and he hastily retracted them. However, the next time, he still couldn't resist the temptation and stretched out his hand. When he was about to reach his destination, he suddenly woke up again and retracted.

And so on and on.

A strange frenzy and pain mixed on their faces, especially the few who had eaten the Baibao honey chicken, and the muscles on their faces were about to twist.

The surrounding primitive people turned a blind eye to this weird scene.

Su An didn't care too much when he saw it. It was only when someone really couldn't resist the temptation—such as that fat man Meng Bao—who was about to tear off a piece of chicken, did Su An seem to inadvertently make a crisp sound when the knife and fork touched each other, waking them up.

After going back and forth several times, Sister Tao and the others were already sweating profusely, as if they were exhausted.

"First, sir, if you have a way, please use it quickly, everyone is about to be overwhelmed." Ping Yang completely let go of the faint unwillingness in his heart, and begged.

Su An remained unhurried, "Don't worry, don't worry, it's not time yet."

With Su An acting like this, no one else could do anything about it. After being almost seduced by the aroma again, Shi Fei was finally the first to open the book and took out a certain item inside.

— sensory deprivation device.

The sensory deprivation device that was supposed to be used to deal with the enemy was used on himself, and Shi Fei didn't even know if there were any side effects after using it. However, right now he has only this way, trying to peel off his sense of smell to resist the increasingly fragrant smell.

When the others saw this, their minds filled with the aroma came to mind. They quickly opened the book and looked for the props that could be used at the moment.

So Su An watched them use various props with relish.

Sister Tao used a protective shield to cover herself and Zhou Tianxin. Ping Yang took out a gas mask, but he didn't know if it would work. Hou Letian took out a ball of light. He didn't know what kind of spell it was. After asking Su An if he didn't need it, he slapped himself on it. It seemed quite useful.

What made Su An laugh the most was Meng Bao who didn't have any good props.

The fat man looked around and found no one to help him, even Ping Yang, who took good care of him before, ignored him after being exposed, so he could only rack his brains to look through the poor resources in the book, trying to find a useful one.

However, there was nothing useful in the book, and he found a few cloves of garlic on the dining table.

Thus, a fat man whose nostrils were blocked with garlic and could only breathe with his mouth open came out of the house.

Not to mention, at least the alluring aroma suddenly faded a lot.

Su An found this scene interesting, but the leader was very angry when he saw it.

But they have nothing to do, they have to abide by the rules.

A complicated dinner is gradually coming to an end.

Several people in Pingyang were waiting for the time that Su An had mentioned. They all thought that the story would be like Cinderella's magic, and when the time came, what should be restored would be restored. For example, the chicken that scares them.

However, no one thought that this magic would look like this!

As soon as the bell rang at 12 o'clock, the people in Pingyang had no time to fear the hordes of zombies around them, and they were attracted by the changes on the table.

Baibao Honey Chicken gradually elongated and became bigger, and finally turned into Qi Weiqiang's puppet corpse under the horrified eyes of several people.


Okay, now the evidence is conclusive, what they ate was human corpses.

The only consolation is that Qi Weiqiang's real body has disappeared from this level, and what he lost in his place is just a puppet.

"No, no! Then the one we ate yesterday..." Shi Fei thought of something, and his eyes became more and more frightened.

After being reminded by him, Ping Yang's face became paler and paler.

There were no dead people yesterday, but there was still this dish yesterday.

So those who ate this dish yesterday, what did they eat in their stomachs

"Look there!" Zhou Tianxin suddenly pointed to the corner and shouted.

That place is used to pile their leftovers from yesterday.

At this moment, in that pile of garbage, something is also changing rapidly. People with good eyes can see that it is some bones.

—Chicken bones.

The chicken bones are clinked together, stretched and stretched. What finally appeared in front of everyone was the customs clearance angel they were looking for!

Pingyang, Shi Fei, and Meng Bao no longer knew whether they should be happy or continue to vomit.

The angels have been found, and they can pass the level, but this also means that what I ate yesterday was the meat of this angel!

But there is still nothing to eat.

At least Sister Tao, Zhou Tianxin and Hou Letian didn't touch each other.

Seeing the angel appearing at this moment, the three of them were overjoyed immediately, and they were about to go to the angel's side.

As long as they meet angels, they can submit customs clearance!

But they forgot that they were surrounded by zombies.

The text description is such a long paragraph, for the people present, it only takes two sentences. The zombies were in a state of just waking up, still a little dazed, and their movements were not flexible. Even though the zombies were not far away from Pingyang and the others, they only moved two or three steps forward.

"Defend quickly!"

"As for the weapons, take them out! Are there any weapons of mass destruction? Stop hiding them, everyone here is going to die here!"

"Damn it, it's no wonder that the last batch of people couldn't pass the level! To find the angel, you have to face this group of zombies head-on. There are so many zombies, and it's too late to hide. Who will confront them head-on?!"

"It's really the most stark comparison between angels and demons I've ever seen."

The current situation is urgent, as they themselves said, and no one is hiding it anymore. The extremely powerful light technique that kills against the dark side is thrown out like money, such as guns and cannons, and at this moment, they no longer cherish bullets, and they just shoot indiscriminately at the surroundings.

Anyway, the zombies are densely surrounded, so you don't have to worry about missing.

Hou Letian threw a few light spells, only to realize that the boss who hadn't admitted himself was standing still.

There is no intention of defense or resistance at all!

"Boss, boss! Did you run out of weapons yesterday? Come here quickly, I still have a scepter of light for you to use. Although it is not offensive, it can also protect you from being bitten by zombies!"

The lowest level of light spells has the disadvantage of not being able to move a lot when casting the spell. Otherwise, Hou Letian would have gone over to Su An by himself.

Hou Letian's cry made the others see Su An's state.

Sister Tao clicked her tongue, took out one of the dual cannons in her hand, and was about to pass it to Su An.

Although this guy is mysterious and mysterious, he also provided them with key evidence to pass the level. Sister Tao has a clear love and hate, and she doesn't mind helping him.

However, threonine was confiscated.

Sister Tao raised her eyebrows, she was about to utter words of abuse, and Hou Letian was also anxiously preparing to persuade her.

Both of them stopped at the same time.

Not only these two people, but also other people who were concentrated in beating the zombies also involuntarily stopped their movements and stared blankly at Su An.

To be precise, he was looking at Su An's hand.

Su An's hand was pressing down on the head of a zombie, and he didn't move at all. He let the zombie open its teeth and claws, but it couldn't touch the target!

This man can suppress zombies with his bare hands! ! !

Upon discovering this, the eyes of several old players were about to pop out.

However, Su An's next actions made them not only stare out their eyeballs, but even their jaws couldn't close!

Su An didn't wear the title of Demon King, and he couldn't see how the hand holding the zombie moved. A white light flashed, the zombie disappeared, and a new treasure chest appeared on the ground.

And this is just a small appetizer.

Su An leaned over and rushed into the zombie's encirclement without hesitation.

Before the worried emotions of Hou Letian and the others had time to rise, white light flashed one after another, one after another, one after another, and there was some strange sense of melody inexplicably.

I don't know what Su An did, the zombies all went towards him, Hou Letian and the others who stood there were like rotten food, compared with the delicious braised pork that just came out of the oven, there was nothing at all attraction.

In the dark night without even a little starlight, the icy bonfire flickered, illuminating those shadowy figures in strange shapes.

Su An's figure could not be seen at all in this night, it was tightly wrapped by layers of zombies, and only the streaks of white light and the treasure chest could let people outside know his location.

"... Am I dreaming?" Even Sister Tao's expression was dull, and there was no trace of disdain or impatience on her face, let alone others.

"Here, what is it about?"

"My god! It's the first time I've heard that someone can deal with so many zombies by himself! I don't know if the top few masters in the personal leaderboard can do this."

"I'm afraid this is a great god, right? Besides the great god, I really can't think of anyone else."

"...I only have one idea now. I can be this little brother, I'm so fucking rich!" Of course, this is what Hou Letian said. Once again, he expressed his gratitude for his intuition, and even wondered whether he should burn three sticks of incense to worship his intuition.

Although this great god did not clearly affirm his status as a younger brother, he did not refute it either.

Hou Letian is short of everything, and he is not short of shame.

The few people who were only looking up at the big guy's demeanor even forgot that the clearance angel was right beside them.

The author has something to say: Coo coo coo...

Yesterday, the last day of September, I even forgot to ask the little angels to give me some free liquid qaq

Happy National Day, this is yesterday's update... Goo [poor jg]

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate [nutrient solution]:

String sounds like a dream 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!